Sunday, September 05, 2010

Fwd: Press Release to Jewish Diaspora Newspapers from Neemanei Eretz Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel Loyalists


The attached Press Release was sent to Jewish and sympathetic Chutz LaAretz newspapers early Thursday morning of last week regarding Rabbi Yeshayahu HaKohen's visit to the States. See cc: list above.  I have not yet heard from them.   I am resending it to them. It would be great if Arutz7 would print this Press Release so that these or other Chutz LeAretz papers might follow its lead to promote Rabbi Hollander's visit and Neemanei Eretz Yisroel..

To understand how the enemy uses the Media to dehumanize the settlers, Please read  Prof. Phyllis Chesler: Jewish Blood as Portrayed in the Western Media

Therefore, how urgent that  Jewish News carry this attached Press Release which promotes a group that addresses our entitlement to the Land of Israel at it source which is the Torah and International Law, rather than merely in response to terror attacks.

Neemanei Eretz Yisroel as do other groups such as Yibaneh  of Women in Green,  the Shomron Liason Office, and voices from Hebron, answers with pride  to those that claim and accept the lie that Jews are the occupiers. Jews are not occupiers of the Land of Israel and moderate "peace loving" Arabs have no legitimate claims.   We all agree that thugs and nonthugs have no claims on my house which has a recorded deed with my name on it and not theirs. 

The Land belongs to G-d.  G-d has chosen Israel as the rightful inheritors of the Land of Israel who in turn are commanded to observe the commandments of the Torah.  Our deed is the Torah.

Jews must be educated and the Jewish media has the responsibility to   publicize, support and encourage  concrete ways that caring Jews and Righteous Gentiles in Chutz Laaretz can partner with those in Judea and Samaria.  If any of you receiving this email has any clout with any of the papers cc"d above or with any reporters from these papers, please forward this press release to them and ask them to pass it on to the Editor with a request to have it published. 

Rabbi Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander is a lover of peace and peace will only come,  by standing up for the Torah and our entitlement to live in ERetz Yisroel as per Hashem's Covenant with our forefathers and the People of Israel.

Thank you very much for reading this and giving it your attention. .

Kethiva VeChathima Tova, A Gut GeBentched Yar..


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: 2010/9/2
Subject: Press Release from Neemanei Eretz Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel Loyalists
To:, 20sand30s <>, Alan Hirsh <>, Algemeiner <>, Editor Jewish Press <>, JewishVoiceNY <>, Jonathan Mark <>, Larry Gordon <>, Meir Fertig <>, Naomi Mauer <>, Pinchas Lipschutz <>, Robert General Manager Jewish Week <>, Yaakov Klass <>, "Algemeiner" <>,
Cc: Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander <>, פרופ' הלל ויס <>


Dear Editors: amv"sh

Please join us in the fight for Judea and Samaria. Please have this published in your newspapers.  Attached please find the Press Release.

Gut GeBentched Yar! Ketiva Vechatima Tova!


Robin Ticker


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Thursday, September 02, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marvin Belsky <>
Date: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 3:17 PM
To: bel21mar <>



Reported:19:00 PM - Sep/01/10
Follow Israel news briefs on Twitter and Facebook

Across Judea and Samaria new building has begun in response to the deadly terrorist attack near Kiryat Arba. Under a Yesha Council initiative entitled "The Freeze Is Over" new building has already begun in Adam, Kedumim and Kiryat Arba.

Vice Chairman of the Yesha Council and head of the Har Hebron Regional Council, Zvika Bar-Hai, along with Yesha Council Director Naftali Bennett announced Tuesday night that after consultation by telephone with Yesha mayors it was decided to unilaterally end the freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria in response to the murderous attack in Kiryat Arba.

A special statement issued by the two announced that every Jewish town in Yesha would begin new construction at 18:00 Wednesday. Naftali Bennett said, "The construction freeze is over for us. They kill and we build. Each will do what he's good at."

From: AFSI <afsi@rcn.coem>


1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717;;

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director



THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 – Second & 42nd St., NYC


            AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL is calling for a demonstration on Thursday, Sept. 2, 5 PM, across from the Israeli Consulate, Second Ave., between 42nd & 43rd Streets. The message is "NO NEGOTIATIONS WITH TERRORISTS." "NO HUMAN 'SACRIFICES FOR PEACE'".


The barbaric murder on August 31 of Talya and Yitzchak Imas, who immigrated to Israel from Moscow 19 years ago, leaves 6 children orphaned and a murdered unborn child. Efrat teacher Kochava Evan-Chaim  and newlywed Avishai Shindler were also murdered on Route 60, near Beit Haggai, outside of Hebron. Questions are being asked about why Yitzchak Imas just had his gun permit revoked. While PA gunmen move freely past dismantled check points and guns are issued to PA "policemen", Jews become "human sacrifices for peace."


