CAMERA 2?0?16? ?Letter-Writer of? ?the Year and Honorable Mentions!
CAMERA : Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Winner: Elinor Weiss of East Amherst, New York Her major effort this year was in exposing J Street screening of "The J Street Challenge" in Buffalo NY in 2015
Honorable Mentions:
Fred Baumann, Gambier, OH Karen Bekker, Great Neck, NY
Toby Block, Chamblee, GA Mark Fishman, Fairfield, CT
Julia Lutch, Davis, CA Robert Mednick, Chicago, IL
Sheldon Rabinowitz, Des Moines, IA Art Siegel, New York, NY
Dan Trigoboff, Ph.D, Amherst, NY Ron Weiss, St. James, NY
Past Letter Writers of the Year who continue their extraordinary contributions:
Doron Lubinsky, Atlanta, GA; Letter-Writer of the Year 2004
Stephen A. Silver, San Francisco, CA; Letter-Writer of the Year 2002
Richard Wilkins, Syracuse, NY; Letter-Writer of the Year 2006
So many have written hundreds of effective letters this year, and we know that many more deserve to be recognized. Letter-writers are at the heart of CAMERA's work, helping to set the record straight about Israel in the media, in academia, and in the public square. ALWAYS BCC:
Help CAMERA in the critical struggle to protect Israel from the great harm of defamation. To contribute click here. To subscribe click here
CAMERA's campus website, Camera on Campus, and its affiliated blog, In Focus, give students access to specialized information useful in countering
misinformation. CAMERA also provides one-on-one assistance to students who encounter Middle East distortions in campus publications, flyers, rallies and
classroom teaching.
These awards will be made at CAMERA's Annual Dinner on Sunday, April 10, 2016 at Chelsea Piers in New York City.
(Reservations, contact: Rachel)
CELEBRATING THE NEW YEAR IN COLOGNE Reports of 90 incidents by women victims in Cologne of such sexual attacks and robberies indicated that the perpetrators were "Arabic or North Africa looking" males. The plague of sexual assaults, robberies and rapes of young women by Muslim migrant young men in Sweden has made it what some allege has become the rape capital of Europe. Then we have the sexual grooming practices of young British girls by South Asia Muslim émigrés in the UK. With a million Muslim refugees and migrants who broke the borderless Schengen system, they are seeking more than sanctuary and possible economic employment, opportunities. Rather it may result in establishing virtual no go areas emboldened by sexual terrorism ruled under Sharia Islamic law condoned by EU countries under the guise of myopic politically correct multi-culturalism policies. What they do not comprehend to their undoing is that the great wave of Muslim immigration is a furtherance of the Dar al Hijrah immigration strategy to spread Islamization to Europe and the West. That is what concerns Wilders and others in the broken borders of the EU with thousands of refugees arriving daily from conflicts in the Muslim Ummah exemplified by the Jihad of the self-declared Caliphate, the Islamic State. (Complete article by Gert Wilders, published in New English Review)
David Yerushalmi (born 1956) is a lawyer and a political activist who is the driving lawyer behind the anti-sharia movement in the United States. Along with Robert Muise, he is co-founder and Senior Counsel of the American Freedom Law Center.
WHY WE ARE WHERE WE ARE: MUST READ & SUBSCRIBE TO Zionist/Conservative investigatory reporter Adina Kutnicki WWW.ADINAKUTNICKI.COM
US MILITARY Lt Col Lakin:A Hero & A Role Model.Protecting Freedom.Honorable.Unwilling To Sacrifice Core Values. "DHS's (patriotic) target bank: Retired military officers issue dire warnings." Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, as well as combat experience in both Vietnam and Afghanistan issued a dire warning to all Americans. Hestilow's Facebook page: continue reading... "up-in-arms" over the Pentagon's castrating orders! the following should be more than revealing and enraging:
GREEN BERET FRUSTRATION was detailed this week by the Washington Times. The piece detailed several questionable punishments for elite service members over incidents that never resulted in formal charges.
JEH JOHNSON, DHS Chief brazenly stated: "My job is to give voice to the plight of the Muslims!" In fact, he exhorted it before the world, and it is recorded at C-SPAN -!
FATAH CELEBRATES 51st ANNIVERSARY IN 2016 (View PMW coverage) FATAH's various slogans include: (1965) "Long live the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution", (2015) "The anniversary is approaching" . (2016) "With Blood we will redeem the homeland and saturate its ground".
