Sunday, January 31, 2010

Maariv article/translated: Refusing to uproot - reflects poorly on the IDF - added bonus - Improve your Hebrew/English


This article is about Aryeh Arbus, a soldier that held up a banner that called for refusal of his brigade to obey orders to expel Jews and does not regret it.

What I learned from Aryeh Arbus was

a. Better commit a minor transgression in order not to commit a severe transgression
b. We need to remove people that change the role of the army and not those that preserve its role.

Dear Women in Green, amv"sh

Thank you for sending this to your list.  To the rest of my list, if you haven't read this article the first time I sent it around, take the time to do so now. It's very enlightening as to how the IDF deals with soldiers who refuse to obey orders that conflict with Jewish moral values of the soldier.

My husband's reaction in reading this article was that the IDF did not handle this very smartly.

a. They reacted with "go shoot the messenger instead of paying attention to the message"
b. It shows that the IDF is not interested in training Jewish Soldiers but rather just robotic soldiers. 

p.s.  If your Hebrew is good but would like to improve your Hebrew, spend some time reading the article in Hebrew and see how it was translated.  You will learn many new words in Hebrew that you were unfamiliar with.   If you know any UIpan teachers in Israel or Hebrew High school teachers in the Diaspora, this article and its translation are excellent educational material for improving modern Hebrew.  Also if you wish to improve your English do it visa versa.

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Women in Green <> wrote:

The Soldier who called for Refusal: I would do it again.

"The banner was a provocation in order to send a message.  We need to
remove people who change the Army's mission" Private Arbus, who waved
the banner at the Western Wall, does not regret his actions.

Ro'i Sharon

After Private Aryeh Arbus, who waved a banner against evacuating
settlements during an army swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall,
was released from prison, he arrived for a conversation with the
commander of the Kfir Brigade, Colonel Oran Avman.  At the end of the
two hour long conversation, Arbus pointed at the commander's head.
"Do you know why that is there, and the ranks are placed on your
shoulders?" he asked, "because it is important that the head should be
above the rank.  If your rank is above your head, you are a robot."
Avman informed Arbus that he is dismissed from the brigade, and that
he will recommend his dismissal from the IDF.

The outward appearance of Arbus can be deceiving.  He has the classic
ultra-orthodox black yarmulke, the beard of a young kollel student,
tzitzit hanging out of his clothing, and an extremely modest build.
But the instant he opens his mouth, it because clear that he is not a
robot in reserve duty.  During basic training, he was a candidate to
be selected as an outstanding soldier for his base.  In his unit, he
achieved the prestigious position of signal operator for the platoon
commander, and in the professional opinion that his commander sent
after the banner waving, it is written that he is a leading
professional soldier.  He is fluent, focused, and adopts clear

"There are senior officers in the army with a problem in their
outlook, therefore a soldier like me confuses them", Arbus said to his
family.  "An outstanding soldier who challenges them with thinking out
of the boundaries represents for them a problem.  Soldiers with values
are good soldiers, but they have values.  The mixture between
excellence and waving the banner drove the brigade commander crazy."

"Waving the banner was a provocation", he admits in conversations with
his friends.  "Waving the banner was meant to send a message.  It
hurts me that I would need to make a provocation instead of sending a
message in a direct way, but they have pushed us to a corner, and it
is better that a person commits a minor transgression and not commit a
severe transgression.  From that perspective, I am not sorry.  I am
sorry that we would not to break the laws of military discipline in
order to say something which is so logical, human, and Jewish."

He left the Chassidic Yeshiva to help the Samarian Hills

After he was dismissed from Kfir Brigade, Arbus was summoned to an
incompatibility committee, made up of senior officers in the manpower
system of the IDF.  "They asked me there hypothetical questions", he
said to his friends. "'What would you do tomorrow if they would say to
you were assigned to distribute snacks to forces which are evacuating
Jews?'  I said to them that it would be hard for me to answer
hypothetical questions and that I would need to think.  They got mad
at me.  I said to them that a Jewish soldier is a thinking soldier.
They said to me 'No, a Jewish soldier is a soldier that carries out
orders', and they informed me that they would recommend releasing me
from the army."

