Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Re: Now: Large destruction forces in Mitzpe Avichai-Kiryat Arba-call NOW


Dear Knesset Members, Rabbonim, Media and Activist List, amv"sh


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Nadia Matar <> wrote:

Large Destruction forces have arrived to Mitzpe Avichai in Kiryat Arba to destroy the neighborhood in which 8 young families live, with  more than 20 children.


It is now Thursday January 12th, 3:40 am. They already destroyed the  synagogue. Now they are going from house to house to take out the family and then destroy the house.

If you are up and see this email-please call the PM, ministers and members of Knesset to stop the destruction.


Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover

Women in Green


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Eidelberg Fwd: Moral Schizophrenia - Israel gov't resettling Syrian Alawites in Golan Heights??????


Dear Knesset Members, Rabbanim, Media and Activist List:

Check out Reuters and CNN.  Is this for real? 

We are all witness to  Muslim Brotherhood gaining strength  in Egypt  infiltrating Sinai and threatening southern Israel.   Now in the Golan Heights???????? The high ground overlooking Northern Israel????? Hamas in Gaza and Netanyahus gov't with Barak wants a Palestinian State  in the Hills of Judea and Samaria overlooking and or threatening the low ground of Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion airport.  Please forward!!!!!! Will we allow National Suicide before we dare to be critical of the suicidal policies of the Gov't of Israel??????

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Eidelberg <>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Moral Schizophrenia

Moral Schizophrenia


Hilarious news from the Netanyahu government, the exemplar of moral schizophrenia. To exhibit its bifurcated morality, the government has decided that its expulsion of 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria must be counter-balanced by providing a refuge for an untold number of Syrian Alawites; and of course no place can be more convenient than the Golan Heights. Never mind the Alawite connection with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Netanyahu's inane humanitarian gesture may have been inspired by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, whose mental infirmity seems to charm Israel's American-educated Prime Minister. Be this as it may, Israel's Serial Bungler remains in office despite an excision in the frontal lobe of his brain. His military mind has retained awareness that Syria has long claimed the Golan as its own; and the Labor Party, of which the lobotomized Barak was a leader, is on record of wanting to "return" the Golan to the Syrians. So the gesture of providing a refuge for the Alawites on the Golan Heights may be another clever act of Israeli diplomacy.

It would take an Aristophanes to do justice to this comedy.



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Root of the Israeli Conflict: State of Israel vs Jewish Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria vs Palestinian Sovereignty


Dear Chavrei Knesset, Rabbanim, Media and Activist List, 

The root of the conflict: Very simple....

Our given is that Israel is our Land based on the Torah.  

The gov't of Israel does not have this as a given so this is THE major source of confusion and the key to clashes between government forces and the settlers of Judea and Samaria. 

The Government of Israel sends very mixed messages sometimes acting as if they are the Sovereign power over the Land and sometimes as if they are not. Paul Eidelberg writes not to be deceived by what the government calls "the rule of law." Read Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin's expose in Ha'aretz Magazine (June 5, 2003) about the "rule of law" in Israel," and about the "gang" that makes that "rule of law." This is the same gang that held clandestine and illegal meetings with the PLO and concluded the 1993 Oslo Agreement that has led to 10,000 Jewish casualties, for which no Israeli Knesset Member or Cabinet Minister has been held accountable. Please read Prof. opinion article entitled Judicially Sanctioned Crime 

 Right wing Nationalists take the legal position that Har HaBayit which is Temple Mount, the Land in East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria including Hebron, and Shchem is an integral part of Israel.  We hold that this Land is our Land legally. There is no flip flopping.  Nationalists in Israel and Jews world wide agree that this position is accurate and is supported first and foremost by Torah and G-d's Covenant with the people of Israel, and more recently mandated by the League of Nations and  established and bound by International Law as well.  Please read below January 5 2012 article in Shalom Toronto,  about Renanah and Joe Gemeiner Standing Up for Israel, a Local Couple Takes Action (also attached.)

The Gov't of Israel succumbs arbitrarily to international pressures and local pressures to decide whether or not they wish to keep parcels of the Land and this is when they clash with the Nationalists who are ideological unbending and true to their principles true Zionists and true to the Torah.  

