Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Fwd: NYC Rally Tonight Tuesday June 1st at 6pm To Support Israel's Defense Against Flotilla Of Terror

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Sommer <sommer_1_98@yahoo.com>

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "ACTmanhattan@aol.com" <ACTmanhattan@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 12:39:10 AM
Subject: Rally 6/1 To Support Israel's Defense Against Flotilla Of Terror

The Turkish and Hamas backed boats were on a phony humanitarian peace mission.  They were asked to bring what they had to the Israeli port of Ashdod, so that any civilian consumer goods they had could be brought by Israelis to Gaza, as Israel has been providing for Gaza in many ways all along.  But the real intention of the flotilla was to provoke Israel, make her look bad, and break the Israeli right to have an embargo.


Then the next flotilla could bring in weapons to Gaza!


Support Israel's right to exist and to defend herself, like any other country!


For Our Freedom,
Madeline Brooks

Chapter head of ACTforAmerica.org in Manhattan



-Hundreds To Gather: Shame on UN For Condemning Israel ! We Stand With Israel ! -


June 1, 2010 - NEW YORK, NY –  RAJE, together with other American Jewish organizations will gather outside of the Israeli Consulate, located at 800 Second Avenue (42nd Street) at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, June 1 to stand in support of Israel's self-defense. Hundreds will gather waving American & Israeli flags, and bearing signs which read: "Peace Activists Don't Attack Soldiers," "Hamas & Al Qaeda Support the Flotilla", and "We Stand with Israel."

"We will gather to stand united with the State Of Israel, and to let President Obama, and the world know that we will not sit silently as Israel is attacked by her enemies. We stand with Israel in their battle against terrorism.  Israel has the right to stop terror at its door, and we condemn the United Nations for standing with terrorists. These so-called peace activists used knives, clubs and fire from weapons stolen from soldiers, and attacked soldiers who were seeking to enforce international law.  The boats were warned to change course multiple times, and we as the American Jewish community will not stand silently as Israel is attacked," said Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky, Chairman of RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience).


Further information on the event is available by calling Ronn Torossian at 212-999-5585.  




Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.  

A Tense Ashdod - Close footage of Mavi marmara passengers attacking IDF


A Tense Ashdod

Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers (With Sound)


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.  

Fwd: GAZA FLOTILLA - Utube Free Gaza - The Real Version. IDF footage, please Forward


A Must See UTUBE

Free Gaza - The Real Version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tOdW0qEy4g

UN Security Council Calls for 'Impartial' Investigation of Israeli Raid

Council statement condemns "acts" that resulted in deaths

Why didn't the US Veto rather than allow any condemnation of Israel  in the UN regarding this act in self defense on the part of Israel?  This is appalling and must be met with strong activism.  What is needed is a barrage of calls to the White House and Congress.   Obama,  responds to public opinion and whether he will get reelected.   Democrat and Republicans need send a strong and powerful message to the White House and our Congressmen and Senators that voters will be voting Republic next time!  If they want credibility, Democratic Congressmen and Senators must raise their opposition to their "leader" and his policies for leading their party and the Nation into very dangerous times.

A UN investigation being fair and honest?  Give me a break. After Goldstone we know what to expect.

The fact that this condemnation was "stemmed" as Arutz7 reported in its headline is no comfort and leaves the misleading impression that this condemnation is not so terrible. Let us be clear! Any condemnation of Israel is totally unjustified and merely an opening to bash Israel.   Our ties with Turkey and their leanings towards Muslim brotherhood is surely less important than our only ally in the Middle East, Israel. 


My comments: This is all because we gave away Gush Katif.   In response to the UN condemnation, let the  Government of Israel immediately annul any decrees and funding that  harm the residents of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem.  (e.g. Construction freeze, not allowing for natural growth,  removal of roadblocks that prevent freedom of movement for terrorists, authorizing the destruction of  46 Structures including Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar, a million dollar building built 11 years ago with government permits etc)  The residents of Judea and Samaria have lost their rights such as freedom to own property, freedom to bear arms, freedom of self defense, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and protest.  Their rights have been trampled on due to international pressure.   We've had enough!

