Friday, July 13, 2012

I got published in Queens Jewish Link: LOOK AT PAGE AT PAGE 8


Dear Moshe Feiglin and the entire MY team.  Please send your responses to my letter to QJC.  We know you can accomplish great things and now is the perfect time. This is LeShem Shamayim debate.  Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach!  (I don't anyone off easy.  

See what I wrote about Ketzele to MK Hatoveli Bill, No to MK Katz Bill and Uprooting large scale settlement, proclaim our entitlement of all of Eretz Yisroel rather than politics and deals!


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From: QJL <>
Date: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:14 PM
To: Robin Ticker <>



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

The Edmund Levy Report - PLEASE PLEASE PUBLICIZE !!!!!!!


Before reading the rest of the links, please download the attachments and print out before Shabbos!

First attachment 

2nd Attachment - TZC Newsletter July 13 Parshat Pinchas 4 pages
3rd Attachment - Gemeiner Petition 4 pages TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA
Please read the following links by Steven Plaut. Caroline Glick. Arlene Kushner, Ted Belman, Moshe Dann, also re: Tzippy Hotoveli Bill

Steven Plaut Settlements are not just legal, but necessary

Caroline Glick: Column One: Obama's spectacular failure

US agrees, settlements are "not illegal"

I continue to see enthusiastic responses to the Levy Report, and want, once again to offer this word of caution: Little has happened unless Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Ministerial Committee on Settlements endorse the report and adopt its recommendations. A very good place to start would be with Migron, but much more beyond this will be needed.  I am still holding my breath.

In coming posts I will have a great deal more to say about this entire issue.  Here I would like to recommend a piece by 

Moshe Dann, "Edmund Levy's revolution," which touches upon some important bases.


MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) who is submitting a bill to enter the Levy Report into law, has made a very significant point in an article she has just written on the same subject:

Only 10% of Judea and Samaria has been used for building. And this includes the major Palestinian Arab population centers in places such as Ramallah, Hevron and Schechem (Nablus).  And then, "among the built-up portions, only 3% is Jewish."

Hotovely's point is that there is tremendous potential for Jewish settlement that has not begun to be realized -- but can be when Israeli law is applied to Judea and Samaria .

But I would also make another point.  When one understands the reality on the ground, it becomes very readily apparent what a crock it is, that "settlements" are a stumbling block.

© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fwd: The Holocaust List!


 VERY sad, unbelievable....
Click here: YouTube - CBS  Holocaust Part I
Click here: YouTube - CBS  Holocaust Part 2

This  story was aired on CBS on "60 MINUTES" ** about a long-secret German  archive that houses a treasure trove of information on 17.5 million victims of the Holocaust. The archive, located in the German town of Bad  Arolsen , is massive (there are 16 miles of shelving containing 50 million  pages of documents) and until recently, was off-limits to the public. But after the German government agreed earlier this year to open the archives,  CBS News' Scott Pelley traveled there with three Jewish survivors who were  able to see their own Holocaust records. It's an incredibly moving piece,  all the more poignant in the wake of the meeting of Holocaust deniers in Iran and the denial speeches in the UN. We're trying to get word out about  the story to people who have a special interest in this  subject.


It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russia peoples looking the other way! Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be "a myth," it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

This  e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people  worldwide!

Join  us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around  the world.


Please  send this e-mail to 10 people you know and ask them to continue the  memorial chain.

Please  don't just delete it. It will only take you a minute to pass this along  -

**  A recreation of the CBS program can be found on You Tube. Here are the  links to  "CBS Holocaust, Parts 1 & 2"

Click here: YouTube - CBS  Holocaust Part I
Click here: YouTube - CBS  Holocaust Part 2

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yes to MK Hatoveli Bill, No to MK Katz Bill and Uprooting large scale settlement, proclaim our entitlement of all of Eretz Yisroel rather than politics and deals!


Dear Knesset Members, amv"sh

Yasher Koach  - Kudos to MK HATOVELI! 

MK Hotovely to submit a bill which adopts the principles of a report that states Judea and Samaria are not "occupied territories."The committee, which was headed by retired Supreme Court justice Edmund Levy, concluded that from a historical and legal prospective, and considering agreements with the Palestinian Authority, the international law against "occupation" does not apply to Judea and Samaria. Please read:

Robin's comments:

I hate politics for good reason but Hatoveli has restored some of my faith in Israeli MK's and earned my respect and my full admiration for putting the Edmund Levy Report in center stage and for introducing a bill calling for Israel to adopt the recommendations of this report!  Yasher Koach as well to Esther Levens of UCI, Arlene Kushner, Mattot Arim, AFSI, Arutz7 and all those who have been publicizing this historic report!

Simple Faith, Emuna Peshuta is our only answer.    