It is the Government of Israel that has disregarded and effectively annulled the Torah's border delineations and subsequent League of Nations, Mandate of Palestine.  This Mandate is  based on Israel being a Jewish Homeland and is  still in effect.  The natural consequences of their fogginess as per who has the rights to the Land has culminated in clashes between those who uphold and wish to uphold Torah and International Law and the gang in the Government of Israel that makes the  "rule of law" and then proceeds with enforcing their "rule of law" using all kinds of despotic, inhumane, and undemocratic methods incarcerating idealistic youngsters and squashing any right to protest.  Meanwhile gov't gangsters  under this "rule of law" proceed to destroy legal homes in Judea and Samaria while doing almost nothing to stop the widespread building of illegal Arab building in Judea and Samaria.

Naftali Bennett: Israel is our Land,7340,L-4172316,00.html 

Please have this in mind when you watch the following videos:

Uploaded by on Jan 7, 2012

B"H Havat Gilad, חוות גלעד is a beautiful small sprouting community of 35 families in the Shomron just east of kedumim. The good souls here are an example to the Jewish world of dedication and strength in settling the land that our Beloved Father G-d gave to our people.
"וירא " אל אברם ויאמר לזרעך אתן את הארץ הזאת"
אלוקי ישראל, יברך את כל הנשמות טוב לחיות בקהילה זו

Video by Ezra Ridgley

Uploaded by on Mar 5, 2011

B"H A meet a wonderful family in the Havat Gilad outpost in the Shomron. The place is also called Gilad Farms.
Video by Ezra Ridgley 
Uploaded by on Mar 1, 2011 
Settlers want revenge after destruction of the Gilad Farm

Help Havat Gilad Rise. Havat Gilad, in the samaria, Israel
Our right for Israel.
עזרו לחוות גלעד להתרומם

Leftists in Israel contend that living in areas Israel liberated in 1967 is morally wrong, while living in areas it liberated 19 years earlier poses no moral problem.

Outpost demolished at Shilo

Op-Ed: UNESCO Declares War on Jewish Hevron

Renanah and Joe Gemeiner Standing Up for Israel; 

Local Couple Takes Action

Doris Strub Epstein

Encouraged by their UNESCO win, the Palestinian Authority is bulldozing ahead in the UN and in other international forums, 

to achieve recognition of legal statehood and to delegitimize the 

State of Israel.  While the historical and religious rights of the Jewish people are relatively well known,most are abysmally ignorant of the legal rights to the area known as the land of Palestine.But a local couple, Israeli born business man Joe Gemeiner and his wife Renanah, are determined to block further attempts by PA to achieve their goal, by appealing to the Canadian government through a private member's bill or the 

like, on the grounds that the UN is violating international law and 

indeed its own charter by giving the PA sovereignty recognition. 

They are demanding that the UN – the world's policeman- 

respect the law, particularly its own charter, which states that all 

rights emanating from Mandates do not expire. "Since the UN 

already approved the Mandate for Palestine, thus agreeing to give this land to the Jewish people, it cannot give it to someone else," they say.They quote Articles 2, 6 and 11 of the Palestine Mandate giving Jews the right to settle everywhere from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, including Judea, Samaria and Gaza.  Article 5 prohibits the ceding of any of this land to any foreign power. The Mandate for Palestine is a legal document – League of Nations 1922- enshrined in international law and valid to this day.  It was subsequently endorsed by unanimous resolutions of both Houses of the Congress of the United States, the President of the US and thus become US law. The Gemeiners are proposing that the Canadian government take the lead in the UN and in the world in opposing the unilateral PA bids for statehood recognition which would contravene Article 80 of the UN Charter.  They pointed out that in l947, the UN knocked out the Arab challenge to Jewish rights to the land of Israel, stating "There would seem to be no grounds for questioning the validity of the Mandate for the reason 

advanced by the Arab states," in the Report by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine.The purpose of the Report was 

to respond to the Arab argument that the Mandate for Palestine was 

illegal.  The Report stated:  "There would seem to be no grounds for questioning the validity of the Mandate for the reason advanced 

by the Arab states.   The terms of the Mandate for Palestine, formulated by the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers as part of the settlement of the First World War, were subsequently approved and confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations."  Article 80 of the UN Charter confirms the rights accorded to the Jews under the Mandate."We can't just stand by and watch the injustice being done by the subversion of law of the UN and world," said Joe.  "The creation of a Palestinian State on their terms 

would be suicidal for Israel."  Renanah added, "We can't wait – 

individuals must come forward."  She is co-founder of Mothers for 

MIA (Missing in Action) working on behalf of Israel's captive soldiers 

and Secretary of the Toronto Zionist Council.