Next, Israel must reclaim Gaza part of G-d's Promised Land to ISRAEL!  The Expulsion of Gush KATIF in 2005 WAS A BIG BIG MISTAKE!  Now we see first hand the consequences of giving away our Promised Land. Let us cut our losses while we still can and correct our mistakes from the past (expelling our brothers and sisters from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yeshayahu Hollander <yeshol@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:37 AM

Dear Friends,
It is not my policy to get involved in politics nor to write, unasked, about political issues. 
However, since some of your other friends may ask you "Why do you have relations with those ... Israelis", I thought that perhaps this will help you respond with accurate information. 

Here is an article which expresses the facts:

Like most of you, I awoke this morning to the disturbing news that Israeli commandos had raided a flotilla of "peaceful" ships trying to bring food to the residents of Gaza.  In their "brazen" assault, the Israelis had killed at least ten "peace activists."  Oh no, I  feared, perhaps some of those young Israeli soldiers finally snapped under the pressure.  This time, they went too far.  They had spilled the blood of those who had chosen the path of peace.

Then the facts of what actually happened began to emerge.  As they did so, it became increasingly apparent that the Israelis had acted in self defense, after repeated attempts to avert violence had been ignored.  And it also became clear that once again Israel's side of the story was neither obvious nor simple.  It takes an open mind and knowledge of the facts to understand what led to today's tragedy at sea.  Lacking both, most observers issued their guilty verdict against Israel the minute the death toll was announced.

First of all, this "humanitarian" flotilla was, at best, a cynical PR stunt.  There is no food shortage in Gaza.  Israel maintains an open corridor for the transfer of food to Gaza, and this route is used daily by legitimate relief organizations including the United Nations and the Red Cross.  Over the last 18 months, well over a million tons of humanitarian supplies have entered Gaza from Israel.  This equals almost a ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.



Secondly, the Israelis offered the flotilla a peaceful way to resolve the conflict.  They proposed that the ships dock at Israel's southern port of Ashdod and unload their cargo there.  The Israelis pledged to transfer all truly humanitarian cargo to Gaza.  They simply wanted to screen the cargo first so that they could ensure that no arms or explosives were hidden among the food and other legitimate items.  This offer was flatly rejected.

Only then — when faced with the declared intention of these ships to break Israel's security blockade of Gaza – did Israel decide to board the ships and bring them to Ashdod by force.  To do otherwise would have been to allow Israel's opponents to dictate Israel's security policy.  The Gaza strip is controlled by Hamas, a terrorist organization openly committed to Israel's destruction.  As the constant smuggling of arms and rockets into Gaza – and their repeated use by Hamas — makes clear, Israel has every right and reason to screen shipments going into Gaza.

So long as the Israeli soldiers who boarded these boats were met by peaceful protests, no one was hurt.  Of the six ships in the flotilla, Israeli naval forces boarded five of them without incident.  Only on one ship – the Marmara — did Israeli soldiers harm passengers.  Why did they do so?  As videos taken by Israel's navy since made clear, the Israelis boarding this particular ship met with instant and vicious violence.  As the Israeli soldiers were lowered one-by-one onto the ship by helicopter, they were assaulted by an angry mob that beat them with metal rods and knives, threw them off the sides of the deck, and reportedly stole their handguns and shot at them.  What awaited the Israelis was a lynch mob, pure and simple.  Only after the mob began using deadly force did the Israelis respond with deadly force to save their lives.

Anyone doubting the intensity and severity of the attack by the so-called peace activists should watch the following video taken by the Israeli navy.  It is sobering.


We will no doubt learn more of the specifics in the days to come.  And we may well come to learn that the Israelis made mistakes in the planning and execution of this operation.   

But as the initial facts have emerged, it has already become clear that these soldiers were acting in self defense, and would never have resorted to violence had they not genuinely feared for their lives.  

Yet as in prior conflicts, Israel's efforts at self defense are being twisted and distorted by the very people who provoked and now celebrate the violence.