1- PALESTINIAN MEDIA WATCH (PMW) has documented that the basic component of PA historical revisionism is to deny that there is any Jewish History in the Land of Israel For people, with a short view of history, beginning with the death of Muhammad in June 8, 632 AD, Medina, Saudi Arabia, there sadly is ample basis for this conclusion! Jew's have been abused for centuries by the nations of the world. Once allowed to live, survive, function (practise Judaism) in that land, usually under severe restriction (principally not being allowed to own land) Jews became traders. Trade led to money. Money led to banking. Banking led to lending - often to the Crowned Heads of State. To avoid repayment of said loans - the said Crowned Heads of State threw the whole lot of Jews out. An early version of the oft repeated experience: Edward I of England 'threw the lot' out in 1290 after they had financed his various wars. Jews were only welcomed back into England under Oliver Cromwell in 1656. Yes, the history of Europe is rife with injustice toward Jews. In the course of two millenia, Jews have been expelled from: England, France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy.
From their myopic rendition of history, palestinians have spun their tale, consciously avoiding the fact that in the Tenach: the number of times 'Israel' is mentioned is 7,000 and 'Jerusalem' 660 times.
Whichever political candidate you favor, be sure you examine them through the prism of ever having 'danced with Islam'. 'Accomodation' for votes, or payola is not acceptable. Islam has declared war; Islamic wars are 'winner take all'. Support Palestinian Media Watch
2- I was castigated by a reader: YOU ARE SENDING FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT ALINSKY. I don't know where I erred, but if any clarification is necessary, these 13 RULES FOR RADICALS are worth rereading.
3-THE END OF EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION This is a very well written article. If you google the phrase you will find a plethora of entries. None advance a solution. Surely, the excessive gun control measures undertaken after - and in large measure because of WWII, have made Europe quite vulnerable - unless the US effectively policed them, as was their implied promise to the defeated nations, including those in the East, Japan, later South Korea.... In countries in Europe with less stringent gun control limitations are seeing a great rise in gun ownership. President Obama, in his gun control address Jan. 4, 2016 expanded the reach of the Federal Goverment by Executive Order using increasing
In Pres. Obama's Jan 4, 2016 executive order and speech he sited the limitation on Free Speech as enunciated by Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes: You can't cry fire in a crowded theater" in Schenck v. United States (1919) as a potential precedent on limitations to the 2d Amendment of the Constitution. However, Justice Holmes went to qualify this by saying that expressions which in the circumstances were intended to result in a crime, and posed a "clear and present danger" of succeeding, could be punished.]
>Hiring 230 additional examiners to help the FBI conduct the added background checks.
>Requires gun dealers to notify the ATF when their guns are lost or stolen. The President's FY2017 budget will include funding for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws..
>ATF has established an Internet Investigation Center to track illegal online firearms trafficking and is dedicating $4 million and additional personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network.
>ATF is finalizing a rule to ensure that dealers who ship firearms notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen in transit.
The Attorney General issued a memo encouraging every U.S. Attorney's Office to renew domestic violence outreach efforts
>The Administration is proposing a new $500 million investment to increase access to mental health care.
>The Social Security Administration has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to include information in the background check system about beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.
>The Department of Health and Human Services is finalizing a rule to remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing States from reporting relevant information about people prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons.
1. The points made by Pres. Obama would not have stopped any recent mass shootings.
2. 225 years of precedent, destroyed-without any legislative due process. The expansion of background checks is an affront to freedom in general, because it brings private sellers under the purview of the government regardless of whether those sellers sell one gun a year or 100. Americans have been selling guns privately since 1791-that's 225 years-and now, with a swipe of his pen, Obama is saying a portion of those sales must be handled federally and conducted via background checks.
This is a not-so-subtle slide toward universal background checks-the kind of background checks they have in California and France-and it will eventually require a gun registry database in order to be enforceable-like the registry they have in France and the one they are building in California.
3. You can be denied a gun for purely financial reasons or if you are on Social Security.
The attempt to bar certain Social Security beneficiaries from owning or buying guns because they are unable to manage their own finances.
On July 18 Breitbart News reported on Obama's push to ban gun-possession for Social Security beneficiaries who are believed incapable of handling their own finances. On that same day the Los Angeles Times reported that a ban was being put together "outside of public view," but the details that were known revealed the ban would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons-from "subnormal intelligence or mental illness" to "incompetency," an unspecified "condition," or "disease."
This ban has been brought under the auspices of Obama's executive gun control.
4. It adds more burdens to gun dealers who are already following the law.
Obama is also using executive gun control to place even more reporting requirements-read, regulations-on the backs of Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs), who are federally recognized firearms dealers. Contrary to mainstream media reports and the talking points of gun control groups, FFLs are already highly regulated and monitored by the ATF. Obama's executive action adds one more hoop through which FFLs must jump.
5. Tax dollars for "smart guns" that nobody wants.
Obama's executive action instructs the "Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security" to sponsor research into the "smart gun" technology and explore ways to further its use. This means using tax-payer money to pay for something the private sector has no interest in funding.