It is the norm in the IDF that they judge a soldier after he committed
a crime.  But the very fact that they ask a soldier in the IDF if he
would refuse an order, that is a precedent which says that the army
has changed its role from defending Jews to something else.  Perhaps
now they will ask all IDF soldiers this question?  We need to remove
the people that change the role of the army, not those that preserve
its role.

"There are a range of orders that fit the army.  They cannot take
soldiers to disperse a student demonstration or Flotilla 13 to gather
illegal workers, because that is not their role.  I know from the fact
that the government decides for the army, but the army has a role
which has boundaries, and evacuation of Jews is outside of this
boundary.  Any act of the army against citizens is that of a third
world country.  Against Israeli Arabs, the Border Patrol acts, against
Jewish citizens they don't know to do that?"

Private Aryeh Arbus, #6105973, grew up in an ultra-orthodox household
in Jerusalem, tenth generation of a Gur Chassidic family.  His mother
is a psychologist, and his father is a businessman.  Eleven siblings,
all still in the ultra-orthodox world.  A bit before age 18, he left
the Chassidic Yeshiva, and began to hand out in the Samarian hills.

"The Army doesn't suit you"

Today, he lives in Giv'at Skali in Elon Moreh, married to Ruhama, and
father to the three month old Reishit.  He has foregone the woolen
yarmulke of the hilltop youth.  "I have never been too excited about
external symbols, this yarmulke or another," he said to his friends.
"Exactly the opposite.  When I was a boy with a suit and hat, I went
around in sandals.  People were confused.  I love showing people
conflicting things, that they will think you are "gross" or you are
"evil", and after two minutes, they will think something else

Like many of his hilltop friends, Arbus felt frustrated by the IDF's
implementation of the Disengagement Plan.  He said to the soldier at
the Draft Office "I want to enlist, but I will not take a part in
political assignments".  A year ago, he thought about his military
service again.  "Because the values situation of the army, I was
uncertain about enlisting", he said to his associates.

"I decided to enlist for two reasons.  The first and decisive one was
due to the declaration of Chief of Staff Ashkenazi who announced upon
assuming his office that the army would not take part in political
assignments.  The second reason was Operation 'Cast Lead'.  At that
time, I had a rising of spirit, a desire to protect the lives of
soldiers.  I arrived at the conclusion that the army doesn't belong to
generals, but to the nation."

His family recommended not enlisting.  His friends joined them.  "The
Army doesn't suit you", they tried to convince him.  Today, they say
to him "see, we were right", but Arbus doesn't have regrets.  "I still
think that they are wrong.  I don't go with the herd.  They are mad
that I enlisted, but I decided to be a simple Jew, what is good - we
assist, and what is bad ­ we distance ourselves.  The problem is that
there are people that are pulling the army to the wrong place, to a
place of disagreement."

Damage to Mutual Responsibility

After the committee's recommendation, Arbus sent a letter to the
commander of the Absorption and Classification Base, Colonel Gadi
Agmon, in which he objected to the recommendation to release him from
the army.  "It pains me that we have been forced, my friends and I, to
act in a few instances in this manner, which is in conflict with army
principles and harms IDF discipline", he wrote.  "This action came
from a feeling of being pushed toa  corner and from a lack of choice,
and a fear from an order which would obligate me to expel my wife and
daughter and friends and family from their homes.  Is there not a
place for everyone, my hurting friends and I, a place in the nation's
army whose job is the security of the nation of Israel in its land?"

Arbus wrote further: "Is it possible that the IDF will act as it did
with me in the incompatibility commission and require soldiers to
answer how they would act in a hypothetical situation, like an order
that has yet to be given and stands on the thin line between conscious
and his obligations as a soldier?  If so, why doesn't the IDF go out
with a questionnaire of all soldiers, or at least the soldiers which
come from frameworks which don't outright reject refusal of orders
which are against their religion and faith, and disqualify ahead of
time from their obligation to defend Israel and its land?"

For the conclusion of his objection letter, he wrote that "a process
such as that of my release from the IDF, will harm the integration and
the mutual responsibility between the different parts of the nation of
Israel, who meet in the IDF and see it as the nation's army, which
gives every Jew the opportunity to protect and defend and to help
continue the existence of the nation of Israel in the Land of Israel.