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.  

Friday, May 28, 2010

From Arieh King: Fwd:: Do not donate to the destruction of Israel - Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod supporting our enemies


English scroll down.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: דב <dbtc@actcom.com>

From: arieh [mailto:kingshir@bezeqint.net]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 3:56 PM
To: arieh
מצ"ב פניה ל120 תורמים של הקרן הקיימת,תושבי ארה"ב, קנדה, אוסטרליה ואנגליה. בפניה זו אני קורא להפסיק לאלתר לתרום לאגונים "הציוניים": קרן היסוד והסוכנות היהודית לאור חשיפת תרומותיהם לארגונים אנטי ישראלים, אנטישמיים ולאור ההפליה של ארגונים אלו כנגד תושבי איוש




זוהי פנייה אישית שמיועדת להפצה במיוחד לתושבי חו"ל היהודים שבתום לב תורמים ממיטב כספם וממעשרותיהם לארגונים כגון"

קרן היסוד, הסוכנות היהודית ועוד…

הודעה זו מצביעה על דפוס התנהגות של ארגונים אלו, שעיקרו: העברת כספי הארגון לארגונים אנטי-ישראלים, או לשתופי פעולה עם ארגונים אלו.

לאור חומרת המידע המצ"ב, אודה לך מקרב לב אם תואיל להעביר את תוכנו למכריך בחו"ל.



אריה קינג


הלשכה לפניות הציבור לענייני מזרח ירושלים

הקרן לאדמות ישראל








Are you donating to Keren Hayesod? You think you are helping your brothers in Eretz Israel? So let me give you a brief that will explain you were your money is getting to (Jews with weak heart must seat and have a glass of water beside):



Apple seeds Foundation:  web site:   http://www.appleseeds.org.il

Education fund:

Baqa El Garbia


Buena Nuedat


Majed El Krum



Kisra Samiya

Dir El Asad…


All of them are Arab cities. Some are related to the Northern Islamic Movement that is not recognizing the JEWISH STATE!!!  


At the website of this foundation you will find just 1 (O-N-E!!!!) settlement : Maaleh Hadumim.



New Israel Fund:  web site:  http://www.nif.org.il

The New Israel Fund was responsible to give Judge Goldstone the falls information that was the base to his report against Isreal and the IDF.

The Keren Hayesod is sponsoring the Jewish Agency and the Jewish (?) Agency have the NIF as a partner in few projects.


That means : Keren Hayesod is sponsoring project that are being navigator and active by a Anti-Zionist & Anti – Jewish state fund, the NIF!




Israel Religious Action Center: web site:   http://www.irac.org/           this is the list of donors:  http://www.irac.org.il/About.asp?Id=2

The Jewish Agency for Israel is receiving money from Keren Hayesod, and what is IRAC is working on?

Planning Jerusalem as a two Capitals for Two states!!!!

Supporting the Arab who build illegal buildings at East Jerusalem…


This is a short list of IRAC partners:

Association for Civil Rights in Israel  representing Arab Terrorists  
Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights Planing Jerusalem as 2 capital for 2 states!!
Coalition to Prevent Hot Return of Sudanese -  Helping Sudanese that came illegally in to Israel  to stay in Israel!!!!
Forum for Arab Education in the Negev  ---Arab Education
Forum of Department Heads of Welfare in the Arab Sector  Arab Sector….
Forum to End Nutritional Insecurity in Israel
Hemdat - the Council for Freedom of Religion in Israel
Hotline for Migrant Workers
Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance
Kollot - Empowerment for the Disabled
Masorti Movement in Israel
Mossawa - The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel Yes….Arab again…
New Israel Fund NO COMMENT!!!
PTA of Bedouin in the Negev
Yedid - The Association for Community Empowerment


That means: You donating to Keren Hayesod That is sponsoring  the Jewish Agency for Israel   that are acting together with Anti – Israeli organization that are spending most of their money on Arabs!!!!







Regretfully there are many other examples of how "Jewish" donations are getting to Anti-Jewish organization without the donors  knowing about that!