Broad interest in "smart guns" is absent because they have yet to be demonstrated trustworthy. Such guns are either fitted with biometric readers-through which they are activated by the palm or finger print or their owners-or they are paired with a bracelet or watch that emits a radio signal which activates the gun when in close proximity with it.
To date, the biometric readers raise concerns that they will fail to read the correct palm or finger print if that palm or finger is caked with blood. This means the gun is useless for self-defense. As for "smart guns" paired with watches or bracelets, even if these guns worked the result would be that thieves would simply steal the watch or bracelet along with the gun, therefore outsmarting those who designed the gun for a new level of safety.
Monica Crowley and her reporter at Washington Times on Line, Manda Zand Ervin have done an excellent job in writing this article.
Leftists in U.S. politics and academia have taught Muslims contempt for America. Frequent readers of IsraelLives know I've attacked this issue many times. This article breaths new, and unpleasant details into our cauldren of information.
I would only add that the unspoken US government policy of supporting education until the age of 28 (thru graduate degrees), to support the big business of College Education/Student-molding has of necessity forced the schools to be responsive to foreign student, often paying far more than domestic students for the same education. Hence these students are getting courses and 'positions' tailored to their inherent beliefs. Who has enjoyed the fast path student visas? Numbering among those countries is Saudia Arabia and Iran. Currently there is a huge uproar about Congresses new budget which specifically removed Iran from the 'fast path' list. The implication being that Iran is a Terrorist State. Iran's immediate response was to call for the end of Obama's Iran Nuclear 'Treaty' (What more have they to gain anyway?) How this will work with Congress, is still 'on the table' as I write. Certainly Iran's withdrawal from the 'treaty' is unthinkable to Pres. Obama!!
How to clear out this RATS NEST remains a very big issue.
5>TURKEY AND JEWS-HISTORY AND PRESENT: ANDREW BOSTOM ON BREITBART.COM, a total historic overview. 'Keeping the Faith' to Turks throughout history, until Erdogan's rule today has abided fully by Koranic dictates to defile Jews. Yet in June, 2006, despite Erdogan's (and his coterie's) already well-established public record of visceral Islamic Jew-hatred, the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] awarded, and Erdogan personally accepted, the ADL's "Courage to Care Award." This immediately brought me to BDS as espoused and promulgated by Jews - TOUGH LOVE, WE DON'T NEED.
REMEMBER THE 'Mavi Marmara', June 4, 2010; The Gaza Freedom Flotilla, organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH). As of Dec. 23, 2015 Los Angeles Times reported "Israel has long said it wanted to restore ties. The Israeli government has apologized for the Mavi Marmara raid and agreed to pay $20 million in reparations. Differences remain over Gaza, which is controlled by the militant Palestinian organization Hamas and is in effect cut off by an Israeli naval blockade. Turkey wants the blockade lifted; Israel has refused so far."
PMW Bulletin
Itamar Marcus
Jan. 04, 2016
To explain why millions of Jews would immigrate to the Israel without a historical connection the PA claims that Zionism was not a Jewish idea but rather a European idea. And it was created by Europeans, not to return Jews to their homeland, but to get rid of the scheming and corrupt Jews who, according to PA ideology, caused Europe so much suffering.
The film explains that England, France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy, all expelled Jews because they suffered from the Jews' presence. Finally, when the Balfour Declaration facilitated the establishment of "a national homeland" for the Jews, Europe supported it because it "saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them."
The following is the excerpt of the PA TV broadcast on Fatah that demonized Jews:
"Faced with the Jews' schemes, Europe could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government. In 1290, King Edward I issued a decree banishing the Jews [from England]. Following him were France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy. The European nations felt that they had suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews. Later the Jews obtained the Balfour Declaration, and Europe saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them." Palestinian Media Watch 'hair-raising' diatribe has been repeated annually [PA TV, Jan. 1, 2013, Nov. 11, 2014, most recently repeated on Dec. 31, 2015]
January 2016 they showcased their newest accusation: PA and Fatah: Israel steals organs of dead terrorists
Jonathan Carey
96 Jessie Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear, and retreat.
The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.
The fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
The sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.
The seventh rule: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time, after which it becomes a ritualistic commitment, like going to church on Sunday mornings.
The eighth rule: Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
The ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
The eleventh rule is: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.
The twelfth rule: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. You cannot risk being trapped by the enemy in his sudden agreement with your demand and saying "You're right - we don't know what to do about this issue. Now you tell us."