As we join in the mourning for these tragic Jewish souls, we must plead with PM Bibi Netanyahu to JUST SAY NO to demands for more concessions from Israel that will continue to endanger the lives of Israel's Jewish citizens. It's all very well for the "Quartet", led by President Obama, to decide that "peace" must come to the Israeli/Arab situation within the next year, but what are the Arabs saying? And what are they doing? Where is the control of anti-Israel terror and incitement?


For Israel, security must come before "good-will gestures," such as the "freeze" on construction due to end September 26. Freezing the growth of Jewish communities, so that homes and schools cannot accommodate the numbers of Jews who need to inhabit those places, is contrary to the Zionist dream of a homeland for the Jewish people in a whole Israel. All the other issues that have prevented "peace" between Arabs and Jews in Israel still remain insoluble because of Arab intransigence. Pretending that this time something different will happen is delusionary. Tuesday's terror attack defines the issue.


Americans STAND WITH ISRAEL in its struggle to remain the only democracy in the Middle East. We ask that PM Netanyahu return home to Israel where he must deal first with PA and Hamas terrorism, before talking "peace."


            Organizations are invited to join with AFSI in this demonstration. Please call 212-828-2424 to add your name to the list of sponsors.



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Obama says "the goal is a END THE OCCUPATION since 1967". GESHRAIIIIIII


On the Eve of MidEast Peace Talks, September 1, 2010..

Flanked by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Special Envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell, President , ....Obama said  "These negotiations are intended to resolve all final status issues.  The goal is a settlement, negotiated between the parties, that ends the occupation which began in 1967 and results in the emergence of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security with a Jewish state of Israel and its other neighbors."

My comments:

So Obama says that the goal of these MidEast talks is to "END THE OCCUPATION since 1967".  Who is Occupying whom? His GIVEN  is that  Israel is the occupier.

Where and What is his source .  Precisely the opposite is true!

Now won't most Americans accept as fact that which is a lie and based on lies only because the President of the USA says so?

Let us set the matter straight!

Israel is the ancestral Homeland of the Jewish People.  The Bible is the Source.  International Law agrees.  Only the Jews have the obligation to keep the 613 Commandments of the Torah in the Land of Israel. 

It is for World Peace and Prosperity that Israel must have Sovereignty. 

It is not
to the Palestinian's advantage to occupy that which is not rightfully theirs. 

This is not a racist concept.  This concept is best demonstrated on Temple Mount itself.

On Temple Mount not all Jews are permitted.  There are different designated areas of sanctity

  •  Holy of Holies is only for High Priest on Yom Kippur,
  • Holy Section is only for Priests.  The boundary must be carefully guarded by Priests for their own benefit as well as for the  benefit of non Priests, Levites and Israelites.
  • The area designated for Priests and Levites must be guarded against trespass of Israelites for the benefit of Levites and Israelites.
All  Jews with knowledge and faith accept that this is not a matter of racism but rather G-d's will as per His commandments. 

  • The death of the 2 sons of Aharon the High Priest was because they performed an unauthorized Priestly service.
  • The Levites under Korach's influence brought a strange fire and they were consumed. 
  • The Mishkan was taken by the Palestinians and they suffered a plague. 
This is the consequence of being where one is not authorized.  

Only Jews inherit the Land of Israel however Non Jews that accept the 7 Noahide Laws and Jewish Sovereignty have legitimate rights to live in peace and security with their Jewish neighbors in the Land of Israel. In fact it is the  vision of Isaiah "Ki Beiti Beit Tefillah Yikareh L'chol Haamim, My House of prayer will be called a House of Prayer for all peoples."
  Non Jews will be bringing sacrifices on Temple Mount according to Jewish Law and tradition. (from the liturgy of Rosh Hashanah)

When did the Palestinians gain any legitimate rights over Judea and Samaria especially when they advocate its destruction and the removal of Jewish settlement??

Just because Obama says so based on their lies and fabrications?

Let us stop the delegitimization now!


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010




If anyone of you has any personal connection with Prime Minister Netanyahu please pass it along and ask/beg/demand him to read and send this letter to Obama.  It's well written and articulate and does not betray the Jewish People. 
This September 2nd meeting is a farce since neither Netanyahu or Abbas have any Authority to give away parts of the Land of Israel.  What's the point of  meetings, discussions and negotiations?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AFSI <>
Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:54 PM


1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717;;

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

August 30, 2010



From Ruth King, Editorial Board writer for AFSI's monthly OUTPOST, on the eve of PM Netanyahu's visit to the U.S.


There is a lot of writing and hand wringing even from those quarters that prodded or bullied Israel into the two state dissolution. What now? What can Netanyahu do?


Here is one suggestion: A letter from Prime Minister Netanyahu to President Obama:


Dear President Obama:


Greetings! I deeply and respectfully regret to inform you that I must cancel my forthcoming visit to the United States for the purpose of commencing negotiations. I recognize and share your sense of urgency in resolving the current impasse, but grave international events which threaten Israel as well as the United States make the regional war of Arabs against Israel less pressing and an item for another time and another venue.