Please do pass this e-mail to your e-mail list!!!


Don't give our enemies money!

Don't sponsor the Anti- Jewish organization!

Stop Donate to Keren Hayesod! NOW!!!!!











Very important to share with any Jew who might be donating to

Jewish Agency or Keren Hayesod to help Jews in Israel.

(Keren Hayesod is supporting the Jewish Agency)

Shalom Rabbi

This is a long letter, but please for your sake for the sake of the Jewish Nation, read the letter till the end,

My name is Arieh King and I am one of the handful of people that established the Israel Land Fund, after I finally understood that the JNF (KKL) are no longer a Zionist organization, They become post-zionist organization. I am writing a book to explain why. In short, their annual budget to purchase lands for the Jewish People is not even 5% of their entire huge annual budget.

Despite a constant flow of offers. Further, they are letting Arabs build freely on lands that are already in their hands that were purchased with funds designated for buying lands for Jews. 

The subject of this particular email is not JNF but rather two other major "Zionist" organizations:

The Jewish Agency & Keren Hayesod.

If you think by that donating to The Jewish Agency & Keren Hayesod you share in helping the Jewish People settle and live safely in Israel, you are wrong. I know it is shocking. I have spent years learning the details and must now go public with this.


Let me give you one example for now:

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), an anti-Zionist organization, who fights even Israeli governmental efforts, is supported by the Jewish Agency.


{All the information attached below is taken from the RHR web site}

Defense of Palestinian Human Rights

Click Here to learn how Rabbis for Human Rights works to attain justice for those who have been separated from their homes, families, places of employment and their lands.

Preventing Home Demolitions

Click here to learn how Rabbis for Human Rights works to prevent demolitions through education, lobbying, legal appeal, publicity, protest and, as a last resort, civil disobedience.

Agricultural Access

Agricultural AccessClick here to learn how Rabbis for Human Rights helps guarantee Palestinians' access to their trees while reducing the number of violent incidents and acts of theft and vandalism during the harvest season.

Separation Barrier

Click here to learn how Rabbis for Human Rights works to oppose the route of the Separation Barrier where it unnecessarily expropriates lands, cuts people off from their fields, divides villages or surrounds them.



And who are their supporters? YOU!!!!


The list below was taken from the  RHR web site :  http://rhr.israel.net/supporters



By Rabbis for Human Rights on September 9th, 2006 ShareThis


Major supporters of Rabbis for Human Rights over the years have

Alan B. Slifka Foundation

Amcha for Tzedakah

Church of Sweden

Foundation for Middle East Peace

Irish Charity & Development Agency - Trócaire

Netherlands Reform Church

Norwegian Church Aid

Peace Development Fund

The Abraham Fund

The Dorot Foundation

The Ford Foundation

The Funding Exchange

The Jewish Agency   (Keren Ayesod is the major sponsor of  the Jewish Agency)

The Jewish Federation of Greater San Jose

The Nathan Cummings Foundation

The New Israel Fund

The Niwano Peace Foundation

The Shefa Fund



Now let me ask you:

Did you know that this is where your money is going to?

If you believe in the work of such organizations, that is your business, but when you gave to the Jewish Agency, is this what you counted on?


And if now you will open the file attached to this message you will see a Jewish Agency poster for blessing Arabs for their religious holyday… THIS IS YOUR MONEY!!!!

 (Did they send a similar blessing to your brothers at Sderot? Netivot? Eshcol? Ashkelon? Tell me!)



Now please don't misunderstand me, If you donated at the past to Keren Hayesdo & The Jewish Agency, you must now choose one of these ways:

a)    stop donating them

b)    stop donating them

c)     stop donating them

d)    stop donating them

e)     , f). g), to continue…



The Conclusion is:


The days of these major organizations to be effective in their original missions are passing, and, have lost their independence.

Since 1948, especially after 1967, and with finality since 1994, all of the "Zionist" organizations have become political - governmental entities.

A handful of Jews privately  established "Nefesh Be Nefesh" after they understood that the government was no longer effectively cultivating bringing Jews to Israel. In fact the  Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption may close altogether!


