From: "Janet Lehr" <>
Date: Aug 31, 2016 5:33 PM
To: <>
Thinking of the upcoming HIGH holidays
1-Funds are needed to build more housing units at private (un-authorized) hilltop communities in Samaria and Judea. Help us set facts down on the ground to ensure the future of the heartland of Israel for the Jewish people. Click here to be a partner in building a better future for our people and our land. You can help make this happen.
2-You can help Israel further by supporting David Bedein through his Center for Near East Policy Research. Bedein needs funding to create a full length film from his files of videos and articles about UNWRA's anti-Israel activities; filming Palestinean text books; filming military training of Palestinean youth to fight Israelis. UNWRA is supported by funding from the U.S.A. and the EU. (see multiple articles). 1. Coverage of flight Lod-WashDC Sept 12 to give the briefing at the Senate on Sept 13 / 2. $24,000 end of the year urgent obligations / $4,000... trips to the UK in May and June / $8,000 expert who translates the films / $4,500 editor / $7,500 rental.
BREAKING NEWS: FROM HILLARY'S EMAIL TO CHELSEA, written on the night of Sept 11, 2012, the NIGHT OF THE attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in bengazi. from judicial watch:
H…"Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young commuications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children,"…"Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow."
Note to conservatives: Knock it off or learn to live with Soros in the White House. In 2008 Soros donated $5,000,000,000 (five billion Dollars) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and to make many more Radical Rules.
>I'm running against an inefficient government
>I'm against the lobbyists
>Againist the bailout and cop-out
>Against the lack of common sense in Washington
>You work hard for your money, as President, I will work harder to protect it.
FOR ISRAELLIVES READERS WORLDWIDE: The following demographic data is true in Democratic nations worldwide who 'bought' the Malthusean theory of the danger of population growth and the concomitant response of reducing most 'modern' families to one or possibly two children.
In the United States, white people are the only group with a higher death rate than birth rate. Hillary's running mate, Kaine, has expressed his desire "to see whites become a minority in America," This is set to be realized in around 30 years (
FOR INCOMING COLLEGE FRESHmEN – and for all students, this is a resource you might have overlooked. Pressure on the college campus is intense on both Conservative/Republican students and academic staff (all 3-4% on most college campuses).
1. Find Your Chapter - College Republican National Committee
FOR all READERS – thE U.S.A. election will be won or lost at the VOTING booth.
find your local republican club. learn about your candidate – apply to become a poll watcher. this time spent can make the difference between a fair election and preventable election fraud. APPLY NOW FOR AN ABSENTEE BALLOT IF YOU PLAN TO BE OUT OF THE COUNTRY.
AT 'FRIENDS OF THE IDF' EVENT HOSTED ANNUALLY BY HAIM SABAN, 1200 people attended, $31 million was raised. "Among the leading donors were International Fellowship of Christians and Jews President and Founder Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, who donated $8.4 million, Saban who gave $5 million, Florence and Serge Azaria who donated $5 million, and Paul and Morris Marciano who were among the founders of the company Guess and gave $2.7 million." Sadly, not a noteable level of 'Hollywood' support!! (ArutzSheva)
GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCED MONDAY THAT IT WAS CREATING AN ISRAEL STUDIES PROGRAM, INCLUDING AN ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP, IN THE LATEST EXAMPLE OF UNIVERSITIES DEVELOPING CLOSER TIES WITH ISRAEL. The endowed position will be named after Rabbi Max Ticktin, a recently retired professor of Hebrew at GW and a former assistant director of Hillel, the world's largest Jewish campus organization. It will be funded by a grant from the Morningstar Foundation, the family foundation of Michael and Susie Gelman.
GWU is a recipient of Saudi funding. See: (Campus Watch 2008 article) Saudi Giving at the Heart of a Great Debate Over Middle East Studies A lifetime of death and destruction has passed since this article was written; too long.
GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (in DC) The University has hired a former Al-Qaeda recruiter to work as a Research Fellow at its Center for Cyber & Homeland Security. [I guess their news release used the word 'former' to allay our natural suspicions. – Or, Shades of Guantanamo prisoner recidivism (google entries vary in percentages from 74% down, but they are certainly significant google link] Two Arabic words come to mind: the Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally ... Tawriya - Intentionally creating a false impression. I guess this research fellow had friends in 'high places'. Sounds like a 'plum' of a job.