"Even Leftists have joined our protest"

Arbus was sent to serve in the adjutancy department of the Bik'ah
Brigade, and on Wednesday, the deputy brigade commander informed him
that the final decision had been made to release him from army
service.  On Sunday he will go to the induction center, where he will
return his equipment and be released.

This week, Arbus reconstructed, in conversations with his friends, the
decision to wave the banner at the Western Wall, the decision which
sent him for 20 days incarceration in Prison Six, and his removal from
army service.  "Preceding it were developments and small protests
within the company, which were silenced by the officers", he said to
them.  "The idea for the banner was born in a brainstorm discussion
with friends in the company, and we came to the conclusion that this
is the right thing to do.  We tried, but there was no other choice.
It pains me, but I do not regret it.  If I could pass on the message
in a way that would follow army laws, I would be happy, but there was
no possibility."

"We had a feeling that this disciplinary crime was dwarfed by the
human crime being committed here.  If it was possible to turn back the
clock, I would do it again just the same.  I am confident that in the
long run, I brought a great benefit to the IDF, and everyone will
understand that.  Not in waving the banner, but in the message.  I
didn't know that in the IDF document it is written that the role of
the army is to evict Jews.  If this were the task of the army, then we
would politely part ways."

"I want to remain in the army in order to defend the nation of Israel
and its land.  If they would not bring me to the situation of a
political assignment, then I don't have a problem.  I, after all, did
not refuse any order, but in the moment that the army takes my
assigned battalion on an evacuation assignment, that is called
bringing me to an impossible situation.  It pains me."

The protest act, he says to his associates, won the support from all
sides of the political map.  "Even Leftists joined our protest,
because from their perspective this is an individual within the army,
and also other people expressed their support with reservations.  I
don't have a problem that they condemned it from the Right.  That is
great.  That is how the Arab Israelis work.  One breaks to the right,
and then afterwards the rest line up behind.  I am ahead of everyone
else.  If they want that I will have the role of the extremist, I will
be in the role of the extremist.  We need to challenge the public."

Making Honor

Arbus paved the way for placard scenes in Kfir Brigade, but according
to him, it is time to update the protest methods.  The banners have
been exhausted, he believes.  "Another banner won't do anything.  The
Brigade Commander asked me during the interview after jail which other
ideas I had in my head.  I responded 'I compartmentalize you.'"

Arbus remembers his army service from the moment of the protest at the
Western Wall as a positive experience.  "They honor me every place in
the army", he tells his friends, "in jail they called me 'armed', they
would let me go first in to the cafeteria.  They made me a hero.  Even
on other bases where I was it was the same.  You do not know how wide
the consensus is in the army on this matter.

Unlike Achiya Ovadya, from the same platoon, who was dismissed from
the brigade and from the Hesder track, but remained in the army, Arbus
understood already from the beginning of the week that he was on the
way out.  "They made me a non-commissioned adjutancy officer in the
Bik'ah Brigade, and I have no problem with that.  Even an adjutant
contributes to the defense of the nation of Israel.  I am not prepared
to see them punish a soldier because he informs them that he will not
act against his conscious.  But to punish a soldier twice on the same
crime, that is already illegal."

"I have no idea why they kicked me out of the army, and other soldiers
with much more serious disciplinary problems went back to their units
after their incarceration.  I feel hurt.  My enlistment to the army,
in spite of my background, helped bring unify the rifts between the
different sectors in the nation of Israel and the IDF.  And today when
they throw me out, I can't look my family in the eyes after I said
'they want us to help, to defend, to protect ­ we need to enlist
together with everyone else'.  And see today they kick me like a dog."

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Fwd: refusing to uproot - Aryeh Arbus and does not regret! סרוב לעקור


Dear Friends, amv"sh

Translation of article appearing in Maariv about a Soldier, Aryeh Arbus who called for refusal and does not regret it.   Please forward to your lists

The Soldier who called for Refusal: I would do it again.

"The banner was a provocation in order to send a message.  We need to remove people who change the Army's mission" Private Arbus, who waved the banner at the Western Wall, does not regret his actions.

