Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jewish Legal Rights to Judea and Samaria in answer to Satmar Rebbe's points

cc:  Rabbi Moshe Dovid Niederman United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg  (I do not have his email but hopefully I hope he will read it)


Dear Distinguished Rabbanim, and Distinguished Torah Print and Radio  Media Personnel, amv"sh

Torah Jews, Satmar Chasidim included,  know that Jewish rights to the entire Eretz Yisroel is based on the Torah and our Covenant  between Hashem and our Forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov and to their children and children's children,  the Nation of Israel.

This Covenant can never be revoked because Hashem keeps His promises. (Even if we are undeserving and thrown out of our Land due to our sins, the Torah promises that the Land will never forsake us.) (see note 1 below)

This is fundamental to Judaism and references to our Everlasting Covenant with Hashem regarding the Land of Israel are  repeated numerous times in Chumash, Meforshim,  Navi, Medrash, Shulchan Orach, everyday prayers in Pesukei D'zimra, Shemonah Esreh, Shabbos prayers, Yom Tov  prayers, Tehillim, Krias Shma, Mezuza, Tefillin, Selichot, Bentching etc..... 

The Mitzvah of defending our Land is relevant for TODAY for each and every Jew wherever we are, and for Gentiles as well!

Please Watch this timely and powerful video of the Lubavitch Rebbe;

 Torah's Mandate: Defend Yourselves

Numerous phone calls by Activists such as myself to Askanim,lay leaders,  Gedolei Yisroel in Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Agudath Yisroel of America and Lev L'Achim (advertised as the Movement of Gedolei Yisroel), leads me to believe that the majority of these Rabbanim and organizations have accepted the position of the  Satmar Rebbe as their explanation of why they have not taken an activist role regarding our rights to Judea and Samaria.

Why bring this up?  These Gedoilim are modest, but the reality is that Daas Torah of these Gedoilim have considerable influence over the majority of Torah Observers worldwide (numbering in the 6 digits). They have considerable influence over secular Jews as well as a result of very effective outreach organizations and professionals such as Aish Hatorah, Ohr Sameach, Shofar.net, Arachim, Kiruv, Chabad  etc.  The majority of Observant Jews, Rabbanim  and Yeshivot look to these Gedoilim for guidance.  Their organizations and political parties have significant influence in Capitol Hill, and the Knesset.  Their position of Daas Torah is reflected in  the media cc'd in this email be it newspapers, magazines and radio shows numbering in the 5,6 digits.  Let us therefore seriously address the points of the Satmar  Rebbe.

To MGH - Letter to Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah - by Yosef Rabin

Please read in entirety.  Here is a small portion:

"The question of our right to Eretz Yisrael in our times is based on two main points. The first point is a passage from Gemara Kesubot,111a, God made the Jews take two oaths and the world take one. To the Jews "Not to ascend to the Holy Land as a group using force, not to rebel against the governments of countries in which we live," and   "Not to push the end away with our sins ", see Rashi.  

For some this means that the State of Israel is a sin, we came back in force and rebelled against the nations.


This is easily answered; there was no rebellion against the nations. We were granted permission by Britain, League of Nations and the United Nations to recreate our homeland in the Land of Israel. Second the first two oaths might be contingent on the third, if the non-Jews treat us harshly, which they did, then we can rebel and go up to the land. Even if the oaths are not connected, we saw clear signs of redemption, which nullified the oaths themselves. This is similar to the Halacha where one swears not to enter his house. If the walls of his house collapse, he is freed from his oath and may step on the remains of the house. "

Therefore, in spite of the numerous daily reminders of our rights to our entire Land both in our liturgy and in Torah sources, we still seriously need to convince  Torah believers to be activists to defend our right to Judea and Samaria.

That is why the following post by Ted Belman based on work by Eli Hertz and others, is necessary to prove our legal entitlement according to International law.  It hopefully, Beezrat Hashem, will  help convince the majority of Observant Jews to unite and become activists and ultimately convince other Jews and the world at large of our Divine entitlement based on Torah and International law. This activism will be mezakeh the Rabim, make us worthy of keeping our Land. 
(G-d forbid we should sell it for a pot of lentils (empty promises of peace)).

Please read Ted Belman's

Jewish Legal Rights to Judea and Samaria  (based on work done by Eli Hertz.)


My last point is as follows.  Why would Judaism place such an emphasis on Eretz Yisroel  in daily prayers and in the weekly Parsha, if it wasn't relevant to each and every generation  especially our own? 