Using as a base, the work of international lawyers, Jacques 

Gauthier and Howard Grief, they have prepared a proposal for 

the Canada -Israel committee in Ottawa.Key points:  oppose any action in the UN which seeks to upgrade the status of the PA in the areas know as Gaza, Judea and Samaria, (the "West Bank") on the grounds that such action is illegal according to international law.  Illegal because the legal rights to that land have already been given to the Jewish People worldwide.Withdraw funding from the UN 

if it supports any action to upgrade the status of the PA. Stop all Canadian moneys going to the Arabs in Gaza, Judea and 

Samaria  if it is revealed there are ties, direct or indirect, to the support of terrorism.  This would include Canadian money going to UNWRA or any other organizations." The Principle Allied Powers in San Remo ensured in law that the Jewish people had the rights to 

settle everywhere from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean and 

that no land of Palestine be ceded to foreign powers.  Article 80 of the UN"s own charter ensures that these rights remain in full force 

and effect.  By contravening its own charter, the UN removes the 

foundation on which it is built  - to prevent wars and to base the world on justice rather than the might of the sword. For the world to 

survive, justice must survive," Joe declared.

Friday, January 06, 2012

must see video of "spies" ! Sat nite Jeru vigil for "spy" heroes מוצש:למען המרגלים הגיבורים‎


Lichvod Chavrei Knesset, amv"sh

This Saturday night 7 Jan  9 pm Russian compound Jerusalem - "Heroes not spies" vigil on behalf of Yizhar and all the settlers
Your presence would be most appreciated 
Article re the "spies", as discussed today in Israel's parliament

Great Youtube about the kind of young people who the Justice Department is arresting -- and manhandling with English subtitles

אם אינך רואה מייל זה אנא הקלק כאן
ממשיכים את מפעל הבניין וההתיישבות בארץ ישראל!
Come rebuild - Sunday 4 PM in the Shomron
למרות נטישת מפעל ההתיישבות על ידי הממשלה והשמאל,
למרות שיש החושבים כי תם החזון- חזון ארץ ישראל,
למרות כוחות היס"מ והמג"ב המגיעים באישון לילה להחריב,
למרות המעצרים ומסע הרדיפה התקשורתי,
עם ישראל ימשיך להקים ישובים חדשים בארץ ישראל!
ביום ראשון הקרוב, 8.1 י"ג טבת, בשעה 16:00
נגיע בהמונינו לבנות מחדש את היישוב עוז ציון!
לפרטים: 052-2622116
תנועת נחלה, גרעין עוז ציון, נוער למען ארץ ישראל, נאמני ארץ ישראל

Great update about OZ TZIYON from  Michael Gottlieb (formerly Matteh Raanana 
It should be painfully clear to us all that today we Israelis are living through "interesting" times. The decades-old battle between the Israeli Establishment, which favors dividing our land (to arrive at a "Two State Solution") and those Land of Israel faithful who struggle to defend the eternal Jewish right to settle anywhere in the land, including Judea and Samaria, is reaching fever pitch, with alarming and ominous implications.

Nowhere is this struggle more keenly felt than amongst those who give their entire being to preserve our sacred homeland for the sake of future generations, no matter what the cost - those so-called "hilltop youth". They are the indisputable vanguard of the Greater Land of Israel movement, and as such, have earned themselves the unrestrained contempt and vilification of the Israeli media, intelligentsia and government. They are arguably the most feared and maligned sub-sector of Israeli society, which goes to prove that they are also the most determined and effective in advancing their cause.

The hilltop youth face the challenges of gaining a toehold on the land on a daily basis. The "illegal" outposts, nascent Jewish communities that they single-handedly erect, seemingly out of thin air, have been wrecked and re-wrecked countless times by the Israeli police and the IDF. One such outpost,Oz Tziyon ("The Strength of Zion"), was established near the Beit El settlement several months ago.  As is typical of such outposts, it was comprised of several simple wooden OSB structures with corrugated tin roofs and housed two young families and several singles. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the misguided Israeli "security" forces ripped through Oz Tziyon this past Monday in a pre-dawn raid that leveled four of her five structures and left several homeless. The following night, they returned again to chase away those few girls who still dared to remain. Yet, far from becoming depressed and demoralized, as most of us might be under such circumstances, these irrepressible hilltop youth are already building up again, proudly and defiantly.