What MK's and MInisters should be doing is precisely what Hatoveli is doing and that is to PUBLICLY support and applaud the NO OCCUPATION Report and not to even suggest any reason to destroy any settlement in Judea and Samaria  at ANY PRICE!  

Because of past experiences, I have lost faith in Netanyahu.  Good people in Likud like Hatoveli, and Feiglin MK supporters should assess whether Netanyahu will pull the wool over our eyes once again.  I am not alone in being cynical. 

A fellow activist wrote to me regarding Netanyahus likely response towards the upcoming conference in Hebron tomorrow iyh to annex Judea and Samaria. 

 They will make a show that "even" the prime minister is behind it  [Annexing Judea and Samaria]. Then when it is refused, the PM can make a show of being upset and blaming legal injustice. Then when the show is over, the bulldozers will be back at work with the Prime Minister wringing his hands crying:"What can I do? What can I do?" When he is the prime mover behind the whole scheme. 

You can't petition a court that is owned by the government.

Dear Knesset Members.  What do you think? How will Netanyahu respond to the pressures of the State Dept against Edmund Levy's Report????? 

State Dept Objects to Levy Committee's Legalizing Outposts

Let us put an end to MK's and PM's "putting on shows"!

MK's must insist that Netanyahu  proves that he supports this bill and act on its recommendations to legalize the settlements of Judea and Samaria at the risk of losing his coalition.  Surely otherwise,  Netanyahu will buckle to the whims of the State Dept.  

MK Katz is one of Yesha's greatest Leaders and supporters. But,  NOT his recent stupid political maneuverings and backroom deals in cahoots with professionals political maneuverers UTJ and SHAS ministers. 

Why is one of Yesha's strongest supporters in the Knesset MK Katz wasting time and energy to play political games that in principle undermines the very basis of our rights to settle in Judea and Samaria.

Can someone's love, blood, sweat and tears have a price tag? Does any part of Eretz Yisroel have a price tag? 

It's just a show.  MK Katz is against the dismantling and destruction of any Jewish Settlement. Surely, MK Katz figures that the gov't would find this pre condition too costly and would never actually implement it.  Surely he figures that by the time the gov't gets around to actually rebuilding the community, they will realize it's just not worth the effort.  Surely he figures that it's impossible to do this large scale.  Practically, therefore, such a plan will never actualize and a community will be saved.  Surely he figures that the end justifies the means.

This kind of reasoning was similar to Netanyahu who agreed to the 2 State Solution on condition that our "Peace Partners" accept Israel as a Sovereign Nation knowing they will never agree. Many considered and still considers Netanyahu as an astute and wise politician that has learned to "play the game". 

But the foundation of such deals is built on the premise that if the other side fulfills the precondition then it would be ok to give away parts of EY.  There lies the fault of such a deal.  In principle it is untrue because it goes against Divine Will and our Covenant with G-d. 

Rather than accomplishing his goal, Netanyahu  succeeded in convincing himself and others that the 2 State solution is indeed a good idea.  He strives to prove to his adversaries that his proposal for peace was sincere and everyone including himself is slowly forgetting the precondition ...

By actually agreeing to dislocate the settlements at a price, MK Katz weakens in principle the greatest victory the settlers have ever had and that is the "NO OCCUPATION" Report! Let him backtrack and denounce any plan to displace Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria under any price!

Today I heard on Radio Hidabroot from one of their Rabbanim (perhaps Reb BenZion Platzko but I'm not sure) that the people get the leadership they deserve.  Even when a leader wants to lead the proper way, as soon as they are in power they lose their ability to lead in the way they  personally prefer when those whom they are leading are not worthy. They therefore will lead according to the way the people deserve. Perhaps this is why Begin and Sharon were unable to lead once they got into power. 

 I see disturbing trends among the finest and the best Yesha has to offer who finally are getting some recognition.    Women in Green Conference talking about granting masses of Arabs Israeli Citizenship while annexing Judea and Samaria, MK KATZ agrees to dismantle settlements as long as they are given something of equal value.  Hebron Leaders and Shomron Leaders publicly silent when Sheikh Farid al-Jabari of Hebron invites them into his tent and says "The land belongs to God and the entire Muslim world".  After all, the Sheikh is our friend because he, unlike others,  agrees in principle to allow Jews to  stay on the Land, to live side by side, and not be displaced.

Where is the voice of the Rabbanim influenced with the spirit of Hebron guiding the people that will make Israel a Nation worthy of Righteous Leaders who proudly stand up for G-d's Covenant? There is no shortcut!  Each and every Jew in Diaspora and in Israel must help to bring the Geula by proving our worthiness. Let us publicize and then put our money where our mouth is by helping to validate, and justify the building of each and every orchard, vineyard, flock of sheep grazing, outpost, settlement and community in Judea and Samaria and by extension all of Eretz YIsroel!