IN ITALY 1938-1945
FILM "My Italian Secret: The Forgotten Heroes" Consulting producer Vincent Marmorale This was the closing film of a superb Jewish Film Festiv[[[[[[[[[[[al sponsored by the Chabad of Southampton, Rabbi Rafe Konikov; organized by Tina Silverman (who 'cut her teeth' as a staff writer in the Reagan White House – so she knows what makes news worthy!) The film is on Netflix.
The film tells of the difficult, life threatening role undertaken by many Italians to save Jews and partisans from the Nazi terror from 1938 – 45. " My Italian Secret: The Forgotten Hero's" tells the story of brave Italians, including Gino Bartali, who defied the Nazis and Fascists to hide, rescue and protect thousands of innocent Jewish people and others in Italy during the Holocaust. "My Italian Secret" was funded by the foundation. The Foundation has been so fortunate and blessed with the success of the My Italian Secret documentary, with sold out viewings in New York and Los Angeles and a recent release on Netflix, we have been able to tell a story that is unknown to many. This is the little known story of the role of Italy and many individual Italians in saving approximately 80% of the Jews (some 32,000) in Italy during the Holocaust working with individuals sparked by the courageous Gino Bartali, cyclist-sports hero whose defiance of the Italian government's growing fascist sympathies had already been manifest by 1938. Working with private citizens, and monasteries and nunneries in Italy, Jews and partisans were fed and given shelter and the necessary false papers. Notably not mentioned was support for this project by the Papestry.
In NYC :
BECOME ACTIVE - JOIN CAMPAIGN 2016 Where ever you are, find your local Republican Club – Apply for to be a POLL WATCHER. Learn about your candidate, become their spokes person.
THREE outstanding candidates, one is for NYS office, two for US Congress. Each needs volunteers now — Rebecca Harary running for State Assembly from the Upper East Side's 73 A.D. and Phil Rosenthal challenging Jerry Nadler in the 10th Federal Congressional District. THESE RACES ARE IMPORTANT. HARARY AND ROSENTHAL are proven, effective, activists in the private sector – They will do wonders in the public sector!
REBECCA HARARY Rebecca has a real chance of succeeding, for Joe Lhota won this district in his mayoral race against de Blasio. Rebecca Harary founded four successful nonprofits; she heads the Propel Network, empowering women in the workforce and creating hundreds of jobs. Rebecca Harary started schools for autistic students, and Rebecca Harary is founding director of the Moise Safra Community Center at 83d St between Lexington and Park Avenues. Rebecca Harary is pro-term limits in order to reform Albany, pro-NYPD and safety, and pro-charter schools. Rebecca Harary wants a business-friendly New York that creates more jobs and wants to restore the quality of life on the Upper East Side.
Rebecca Harary is one of our best shots to get a Manhattan Republican into the NYState legislature – and she won't stop there. AND, Rebecca Harary will be the first Sephardic Jew to hold any public office in the entire United Statesof America!! To meet Rebecca Harary: Sunday, September 11th / 3rd Avenue Community Benefit Festival STREET FAIR – LOOK FOR HARARY's RED BOOTH Third Avenue between 82nd & 83rd Streets 9:00AM - 6:30PM To volunteer, contact her volunteer coordinator, Alexandra, by e-mail, or by phone, 310-433-9987, WWW.TEAMHARARY.COM
PHIL ROSENTHAL - At last, a candidate able to defeat Jerry Nadler (entrenched D-NY Congressman) Motivated by Nadler's vote for the Iran deal to run for Congress, Phil is highly qualified to speak to this issue. Phil Rosenthal is a nuclear lawyer, helping businesses that use nuclear material navigate government regulations and is a Caltech Ph.D. in physics. Phil Rosenthal graduated Yale as a Phi Beta Kappa; Phil Rosenthalco-founded Fastcase to widen the availability of legal research, Phil Rosenthal is a board member of Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), a pro-America and pro-Israel think tank. Phil Rosenthal is not a one-issue candidate, he wants the United States to lead in science, space and technology; supports choice in education; wants to rebuild the military, and wants to help the homeless rebuild their lives.
Far superior to Nadler, in this outsider year, Phil could unseat him. But he needs help in spreading the word. Volunteer for Phil by clicking on http://www.