May we merit to witness the complete resettlement of our beloved homeland, speedily and in our time. Sincerely, Michael Gottlieb  (054) 765 5278
P.S. View this inspiring Youtube video about a previous raid and rebuilding of Oz Tziyon here: with English subtitles  with hebrew subtitles

12 More Israelis Banished From Their Homes

Akiva HaCohen (right) with his wife and four children. HaCohen was banished along with 11 others last August.

This morning once again the Israeli government used undemocratic methods of dealing with the Jews residing in Judea and Samaria. In normal democratic countries people are brought to trial and punished based on evidence. Today 12 Jews, including one minor, were served with administrative restraining orders banishing them from their homes, communities and all areas beyond Israel's 1967 Green Line. In cases such as these, the defendants have no way to challenge the evidence against them since they are not allowed to see it. These orders were given for 3 -9 months but many times they are extended for longer periods.

Hebrew graffiti inside a mosque near Ramallah.

The Netanyahu government has been under pressure by the media and other left-wing groups to solve the phenomenon of grafitti writing and torching of a few mosques. Dozens of Jews were arrested and incarcerated for several days and some of them weeks.Honenu, Israel's Legal Defense Organization came to defend each of them. They were all released due to a lack of evidence.

It became so absurd that one veteren investigative reporter suspects the Shabak (Israel's Secret Service) actually committed those acts. "How does a kid sneak into an Arab village, spray graffiti on a mosque, take a picture and get it to hundreds of media outlets in 20 minutes? This is a professional job", he declared. One Jerusalem Post article quoted an Arab from the village who said he thought it was Arabs who did it.

Several weeks ago, police forces arrived to demolish several structures in the neighborhood of Ramat Gilad. Ro'i Ridar, chairman of the Binyamin Regional Council, organized a bus to transport protesters to the site. Yesterday, he was arrested for his efforts. Incredulously, fourteen residents from the area were charged with espionage for text messaging their neighbors to come and protest. Spying is a serious crime whose punishment is years in jail. Honenu has come to their defense.

These continuing government antics are not holding up in court. Therefore, the latest official strategy is issuing expulsion orders and thereby avoiding the court system entirely.

MK Nissim Ze'ev (Shas) spoke at the Knesset session on law enforcement in Judea and Samaria. "I recommend the law enforcement system reconsider. Accusing people of espionage is scandalous. How can the police be arresting people without indictments? This is unthinkable. It is hatred and persecution against the residents of Judea and Samaria."

Protect basic civil rights in Israel. 
The above scenario is costing Honenu far beyond its financial abilities. 
Please don't forward or delete this before making your personal contribution. 
Donate to Honenu. 
Make Israel a better place.

©2012 Honenu | PO Box 2, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Kudos to MK's Uri Ariel, Tzipi Hatoveli, Nissim Zeev, Yaakov Katz for going on offensive against espionage charges


Dear Rabbanim, Media and Activist List, amv"sh

In my last email post I cried out for the Knesset Members to do something against the latest accusations against the best and most committed and loyal settlers, youths and Ohavei Eretz Yisroel, lovers of Israel.  Many of the Knesset Members have Baruch Hashem spoken out with strength.  Not only is this a Mitzvah of Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof, pursuing justice,  their words are a balm to the soul of those so falsely accused by the very government and country for whom they love and risk their lives and whatever they possess.

Many years ago I was volunteering for an organization called Yad Ezra under the great Tzadik, Rav Usher Freund.  Yad Ezra was a magnet of the homeless, the poor, those who are going through emotionally trying times.  I learned something very important from Rav Usher regarding human psychology which has helped me in life.  He said that we  perceive a mirror reflection of what is inside of us.  Therefore, if we are full of rage and anger we must look inward.   Rav Usher judged others  according to their responses to events in life.  If one responded with rage and nasty accusations to an action that was perceived as being directed against them the truth was otherwise. Rav Usher was then able to judge and understood the situation more accurately and knew that there was a good chance that the "victim" was really the guilty party. 

