Sunday, September 13, 2015

Meir Ettinger a Jewish Terrorist? Read what he has to say and judge for yourself. Call for a Jewish Court...Sanhedrin...


If Meir Ettinger is a Jewish Terrorist than so are all of us who pray for the return to Zion. Or else we simply pay lip service to G-d and don't really mean what we say

Sanhedrin in the News:


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Pls fwd: Rosh Hashana"s Glenn Beck Powerful Message at DC Rally To Stop Nuclear Iran Deal September 9th 2015: Choose LIFE Trust in G-d to fulfill His Promises


The September 9th 2015 Rally on the West Lawn of the Capital,  was attended by thousands of people most of them, Tea Patriots, not Jews.  In fact the OU and RCA were on the North Lawn of the Capitol around an hour prior, at a separate Rally with hundreds of Rabbi's bused in.   While this Tea Patriots Rally was happening, the OU and RCA were lobbying Congress. 

Glenn Beck's message speaks to them and for them. It is a message of Truth, a message for Rosh Hashana,  relevant and timely!

Please feel free to forward to your Rabbi and talk to him about it and compare it with the message that he and other Rabbi's are putting out there as Israel and the world face an existential threat. 

Glenn Beck Speaks At DC Rally To Stop Iran Nuclear Deal (9-9-15)  I have transcript-ed from  10 minutes into the speech.

....There is only One who can choose war.   There are those who wish to cover the world with their corrupted ideology, that Allah is our G-d and Allah demands death of all who will not submit.  The G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is the G-d of spirit over flesh, is the G-d of love and light, He is the G-d of love and light over hatred and death. Today we must choose the G-d of Life over the false g-d of death.  

We must not cower nor compromise. It is unreasonable not to take the threat of death by another.  When someone says that they will wipe the Jew off the face of the earth, you must take them seriously, they mean it. To all those who make evil good, and good evil... to all those who excuse, or even worse, partner with this evil... know now that you will be remembered as the Neville Chamberlain of this day or even worse, the Mussolini's. You will not be remembered well.  

Yet those who chose to side against this tide of insanity, you will be remembered as righteous children of courage.  

Today I want the Almighty G-d, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to know, that I stand with His Law, not [laws] passed in the corrupt Chambers behind me, but those that come from Above! What is more, I will no longer fight against something.  Let us begin here and now to fight for something! Fight for Life, fight for decency, fight for the women who are devalued, fight for the homosexuals who just want to live, fight for the children who are crucified and are raped up to 10x a day.  Fight for Life, fight for light, for light will conquer the darkness.  

No matter where evil lurks, evil must be put on notice today... that the might Arm of G-d is rising up.  Evil will be defeated.  It should enjoy this season of chaos but it is short lived. Cause we know how the story ends. 

G-d does not pick sides, but he demands that we pick sides!  Rest assured, evil's days are numbered as are those who rule with fear and terror and death. backroom deals and corruption.  You are all put on notice today.  You can play your games, you can count those votes.  To those who say they will drive the Jews into the sea, they may say they have won.  But they should know that they have not seen America, the real America, in over 70 years, [since WWII rt] and they have poked this bear one too many times. America may be delayed but the rest of the world should know that G-d will not be delayed.  

Make no mistake.  Treaty or not, the Nation of Israel will stand.  No Jew in Europe would have thought in 1944, that G-d would use the unending night to hold true to His promise and restore the Nation of Israel, but He Did!  And I testify to you that He will do the same again today in His Time and His Way.  This era of confusion and era of darkness will end cause our G-d is a G-d of Covenants.  

We as His people must understand, He will keep all of His Promises.  He has told us He will Bless those that Bless Israel.  He will curse those who curse Israel. 

I make you this promise and warning today.  Those words will be fulfilled.  Our actions as a Nation, and as individuals today, the reason I am here... because I want to be seen by the Almighty G-d because our fate is being sealed.  

LET THIS DAY BE DECLARED THAT WE WILL SERVE NO OTHER KING BUT G-D! He is a Mighty and a Just G-d and a G-d of Miracles. and I beg all with eyes to see and ears to hear...  I beg, this is our last call to return to our roots and to choose Life. The hour is later than we think and the morning will come.  