Please let me explain.


Your State Department has tried to reassure us that Iran will not complete nuclear arms for one year. However, one of the "Quartet" members, namely Russia, helped finish building the Bushehr Iranian Nuclear project which is well on its way to becoming weaponized.  Reliable sources are convinced that the reactor will be fully operational since military action against it could lead to widespread contamination in the entire Middle East.


There is an old saw, Mr. President: "If you want to know what a man is thinking, listen to him."


Iran's ruthless tyrant has issued genocidal threats to destroy Israel, and has repeated them virtually every day. I would be remiss not to heed him and I would be equally remiss in trusting any dialogue on the future survival of my country with any nation that continues to enable and encourage Iran.


Furthermore, I cannot accept the participation of entities such as the United Nations and the European Union who continually indulge in the most anti-Semitic and anti- Israel harangues, as participants in any discussion of my nation's security and destiny. They share the conviction that Israel, of all the world's nations has a negotiable "right to exist" and may not make its own decisions on what constitutes secure and defensible borders. While they maintain a studious silence on massacres, famines, civil wars elsewhere they join their own enemies in denouncing Israel. This "quartet" would not play Brahms, but would gladly perform a funeral dirge for Israel.


Furthermore, Mr. President, what constructive input can come from nations such as Egypt and Jordan whose bias against Israel and Jews is evidenced daily by their media, their schoolbooks, their sermons and their national rules forbidding Jewish ownership of land and citizenship?


In fact, President Obama, the Arab League recently announced a summit, where Jordan and Egypt will convene with Syria, "Palestine" Saudi Arabia, Libya and Algeria next February in Qatar in a conference to discuss the status of Jerusalem.


Would you countenance discussion of the status of Washington D.C. by any foreign powers, let alone enemies?


Finally, Mr. President, there is no need to travel so far for meaningful discussions. Our land is small and enjoys a fine highway system. Mr. Abbas can take a car to Jerusalem or I can take one to Ramallah. We would both be home in time for dinner.


And, speaking of Mr. Abbas, it certainly did not enhance our confidence when he and other members of his governing committee recently attended the funeral of Amin Al-Hindi, the mastermind of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and praised him in the most lavish terms as a martyr and leader.


Mr. President, you and I are both democratically elected leaders with a fractious body politic. We both face serious security threats which must continually be balanced with utmost respect for the civil liberties of our citizens.


The media reports of daily threats to the United States from North Korea, from China and from the drug cartel war on your southern border which has already claimed thousands of lives and threatens to infiltrate your cities. On your northern border there is increasing activity of terrorists plotting attacks on the United States.  Your economy is still in precarious condition.


How could the disposition of approximately two thousand square miles of West Bank alter any of these crises?


Mr. President, your nation and mine are beacons of freedom and democracy. Our destinies are intertwined and Israel is the greatest supporter and ally of the United States in the world. We are bipartisan in our respect for America. Since President Harry Truman rose in the middle of the night and against the wishes of his State Department gave de jure recognition to our independence, we have enjoyed the support of thousands of legislators from both parties.


July fourth is a national holiday for America and a day of national pride for Israel because on that day in 1976 when the United States was celebrating the Bicentennial, Israel conducted the most dazzling rescue of hostages in Entebbe. My brother Lt. Col. Jonathan Netanyahu was killed on that day in that operation. He is a hero in that long line of Israelis and Americans who have died in defense of freedom.


Mr. President, on September 8th Jews throughout the world commence observance of a new year marking 5,771 years of Jewish existence. The holiday Rosh Ha Shana culminates on Yom Kippur a day of atonement, fasting and renewal.


Among my prayers, I will include a  prayer for peace and prosperity for both our nations.


What I will not do, Mr. President, is come to Yom Kippur atoning for having endangered Israel by attending the September 2 meetings.


God bless our nations.


Respectfully yours,


Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

From Honest Reporting - Exclusive video dramatic reunion


Dear Print Media, amv'sh

You are receiving this email because you have been sensitive to Jewish concerns and reflect views of the right media as opposed to the left media.

The lies against our people by our enemies in the media is ongoing in what we can call mediawarfare.  Is our side fighting the media war effectively?  Did you all have front page coverage of the rally against the mosque at all?  If you did, did you bend over backwards to present a "balanced picture" that there were protests for the mosque and protests against the mosque?  While we bend over backwards to present a "balanced" picture giving the enemy the right of self expression, they are sending out lies and distortions which are believed by the masses and this apparently is not a new phenomenon.  Wake UP and recognize that you are in the War and fighting a very vicious enemy that does not play by the rules of fair and honest reporting.   Yasher Koach to Honest Reporting and let me suggest that they be a serious news source for you.

Tuvia Grossman meets the soldier that saved his life!


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.