LEE ZELDIN CONGRESSMAN FROM SUFFOLK NY 1ST DISTRICT (Zeldin voting record) Having written IsraelLives since 2002, and not once found any reason to reprint an article published in the NYTimes, the following reference for Lee Zeldin will puzzle many. Here is the link. It's written about the Congressman I know, respect and wholeheartedly support.
Lee Zeldin, Rebecca Harary and possibly Phil Rosenthal will speak at a private function in Manhattan on Monday, September 19th beginning at 6:30p, at 78th and Park Avenue RSVP will be necessary, RSVP here and your hosts name will be provided. Support these superb local candidates!
AT HILLEL: The organization that we recall with such fondness, has definitely taken a LEFT turn. Please, please reconsider your support after you read the following: Eric Fingerhut, President of Hillel, is hiring "educators" who are activists involved with Breaking the Silence (Shovrim Shtika), BTselem, Ameinu, J Street, T'ruah, and other anti-Israel, nefarious organizations. This is part of a pattern developed by Hillel over several years. See the following for references: https://mikereport.wordpress.
Hillel is no longer the sole 'college representative' for Jewish youth; those days are long gone. When Lynn Schusterman took interest in this powerful representative of college age Jewish youth, Hillel's direction moved LEFT. PLEASE review the following excellent, pro-Israel, college campus based student groups. STAND WITH US- Excellent, well proven, efficient and effectively working on college campuses to counter and defeat anti-Israel sentiment. Please check their Website. SWO is now reaching down into high schools.
CAMERA - Excellent, national and growing. Floridian students, who enjoy strong pro-Israel support from their community, attended CAMERA's News snippets: Sixth annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference in August from six schools (Florida International University, Florida Atlantic University, University of Miami, University of Central Florida, and Florida State University). Campus Coordinator Tatiana Becker is looking forward to following up with these students as she embarks on her Florida campus tour this month! This summer CAMERA More than 80 students from nearly 70 campuses were in Boston August 7th-10th to attend CAMERA'S sixth annual Student Leadership Training and Advocacy Conference. Attention to defeating anti-Semitism in Campus life is a more recent aspect of C.A.M.E.R.A.'s initial purpose – training CAMERA fellows to recognize and respond through Letters to the Editor on misrepresentations in the national and international press about matters concerning Israel and the Jewish people.
CHABAD ON CAMPUS Excellent, International. Chabad provides both the spiritual and activist direction. I am certain that the three groups; CHABAD CAMERA and STAND WITH US coordinate activities on countering anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activities on campus. This link covers all Chabads and all Chabads on campus and Chabad related activities by zip code. And, it covers a lot more.
ADD TO THE REAL HILLARY List, SPELLED D A N G E R 1.HOW DEMOCRATS NEVER MAX OUT THEIR POLITICAL DONATIONS. Read this exciting Bloomberg link-It's only a bit illegal-like being 'a little bit pregnant'. 2. DOWN MEMORY LANE IN 2011 UNDER THE HILLARY CLINTON'S REGIME AS SEC. OF STATE- OBAMA PARTNERSHIP, THE UN RESOLUTION '16/18' WAS ADOPTED. An initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as "discriminatory" or which involves the "defamation of religion" – specifically that which can be viewed as "incitement to imminent violence." (against Islam). It is in direct violation of the US Constitution Free Speech Protection. Using the concept of the UN resolution 16/18 (2011), in the just past Orlando act of Jihad, Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General refused to speak the word's Mateen shrieked pledging loyalty to Allah, " Allahu akbar," the ubiquitous battle cry of Islamic jihadists as they commit mass murder, as he slaughtered 49 and injured 53 innocents.
PIGGYBACKING ON UN RESOLUTION 16/18 IS THE FOLLOWING FROM THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOC. On August 8, 2016, the American Bar Association (ABA) approved resolution 109, which curtails freedom of speech. The approved resolution amended its model rule of professional conduct 8.4. It prohibits: "conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law." Many American colleges, motivated at least partly by a desire to protect members of growing minority populations on campus, have adopted speech codes. The codes have arguably fostered a culture chilling free speech, enabling people who claim offense to shut down dissenting voices. The past two years, for example, have witnessed members of a student government impeached for wearing mini-sombreros to a tequila-themed party, a college master hounded into resigning for publicly disagreeing with a college's cautionary note not to don offensive Halloween costumes, and a professor accused of racism and pressured into taking a sabbatical for supporting the state of Israel's fight against a recognized terrorist organization. (Markind, Gatestone) SEE ABA JIIHAD BELOW
A GREAT DEAL WILL HAVE TO BE 'UNDONE' BY PRESIDENT TRUMP. WHO AMONG ISRAELLIVES READERS CAN FEED INFORMATION INTO TRUMP AND HIS CAMPAIGN STAFF. I've thoughts about 1.College student debt that I would like to pass on to Donald Trump and, 2. Reversing the trend in U.S. law schools to eliminate Constitutional Law as a required course in the curriculum. (Sounds like an Oxymoronic concept-but Supreme Court Justice Elana Kagen herself eliminated Constitutional Law as a requirement, from the Harvard Law School curriculum when she was dean.)