Ro'i Sharon

After Private Aryeh Arbus, who waved a banner against evacuating settlements during an army swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall, was released from prison, he arrived for a conversation with the commander of the Kfir Brigade, Colonel Oran Avman.  At the end of the two hour long conversation, Arbus pointed at the commander's head.  "Do you know why that is there, and the ranks are placed on your shoulders?" he asked, "because it is important that the head should be above the rank.  If your rank is above your head, you are a robot."  Avman informed Arbus that he is dismissed from the brigade, and that he will recommend his dismissal from the IDF.

The outward appearance of Arbus can be deceiving.  He has the classic ultra-orthodox black yarmulke, the beard of a young kollel student, tzitzit hanging out of his clothing, and an extremely modest build.  But the instant he opens his mouth, it because clear that he is not a robot in reserve duty.  During basic training, he was a candidate to be selected as an outstanding soldier for his base.  In his unit, he achieved the prestigious position of signal operator for the platoon commander, and in the professional opinion that his commander sent after the banner waving, it is written that he is a leading professional soldier.  He is fluent, focused, and adopts clear statements.

"There are senior officers in the army with a problem in their outlook, therefore a soldier like me confuses them", Arbus said to his family.  "An outstanding soldier who challenges them with thinking out of the boundaries represents for them a problem.  Soldiers with values are good soldiers, but they have values.  The mixture between excellence and waving the banner drove the brigade commander crazy."

"Waving the banner was a provocation", he admits in conversations with his friends.  "Waving the banner was meant to send a message.  It hurts me that I would need to make a provocation instead of sending a message in a direct way, but they have pushed us to a corner, and it is better that a person commits a minor transgression and not commit a severe transgression.  From that perspective, I am not sorry.  I am sorry that we would not to break the laws of military discipline in order to say something which is so logical, human, and Jewish."

He left the Chassidic Yeshiva to help the Samarian Hills

After he was dismissed from Kfir Brigade, Arbus was summoned to an incompatibility committee, made up of senior officers in the manpower system of the IDF.  "They asked me there hypothetical questions", he said to his friends. "'What would you do tomorrow if they would say to you were assigned to distribute snacks to forces which are evacuating Jews?'  I said to them that it would be hard for me to answer hypothetical questions and that I would need to think.  They got mad at me.  I said to them that a Jewish soldier is a thinking soldier.  They said to me 'No, a Jewish soldier is a soldier that carries out orders', and they informed me that they would recommend releasing me from the army."

It is the norm in the IDF that they judge a soldier after he committed a crime.  But the very fact that they ask a soldier in the IDF if he would refuse an order, that is a precedent which says that the army has changed its role from defending Jews to something else.  Perhaps now they will ask all IDF soldiers this question?  We need to remove the people that change the role of the army, not those that preserve its role.

"There are a range of orders that fit the army.  They cannot take soldiers to disperse a student demonstration or Flotilla 13 to gather illegal workers, because that is not their role.  I know from the fact that the government decides for the army, but the army has a role which has boundaries, and evacuation of Jews is outside of this boundary. Any act of the army against citizens is that of a third world country.  Against Israeli Arabs, the Border Patrol acts, against Jewish citizens they don't know to do that?"

Private Aryeh Arbus, #6105973, grew up in an ultra-orthodox household in Jerusalem, tenth generation of a Gur Chassidic family.  His mother is a psychologist, and his father is a businessman.  Eleven siblings, all still in the ultra-orthodox world.  A bit before age 18, he left the Chassidic Yeshiva, and began to hand out in the Samarian hills.

"The Army doesn't suit you"

Today, he lives in Giv'at Skali in Elon Moreh, married to Ruhama, and father to the three month old Reishit.  He has foregone the woolen yarmulke of the hilltop youth.  "I have never been too excited about external symbols, this yarmulke or another," he said to his friends.  "Exactly the opposite.  When I was a boy with a suit and hat, I went around in sandals.  People were confused.  I love showing people conflicting things, that they will think you are "gross" or you are "evil", and after two minutes, they will think something else altogether."

Like many of his hilltop friends, Arbus felt frustrated by the IDF's implementation of the Disengagement Plan.  He said to the soldier at the Draft Office "I want to enlist, but I will not take a part in political assignments".  A year ago, he thought about his military service again.  "Because the values situation of the army, I was uncertain about enlisting", he said to his associates.

