Yasher Koach to Ronn Torrossian and to Hank Sheinkopf who are courageous to take on this battle of the fifth column, the enemy from within. Jews who empower our enemy masquerading as pro
This is not about Lashon Hara. It is about exposing the face of evil so that it can not perpetuate. It is about prevention.
It hurts to publicize and publicly embarrass other Jews are empowering evil. One wants to judge favorably. No one likes to talk Lashon Hara against a fellow Jew.
However, a fellow Jew whose eyes are blinded and is forced to understand the terrible consequences his/her actions have had or will have, will ultimately be happy to have been stopped from empowering evil.
If these accusations prove false against fellow Jews, and we err in judgement, then in fairness, we must publicize. It is painful to talk this way about a fellow Jew.
Yet how painful it is, it is infinitely more painful to allow evil to thrive by silence. Who if not us, those who allow evil to grow in a favorable climate, will then be personally responsible to the victims of terror and their families.
Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a powerful speech in Congress. Our enemies will try anything to undermine it. We must be prepared to expose fellow Jews who are the Kapos of our time.
How J Street Misled Obama Into Netanyahu Speech Debacle
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com