FOR UNITED KINGDOM VOTERSDon't forget to sign our petition in support of the ban on councils boycotting Israel: http://www.webelieveinisrael. |
ISRAEL ORDERED BY SWISS ARBITRATORS, TO PAY IRAN $1.2 BILLION IN A CASE THAT IS 37 YEARS OLD!! Trans Atlantic, the Israel-Iran Oil Company (TAO) attempted to appeal the latest Swiss verdict on technical grounds, but was denied the appeal, and ordered to pay the compensation and court costs to Iran. The lost appeal is the latest skirmish between Israel and Iran over an oil transporting and marketing partnership the two countries formed before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. (Arutz Sheva)
POPE FRANCIS EQUATES CHRISTIAN VIOLENCE WITH MUSLIM VIOLENCE Is the Pope really that dense? Is he incapable of distinguishing between violence committed in the name of a religion, and violence committed in contradiction of a religion? In a recent speech Pope France opined: "If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence. And no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there's everything." (MiddleEastForum/FrontPageMaga
I'm sure the majority of IsraelLives readers sensed danger with the appointment of Pope Frances. Remember WWII and the Holocaust. The Church could have acted to save many, many, many Jewish victims.
ENORMOUSLY ELEVATIING THE ITALIANS OF WWII is the fresh information MY ITALIAN SECRET: The Forgotten Heroes, brings to light. Yes, the story has it's Schindler in the person of Consulting producer Vincent E Marmorale
17 ISRAELI BILLIONAIRES MAKE ANNUAL FORBES RICH LIST (subscribe to this great site in a box upper right: at 17 Israeli's in a total of 1810 billionaires. That's .009% - Considering that there are approximately 16 million Jews worldwide and 7.125 billion people, that is an astounding %.
Thurs. Sept 8th 6:45pm Young Israel of East Northport, 7 Hooper St., East Northport We are pleased to welcome Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith of Itamar Israel. Hear about an American couple's journey from the U.S.A to the heartland of Israel and of their wonderful community in the Shomron. For further information:Hanna Cohen 631 265 8246
Sun. & Mon. Sept. 18 & 19th Shurat HaDin's First Annual Counter-Terrorism Conference, NYC
Eyes Only: Insights into the Legal War on Terrorism. $400 for the two days. Registration For hotel bookings please be in touch with us at
All Sundays from 8-11am 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM "Chagigah': Yiddish, Klezmer ad Israeli Music WERS Radio 88.9 FM Chagigah brings you the best in Jewish and Israeli culture. A show that transcends any language barrier, Chagigah embraces classic Yiddish and klezmer music dating from 1914 to today. The music style becomes more contemporary as the show moves into traditional Israeli folk and the latest in Israeli rock. It's worth waking up for! Chagigah is broadcast on Sundays, from 8AM to 11AM, by Boston's Emerson College Radio.
Mon. Sept 19th 6:30pm Lee Zeldin, Rebecca Harary and possibly Phil Rosenthal will speak at a private function in Manhattan on Monday, September 19th beginning at 6:30p, at 885 Park Avenue (Park Ave. between 78-79th Sts.) RSVP will be necessary, RSVP here and your hosts name will be provided. Support these superb local candidates!
1. CAROLINE GLICK: THE END OF MAHMOUD ABBAS "As MEMRI has documented, the Arab media is registering growing impatience with PA spokespeople. Arab commentators have harshly criticized PA functionaries who continue to insist their conflict with Israel is the most pressing issue on the pan-Arab agenda."
"The disintegration of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya and the rise of Iran as a mortal threat, along with Israel's growing importance as an ally to Sunni Arab regimes have made the Palestinian cause look downright offensive to large swaths of the Arab world."