"I decided to enlist for two reasons.  The first and decisive one was due to the declaration of Chief of Staff Ashkenazi who announced upon assuming his office that the army would not take part in political assignments.  The second reason was Operation 'Cast Lead'.  At that time, I had a rising of spirit, a desire to protect the lives of soldiers.  I arrived at the conclusion that the army doesn't belong to generals, but to the nation."

His family recommended not enlisting.  His friends joined them.  "The Army doesn't suit you", they tried to convince him.  Today, they say to him "see, we were right", but Arbus doesn't have regrets.  "I still think that they are wrong.  I don't go with the herd.  They are mad that I enlisted, but I decided to be a simple Jew, what is good - we assist, and what is bad – we distance ourselves.  The problem is that there are people that are pulling the army to the wrong place, to a place of disagreement."

Damage to Mutual Responsibility

After the committee's recommendation, Arbus sent a letter to the commander of the Absorption and Classification Base, Colonel Gadi Agmon, in which he objected to the recommendation to release him from the army.  "It pains me that we have been forced, my friends and I, to act in a few instances in this manner, which is in conflict with army principles and harms IDF discipline", he wrote.  "This action came from a feeling of being pushed toa  corner and from a lack of choice, and a fear from an order which would obligate me to expel my wife and daughter and friends and family from their homes.  Is there not a place for everyone, my hurting friends and I, a place in the nation's army whose job is the security of the nation of Israel in its land?"

Arbus wrote further: "Is it possible that the IDF will act as it did with me in the incompatibility commission and require soldiers to answer how they would act in a hypothetical situation, like an order that has yet to be given and stands on the thin line between conscious and his obligations as a soldier?  If so, why doesn't the IDF go out with a questionnaire of all soldiers, or at least the soldiers which come from frameworks which don't outright reject refusal of orders which are against their religion and faith, and disqualify ahead of time from their obligation to defend Israel and its land?"

For the conclusion of his objection letter, he wrote that "a process such as that of my release from the IDF, will harm the integration and the mutual responsibility between the different parts of the nation of Israel, who meet in the IDF and see it as the nation's army, which gives every Jew the opportunity to protect and defend and to help continue the existence of the nation of Israel in the Land of Israel.

"Even Leftists have joined our protest"

Arbus was sent to serve in the adjutancy department of the Bik'ah Brigade, and on Wednesday, the deputy brigade commander informed him that the final decision had been made to release him from army service.  On Sunday he will go to the induction center, where he will return his equipment and be released.

This week, Arbus reconstructed, in conversations with his friends, the decision to wave the banner at the Western Wall, the decision which sent him for 20 days incarceration in Prison Six, and his removal from army service.  "Preceding it were developments and small protests within the company, which were silenced by the officers", he said to them.  "The idea for the banner was born in a brainstorm discussion with friends in the company, and we came to the conclusion that this is the right thing to do.  We tried, but there was no other choice.  It pains me, but I do not regret it.  If I could pass on the message in a way that would follow army laws, I would be happy, but there was no possibility."

"We had a feeling that this disciplinary crime was dwarfed by the human crime being committed here.  If it was possible to turn back the clock, I would do it again just the same.  I am confident that in the long run, I brought a great benefit to the IDF, and everyone will understand that.  Not in waving the banner, but in the message.  I didn't know that in the IDF document it is written that the role of the army is to evict Jews.  If this were the task of the army, then we would politely part ways."

"I want to remain in the army in order to defend the nation of Israel and its land.  If they would not bring me to the situation of a political assignment, then I don't have a problem.  I, after all, did not refuse any order, but in the moment that the army takes my assigned battalion on an evacuation assignment, that is called bringing me to an impossible situation.  It pains me."

The protest act, he says to his associates, won the support from all sides of the political map.  "Even Leftists joined our protest, because from their perspective this is an individual within the army, and also other people expressed their support with reservations.  I don't have a problem that they condemned it from the Right.  That is great.  That is how the Arab Israelis work.  One breaks to the right, and then afterwards the rest line up behind.  I am ahead of everyone else.  If they want that I will have the role of the extremist, I will be in the role of the extremist.  We need to challenge the public."

