Sunday, May 25, 2014

Horrible, Shameful Video of expulsion and destruction of Maaleh Rechavam, Can anyone also put English subtitles on this video as well?. Please make sure this video gets sent around so all know what happened!


"When the High Court is told an area is "private Palestinian land," it isn't told to whom the property belongs or how the determination was made". Moshe Dann

Anti-Jewish Self-Destruction (H)  Listen to the couple before and after the destruction of their homes hours apart. Trauma to parents and trauma to kids!

Heartbreaking Testimony:   The Netanyahu government uses violence and cruelty and destroys family's house. Ma'aleh Rehoboam. by Avraham Yehuda (h) translated into English

In the desert and in the middle of nowhere,   Adam and Jenny built their tent.  They sought peace and loved the land and they built a beautiful place where they lived together with their four children . But what happens when one day the Israeli government decides to attack and destroy it all as part of a trend  to twist the arms of  women holding babies and to tear the baby from her hands and with Police and Yassam soldiers beating women.

The place was founded in Tishrei 5762, 2001. A group of singles, organized with the goal to establish a new community in the country based on Jewish labor , cooperation between religious and secular and living without a fence.

The settlement is located on the border between the Judean Desert and the Judean Hills, and belongs to the Gush Etzion Regional Council . The outpost is on the outline of the settlement of Kfar Eldad , near Nokdim, around one kilometer away. The settlement commemorates Rechamam Zeevi, hy"d, a supporter of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria who was murdered by an Arab from the Palestinian Authority.  Established in 2001, the settlement was designated as illegal and  was issued demolition orders several times, but early on, the settlement did receive a government grant of NIS 750,000 which via political connections would bring it for approval. These contacts are still continuing until today..

The community is based on three principles: No fence, Jewish Labor known as Avoda Ivri, and cooperation between religious - secular. Singles and families living together . There resides 12 families and 4 singles . Total population about 45 people. Nearby, a stream that empties into the community of Tekoa, a big autumn  crocuses blossom was discovered, with an estimate of 100,000 to 200,000 flowers. This blossoming at this site  begins around November 10th and continues until early December

In 2011, the state issued its intention to the Supreme Court to legalize the settlement.

At the beginning of 2013 the Supreme Court issued a " temporary order prohibiting  eviction and demolition of the outpost ." In May 2014 , following a further decision of the High Court, the Civil Administration demolished eight structures acting upon the State's position that the community is built on land owned by Palestinians. [ Please read this important link by Moshe Dann]  Rulers of law – Israel's other legal system where he states  that when the High Court is told an area is "private Palestinian land," it isn't told to whom the property belongs or how the determination was made.]

The Rehoboam community  has had very significant natural growth, Within the last ten months, six new babies were born. 
Apparently not an impressive number , but more careful examination of the data reveals that where only 11 families live, and that this natural growth is not less than 15 percent. What is no less interesting  is that five of the six babies were born at home.

Ma'ale Rechavam tries to maintain a lifestyle that is "as healthy as possibl ", as defined by local resident Genia Richland  who lives with her husband and three children in a tent at the edge of town . Richland gave birth to her daughter,  ten months ago ,a home birth , or rather - the birth of a tent. "For me, the hospital is a place that is always pressured,  and for my births, I want just the opposite - peace and quiet ," she explains .

The video was produced by Shoshi Greenfield . -
Sincerely ,

Article in Hebrew:

-תיעוד קורע לב: ממשלת נתניהו הורסת באלימות ואכזריות בית של משפחה במעלה רחבעם
על ספר המדבר ובאמצע שומקום בנו אדם וג׳ניה את האוהל שלהם, הם חיפשו שקט, ואהבו את האדמה, ובנו מקום יפהפה בו התגוררו יחד עם ארבעת ילדיהם. אבל מה קורה כשיום אחד ממשלת ישראל מחליט להתנפל עליך ולהרוס לך הכל כחלק ממגמה: מעקמים ידיים של אישה עם תינוקת בידיה, עוקרים תינוקת מאמה וחיילי מג"ב ויס"מ מכים נשים.
15:27 (21/05/14) אברהם יהודה