We at the newly established Israel Land Fund understand that if we want to save the Jewish Land, our promised land, the Jewish nation should take independent responsibility. We cannot rely on KKL (JNF) to carry out their original mandate, and neither can we rely on the Israeli government. We will do it with your help, and we can redeem the land and make it ours and safe.

We are offered vast tracts of land from the Negev to the Galilee, for legal purchase just as land like the Jezreel Valley was first acquired.


Another newly established independent organization in the Galilee since 2007 is "The New Watchman" ('Hashomer Hachadash'). Its purpose is to provide guard services for Jewish settlements in the Galilee. This is because ranchers, farmers, and residents in Galilee can no longer rely on the Israeli police - exactly like the earliest pioneers could not rely on the British to stop the Arabs from attacking and killing Jews in the Galilee.

So in 1907 they founded 'The Watchman'; which spawned other groups and grew into the Haganah in 1920.  A century later, we must take care of lives and livelihood by ourselves, under the Israeli Government. Tragic but true.


Image:Members of Hashomer.jpg   


Hashomer (1907) ( photos of Jewish guards from 100 years ago)





In The New Hashomer (2007) The guards are from special military units that well trained that also working as shepherds and cowboys.


Would you like examples why the New Hashomer is necessary?

* Just 4 nights ago (22/4/2008) at Chukuk ranch (managed by Shay & Lior) located 15   

   minutes from the Kinneret), 20 cows were poisoned by Arab.


* 8 months ago 4 Jewish houses were burnt down in Peqiin. And grenades were thrown at the residents.



* 10 days ago Arabs started a fire that burned 2000 dunams – 500 acres of pasture land belonging  to a Jewish shepherd.


* On a regular basis Jewish farmers and ranchers are shot at, are asked for "protection money," and suffer arson  

    and deliberate theft.


What I want to tell you is that:


 Instead of donating to Arabs through Keren Hayesod, JNF, Jewish Agency and Israel Government


Donate to entities you can trust will never pass your money, that was specifically meant to help the Jewish people in Israel, to Arab.


And where you can check every minute where your money goes to!


More information about:

The high salaries,

The high budget for flights,

The huge budget of projects for non- Jewish people,

The huge budget for rental of offices, cars and for office costs.

All about that will be soon also sent to you.


With a lot of respect to the history of the organizations,



         Yours in Yerushalaim

Arieh King
















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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.  

Fwd: The Cat's Out of the Bag by Nadia Matar

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Women in Green <wfit2@womeningreen.org>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 5:49 AM
Subject: The Cat's Out of the Bag by Nadia Matar
To: wfit2@womeningreen.org

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message.


The Cat's out of the Bag
by Nadia Matar

I was happy to read the reports in the media on Wednesday, May 26,
2010, that dozens of lecturers from the Hebrew University set out with
hundreds of their students on a march to the "Sheikh Jarah" (Shimon
Hatzaddik) neighborhood in Jerusalem "to demonstrate against the entry
of Jewish settlers to the neighborhood and the removal of Arab
families from their homes."

The photographs accompanying the reports show the demonstrators with
signs such as: "Students and Lecturers against Settlements," "Thou
Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's House," and the like.

According to the report on Ynet, during the course of the procession
the students and the lecturers voiced calls such as "We will not sit
in classrooms when, outside, rights are being trampled" and "Civil
rights will not be taught with racism in Sheikh Jarah." They also bore
banners stating, among others (in a slogan that rhymes in Hebrew),
"There Is No Sanctity in an Occupied City."

The report quotes various lecturers who explain why they came to demonstrate:

Dr. David Tsafti, a lecturer in genetics: "I don't agree to the
expulsion of families from their homes. They say that the houses
belong to Jews, and maybe that is correct, but it certainly isn't
right [...] people have lost the ability to see Arabs as human

[Interestingly, five years ago Dr David Tsafti was not seen
demonstarting against the expulsion of our brothers from Gush
Katif...but let's go on to the next lecturer]

Ruti Bettler, a professor of education, said that she has been active
in this struggle [against Jews settling in Jerusalem's neighborhood of
Sheikh Jarrah] for a long time. "The attempt to expel these families
from their homes is an injustice in the human and moral plane." [She
too somehow, who is active on behalf of Arab squatters in homes they
grabbed and stole from the original Jewish owners, did not decry the
expulsion of Jews from their real homes.]

