Dear Media, Rabbanim and CHavrei Knesset,Now Rav Ginsberg the Rav who started this Yeshiva in Kever Yosef is brought in for questioning. Let us recall who destroyed the Yeshiva at Kever Yosef, desecrated the Holy Site, the Holy Yeshiva and books, with gleeful destruction, as soon as the IDF abandoned Kever Yosef. !
Look at Haaretz Headlines Haaretz: State Funds Rabbis Who Endorse Killing Gentile Babies Yeshiva World News (November 17, 2009) which triggered horrible press. Please look at IN THE NEWS at the end of this email for a disgusting list of articles defaming Jews as a result of the Haaretz article
BLATANT DISTORTIONS in the News in order to delegitimize and defame Rabbanim and setting the tone to destroy a Yeshiva.
The State destroyed 26 synagogues in Gush Katif for political reasons alone. The State didn't need extra justification to destroy the synagogues . Soldiers, Rabbanim and the public were brainwashed with Gush Katif. In order not to cause large protests the public they were fed mistruths and brainwashed so that the public can swallow this bitter pill.
Obviously the destruction of Od Yosef Chai has political undertones but the public must be brainwashed again as per why the destruction is justified..
Perhaps it's what Rav Shapiro didn't clearly say in his book that allows this Nehepach hu, these false charges to take place!
Perhaps he didn't clearly spell out or point a finger at the Palestinians who have used their children as human shields and ambulances to shield terrorists and lie through their teeth for PR purposes.
Are we expected to endanger our Soldiers like we did in Jenin for these babies who are being used as human shields by their own people?.
The hypocrisy of the Media!
Who in their right mind would stand for this cowardly excuse of fighting by the Palestinian enemy that endangers their own little Palestinian babies and children and prey on Jews' merciful nature and uses the media as their weapon to libel, defame the good.
The headlines imply... it is the Jews and their Rabbis that wish to kill innocent Gentile babies. The State of Israel has been funding Jewish terrorists and teachings. "
What an antisemitic blood libel! What a lie! The exact opposite is truth.
The State of Israel, America, Europe etc are funding terrorist activities and teachers of terrorism. We know that the State of Israel and the USA and the European Union support Palestinian educational institutions and camps that are named after violent, proven Palestinian terrorists who are glorified and these institutions teach their young children the virtues of being a Shahid/a. In fact it can be logically argued that these Palestinian institutions deserve to be demolished!
Rav Shapiro and Rav Ginsberg are clearly not terrorists. They have never masterminded and/or killed innocent women and children in a suicide attack or encouraged shahidism or taught their students to murder innocent gentiles or their gentile babies unjustified given a STate of War!
Those cruel to the merciful will be merciful to the cruel. Mercy misplaced, endangers human lives and and causes us to be cruel to our very own. Showing mercy to our enemy that behaves in such a despicable fashion to their own, merely encourages and escalates their choice of weapons such as using children as human shields. The media is unfortunately their pawn and willing weapon and tool to escalate terror by defaming the good guys and making the bad guys look good.
Restraint on the part of Israel is not in the best interest of innocent Palestinian children and babies . Restraint GREATLY endangers Israeli fighting soldiers since it forces our soldiers to be sitting ducks or easy targets.
IN Auschwitz the JEWISH prisoners would have embraced an attack on the railroads leading to Auschwitz and the Concentration Camps even if it meant that some Jews including babies would have been killed. All understood clearly that the intention of bombing the tracks was to stop the process of mass murder of millions and not to kill the number of Jews that happened to have been there at the time even if babies were unfortunately targeted in the process.
For shame on those reporters that made is seem like the Rav is a racist that treasures Jewish Blood over Gentile blood and hates Gentile babies and endorses killing them. It's obvious to me that it is the intent of such Gentiles that determine the Halacha and not their blood type, race or religion and surely not because they happen to be babies.
Here is another article that slanders Rabbis as being racists against Gentiles based on blood type. The headline is quite blatant and accusatory.
Shapira's distinction between Jewish, gentile blood
Journalists, Members of Knesset, Rabbanim:Please do what you can to stop the libel, slander and incarceration of G-d fearing Jews and the execution of the destruction of shuls and communities in Yehudah and the Shomron!--
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:06 AM
Subject: Stop Harassment of Rav of Od Yosef Chai
in the news
- Petitioners demand indictment for Yitzhar rabbis JPost (Dec 21, 2009)
- Political/Media Communities Launch Anti-Religious Campaign Yeshiva World News (November 18, 2009)
- Haaretz: State Funds Rabbis Who Endorse Killing Gentile Babies Yeshiva World News (November 17, 2009)
- Who is funding the rabbi who endorses killing gentile babies? Ha'aretz (November 16, 2009)
- Rabbi's book says Jews can kill gentiles Jewish Telegraphic Agency - (Nov 9, 2009)
- Israeli rabbi says Judaism allows murdering gentile babies Middle East Online - Nov 11, 2009
- "Kill the Children": The Bestseller Book in Israel - Nov 12, 2009
- Jewish rabbi 'reveals true Israeli nature' Alalam News Network - Nov 11, 2009
- Jewish book sanctions murder of gentiles: report Al-Arabiya - Nov 10, 2009
- Israeli rabbi backs killing non-Jews PRESS TV - Nov 10, 2009
- Israeli Rabbi's Guide to Killing Causes Firestorm The Media Line - - Nov 10, 2009
- Settler rabbi authors guidelines on killing gentiles Ma'an News Agency - Nov 9, 2009
- Kill Enemy Children: Jewish Edict The People's Voice - Nov 11, 2009
- Jewish book sanctions murder of gentiles: report Al-Arabiya
- Murder of non-Jews given impramatur of rabbi Zimbabwe Star
- Uproar over rabbi book Al Jazeera - Nov 11, 2009
- West Bank rabbi says non-Jews can be murdered Macau News - Nov 12, 2009
- Controversial Rabbi Publishes Guide Regarding the Circumstances - Nov 12, 2009
- Book advocating killing gentiles who endanger Jews Jerusalem Post - Matthew Wagner - Nov 10, 2009
- Israeli rabbi approves murder of non-Jews National - Vita Bekker - Nov 10, 2009
- MJ Rosenberg: Ft Hood--It's Not Muslims, It's Religious Nuts [like Rabbi Shapira ] TPMCafé - Nov 9, 2009
- Un rabbin colon publie le guide complet pour tuer des non-Juifs Info-Palestine - Nov 9, 2009
- "La Torah des rois", le livre qui fait scandale en Israël Blog Le Monde (Blog) - Nov 12, 2009
- MO: testo rabbinico autorizza uccisione "Gentili", stampa Bluewin - Nov 9, 2009
- Fanatik Hahamdan Fetva: Yahudi Dışındakileri Öldürün! - Nov 9, 2009
- Siyonist haham: Düşmanlarımızın bebekleri öldürülebilir! Dünya Bülteni - Nov 10, 2009
- Rabi Ortodok Yahudi Halalkan Darah non Yahudi Sabili Cybernews - Nov 10, 2009
- Loi rabbinique de guerre: appel à l'extermination Leila Mazboudi Palestine Solidarité - Nov 10, 2009
- Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban: Jewish Settlers and the Return to the Middle Ages
Robin Ticker
This email is L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.