המקום הוקם בתשרי, תשס"ב, 2001.  קבוצת רווקים התארגנה ושמה לה למטרה להקים ישוב חדש בארץ המושתת על עבודה עברית, שיתוף בין דתיים וחילונים ומגורים בלי גדר.
הישוב נמצא על הגבול בין מדבר יהודה להרי יהודה, ושייך למועצה אזורית גוש עציון. המאחז נמצא בקו המתאר של היישוב כפר אלדד, שבקרבת נוקדים, ונמצא בסמוך לו, במרחק של כקילומטר אחד. היישוב מנציח את שמו של רחבעם זאבי שהיה מתומכי ההתיישבות היהודית ביהודה ושומרון ונרצח על ידי מתנקש ערבי מהרשות. הוקם ב-2001.
היישוב מוגדר כ"מאחז בלתי חוקי", והוצאו כמה פעמים צווי הריסה, אולם בתחילת דרכו הוא קיבל מענק ממשלתי של 750,000 שקל והיו מגעים להביא אותו לאישור, מגעים שנמשכים עד היום.

היישוב ומבוסס על 3 עקרונות: אין גדר, עבודה עברית בלבד ושילוב של דתיים-חילונים, רווקים ומשפחות החיים בצוותא. מתגוררות בו 12 משפחות ו-4 רווקים. סך התושבים כ-45 איש. סמוך ליישוב, באחד האפיקים היורד לנחל תקוע, התגלה אתר פריחת החלמוניות הגדול בארץ, המונה לפי ההערכה בין 100,000 ל-200,000 פרחים. הפריחה באתר זה מתחילה בסביבות ה-10 בנובמבר ונמשכת עד ראשית דצמבר.

ב2011 הודיעה המדינה לבג"ץ שבכוונתה להכשיר את המאחז ליישוב חוקי.

בתחילת 2013 הוציא בג"צ "צו ארעי האוסר לבצע פעולות פינוי והריסה במאחז". במאי 2014, בעקבות החלטה נוספת של בג"צ, הרס המנהל האזרחי שמונה מבנים במאחז שלפי עמדת המדינה הוקמו על קרקע בבעלות פלסטינים.‏

בישוב מעלה רחבעם גידול טבעי מאוד משמעותי תוך עשרה חודשים נולדו ביישוב שישה תינוקות חדשים. 
לכאורה, לא מספר מרשים, אבל עיון מעמיק יותר בנתוני המקום מגלה שמתגוררות בו רק 11 משפחות וכי מדובר ב"גידול טבעי" של לא פחות מ-15 אחוז . ומה שלא פחות מעניין - חמישה מתוך ששת התינוקות נולדו בבית. 

במאחז משתדלים לקיים אורח חיים "בריא ככל האפשר", כפי שמגדירה זאת תושבת המקום ג'ניה ריצ' לנד, המתגוררת עם בעלה ושלושת ילדיהם באוהל שבקצה היישוב. ריצ' לנד ילדה את בתה, פלא, לפני כעשרה חודשים, בלידת בית, או נכון יותר - בלידת אוהל. "בשבילי בית חולים זה מקום שתמיד צועקים בו והכל לחוץ, ובלידות שלי אני רוצה בדיוק את ההפך - שקט ושלווה", היא מסבירה. 

הסרטון הופק ע"י שושי גרינפילד.- 

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Israel Day Concert - Great lineup. See Promo. Please post and forward to your lists! Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014 | Time: 2:30-7:30 PM | Cost: Free. Location (rain or shine): Central Park Summerstage.Located at Rumsey Playfield, which is right off the 5th Avenue and 69th Street entrance to Central Park.


Nice Website and Promo!