"Now that Abbas's reign is ending, the West is losing their man in Ramallah. Abbas's Hamas successors will not be beholden to Western donors, although to their discredit, the Europeans in all likelihood will shower them with cash and side with them against Israel."
"16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?" C.G.
2-.THE REAL REASON COLUMBUS SAILED THE 'OCEAN BLUE' 1492 CE Though his predictions were off, Columbus revealed his motivation for setting sail Aug. 3, 1492, with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria on his first voyage to find a sea route to India and China, as the Islamic Ottoman state had closed off the land routes nearly 40 years earlier. Read thru this well researched paper, a tale of Muslim conquest of Infidel lands.
3.PROOF AT LAST: HOLOCAUST HERO WALLENBERG EXECUTED BY SOVIETS The diaries of Ivan A. Serov, who ran the former Russian secret police and intelligence agency from 1954 to 1958, were discovered inside the walls of his second home in northwestern Moscow, which his granddaughter is now renovating. Discovered four years ago, the diaries were published this summer, The New York Times reported Sunday. "I have no doubts that Wallenberg was liquidated in 1947," Serov wrote.
4.HILLARY'S PUPPET-MEISTER: GEORGE SOROS. A recently released Wikileaks email sent directly from Soros to Clinton gives her step-by-step instructions on how to intervene in the internal workings of the sovereign nation of Albania.
5.THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (ABA)'JIHAD'. IT HAS DECIDED TO UNDERTAKE THE FIGHT FOR SHARIA LAW. See above THE REAL HILLARY, and below, #4, for an in depth discussion. The ABA could instruct all Law Schools to include study of Constitutional Law in their curriculum. Instead, their 'Liberal Stripes' are showing.
6.THE TRUTH IS TOUGH TO DIGEST-Today I'm sure I'll be leaving you with a smile.
June 13, 2016 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED
August 9, 2016 At a Democratic presidential campaign rally in Kissimmee, Florida
Jerusalem Post
Aug 29, 2030
16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?
Like it or not, the day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist.
PA leader Mahmoud Abbas's US-trained Palestinian security forces have lost control over the Palestinians cities in Judea and Samaria. His EU- and US-funded bureaucracies are about to lose control over the local governments to Hamas. And his Fatah militias have turned against him.
Palestinian affairs experts Pinchas Inbari of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and Khaled Abu Toameh of the Gatestone Institute have in recent weeks reported in detail about the insurrection of Fatah militias and tribal leaders against Abbas's PA.
In Nablus, Fatah terrorist cells are in open rebellion against PA security forces. Since August 18, Fatah cells have repeatedly engaged PA forces in lethal exchanges, and according to Inbari, the town is now in a state of "total anarchy."
In Hebron, tribal leaders, more or less dormant for the past 20 years, are regenerating a tribal alliance as a means of bypassing the PA, which no longer represents them. Their first major action to date was to send a delegation of tribal leaders to meet with King Abdullah of Jordan.
Even in Ramallah, the seat of Abbas's power, the PA is losing ground to EU-funded NGOs that seek to limit the PA's economic control over the groups and their operations.
All of this fighting and maneuvering is taking place against the backdrop of the encroaching PA municipal elections, scheduled for October 8.
Hamas is widely expected to win control over most of the local governments in Judea and Samaria. Hamas's coming takeover of the municipalities is likely playing a role in decisions by Fatah terrorist cells to reject the authority of the PA. Many of those cells can be expected to transfer their allegiance to Hamas once the terrorist group wins the elections.
Given his Fatah party's looming electoral defeat, more and more PA functionaries are wondering why Abbas doesn't use the growing anarchy in Palestinian cities as a reason to cancel them. Abbas seems to have calculated that Israel will step in and, as it has repeatedly done over the past 20 years, cancel the elections for him.
Media organs Abbas controls are full of conspiracy theories whose bottom line is that Israel is not canceling the elections Abbas declared because it is in cahoots with Hamas and other "collaborators" to undermine the PA.
Although Israel, of course, is in cahoots with no one, it is the case that the government has apparently finally lost its patience with Abbas and is looking past him.
Repeated angry denunciations by government leaders of Abbas for his lead role in inciting violence against Israelis, leading the international movement to delegitimize Israel, refusing to negotiate anything with its leaders, and radicalizing Palestinian society, are finally being translated into policy.