And I warn those who stand on the sidelines and claim ignorance and helplessness... not to stand, IS TO STAND...not to speak, IS TO SPEAK, there will be no spectators in this struggle.  G-d will not hold you blameless! 

We are told by those in power that we must give in or the world will abandon us.  First of all I believe that is a lie, but if it were true, GOOD, So Be IT!  We are supposed to be the Shining City on the Hill.  That's who we are. That is our purpose.  We have to be a light in a world of darkness. We are the ones who are supposed to stand for Morality.  Speak for those who can't protect themselves.  Let the world abandon us.  If that's who they are, we'd be better off alone.  

During the dark times of the civil war, it's reported that Abraham Lincoln heard someone remark, "I just hope the L-rd's on the Union's side".  Lincoln responded with a sharp rebuke, "I am not at all concerned about that cause I know the L-rd is always on the right side.  It is my constant anxiety and my constant prayer that I and the Nation should be on the L-rd's side."  This is the choice we have to make today.  To be on the L-rd's side.  Declare now that no matter what a few in our government might decide, we the people do indeed stand with Israel, and we shall choose principles over parties, love over hate, light over darkness, Life over Death. We choose these things now and we know our lives will forever be changed. And we know the road less traveled is often fraught with difficulties because we choose it today in confidence because the outcome has already been decided.  

For our G-d is Just, our G-d is a G-d of mercy, our G-d is a G-d of power and strength, our G-d is a G-d that speaks the truth and OUR G-D IS A G-D THAT KEEPS AND FULFILLS EVERY PROMISE! 

After the flood, G‑d promised Noah that He would never again bring a flood that would destroy the world. A rainbow is a reminder of this covenant that G‑d made with Noah, his descendants, and all living creatures. Therefore, upon seeing a rainbow in the sky, we recite the following blessing:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֶלוֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם זוֹכֵר הַבְּרִית וְנֶאֱמָן בִּבְרִיתוֹ וְקַיָם בְּמַאֲמָרוֹ

Baruch ata Ado-nai Elo-heinu melech ha'olam zocher ha'brit v'ne'eman bivrito v'kayam b'ma'amaro.

Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who remembers the covenant, and is faithful to His covenant, and keeps His promise. ]

For more on the Tea Patriots Rally please visit


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Janet Lehr: Shana Tova 5776 to all-ISRAELLIVES Recap of Washington 9-9 Rally

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janet Lehr <>
Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:26 PM
Subject: Shana Tova 5776 to all-ISRAELLIVES Recap of Washington 9-9 Rally

ISRAEL LIVES  Forgive me forward dating to tomorrow - Shana tova - a great 5776 to all
Do not DISPARE:  Hint:THE CAVALRY HAS COME IN THE FIGURE OF LEE ZELDIN, our Suffolk Co. Congressman, grandson of JCOHEH founding families, who along with Rep Roskam, proposed the bill the House passed at the end of today's session, blocking Obama from lifting our SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAN.   IRAN HAS ALWAYS SAID, THAT UNTIL SANCTIONS ARE ALL LIFTED, THEY WILL NOT SIGN THE DEAL!   Yes, the Senate gets the bill Monday. 
That bill, HR 3460, introduced by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)   blocks U.S. President Barack Obama from in any way lifting sanctions on Iran's nuclear program, or from releasing individuals from specially designated terrorist lists which would otherwise be released under the proposed terms of the PLS