Yehiyu LeRazon Imrei Fi Vehegyon Libi Lefanecha Hashem Tzuri VeGoali. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart. Be acceptable to you, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Dear Friends of Hebron and the Shomron! Beware of making a Covenant with the inhabitants of the Land and giving them a foothold! Zocher Habrit! Remember the Shabbat


Please read about this recent meeting called by Sheikh Farid Al -Jabari of Hebron!  Four years ago, Jabari had prevented Palestinians and anarchists from destroying the Hazon David synagogue, a small outpost on the edge of Hebron. True we owe him a debt of gratitude for saving the shul.  But how steep a price?  We must not remain silent when he declares Hebron and Tel Aviv belongs to the Muslin World given to them by G-d! 

 Sheikh Farid al-Jabari of Hebron meets with Noam Arnon,  Dovid Wilder, spokesmen of Hebron and Gershon Mesika and David HaIvri of the Shomron Liason Council, among others, whom Jabari hosted in an unusual gathering of Palestinians, settlers and conservative European parliamentarians on Thursday afternoon July 5,2012 in his large tent, set back from the road in the South Hebron Hills.and said

..."There won't be two states," he said, as he looked out at the surrounding hills through an open flap in the tent. It is not possible, because Islam does not allow its followers to relinquish land, he said.

"In our religion, Tel Aviv is like Hebron," he said.  The land belongs to God and the entire Muslim world, he said.

Uh Oh!  Did the Jews who attended this meeting reply with the first Rashi of Breishit? Did they loudly proclaim that the Land belongs to G-d and He gives it the Jewish People on condition that we keep the Commandments? We demonstrate such with our obligation to keep the Mitzvah Shemittah.  

Will Jabari and his people keep Shemittah? Not Relevant You Say??  

The Torah is always relevant!

Shabbat Haaretz like the day Shabbat is only meant for Zera Yaakov, the seed of Yaakov, as we say in the Sabbath Shacharit prayer "And Hashem our G-d did not give the Sabbath to the nations of the lands, nor did Our King make it the inheritance of worshipers of idols, and also the uncircumcised will not be sheltered in its rest.  For Your People Israel, G-d has given it with love, to the seed of Yaakov, whom You have chosen, the people that sanctifies the Shvii the Seventh, all of them will be satisfied and will be delighted from Your goodness, and the Shvil, the seventh, You were pleased with it and sanctified it, most coveted days, You called it, a remembrance of the act of Creation.  

These words apply to Shabbat Haaretz and not only the day Shabbat as it says in Sefer VaYikra, Parashat Behar, Perek 26, Pasuk 2, the Torah tells us "Et Shabtotai Tishmoru UMikdashi Tirau." You should keep my Shabbats (in the plural). 

Holiness, Sanctity is connected with the number 7.  The Sabbath.  The Military camp must be Holy as well.  Sanctification, Kedusha, means that there is a unique and special relationship whereby others are excluded.  Kiddushin, a marriage between man and his wife excludes all others. The Holy Temple was surrounded with guards.  Shomrim.  There was no trespassing of the designated camps of Israelites, Levites and Kohanim at the risk of death.  The Priest and Levites were commanded to do guard duty day and night.  The closer one got to the Holy of Holies, the greater the number of exclusions.

Shiekh Jabari is only  repeating the lie perpetuated by the UN, by Obama, by the EU and even by Jews like the ones funded  by NIF. .  We know that the truth is that The Land belongs to G-d and G-d has given the Promised Land to the Chosen People, the seed of Yaakov based on G-d's Covenant with Yaakov, Yitzchok and Avrahom.  G-d did not give the Land of Israel to the Muslims.  In Selichos we say Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

Our debate is as follows:  Is the Land of Israel first a Democracy and then Jewish or is first Jewish and then a Democracy?  Jabari wants it to be a Democracy first and then under this umbrella, let Jews and Muslims live in peace and harmony.  This aint gonna work!!!!!! Deuteronomy 7:1-2, When the Lord…casts out many nations before you…make no covenant with them and give them no foothold…

For the same reason we can not allow Arabs to have equal voting rights.  We can not allow Arabs to have guns in order to protect us.  

All Jews whether they reside in Israel or the Diaspora, whether they are Secular, Religious or Chareidi must share the duties and honor of protecting the Land of Israel.  In so doing, it must be a HOLY CAMP i.e. a HOLY Military Camp! How will drafting non Jews contribute to the Holiness of Israel's Military camp?  Those who have recently built a house or  planted a vinyard or betrothed a women and did not consecrate or is fainthearted are exempt. Otherwise it is an obligation especially in a Milchemet Mitzvah to be in the army. Surely we do not welcome any impostors who wish to do us harm.  


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.