Making Honor

Arbus paved the way for placard scenes in Kfir Brigade, but according to him, it is time to update the protest methods.  The banners have been exhausted, he believes.  "Another banner won't do anything.  The Brigade Commander asked me during the interview after jail which other ideas I had in my head.  I responded 'I compartmentalize you.'"

Arbus remembers his army service from the moment of the protest at the Western Wall as a positive experience.  "They honor me every place in the army", he tells his friends, "in jail they called me 'armed', they would let me go first in to the cafeteria.  They made me a hero.  Even on other bases where I was it was the same.  You do not know how wide the consensus is in the army on this matter.

Unlike Achiya Ovadya, from the same platoon, who was dismissed from the brigade and from the Hesder track, but remained in the army, Arbus understood already from the beginning of the week that he was on the way out.  "They made me a non-commissioned adjutancy officer in the Bik'ah Brigade, and I have no problem with that.  Even an adjutant contributes to the defense of the nation of Israel.  I am not prepared to see them punish a soldier because he informs them that he will not act against his conscious.  But to punish a soldier twice on the same crime, that is already illegal."

"I have no idea why they kicked me out of the army, and other soldiers with much more serious disciplinary problems went back to their units after their incarceration.  I feel hurt.  My enlistment to the army, in spite of my background, helped bring unify the rifts between the different sectors in the nation of Israel and the IDF.  And today when they throw me out, I can't look my family in the eyes after I said 'they want us to help, to defend, to protect – we need to enlist together with everyone else'.  And see today they kick me like a dog."

Fwd: Rep. Weiner to Hold Town Hall Meetings on Israel and the Middle East


Dear fellow activists in Brooklyn and Queens, amv"sh

Anthony Wiener sees himself as a great friend of Israel since he advocates reciprocity before US tax payer money in the hundreds of thousands as well as billion dollar arms deals goes to Arab Countries. 

Our message is that the Land of Israel is our Biblical Birthright and Judea and Samaria is our entitlement! We reject the notion of a Palestinian State for the sake of peace and the betterment of the US and world!

No US tax payer's money should be going to arm and train  terrorists as was the case of the murder of Meir Chai father of 7 children and school teacher.  No money that US taxpayers send should then be used against Israel and her citizens. The terrorists  used weapons supplied by the US.  The terrorist were free  because of US pressure on Israel to release Palestinian prisoners who are terrorists with blood on their hands in exchange for moving the "peace process" forward.  The incident happened because of US pressure on Israel to remove roadblocks that protect Israeli citizens in order to give Palestinians (terrorists in this case) freedom of movement.   And then to add insult to injury, Obama demanded an investigation requested by the Palestinians from the government of Israel after they went after and killed the terrorists since this retaliatory action on the part of Israel was harmful to the "peace process".

In Brooklyn:

The town hall meeting will be on Sunday, January 31
st at 10:00 AM at the Young Israel of Bedford Bay located at 2114 Brown Street, Brooklyn, NY between Avenue V and Avenue U.

In Queens:

The town hall meeting will be on Sunday, January 31st at 1:30 PM at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills located at 70-11 150th Street, Flushing, NY between 70th Road and Jewel Avenue.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rep. Weiner to Hold Town Hall Meetings on Israel and the Middle East

Robyn - fyi...

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerner, David <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 12:10 pm
Subject: FW: Rep. Weiner to Hold Town Hall Meetings on Israel and the Middle East


From: Fink, Avi []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:58 PM
To: Fink, Avi
Subject: Rep. Weiner to Hold Town Hall Meetings on Israel and the Middle East
Hope you can make it to one of Congressman Weiner's Town Hall on Israel.  Please share with anyone you think would be interested.
Also, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks.
<<Israel Town Hall Queens Invite_for email.doc>> <<Israel Town Hall Brooklyn Invite_for_email.doc>>
Avi Fink
Director of Constituent Affairs
Rep. Anthony D. Weiner (NY-09)
P: 718-520-9001
F: 718-520-9010
Sign up for the Weiner Report
Ask Anthony a question on You Tube
Help Anthony and Congress write the Health Care Bill on Mixed Ink

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Plant a tree in time for Tu B'Shvat in the Shomron - Only $18. Group rates available. You will receive certificate with picture. Please forward!