Enjoy the thrill-Imbibe the words of great Americans.
Janet Lehr
Written enroute back to NYC
Called for 1pm. I spent the AM at the Freer enjoying their Whistler paintings.(Allow the art aficionado in me to expand.)  Following the Freer I moved on to the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden.  Proceeding toward the Capitol I spied a sole protester 'crying for help in front of 6 large graphic easel mounted posters.  The text was clear, China was killing members of the FALUN GONG and selling their body parts.  Is it possible, what we condemn in China, is acceptable in America?  Do you know, there are options to Planned Parenthood: If you are unemployed, birth control is free from your county health department.  An after-the-fact resource is Abortion Clinics OnLine (ACOL) is a directory service comprised of websites of over 400 providers of abortion services and other reproductive healthcare, site searchable by State. 
As 1pm approached, I picked up my pace considerably and headed for the West Lawn of the Capitol building.  I could see the mass of people from blocks away and, I could readily hear the periodic cheers.
Among 'my' people at last, I heard Ted Cruz announced (big cheer).  A huge chant rose up, KILL THE DEAL, KILL THE DEAL....He spoke well.  I've heard him speak at conservative affairs and at Jewish affairs, his heart is always in his message of support for Israel and for the USA.  The cheering hadn't abated when Donald Trump took the mic.  He too spoke passionately.  Tea Party president Jenny Beth Martin officiating as MC waited until the crowd quieted a bit before moving on with the program.  The crowd's enthusiasm most certainly didn't die, as some feared it might, after Cruz and Trump spoke.  There was a continuing rostra of well prepared speakers (men and women) announced by Jenny Beth Martin, pres. of the Tea Party. I believe Beck has it live streamed on The Blaze, Emet too perhaps.   Israel was uniformly celebrated, Iran castigated.  Beck himself spoke passionately and informatively.  Palin, Buchman, the Citizens United president David Bossee, said loud and clear, Obama leaves office in 17 months, every member of Congress must understand, this is an incredibly bad deal, you Congressmen and women will be held accountable at the polls.
A surprise celebrity speaker was Duck Dynasty's Phil Robinson. Robinson said, I love Israel because they wrote the bible (I thought it was the hand of G-d)  G-d became Jewish flesh ( conflating 2 religions) but no matter that the majority of the speakers were Christian, they were undivided in their eternal support of Israel.  We need a new Conference of Presidents, a conference comprised only of groups totally supportive of a Whole Israel.  That no Jewish group could organize this outpouring of support for our people, is heartbreaking and freightening.   Anne Bayefsky castigated president Obama for bypassing the Congress for approval of the deal, by bringing it directly to the UN; the UN who can't to this present day define the meaning of the word terrorism, said Bayefsky.   Bayefsky continued, to proclaim,  death to America, death to Israel, is not terrorism to the UN. The UN'S goal is to condemn Israel and the USA, concluding: How dare our president put the USA second to the UN?  All American voices matter.  Outsourcing American and Israels security to the UN is not right.  What is right for the U.S., the UN, the IAEA?  The crown went wild.  NO NO NO NO....You probably heard the roar in NYC. 
Next speaker was the editor in chief of Breitbart.  He was succunct:  With the power vested in me as Editor in Charge, I now pronounce you ALL AMERICAN JEWS.  If this is a good deal, pass it as a treaty. 
Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) was powerful, addressing the Congress.  This is the most important vote Congress will ever take.  Quoting the Iran regime's leader, speaking within the last 12 hours: We barred their direct access.  Now we must end their indirect access!!!  Mark Meadows continued, In a few days we will take a vote to allow Iran ICBM'S.  They can't reach us now, but can with ICBM's.  We can't change their attitude, we can say NO to this deal.

Glen Beck followed. [ (watch it) {RT}] 
The crowd roared BECK  BECK  BECK... Beck spoke specifically 'Old Testamentez'.  I wish to deliver a different message.  We live in a world, being told the world is stable.  This comes from the media, churches, colleges.  We must not fail to restore the truth. When Bibi came to you last (speaking to the Congress), the parsha spoke of Esther.  Pam Eric has a special role, like Esther.  In this week's parsha Moses stands on the edge of the promised land and commands the Jews to choose LIFE AN LIGHT, OR DARKNESS.  People hunger for Truth, eternal Truth.  We can deny Truth no longer.  WE MUST STAND WITH G-D AND HIS ETERNAL PEOPLE.  (Wait til you hear Pope Francis' tune next week!).  Beck continued: this time it began with the extermination of the Christians in Syria.  Of Syria ' s 2 million Christians, 400,000. remain.  After WWII, the world made a promise, NEVER AGAIN.  NEVER AGAIN IS NOW. ...
Our government is giving us a choice of TREATY or WAR.  Neil Chamberlain accord, Peace in our Day was the lie Hitler gave to the West.  At worst it is collusion, more than party politics. 
The G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is the G-d of light, Allah is the G-d of DEATH.  It is irresponsible to disregard the person who preaches death.  I want those who stand with the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to know, I stand for you. 
Fight for light, light will conquer the darkness.  Evil must be put on notice today.  This season of chaos is short lived.  G-d does not take sides, we are all put on notice today.
For those who say, Death to America, they have 'poked' us for 70 years.