Let's go on to the next leftist professor quoted in the article:

Professor Tamar Rappaport said that no less than 10 lecturers in
education came to the demonstration. "Word of the demonstration went
though the social networks and [e-]mails, and reached people. In the
final analysis, lecturers, too, are people, and in this land it's
impossible not to be political." She made clear that the lecturers did
not come to the demonstration in the name of the university, and
rather were speaking for themselves, but she emphasized: "I think that
the struggle of Sheikh Jarah is closely connected with academy."

The professor of anthropology Yoram Bilu told that during all his
years in academe, he did not encounter such a broad and diverse
response by lecturers and students for such cooperation."

You'll be surprised to hear this, but I am very glad that such a
demonstration was held by the left. For years we have been trying to
persuade teachers, educators, and rabbis in our national camp that it
is inconceivable that they and their students would not be involved,
even during study hours, in the struggle for Eretz Israel.

During the Oslo period I attempted to persuade teachers to join the
demonstrations against the Oslo accords, together with their students,
during study times, as well. How is it possible to continue to study
when the house is on fire, we told them? And likewise during the
period of the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Samaria, and
likewise right now: when the Arabs, who are financed by international
bodies, are stealing and grabbing thousands of dunams of state lands,
tens of thousands of yeshivah students in the state-religious or
hardal (semi-ultra-Orthodox) religious educational institutions
continue with routine life as usual, continue to study in
air-conditioned study halls - as if there were no physical war, on the
ground, for the land. Don't misunderstand me. I am not calling to stop
Torah study, or any other study, but I am calling to combine study
with the actual struggle on the ground, as I will explain in detail
below with practical examples.

Once I also tried to persuade Bnei Akiva counselors to organize
setting up new me'ahazim (outpost settlements), or to distribute
informational material against the Oslo accords and for Eretz Israel
as a whole. In all these instances described above we were confronted
by the same puzzling response: "It is forbidden for us and our members
to participate in "political" activity."

Now,after dozens of Hebrew University lecturers, who publicly
proclaimed their views, unabashedly participated in a demonstration by
the left, I want to hope that in our camp, as well, educators, rabbis,
teachers, lecturers, and their students will begin to arise and go out
to defend Eretz Israel, on the ground.

Ideas for action:

1) Each yeshivah, each school, each ulpanah (girls' seminary) will
adopt hilltops in Judea and Samaria, where they will organize rosters
of a permanent Jewish presence to defend the lands that will remain in
Jewish hands. They will plant trees, and also erect buildings, even if
only simple ones, where they will engage in their studies.

2) Each yeshivah, each school, each ulpanah, from the Gush Dan area,
too, will adopt a me'ahaz (outpost) in Judea and Samaria. The students
and teachers will aid that me'ahaz, by a duty roster, several times a
week, aiding in agriculture, construction, and maintaining a Jewish
presence. On Shabbatot, as well, come to the place and make a

3) In the event, Heaven forbid, of the destruction of structures,
studies will not be held on that day, and all the teachers and
students from the schools, the yeshivot, and the ulpanot, and the
youth movement members from the area, will come to aid in restoring
the ruins and rebuilding everything anew.

These, of course, are just examples of the activity that, in my humble
opinion, should be adopted by all the teachers and students in the
national educational institutions. The message is clear. As was said
in the demonstration by the leftists: "We will not sit in classrooms
when, outside, rights are being trampled." We are waiting for our
educators to tell their students: "We will not sit in classrooms and
study halls when, outside, the rights of Eretz Israel and the rights
of the Jews are being trampled. We will continue our studies - but
they will be combined with action on behalf of Eretz Israel."

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.