From here I learned, that when one accuses an innocent person of all kinds of nasty things totally untrue, it is a window of understanding to the naive and  innocent victim charged with false allegations as per whom they are facing and dealing with. If it is someone they have a close relationship, their reaction is sadness, a sense of betrayal and mistrust.   Actually, it is empowering for the victim to see the hidden gift from G-d to be the target of such rage and accusations because the naive victim was most probably clueless as per the evil actions and/or possible intentions of his accusers. So rather than waste energies trying to debate these false allegations, one must suspect potential evil in his accusers past or heart and seriously  investigate his accuser and confront it.  Rather than waste precious energies in defending oneself from false accusations, one must with wisdom recognize and try to prevent the perpetrators of future crimes they falsely accuse others of doing. 

If however, one is enraged ;when one hears the accusations directed against them, one must honestly examine his heart as per whether or not he is truly guilty and do Teshuva, repent.  

* MKs Slam Espionage Charges for Protest Organizers

MKs Slam Espionage Charges for Protest Organizers

Israel's state prosecutors found themselves in the crosshairs after charging protest organizers were with espionage.
By Gavriel Queenann
First Publish: 1/5/2012, 1:54 PM

MK Uri Ariel
MK Uri Ariel
Israel news photo: Flash 90

Nationalist MKs lined up to criticize state prosecutors for charging residents in Judea and Samaria who revealed IDF troop movements pertaining to demolition orders of Jewish homes with espionage.

MK Uri Ariel (National Union) told a Constitution Committee hearing on law enforcement in Judea and Samaria that the charges were an "immoral abuse" of power.

"The police and the prosecution put a black mark on Yitzhar by accusing people of spying," Ariel said. "Who is the enemy here? The settlers?"

"The criminal justice system that is actively working to destroy the homes of civil servants and army officers has now turned us into 'spies,' Ariel told the committee.

Turning to representatives from the state prosecutor's office, Ariel said, "You embarrass the legal profession."

Ariel also challenged the prosecutors to charge him with espionage. "I spy! I told about IDF movements in the evacuation of settlements. I am ready to stand trial."

"This is an immoral abuse and criminal," he added. "This persecution must be stopped".

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) also railed against the decision to charge activists engaged in civil disobedience with espionage at the hearing, "You you are cheapening the term 'espionage.'  Have you completely lost your minds?

"What's next?" she asked rhetorically. "Will you be accusing them of genocide? Charging them with genocide is utterly shameful."

Hotevely added, "Your behavior reminds us of dark regimes. Would you do it in Tel Aviv? Would you simply banish people? Distancing people from their homes, their wives, their children - are we in Soviet Russia?"

MK Nissim Ze'ev (Shas) told the committee, "I suggest the law enforcement system to take stock of its soul. It has taken a hostile line and allied themselves with enemies of the State of Israel. To accuse these people of espionage is an outrage".

"The police are arresting people without cause," Ze'ev added. "This is unacceptable. There is persecution and hatred toward the residents [of Judea and Samaria]."

National Union party chairman MK Yaakov Katz told the committee, "I call on every Jew in Israel who sees a military vehicle headed to destroy Jewish homes to inform all their friends so we can go and protest.

"We all received SMS messages about demolitions - are we all spies?" Katz asked. "When will you begin to execute people? The distance between accusations of espionage and shooting them is a short one."

Israeli governments "already killed in the Altalena incident citing the Rule of Law. Indeed, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer called for hilltop youth to be shot. And now you make up dirty stories about us and accuse us of espionage?" Katz asked.

"This blood libel will backfire on you," Katz added. "Your hatred may be the prevailing opinion of the prosecution, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the police. But when you make up dirty stories today, what will happen to you in the future? You won't be able to complain if the same is done to you."

Shas faction chairman MK Avraham Michaeli said, "We are against administrative detention and distancing orders. Prosecute and the court will rule. There is selective enforcement against residents of Judea and Samaria. We live in a state of law and the law must apply equally to everyone."

Rights observers noted that Anat Kam – who passed reams of classified documents to a Ha'aretz reporter – was charged with illegal possession of classified documents rather than espionage even though the materials she leaked contained sensitive information that could have compromised Israel's national security and future war fighting plans.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.