In 1944, who would have thought we'd see Israel.
He has said, he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  We shall see no other kings but G-D.  He is a mighty and just G-d. This is our last call to return to our roots and claim life.  NOT TO SPEAK, IS TO SPEAK.
Beck closed with a quote from Lincoln.  "I know that the Lord is always on the right side, it is my prayer that we will choose light over darkness, life over death.  We chose the road less travelled, our G-d speaks the truth who keeps and fulfills every promise. (Sustained applause. Crowd chanting. KILL THIS DEAL)

I could go on Michelle Bachman rocked, I am proud of you here in 93 degree heat, you are sending a message around the world.  Speak for sanityIf President Obama failed to give every part of the deal by July 19th, HE FAILED, WE WON!!  THE SANCTIONS STAND.  THAT IS THE SHORT TERM AND PRESENT REALITYWhen a madman speaks, you listen.  Historys has told us what victory is.  A few days after Israel bombed Osirik, Kadafi came to us, the U.S. and said I surrender, TAKE MY NUKES.
Sara Palin rocked We are negotiating with the #1 terrorist.  Obama never clenched a fist against a regime speaking anti-Semitism..our sons and daughters sacrificed in Iraq...yet the white flag was raised by us at the negotiations... Now they are allowed the #1 thing that was not negotiable!!  This treaty will not bring peace, you don't reward terrorism, you kill it... Congress, the President is playing you.  Palin then brought up Hillary's self-serving, dangerous-to-America, Uranium deal. Palin didn't forget and doesn't let us.  Palin concluded: Friends TAKE ACTION.  G-D BLESS ISRAEL, G-D BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our Suffolk Co. Congressman, Lee Zeldin was magnificent...'love of country brought you all here today...'  Think of everything not part of this agreement.  We don't oppose this deal to create war, but to prevent it!  The president said, this deal is not built on trust but VERIFICATION. NO VERIFICATION DETAILS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED-- THEREFORE-NO DEAL, NO CLOCK RUNNING!
Louis Gohmert (R-TX), through in a major bit of info. to the mass of people on the West lawn, smack in front of the Congressional headquarters. We were supposed to vote this morning.  The vote has been stopped, your presence in such vast numbers has made a difference.  Congress has seen you and taken note.  The vote has been postponed til 4 pm.
The Congressman from Arizona: I know Mr. President you have a Pen and a Phone.  WE HAVE TWO HOUSES OF CONGRESS!
Congressman Randy Sanchez (R-FL)  2007, I served in Iraq in a Sunni dominated area.  #1 cause of death was from Iranians and Iranian weapons.
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)  Thank you for being here. We thinki it is so significant that Iran's neighors in the Middle East oppose this deal.  We agree with them.  The seurity and sovereignty of America is at risk.  Thank you for standing with us. ( She should have had no need to say, Thank You.  I say: EVERY ONE SHOULD HAVE COME TO WASHINGTON THIS DAY)
Bridgit Gabriel:  America defeated Communism and Nazism.  Now is our time.  We believe it is the primary responsibility to protect America-We will remember your treasonous acts on election day....PRESIDENT REAGAN SAID: FREEDOM IS ONLY ONE GENERATION FROM EXTINCTION.
 Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project: Our soldiers deserve better than this deal.  How about making every family who lost a child in Iraq, a millionaire.  WE CALL UPON EVERY GOVERNOR TO DIVEST FROM IRAN N O W.
Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA): In 2 days we will note the terrorists who attacked us on our soil  NEVER FORGET.  PRAY WE CAN KEEP OUR POSITION.  1.4 MILLION AMERICAN DIED FOR US TO KEEP OUR POSITION.
Mario..., Head of ...On behalf of 40,000 Hispanic churches.  We say NO to this deal.  HAMAN is rising in this nation.  America is opening the door for judgement and curse.  In the Torah the shofar will sound in 4 days to erase every decree against ISRAEL.
Amb. Ken Blackwell  former treasurer and secretary of State for Ohio, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, now the senior fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research Council: Thomas Paine: If there is to be war, let it be in my time, that my children will have peace.

