Yehi LeRatzon Imrei Fi VeHegyon Libi Lefanecha Hahem Tzuri VeGoali. (May the worlds of my mouth find favor with You, G-d is my Rock and my Salvation.)
AIT LAASOT! The time is NOW to ACT! Read Yosef Rabin's email below. I believe it is a key to Am Yisroel's salvation.
Contact any Rabbi you recognize in Yosef Rabin's email and email Yosef Rabin, Rabbi Algaze directly. Feel free to contact me as well. Let us UNITE the key for our success and let us end the desecration of G-d's name and the ongoing degradation's afflicting Israel's Holiest sites:
The three holiest Jewish sites, Makom Hamikdash Har Habayit (Temple Mount), Kever Yosef(Josephs Tomb in Shechem) and Hebron (Tomb of the Patriarchs) are precisely the hot spots that the Arabs have pinpointed to spread their poison of lies! The Arabs are keen on stealing our identity built on distortions of all Biblical, historical and archaeological evidence using Islam, a mockery of religion. They have proven their willingness to sacrifice their children to a perversion of a God they call Allah. We are eye witness that worship of such sort brings evil destruction and harm to humanity.
This abomination can only be refuted with Truth, our Holy and precious Torah by our spiritual leaders ! Each generation has the task to undo the Chait HaMiraglim, the sin of the Spies. Rather than discourage the people to ascend to the Land of Israel, our spiritual leaders will Beezrat Hashem encourage the conquest of our Land, Eretz Yisroel, for the purpose of observing the Torah and the Mitzvoth and thereby actualize the fulfillment of our precious Torah to its fullest.
This is more than just a petition. It is a campaign to unite Rabbanic Torah Leaders with the support of the entire Nation of Israel, and righteous Noahides around the world to speak forcefully and proudly of Jewish Heritage and honorable and rightful Jewish claim to Temple Mount. Our goal is to prevent an earthquake and subsequent tsunami of evil threatening to shake the very essence and foundations of this planet found in that very Holy Place known as Har HaBayit. Anavim, Anavim, G-d's humble people, the time has come to proclaim the Torah and Divine Will to the entire world. Haazinu Hashamayim VeHaaretz.... The Heavens and Earth are G-d's witness to G-ds Covenant with the Jewish people. These witnesses, the Heavens and the Earth, who are long lasting are starting to testify. Will they testify that Am Yisroel revered their Covenant with the Creator of the world, and treasured the Land of Israel and toiled to keep all the commandments like Shemittah in the spirit of Shabbat in the Land of Israel or did Am Yisroel find loopholes and say it is not relevant for our generation? Uh oh... I hear you tell me we don't want to act because we are waiting for the Moshiach?
Surely we have been taught and we know that Moshiach is here on this planet as he is in every generation waiting for his people to do Teshuva, repentance. Perhaps he is knocking on our door...
Moshiach has been waiting patiently for us to open up the door just a crack so that he can come in.
Joining together, collecting hundreds of thousands of signatures for this petition is one relatively simple step in allowing Moshiach to get a foothold in. After all how can we even think of bringing sacrifices logistically on Har Habayit when the Muslims have control of Temple Mount? Are our prayers lip service or are they for real? Such steps such as this petition need to gain momentum. Step by step, let us collectively work together to help open up the door for Moshiach.
Surely Islam and its call for the destruction of Israel has no legitimate claim for the Holy Mount. Will we allow the UN get away with a bunch of untruths and deception that will serve to be the vehicle of its own self destruction and the destruction of humanity?
By shouting from the rooftop on Temple Mount, and it is our intention and hope that this petition be a worthy medium emanating from that virtual cloud hovering cyperspace over Temple Mount, we actively demonstrate that we trust in G-d and G-d alone and believe with our heart and soul that He is true to His Word. We pray that the Holy One Blessed be He will in turn protect us from all harm as He has promised in His Holy Torah!
Rather than seeing war and destruction, Israel with its believing supporters of the Nations of the World, Noahides, will be found deserving and in this way be blessed with peace, security and prosperity.
May all the evil decrees disintegrate like the dust in the wind and may the knowledge of G-d, the One and Only G-d, the G-d of Israel wash over the land like a Tsunami cleansing the world with purity hope and goodness.
written on the 25th day of Av, the 8th yahrzeit of my father Yosef Zeev ben Moshe z"l
Thank you for all your activism and support!
Shabbat Shalom!
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.