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman's recent announcement that Israel is adopting a carrot-and stick approach not toward the PA but toward the Palestinians themselves, and will advance development projects in areas where terrorism levels are low and take a hard line against areas where terrorist cells are most active, has sent shock waves through Abbas's palaces.
For 22 years, Israel has bowed to Palestinian and Western demands and agreed to speak only to PA functionaries and Palestinian civilians authorized by the PA to speak to Israelis. Lieberman's decision to base Israel's actions on the ground on the behavior of the Palestinians themselves rather than act in accordance with PA directives, along with his decision to speak directly to Palestinian businessmen and others, marks the end of Israel's acceptance of this practice.
Without a doubt, Israel's willingness to let Abbas fall is in part a function of the wider Arab world's increased indifference to, if not disgust with the Palestinians. As MEMRI has documented, the Arab media is registering growing impatience with PA spokespeople. Arab commentators have harshly criticized PA functionaries who continue to insist their conflict with Israel is the most pressing issue on the pan-Arab agenda.
The disintegration of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya and the rise of Iran as a mortal threat, along with Israel's growing importance as an ally to Sunni Arab regimes have made the Palestinian cause look downright offensive to large swaths of the Arab world.
Part of Israel's willingness to let Abbas fall also owes to its inevitability. Once Hamas wins the elections and takes control over the local governments, Abbas's already weakened position will become unsustainable. As is already happening in towns and villages throughout the areas, Fatah cells will transfer their allegiance to Hamas. The areas will become Balkanized and radicalized still further.
Confrontation between Israel and the Hamas-controlled Palestinians in Judea and Samaria is inevitable.
Moreover, this process will likely be rapid. Just as Hamas's complete takeover of Gaza from Fatah forces happened seemingly overnight in June 2007, so its seizure of control over Judea and Samaria will happen in the blink of an eye.
Many Westerners, Israeli leftists and PA functionaries hope that some deus ex machina will fall from the sky at the last minute and cancel the elections.
But even if that happens, the underlying reality in which Abbas is rapidly losing all semblance of control over events in Judea and Samaria will not be reversed. Abbas has incited the Palestinians to the point where they reject not only Israel, but Abbas and the PA.
Last week, the left-leaning Israeli Democracy Institute released the results of its joint survey with the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey Research regarding levels of support for a two-state solution.
For a generation, we have been told by world leaders that "everyone who is anyone" knows that the only way to reconcile the Palestinians and Israelis is to establish an independent Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, as well as Gaza, roughly along the 1949 armistice lines, with land swaps between the sides involving continued Israeli control over a small percentage of the land in exchange for Palestinian control over lands Israel has controlled since its establishment.
The same formula that "everyone who is anyone" agrees on assumes that the Palestinian state will be demilitarized and that Israel will accept around a hundred thousand Palestinians who were displaced in 1949 as citizens in a token acceptance of the Palestinian demand for a so-called "right of return" of the descendants of Arabs who left Israel in 1948-9.
The poll showed that this plan is a nonstarter for the majority of Palestinians and Israelis. Only 46 percent of Israelis accept the formula and a mere 39% of Palestinians do.
The PA itself rejected the two-state formula at Camp David 16 years ago.
The fictional peace process based on the failed policy model has been maintained ever since for two reasons. First, successive Israeli governments have been intimidated by successive US administrations into maintaining faith with it despite its obvious failure.
Second, Abbas has built, secured and maintained his corrupt dictatorship over Palestinian society on the West's obsession with the two-state formula.
This practice has allowed him to serve into the 11th year of his five-year term of office. It has allowed Abbas, his sons and his cronies to build fortunes on the backs of the Palestinians they are supposedly serving.
Now that Abbas's reign is ending, the West is losing their man in Ramallah. Abbas's Hamas successors will not be beholden to Western donors, although to their discredit, the Europeans in all likelihood will shower them with cash and side with them against Israel.
16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?
Bill Federer recounts impetus behind explorer's famous voyages
Discover more of Bill Federer's eye-opening books and videos in the WND Superstore!
Columbus wrote:
1492CE Though his predictions were off, Columbus revealed his motivation for setting sail Aug. 3, 1492, with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria on his first voyage to find a sea route to India and China, as the Islamic Ottoman state had closed off the land routes nearly 40 years earlier.