General Brooks: NO RETREAT, NO RETREAT Everyone in my family...since Valley  Forge, has been fighting for you.  One Nation, One Flag.  WE ARE FIGHTING FOR YOU.

C O N T I N U E...
I am exhausted recounting this incredible day.  Many Many more Congressmen spoke, clearly careful to trim their words to enable them to return to the floor of Congress to vote. 

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Janet Lehr                                                             If I am not for myself, WHO WILL BE?
IsraelLives                                                               If I am only for myself, WHAT AM I?                                                                If not now, WHEN ?
                                                                                                                   Rabbi Hillel



Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Pope Francis, Obama on Mt. Zion


BIN EXCLUSIVE: Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Pope Francis, Obama on Mt. Zion


Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

The letter was signed, “The Secretariat of the Court of Mount Zion”. The authorized representatives of the High Court are Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Dov Levanoni, Rabbi Israel Ariel, Rabbi Daniel Stavsky, Rabbi Yehuda Edri, and Rabbi Dov Meir Shtein.


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Fwd: ZOA Op Ed: Today 9/11 Iran involvement. Ask Senators if they really wish to empower IRAN. Fwd: Hashoah Hotmail: 2ND VOTE NEXT WEEK; NOT TO LATE TO CALL!!!


ZOA Op-ed in Washington Jewish Week About Iran's Planning of 9-11
It's a frightening irony.  This September 11th, we will mourn 3,000 innocent lives snuffed out during the worst terrorist attack on our homeland.  And at the very same time, our President and a minority of Congress is ramming through a catastrophic deal that will provide hundreds of billions of dollars and a path to nuclear weapons to the very same Iranian regime that planned and facilitated the horror perpetrated on our soil on September 11, 2001.   Instead of learning from our recent painful history, we are about to enter into a disastrous deal that assures that we will suffer more 9-11s.
From Hashoah Hotmail: YES WE CAN FIGHT IRAN! Ask Senators if they really wish to empower IRAN . 2ND VOTE NEXT WEEK; NOT TO LATE TO CALL!!!

...Senator Mitch McConnell, majority leader, said yesterday that he will force the exact same vote in the Senate next week before the Sept. 17th deadline! 
...Yesterday, 42 senators,  including Senators Gillibrand (D-NY), Booker (D-NJ), Blumenthal (D-CT), and Casey (D-CT) who collectively represent the largest Jewish constituency in the U.S., made the decision to support an agreement that will release $50 billion in cash to an Iranian regime that is actively engaged in terrorism, has four Americans imprisoned on baseless charges, and is committed to annihilating Israel and fomenting hatred of the United States.

Senators Gillibrand (D-NY), Booker (D-NJ), Blumenthal (D-CT), Casey (D-PA) and 38 of their Democratic colleagues effectively BLOCKED the resolution to reject the Iran agreement.   The votes of the 58 Senators' votes  who boldly stated their opposition to this dangerous agreement with Iran were two short of the 60 votes needed to break the filibuster of the 42 Obama loyalists who support the Iran agreement.    



SENATOR BOOKER (NJ): 202-224-3224
SENATOR CASEY (PA): 202-224-6324 

ACTION ALERT: From Helen Freedman Executive Director AFSI

I just called the offices of 

Roskam - 202-225-4561, 
Zeldin - 202-225-3826, and 
Pompeo - 202-225-6216 

to thank them for their efforts to pursue legal action against the Administration for its blatant disregard of the terms of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015. 

I plan to send emails to the following addresses as a follow-up to my calls:

Roskam -
Zeldin -
Pompeo -

Perhaps some of you may wish to do the same.