The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Paul R. Hollrah
January 3, 2016
Having visited Austria and Germany just months ago, and recalling the indescribable beauty of that part of the world and the cheerful, hard-working people who live there, it is hard to visualize the dark fate that awaits them in the weeks, months, and years ahead. An October 26 article by Leo Hohmann for WorldNetDaily, describes the massive invasion of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe and the frantic attempt by locals to purchase guns in countries that have made it all but impossible to own a firearm. It provides a chilling picture of things to come. not only in Europe, but in America as well.
In Austria, for example, where gun ownership is legal, the shops struggle to meet the demand. Because the Muslim immigrants feel that European women are theirs for the taking because they appear in public provocatively dressed (by Muslim standards), most Austrian gun-buyers are women. Across Europe, sexual assaults by Muslim men have become endemic and police officials refuse to describe the sexual holocaust for what it is for fear of agitating the Muslims.
European and American police and government officials need not worry any longer about when and where the first shots in the war to save western civilization will be fired. Those shots were fired in the heart of Paris on an otherwise peaceful autumn evening in November 2015, and they were fired at a Christmas party in sunny San Bernardino, California on December 2, 2015.
In an article titled, Tet, Take Two: Islam's 2016 European Offensive, author Matt Bracken provides a most chilling prediction of what the people of Europe have in store for them in the weeks and months ahead. If Bracken is correct in his assessment. and I believe he is. what we will witness in the coming year will be, literally, the beginning of the end of European civilization. He predicts a violent 2016 showdown and collision that will, in historical terms, be on par with the First and Second World Wars.
Unless I am mistaken, Bracken may underestimate the horror of what is about to occur on the European continent. During World War II, allied bombers targeted cities and towns that were home to a wide variety of industries critical to the German war effort, while units of infantry, armor, and artillery came behind, shelling strategically located towns and villages until German forces were driven out. Many cities, towns, and villages across Germany escaped relatively unscathed. The same will not be true during the coming Muslim holocaust.
Bracken points out that, right now, approximately a million new Muslim migrants. at least 75% of them men between the ages of 18 and 40. are struggling to find a warm place to sleep and something to eat. None of the European countries have food or living quarters for that many cold and hungry people, so what will happen when the worst part of the European winter arrives with blizzards, high winds, and sub-zero temperatures? Bracken speculates that, "When the snow is deep in Germany and across Europe, these men are going to enter local houses, demanding to be taken in as boarders. or else! Where it is useful, small migrant children will be held up in front as human shields for their emotional blackmail value; elsewhere, they will be discarded. One way or the other, Muslim migrants will be attempting to move into German homes and apartments seeking heat and food, and the young Muslim men will be seeking undefended infidel or kafir women to slake their lust (which is their right under Islamic law)."
To put the coming Muslim holocaust into perspective, Bracken uses as a yardstick the September 2004 school siege at Beslan, in the Russian Federation. The siege began on September 1, 2004, when armed Chechen Muslims occupied a school in Beslan, taking 1,100 hostages, including 777 children. Three days later, Russian security forces stormed the school with heavy weapons. At least 385 hostages were killed, including 186 children.
As we sit before our Christmas trees and our fireplaces this Christmas season, surrounded by family and friends, it's difficult to imagine the horrors that await the good people of Europe who've seen their Muslim population grow from 29 million to 55 million in the years between 1990 and 2013. before the massive invasion of Muslims in 2014 and 2015. Bracken asks us to visualize not just one Beslan-style incursion by Muslim jihadists, but ten or twenty such atrocities occurring simultaneously all across Europe.
Already, in cities, towns, and villages, from Italy and Austria to Norway, Sweden, and Finland, we hear the anguished screams of women and young girls as they are gang-raped by bands of Muslim hijra invaders. Such savagery will tear the hearts out of the male population of Europe until they decide that death is preferable to such humiliation. Then, and only then, will they begin to fight back with all the ferocity they can muster. Bracken predicts that this is what lies ahead for the people of Europe who have silently allowed their socialist governments to disarm them in the years since World War II.
So who is to save them from their all-but-certain fate... the United States? Let us not forget, we have a political party in our country... the Democratic Party... which has a record of importing potential voters from abroad, no matter who and what they are, so long as they will ultimately vote Democratic. According to U.S. government statistics, nearly 50,000 Muslim immigrants were granted permanent residency status in the United States in 1992. By 2009, that number had increased to more than 115,000. If current trends continue, by the year 2030 roughly 130,000 Muslims are expected to be granted permanent residency status in the United States annually.
A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that, among likely Republican voters, 59% support a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until the federal government is able to develop a failsafe method for screening out violent jihadists, while 82% of Democrats oppose such a ban. Overall, party affiliation aside, only 36% of Americans favor such a ban, yet 60% feel that Obama's handling of the terrorist threat has been a failure.