1502 There are but 155 years left … at which time … the world will come to an end," wrote Christopher Columbus in his book "Libro de Las Profecias," composed in 1502 between his third and fourth voyages.
Columbus continued: "… The sign which convinces me that our Lord is hastening the end of the world is the preaching of the Gospel recently in so many lands."
570-622 CE Birth and Death dates of Muhamad
711 The background of the Islamic state occupying large areas of Europe began when Muslim crusaders, called "Moors," invaded Spain in 711 A.D. With a cavalry of 80,000, Moors wielding curved scimitar swords, they "went through all places like a desolating storm."
754 birth of The Mozarabic Chronicle, 754 A.D., recorded that thousands of churches were burned and: "God alone knows the number of the slain."
846 11,000 Muslims sacked Rome, Italy, and looted the Basilica of St. Peter, desecrating his grave.
They did the same to remains of St. Paul which were in San Paolo fuori le Mura (St Paul's outside the Walls.)
Following this raid, Pope Leo IV decided to build a wall around the Vatican City.
1011 Muslims killed 2,000 in Cordoba, Spain.
1066 Muslims massacred every one of the 5,000 Jews in Granada, Spain.
1189 Muslims raided Libson, Portugal, and enslaved 3,000 women and children.
1191 Muslims attacked Silves, Portugal, enslaving another 3,000.
The Catholic orders of Montjoie, and Calatrava, were organized to ransom back Christian slaves.
The offensive of the non-Muslim world. It took over 700 years to drive Muslims out of Spain in what was called the "reconquista" or re-conquest, culminating in the Inquisition.
1085 The kingdom of Castile freed Toledo from Muslim control.
1094 The Spanish knight Rodrigo Diaz, known as "El Cid," drove Muslims out of Valencia. (Charlton Heston starred in the movie, "El Cid," in 1961).
1119 The Kingdom of Aragon fought and freed the city of Zaragoza from Muslim control.
Columbus wrote in his "El Libro de la Primera Navegacion," as recounted by Bartolome' de Las Casas': "After Your Highnesses had made an end to the war with the Moors who ruled in Europe, and had concluded the war in the very great City of Granada, where in the present year, on the 2nd day of the month of January, I saw the Royal Standards of Your Highnesses placed by force of arms on the towers of the Alhambra (which is the citadel of the said city), And I saw the Moorish King come forth to the gates of the city and kiss the Royal Hands of Your Highnesses."
Almost 40 years earlier, in 1453, Muslim Ottoman Turks had conquered Constantinople, ending the land trade routes from Europe east to India and China. This gave rise to European explorers searching for a sea route.
Columbus continued in his "El Libro de la Primera Navegacion": "And soon after in that same month, through information I had given to your Highnesses concerning the lands of India, and of a Prince who is called Gran Can (Khan), which is to say in our vernacular 'King of Kings,' how many times he and his predecessors had sent to Rome to seek doctors in our Holy Faith to instruct him therein, and that never had the Holy Father provided them, and thus so many people were lost through lapsing into idolatries and receiving doctrines of perdition; And Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes devoted to the Holy Christian Faith and the propagators thereof, and enemies of the sect of Mahomet and of all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me, Christopher Columbus, to the said regions of India, to see the said princes and peoples and lands and the dispositions of them and of all, and the manner in which may be undertaken their conversion to our Holy Faith. …"
Groups critical of Columbus for inadvertently discovering the New World would be more correct in placing blame on the Islamic State which cut off the land routes to India and China, creating the impetus for Europeans to explore in search of alternatives routes.
Columbus concluded his address to the king and queen of Spain: "… And ordained that I should not go by land (the usual way) to the Orient, but by the route of the Occident, by which no one to this day knows for sure that anyone has gone."
Columbus stated in his "Libro de Las Profecias," written between his third and fourth voyages: "I spent seven years in your royal Court arguing the case with so many persons of such authority and learned in all the arts, and in the end they concluded that all was idle nonsense … yet the outcome will be the fulfillment of what our Redeemer Jesus Christ said. … that … all that was written by him and by the prophets to be fulfilled."
Columbus continued: "The Holy Scriptures testify … that this world will come to an end. … St. Augustine says that the end of this world will occur in the seventh millennium following the Creation."
Columbus ended: "I have already said that for the execution of the enterprise of the Indies, neither reason, nor mathematics, nor world maps were profitable to me; rather the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled."