Friday, October 15, 2010

Fwd: FW: Vote for Rabbi Lipschutz - Help the Rubashkins Cause Win $25,000

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aberbach, Mrs. Hadassa <>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:02 PM
Subject: FW: Vote for Rabbi Lipschutz - Help the Rubashkins Cause Win $25,000
To: Robin Ticker <>



From: Advertisers []
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:58 PM
To: Aberbach, Mrs. Hadassa
Subject: Vote for Rabbi Lipschutz - Help the Rubashkins Cause Win $25,000


The Rubashkin Klal Yisroel Pidyon Shvuyim fund is in need of more funds and they've nominated  Rabbi Pichos Lipschutz to run for the Jewish Community Heroes contest run by the UJF: 

If he wins he'll earn $25,000 for the fund. Additionally, it will be very good PR for the Rubashkin cause and will bring in even more support even if he does not win but at least makes the top 5 or even top 10. Every vote counts!


 Click here to vote for Reb Pinny!


Tens of thousands of us know Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz as the publisher of the weekly Jewish newspaper, Yated Ne'eman.

We also know Reb Pinny as someone who has dedicated the last two years of his life to helping a fellow Jew whom we all deeply care about: Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.

What you may not know is that Reb Pinny is one of the nominees for the Jewish Federation's "Jewish Community Heroes" campaign – which comes with a prize of $25,000 to further the winner's communal activities.


Until this Friday, October 15, 2010, anyone can go online and vote for their favorite nominee. Voting for Reb Pinny Lipshutz can make a tremendous difference and all it takes is a few seconds. You can vote every day.


Reb Pinny stepped up to the plate to help a Jew he never met. Now that's a Jewish hero!

Click here to vote for Reb Pinny!



PS. Click here for information on how you can help Sholom by writing to your local Congressman and Senator.


Thanks so much for your time & support.


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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jewish Rights on Temple Mount petition and Chareidim Religious Rabbis Flock to Temple Mount -


Dear Friends and Fellow Activists, amv'sh

New Petition for Temple Mount.  Last Petition had too many duplicates.  If you haven't signed the new petition please do and spread the word(sign 1 time only)

Please take this opportunity to send a letter to Netanyahu regarding Jewish Rights on Temple Mount.

(It pays 1 cent per signature. Proceeds go to Temple Mount Activism. Please spread the word. Thanks. Robin)

Today on INN:Hareidi Religious Rabbis Flock to Temple Mount

Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Fwd: Rush Reservations and ads. October 18 Rachel's Children Commemoration of Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evelyn Hayes <>
Date: Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 11:28 PM
Subject: Rush Reservations and ads. October 18 Rachel's Children Commemoration of Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu


  Dear friends,
thank you for your help in the past. We have made great advances this year WITH DAILY ACCESS and need the funds to continue and increase our activities at rachel's only owned jewish property within the walled complex. . We have a yeshiva, a women's group, special events . MUSEUM PANELS UP, A RECEPTION CENTER. WE NEED CHAIRS, TABLES,  PAY FOR WORKERS. WE HAVE ARON KODESH, SEFER TORAH. LEARNING AND SEFORIM
THE jEWISH PRESS, TV vues, Rabbi Leff at Kever Rachel - Beit Shel Evelyn
Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235       718-648-2610    212-470-0967    054-224-2649,
You're Invited to The Sixteenth Annual NY Citywide Commemoration of the
11 MarCheshvan 5771                             GALA BUFFET JOURNAL DINNER
Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235
Monday Evening, October 18, 2010, 6:30 P.M.
Keynote Speaker
Community Leadership Award
Rachel Imeinu  Chessed Award
 Community Service Award
RABBI SHIMON GOLDINGPresentation of Actualist Awards By
MALKY GRUNWALDFirst Bas Mitzvah at Beit Bnei Rachel
RSVP: Reservations and Journal Ad
__Gold Sponsor Page $1,000 (4 Dinner Reservations)
_Silver Sponsor Page $600 (2 Dinner Reservations)
_Full Page $500 (2 Dinner Reservations)
_1/2 Page $360 (2 Dinner Reservations)
_1/4 Page $180 (1 Dinner Reservation)               _1/8 Page $100              _Listing $36 
NAME________ADDRESS____ _____   TEL._____   EMAIL______           # of Guests_____ Names_________________________________________________
 Attach  Journal Ad______
Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation 1995-2011 announces 16th Annual NYCitywide Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu to be held on 11 MarCheshvan 5771, Monday Evening October 18, 2010
  at Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235,, <>   718-648-2610    212-470-0967
       Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu was the main theme of the extravaganza of lectures in Beit Bnei Rachel, the majority RCRF Jewish owned property in the Walled Rachel Tomb Complex,
      As the Chofetz Chaim inspired Shmiras Haloshen seminars around the world for a cure-all, Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation, a 501c3  has initiated talks emanating from our Loving Matriarch, Ima Rachel. RCRF has adopted the theme of Derech Eretz as an ongoing effort to develop the midos of Bnei Rachel and bring Torah, truth, unity, empathy and love to the world.
      We know Laban had other plans for Yaakov and Rachel who waited seven years to actualize their love. We know both sisters were terrified of being betrothed to Esau, who lusted, terrorized and killed. We know both sisters were part of Hashem's plan for creation. In unity, the four wives of Yaakov created the 12 tribes of Israel and were mothers of the nation of Israel. We know Yosef's brothers were off the derech in their actions against him. But, it was G-d's plan for survival. As Hashem promised Rachel Imeinu who was buried "on the way" to keep Bnei Rachel "on the derech" Bnei Rachel will merit Eretz Hachodesh and Redemption. 
      Our teacher on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, HaRav Mayer Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe of HaNof, was the MC when RCRF dedicated a Sefer Torah on the wide open streets of Beis Lechem in 1998 which is housed in Kever Rachel until this day. As we read our 2nd Sefer Torah dedicated through the Sefer Torah Recycling Network by the Caplan family in 2005, 12 years later in Beit Bnei Rachel, HaRav Mayer Horowitz lit candles remembering his esteemed parents, explained Rosh Chodesh was a festival for women today because of men's sin with the golden calf. Women should not sew nor do heavy work on Rosh Chodesh. In the end of days it would be a festival for both men and women when all come to worship the L-rd.  The Kavod shown for his parents and Torah are preliminaries of Derech Eretz.  Another teacher, Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller spoke on "Derech Eretz, Personal Refinement". As the world suffers from "me-ism", Rebbitzen Heller explained that mitzvahs make a difference, that control limits and, thus, refines in eating, what one wears, how one speaks and acts. Ha Rav Benjamin Levene, grandson of "A Tzaddik in our Time" participated in our Rosh Chodesh ELUL Torah reading and shofar blowing, remembered when we could not come to Kever Rachel during the Jordanian occupation as well as when we reclaimed it in 1967. He spoke of when his grandfather Reb Aryeh Levin a"h walked to visit the woman prisoners in Beis Lechem during the time of the British occupation. Geula Cohen noted that Rav Aryeh he couldn't take us out of prison, but brought freedom to us. One of his greatest traits was respect for people in need even with weaker ways of observance. He never belittled; he saw greatness in their little acts influencing them to advance in the right derech. He saw Rochel Imeinu as a role model of caring, kindness and a big heart. She was true Derech Eretz.  The great storyteller Rabbi Hanoch Teller who just released his new book, "Too Beautiful" chose the  topic "Derech Eretz – Honorable Mentschen". He made mention that little considerations mattered. Being late stole time. Writing Thank You Notes made a difference. Rabbi Yonason Alpren said that when you go to a kever, you don't just go to cry and pray, you go to find the "straight path", to contemplate the way to wake up, be straight with Torah application. Caring, sharing, working, striving, persistency, endurance were some of the traits of Rachel and her descendants.
       After an Inspiring summer in Beit Bnei Rachel, RCRF announces its 16th Annual Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu.  Rabbi David Fohrman will be the Keynote Speaker.NYS Assemblyman Steven H Cymbrowitz will receive the Community Leadership Award. Lev and Roza Rivkin will receive the Rachel Imeinu Chessed Award, Rabbi Shimon Golding will receive the Community Service Award. Actualist and Writing Contest Awards will be presented by Malky Grunwald who celebrated the First Bas Mitzvah at Beit Bnei Rachel. A Sumptuous Buffet Dinner will be catered by New Star Caterers.
          RCRF is again sponsoring a Writing Contest: Submit Rachel stories, poems, artwork . The theme is Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu. The deadline is October 10, 2010
          RSVP ASAP as your presence makes a difference and space is limited.


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fwd: Matot Arim concerns addressed to Rabbi Pesach Lerner and Rabbi Zwiebel Re: Frank initiative in Congress on Pollards Behalf


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: dym <>
Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Subject: urgent -- urgent -- rabbi pessach lerner and rabbi zwiebel
Cc: "Mr. Y. Edelstein MK" <>, Mattot Arim <>

Dear Rabbi Lerner and Rabbi Zwiebel, (in alphabetical order),
urgent -- urgent -- re "Israel... is ...faced with difficult decisions, clemency [for mr. pollard] ...could be especially useful ...when those decisions are being made"

distinguished rabbis, 
may i ask whether you as jewish leaders would support or oppose a deal whereby our brave jewish communities in judea and samaria would be frozen whereas mr. pollard would be released.
i ask for 2 reasons:
reason a. there is great existential danger stemming from the possibilities that the jewish communities in j & s would be frozen, this in order to allow discussion of "borders" (i.e. -- dangerous israeli withdrawals) -- and of course the purpose of "discussing borders"  (agreeing to withdrawals i.e.)  during the 60 days, is to make un-freezing even harder, in fact impossible, even AFTER the 60 days. so, freezing for 60 days is believed here in israel to be tantamount to freezing forever.
as you know, there is an israeli expression - איפה שאין מתנחל - יש מחבל -- wherever there is no jewish settlement, there is a terrorist. of course we are all aware that 19 out of 20 of israel's biggest cities are within easy home-made rocket range of judea and samaria. this is why we need to have constant jewish building in those areas. this was also mr. netanyahu's clear commitment to the voting public here in our democracy. it would of course  be entirely superfluous to the point of impertinence, for us to even mention the torah-signifance of judea and samaria, to distinguished rabbinical scholars such as yourselves.
reason b. it is very surprising and coincidental, although of course most welcome,  that the conference of presidents, suddenly after over 20 years, is remembering to take this move on behalf of mr. pollard, to whom i last wrote only yesterday evening, and this coincidentally at the very time when mr. obama is exerting very very  heavy daily pressure on israel to betray the j & s communities after every single senior minister here in israel, including of course the prime minister, gave clear assurances to the public, over and over again, that this would not occur in view of the dangers described above. 
i venture to guess, that at least rabbi lerner שליטא and probably also rabbi zwiebel שליטא are opposed to -- chas veshalom - pushing israel into a freeze, and that at least rabbi lerner and probably also rabbi zwiebel, once aware of the terrible possibilities that seem to be the backdrop of this sudden most welcome initiative, are as concerned as we are. if i am correct -- would it be possible for the respective organizations to make it very clear to the public, to mr. hoenlein, and in fact to  everyone involved, that your understanding is that this is a request for strictly a  no-strings-attached clemency and that in particular your organizations hope and pray that israel firmly rejects any suggestions to freeze the jewish communities.
dear leaders, myself and many others do look fw to hearing from you at your earliest possible covenience.
bivracha neemana ובהוקרת אמת גדולה
susie dym (spokesperson for mattot arim - mother of 6 in one of the cities directly threatened by j & s)

Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 10:47:00 -0400


Jonathan Pollard -- New Initiative by NCYI and Agudas Yisrael

Congressmen Request Clemency for Jonathan Pollard
Memo from Rabbi Pesach Lerner
October 4, 2010, 26 Tishrei 5771

Please take note of the initiative by Congressmen Frank, Weiner, Pascrell and Towns as well as a letter of support 
from the Conference of Presidents

Please peruse the releases and information that is contained in my email. There is a letter currently circulating in Congress in support of Jonathan Pollard.

It is important that we encourage as many Congresspersons as possible to sign onto the letter. Please call your Congressperson and encourage your congregants and associates to call their Congresspersons.

If they have any questions, ask them to contact Congressman Barney Franks's office.

Your phone calls can make an important difference.

Thank You

Kol Toov


Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 8:09:48 PM
Subject: Jonathan Pollard -- New Initiative
As you will see below, Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, together with
Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York, Congressman Ed Towns of New York and
Congressman Bill Pascrell of New Jersey, are taking the lead in sending a letter
to President Obama asking the President to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard. 
Congressman Frank has circulated among other members of Congress a "Dear
Colleague" letter asking them to add their signatures to the letter to President
Obama.  The goal is to present the letter to the President within the next two
            Agudas Yisroel of America, under the direction of the Moetzes
Gedolei HaTorah, has long been involved in efforts to secure Pollard's release. 
A letter signed by many Congressmembers could have a powerful impact in helping
make this happen, be'H.  We are therefore asking our lay leaders and regional
directors from across the country to reach out to their local Congressmembers to
ask them to sign on to the Frank letter.  Time is of the essence, so please do
what you can as soon as you can.
            Tizku l'mitzvos!
David Zwiebel, Esq.
Executive Vice President
Agudath Israel of America
42 Broadway
New York, NY 10004
Tel: 212-797-7385; 212-797-9000, ext. 210
Fax: 646-254-1600
*          *          *          *          *          *          *         
*          *          *          *         

Office of Congressman Barney Frank
Press Release  
Thursday, September 23, 2010   
WASHINGTON -- Congressman Barney Frank, Congressman Bill Pascrell, Congressman
Edolphus Towns and Congressman Anthony Weiner announced today that they are
circulating a letter in the House of Representatives, seeking other Members to
join them in asking President Obama to extend clemency to Jonathan Pollard, the
former civilian defense officer who is serving a life sentence for passing
classified information to Israel. 
The letter notes that they are not questioning Mr. Pollard's guilt, the process
by which he was convicted and sentenced, nor the necessity of punishing those
who engage in espionage on behalf of allied countries.  Rather, the appeal for
clemency is based on the vast disparity between Mr. Pollard's sentence and the
sentences given to many others who have been convicted of similar activities,
even with countries that unlike Israel are or have been adversaries of the
United States.
The letter also notes the positive impact that a grant of clemency would have in
Israel, as a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and
the Israeli people.  This would be particularly helpful at a time when the
Israeli nation faces difficult decisions in its long-standing effort to secure
peace with its neighbors.
The letter will be circulated in Congress for a period of time, and then sent to
President Obama, most likely by the middle of October.   

Urge President Obama To Extend Clemency To Jonathan Pollard
From: The Honorable Barney Frank
Sent By:
Date: 9/28/2010
Twenty-five years is enough. 
Dear Colleague,
We invite you to join us in sending the following letter to President Obama, asking him to extend clemency to Jonathan Pollard, the former civilian defense officer who has been incarcerated since 1985 and is serving a life sentence for passing classified information to Israel. 
The letter stresses that we are not questioning Mr. Pollard's guilt, or the process by which he was convicted and sentenced, or the necessity of punishing those who engage in espionage on behalf of allied countries.  Rather, the appeal for clemency is based on the vast disparity between Mr. Pollard's sentence and the sentences given to many others who have been convicted of similar activities, even with countries that unlike Israel are or have been adversaries of the United States.
We also note the positive impact that a grant of clemency would have in Israel, as a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and the Israeli people.  This would be particularly helpful at a time when the Israeli nation faces difficult decisions in its long-standing effort to secure peace with its neighbors.
If you wish to sign, or have any further questions, please contact Markus Rose with Congressman Frank at
________________________________        _______________________________
BARNEY FRANK                                         BILL PASCRELL, JR.
United StatesHouse of Representatives      United States House of
________________________________        _______________________________
EDOLPHUS TOWNS                                    ANTHONY WEINER
United StatesHouse of Representatives      United States House of
October xx, 2010
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
We write to urge you to use your constitutional power to extend clemency to
Jonathan Pollard, thereby releasing him from prison after the time he has
already served. As you know, such an exercise of the clemency power does not in
any way imply doubt about his guilt, nor cast any aspersions on the process by
which he was convicted. Those who have such views are of course entitled to
continue to have them, but the clemency grant has nothing to do with that.
We believe that there has been a great disparity from the standpoint of justice
between the amount of time Mr. Pollard has served and the time that has been
served – or not served at all – by many others who were found guilty of similar
activity on behalf of nations adversarial to us, unlike Israel.
Recently, we allowed a large number of Russians, who had been spying on us for
the country that had long been our major adversary, to leave with no punishment
whatsoever. This makes it very hard for many to understand why Mr. Pollard
should continue to serve beyond the nearly twenty-five years he has already been
in prison. We agree that it is important that we establish the principle that
espionage of any sort is impermissible, but it is indisputable in our view that
the nearly twenty-five years that Mr. Pollard has served stands as a sufficient
time from the standpoint of either punishment or deterrence.
We further believe that at a time when Israel, our democratic ally, is being
faced with difficult decisions, a decision by you to grant clemency would not
only be a humane act regarding Mr. Pollard, but it would also be taken in Israel
as a further affirmation of the strong commitment the U.S. has to the ties
between us, and we believe that such an affirmation could be especially useful
at a time when those decisions are being made.
In summary, we see clemency for Mr. Pollard as an act of compassion justified by
the way others have been treated by our justice system; as an act that will do
nothing whatsoever to lessen our defenses against espionage; and a step that far
from hurting the national security, could advance it by the impact it would have
within Israel. We urge you to use the clemency power in this case.

Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
972 (0)54 441 3252


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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 


Sunday, October 10, 2010

ZOA Appeals To Netanyahu Govt. To Start Protecting Israeli Farmers From Palestinian Attacks


Dear Print Media, amv"sh

Will you please publish this important Press Release of ZOA? Why do distortions of what Mort Klein says get reported by Ron Kampeas of JTA and hits front page news while what Mort Klein sends out directly doesn't?  People want the real thing,  unedited without distortions!

Dear Activist List, amv"sh

Since I am not sure if the press is actually getting my emails (Some might have me on spam or just ignore what I send them) I would like you to help in this matter.  This report of ZOA sent to me by is something that should be reported in the News because of "Al Taamod Al Dam Raiecha" We must not sit idly by when our brethren in Israel are suffering. 

This phenomenon, failure to protect farmers,  is not only happening in Judea and Samaria but also in the Galil and the Negev. Please forward to all the Jewish Media on your lists and  ask them to publish prominently without distortions.  ZOA bases their info on a research study of Yediot Achronot and reports from  INN.  If they need proof that this is also happening in the Galil and Negev they will find it w/o much difficulty.  Thank you!

October 7, 2010
Contact: Morton A. Klein
Phone: 212-481-1500

ZOA sends letter to Israel Min. of Internal Security

 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the Netanyahu
government to ensure that Jewish farmers lawfully tilling land in Judea and
Samaria receive all necessary military and police protection against
Palestinian assaults in precisely the same way that Palestinian farmers are
currently being protected by Israeli forces while working their land.

A recent three year study by the Israeli daily, Yediot Ahronot, found that
"Jewish farmers who work their land by law in the very same area [as
Palestinian farmers] suffer daily abuse at the hands of their Arab
neighbors, who are backed and incited by . leftist human-farmer rights
champions. The damages sustained by these Jewish farmers are estimated at
hundreds of thousands of shekels, and who could estimate the heartache of a
farmer whose crops were damaged? Yet the State of Israel's law enforcement
authorities do almost nothing to protect [Jewish farmers] and the media
barely covers them or their pain."

The Yediot Ahronot report, after reviewing dozens of police cases and
interviewing dozens of farmers, concluded that there is a:

"wide-ranging phenomenon of deliberate, frequent, and methodical attacks
premised on nationalistic rather than criminal motives: Arson, trespassing,
sabotaging equipment, and the deliberate damaging of crops. We also
discovered visible involvement of leftist organizations - the very same ones
that preach to us about harming corps - in terms of incitement,
organization, active participation, and legal backing given to the rioters
and vandals. The olive trees of Jewish farmers prompt the exact opposite
reaction, for some reason ... Meanwhile, Arab farmers arrive at work
accompanied by massive army and police protection. The forces include police
officers skilled in carrying out arrests and are assisted by the police's
and even Shin Bet's intelligence agents. And if this isn't enough, the
establishment would not hesitate to issue administrative orders against
people it thinks may harm Arab olives - where did the holy principle of
equality before the law disappear? About a month ago, we turned to the
police again in the wake of five arson cases that caused grave damages and
even threatened the lives of residents. In all these cases, despite evidence
on the ground, nobody was arrested and police files remained empty. In one
case, the police did not even issue a property tax authorization, forcing
the farmer to sustain the damages. In our letters, we demanded that police
commanders' preparations for the olive harvesting season also includes an
effort to protect the Jewish farmers. The letters had not been answered yet"
(Orit Struck, 'What about Jewish farmers?' Yediot Ahronot, October 6, 2010).

A recent, specific instance of the problem is the case of Israeli farmer,
Yisrael Orbach, whose orchards have been set on fire twice in four days in
the last week by neighboring Palestinians. Orbach used to herd sheep, but
was forced to give that up after numerous thefts by Arabs, including those
from a nearby village which he reports is filled with members of Hamas.
Orbach noted that the nearby Nebi Samuel site is not being adequately
protected by the authorities, who recently closed it to visitors at night
because they were not willing to police it during hours of darkness. (Under
informal agreements proposed by the previous Olmert government but rejected
by the Palestinian Authority (PA), the PA would take control of Nebi Samuel.
The Israeli government tourist information site lists Nebi Samuel along with
other holy sites but unlike the others, there is no link for details on
travel directions).

Orbach says the latest attempt to destroy his farm is only one of countless
attacks on it and on the traditional burial site, where Jewish holy items
have been desecrated in the past, as pictured.  "Since the freeze, the Arabs
have staged a kind of Intifada against us," he said. He used to herd sheep
but was forced to give that up after numerous thefts by Arabs, including
those from a nearby village which he reports is filled with members of
Hamas. He now grows pomegranate, olive and fig trees, among others, but the
Arabs have tried to destroy them, as well (Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, 'Legacy of
Arab Attacks on Jewish Farm,' Israel National News, October 5, 2010).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "The latest news of the
dereliction of duty by Israeli authorities in protecting vulnerable Israeli
farmers lawfully tilling their own productive land stands in sharp and
dismaying contrast to the proper protection offered to Palestinian farmers.
Making this asymmetry even worse are the examples of active hostility and
indifference to the Israeli farmers shown by some individuals in the
security forces whose job it is to protect one and all equally.

"This unacceptable state of affairs requires remedy. The ZOA has written to
the Minister of Internal Security, Yitzhak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beiteinu)
and his party head, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, calling upon them to
investigate the matter and to ensure that the police and security services
start affording Jewish farmers the full protections to which they're
entitled. The ZOA hopes that the Netanyahu government to investigate
immediately what has been occurring and will implement all necessary steps
to ensure that the Israeli police and army are adequately meeting all their
responsibilities in their prime, vital function: protecting the lives and
property of Israeli citizens."


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.