Special Guest Speakers: 
Senator Ted Cruz • Ambassador John Bolton • Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense Danny Dannon
Starring:Gad Elbaz • LIPA • Edon • Benny Friedman • Ari Lesser • Shloime Dachs • Featuring Elron Zabatani with Shlomi Aharoni • Chaim Kiss • Michael Elias • Nachas • Broadway Youth Choir • Chazan Meir Goldberg • Chazan Yaakov Rosten • Born Dancers • Chazan Chaim David Berson • Shloime Dachs Orchestra & Singers • Simcha Squad Dancers • Producer/Director- Zvika Bornstein • Associate Producer-Chaim Leibtag • Musical Director- Shloime Dachs • EMCEE Nachum Segal
Special Appearance by: Mort Klein • More to follow

Organizer: DR. JOSEPH FRAGER In Memory Of Mordechai Avrohom Ben R' Shmuel And Malka Bas Zalman Yehuda z"l

Chairpersons: DR. PAUL & DRORA BRODY In Memory Of Tzvi Elimelech (Harvey) Ben Yosef and Baila (Bea) bas Harav Yaakov Aryeh Brody z"l and Yosef ben Yehuda Ahroni z"l, In Memory of Shraga Feivel (Phil) ben Ze'ev Wolf Machnikoff z"l, AND in HONOR OF Chana Aharoni

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

King David's Tomb and the Vatican in the News


What's Really Going on at King David's Tomb?   Thurs, May 22, 2014
Government officials keep denying rumors the site will be handed over to the Vatican - so why are so many people still concerned?

PMW in the Media The Algemeiner  -  May 20, 2014
Algemeiner recaps PMW report on Pope Francis' planned visit with Grand Mufti
Pope to Visit Palestinian Authority Mufti Who Endorsed Extermination of Jews 
by Joshua Levitt

Don't Celebrate Pope's Visit to Israel May 22nd, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014
Save Mount Zion!! King David's Tomb Must Remain Jewish-Israeli
Listen to Jewish Israel's Ellen Horowitz talk to Arutz 7's Tamar Yona talk about the dangers of the Vatican takeover on Mount Zion. Diaspora Yeshiva Band Reunion "Malchutcha," Your (G-d's) Kingdom will last forever!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014
The pope is on his way. Please write to the Chief Rabbis about the following URGENT matter.
URGENT, Dear Chief Rabbis Yosef and Lau, email addresses: 
scroll down for English. 

Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Outrage at the possible handing over of King David's Tomb to the Vatican. 

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dear Emunah, Why we must be educated and protest the NIF in the Israel Day Parade! Camp Jihad, UNRWA Israel Resource Center. Are We Cuckoo?


Dear Emunah Women, amv"sh

I love your organization!  I love the work you do in Eretz Yisroel.  I am proud to be a member of Emunah.  

Your organization along with the over 200 marching groups and 30 floats and over 15 bands have a fabulous time marching down Fifth Ave in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade.  Who doesn't have a warm feeling in their hearts watching New Yorkers and Americans from the Tri State area show their solidarity, support and friendship with Israel.  Surely the Emunah Women, the most authentic Zionists share the magic and excitement of the day.  Watch the coverage from last year, the 49th year celebrating Israel and that familiar nostalgia of parades gone by, will envelope you.

Now here is the downer and it's a big one and I don't like to burst the bubble. 

 Among the marchers included in this umbrella tent is the Progressive Cluster.  Last year, the progressive cluster included.  
Americans for Peace Now, 
B'Tselem USA
Congregation Beit Simchah Torah
New Israel Fund
Partners for Progressive Israel
West End Synagogue

I am sure that the vast majority of Emunah women and parade marchers are clueless as to the dangerous elements included in this years parade.  They probably march with Israeli flags.  They seem innocuous.  They are not.  We can ill afford to ignore them. Please don't keep blinders on.  Read the investigative reporting to understand the great danger these groups have inflicted upon Israel, endangering it's very fabric and security and nothing short of that.  Please do not take my word for this but the insider knowledge of Knesset Members themselves.  Are we cuckoo? What is it about the cuckoo bird that lays it's nests in the nests of other birds.  Read Sultan Knish and perhaps then you'll understand the danger of allowing these groups to participate in our Parade. I wish we could  simply ignore them hoping that when we don't give them attention they will disappear.

Edwin Black's 'Financing the Flames' Connects New Israel Fund to Historic Ford Foundation Anti-Israel Activism
OCTOBER 31, 2013 11:34 AM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Daniel Greenfield article: The Way of the Cuckoo.

Are We Cuckoo?????

Israel Resource Review

This concept of helping finance flames applies to  UNRWA as well.  