UTUBE Nadia Matar - Leader of Nashim Tzidkaniyot - We are very clearly defying the decrees of the freezing......


Nadia Matar in Negohot: 

"We are very clearly defying the decrees of the freezing because nobody is allowed to freeze Jewish Life in the Land of Israel!

And we came here to say :

You tell us we can't build...We will build!

You tell us we can't plant...We will plant!

You tell us we can't walk somewhere...we will walk!

This is our Land and in the end we know we represent the majority of the Jewish people who love their homeland and who are going to stay here forever and ever in JUDEA, In SAMARIA, in the GOLAN in Jerusalem in ALL of the Land of Israel!".

It is my prayer that Nadia predicts a future that is indeed unbroken from this time onward . For this to happen, I find it necessary to mention what Geula Cohen, former MK,  relates as per what the Lubavitcher Rebbe told her years ago regarding Yerushalayim.

"..the Rebbe said that he is concerned that Yerushalayim will have to be occupied once again.

"In that same conversation, he said that this occupation will not hold out, and that the city will have to be fought for again.  ..
"When the Rebbe told me this, I [Geula Cohen] was extremely alarmed.  When the Rebbe noticed this, he tried to calm me, and said that certainly things may change, if the leadership changes their mode of thought.  But this is what the Rebbe felt and what he told me at that time.
Excerpt from the interview aired on Reshet Moreshet with Uri Revach.
 posted on Our Land of Israel Publication June 2009

Ladies, the time has come for the Nashim Tzidkaniyot to spring into action. 

Tonight, Tamar Adelstein did exactly that. The event was sponsored by Crown Ht's Women for the safety and integrity of Israel and the Shleimus Ha'aaretz talk show.   Under Tamar's  direction, she produced an evening of inspiration for women and girls on behalf of  Judea and Samaria.  The following was the program:

Act One:  This is an original play written by Tamar and produced by the Atara Arts Performing Center.  In this play the theme revolved about the agonizing choice a mother had to make regarding allowing her young teenage daughter to participate in protests against expulsions from settlements in Judea and Samaria, knowing the dire consequences of such participation by her daughter would most likely end up with a physical confrontation with security forces and jail.   As the mother agonizes over her decision, she reminds herself of how she was the one that  raised her daughter to have Mesirat Nefesh for the Land and she understood the burning desire of her daughter  to apply what  
she had learned from her own upbringing. She finally does give permission to protest. However, all this does not seem to soften the pain of the unjust hardships her daughter would have to endure as a result of her unadulterated love of the Land for the Jewish people and her desire to hold onto the Land while helping to protect Jewish population centers in nearby communities..

 Unfortunately, t
his is a true to life dilemma for a mother of a teenager in Judea and Samaria raised as the salt of the earth.

 This was followed by  a 3 women choir of the Atara Arts Performing Center, group of extremely talented women musicians who entertained us  with  their musical gifts with expression of  their love of the Land with song. 

Act Two: This is  a documentary film called Yibaneh produced by Women in Green...  G-d fearing and  courageous men and women,  are the stars of this show.  Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, the leaders of Women in Green are righteous women who with limited resources are mobilizing the nation to build and plant in the spirit of Yehoshua and Calev in Judea and Samaria and they call upon us to be their partners in this lifesaving endeaver.  Tamar Adelstein supplied us with background info, which made us appreciate the work of Women in Green that much more. 

Act Three: A fantastic performance by Chanale on the theme of Eretz Yisroel, reflecting our longing, our sacrifices and our love.

This evening  is just the beginning.  Perhaps it is us women that will take the message of the first Rashi in Breishit and bring it to the masses with home get togethers, medium sized gettogethers and large scale gettogethers.  Maybe, Beezrat Hashem, it is still not to late for us to change a very painful Gezeera (the evil decree) chas vesholom that Jerusalem will once again have to be fought for.

Please send your donations to "Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)-Yibaneh Fund", POB 7352 Jerusalem 91072,

For details: Nadia Matar 050-550-0834, Yehudit Katsover 050-716-1818,
Tamar Adelstein can be reached at, I can be reached at

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