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? By TIMON DIAS
08/05/2013 22:53

Mon Jul 22 2013



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Silent Building Freeze, Ma'ale Rehavam Destroyed. What to do? Be Generous! Rebuild and Stop Further Demolitions! Domino effect of Demolitions - Empowers PLO/Hamas, increases Anti Semitisim


Danon: Government has frozen settlement expansion plans
Deputy DP protests 'silent freeze,' urges annexation of 60% of West Ban

Read more: Danon: Government has frozen settlement expansion plans 

Let us take the lead from Righteous Noahide Friends like former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee from his address at the Gush Katif Museum Dinner in March 2013 

"Rather than say to the Israeli's, "Stop Building in Judea and Samaria," I would suggest that YOU BUILD AS RAPIDLY AS YOU CAN, AND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AND AS MANY HOUSES AS YOU CAN! And tell the Palestinians that if they don't like that, the way they can fix it is to sit at the peace table and sign an agreement that they recognize Israel's right to exist, within the borders that G-d gave them and to exist with safety and security!

That my friend will probably never happen!


and as Congresswoman of Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann said at the Manhigut Yehudit Dinner on Yom Haatzmaut  5774, 2014:

·         "Israel is made up of contiguous land that includes Judea and Samaria.  This is a fact!" 

·         "Israel is Not an Occupier, Israel is an Owner" 

·         "East Jerusalem is in fact Israel" 

·         "The Temple will be reconstituted on the Temple Mount"  Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann invoking Biblical Prophesy.

·         "Boycott the Boycotters"  Congresswoman Michele Bachmann at MY Dinner

·         "If Judea and Samaria was cut off, if Israel gave 40% of her land, we would not have a guarantee for peace, we would have a guarantee for war!" 

·         "I will stand with Israel even if I have to stand against my President" 

·         "President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are no friends of Israel " 

·         "And I will Bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.  And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed"  Genesis 

Nadia Matar writes
Maaleh Rehavam is an ideological yishuv, brave and strong but in these
kinds of moments they have to feel they are not alone.

It is important to go and visit. Bring toys to the children. A warm
soup at night and cold watermelon in the day.

And most importantly, donations for the rebuilding of the houses.

For shekel donations: Account 01959874 Bank Leumi Branch 785 for
"Amutat Merchavei Am Yehuda"

If you need US Tax deduction please email us and we will email you the details.

For details: Limor Chalamish 050-4200423  and Orly Glauber 054-6867535

Eliezer writes:

Help rebuild Maale Rechavaam (English)

Maale Rechavaam has started a campaign to rebuild the destroyed houses.

Please see heart wrenching video of settlers(h) including one mother describing where the rooms, entrance and kitchen cabinets of her house once were.  People can use the links on the left of this page 
משקמים את ההריסות
בניה מחדש של חמשת הבתים שנהרסו בפינוי במעלה רחבעם (in Hebrew but use option to translate)
Or Send Checks to:
Judean Fund
Orly Glauber
Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim 2/26
Har Homa 93125

Link to Arutz 7 newsreport:

Illegal structures in Givat Asaf, Ramat Gilad also slated to be demolished in coming days

Interestingly, Netanyahu blames 'Unceasing Incitement' for Record Level of Anti-Semitism Among Palestinians

My comments: When Israel freezes buildings and demolishes homes in Judea and Samaria this only cements the Palestinians claim to the Land and their claim that Israel is the "illegal occupier".   This in turn, empowers the Palestinians who claim that Israel is the "illegal occupier", which empowers BDS and antisemitism throughout the world as we have seen in recent days. Kerry, Obama, Martin Indyk, the Palestinians justification for UN recognition, the Pope all blaming "illegal settlement in Judea and Samaria)  The way to stop the spread of antisemitism is to proudly speak as do the settlers of Ma'aleh Rehavam! "This is ours!, This is Eretz Yisroel,  We returned to our land to live here, it belongs to us and to no other, and that's it!"

Pain and Sorrow. Raw Footage of the Destruction of homes in Ma"ale Rehavam. Please Forward this and show how Jews homes in Eretz Yisroel are destroyed. The Dati Leumi Camp is Silent. We will build a Bigger and Better House! 

Chazak Chazak VeNitchazek

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.