Sometimes we are blinded to truth when our hearts are leading us astray. For example, intellectually we know cigarettes are dangerous to our health but we convince ourselves otherwise.....

Let me end with this prayer.

 May Hashem enlighten us in merit of our strong desire to keep the Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel thereby bringing forth the Kedusha, the Sanctity of the Land,  May we have the zechus, the merit of being a Mamlechet Kohanim Vegoy Kadosh, a Nation of Priests and a H-ly Nation, in order that the entire world be blessed with Peace and Prosperity. Amen Ken Yehi Ratzon (May it be His Will)


(Note 1) Yosef Rabin writes in his Letter to Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah. http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2008/10/to-mgh-letter-to-moetzet-gedolei.html

"In Parshat Bichukoti, one of the many infamous curses is the one on the Land of Israel. " I will make the Land desolate, and the enemies who dwell within will be desolate. "(26:32)).

The Ramban explains this to be a blessing and promise for the Jewish People. That the Land will never grow for anyone but the Jewish People. Rabbenu Bachya also explains, BeReshit 17:8, " This is a great sign for the Jewish People, since they were exiled from their Land no nation was able to settle there. Rather it sits is desolation until its children return. " Also, may there be a thousand separations, the famous non-Jewish author, Mark Twain visited the Land of Israel in 1867. He wrote, " The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are un-picturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly desert fringed with feeble vegetation that has an expression about it of being sorrowful and despondent… The Land sits in sackcloth and ashes… This Land is no more of this work-day world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition-it is a dream-land. " (Innocent Abroad end of chapter 56)


It is clear that Hashem has kept his promise, up until the Jewish People decided to return to the Land of their forefather's, the Land did not grow. It is interesting that he wrote this in 1867, just a few short years before the Children of Israel although mainly secular returned. Even though they were secular, did not keep Shabbat or Kashrut, the Land accepted them and she grew accordingly. The Land allowed them to drain her swamps, grow her fields, raise cattle and build beautiful towns and cities. This was all barely 30 years after Twain visited. "


This will be posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Monday, January 11, 2010

Speaking forthright to Lev L'Achim and the Gedoilim - Is this Lashon Hara? An Answer to David Ha'ivri


Dear David Ha'ivri, amv"sh

In response to your comment in http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2010/01/question-for-lev-lachim-flatbush.html

First Yasher Koach on all that the Shomron Council does especially the Liason office in conjunction with Gershon Mesika!  Beezrat Hashem may our hopes for fundraising for Yehudah and the Shomron come to fruition also in Flatbush and Boro Park communities that are filled  with Holy Jews with pure and precious Neshamos as Reb Shlomo Carlebach would say,  and may it be Hashem's will, Beezrat Hashem, that these precious Neshamos of Flatbush and Boro Park will recognize that  Torah connects them with Ir Haovot, Hebron and Hashem's Covenant with the Avot  and applies equally to them as it does to the residents of Yehudah and  Shomron.

Please brace your ears for what I am going to say because what I am about to say is very very painful.  But not nearly as painful as things can ultimately get.  

David, I am sorry to say that  at the moment, by uniting for Lev L'Achim, it appears as if our community in Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY  has (hopefully unintentionally) , basically aligned with the likes of Eisav. I am sure that is no ones intention.

Eisav Biza et vHabechora, Eisav scorned his birthright and sold it for a pot of lentils. 

The communities of Flatbush and Boro Park are being guided by Gedoilim that sit by passively as the State of Israel under various political parties  negotiates away our Precious HomeLand and show willingness to give away parts of Eretz Yisroel as did Eisav for a pot of lentils (an empty promise of security).

I agonized over Shabbat about whether what I wrote was considered Lashon Hara against a large segment of the Jewish population and nuch erger, even worse against Gedoilim and Talmidei Chachamim,  The punishment for such "Lashon Hara"  is quite severe according to what I have been reading in Shemirat Halashon.  I'm tossing and turning, agonizing over my own words, praying for guidance and I have come to this conclusion.  If a young child would warn grownups much wiser and knowledgeable than he about an impending danger, they might rebuke him and put him down, but if they heed his message and are thereby saved by it, they will ultimately thank him and understand that it was for their own benefit. 

When the Rav at Lev L'Achim asked me how come I don't have Emunas Chachomim I asked the Rav at Lev Lew'Achim how the Miraglim who were such Gedoilim made such terrible mistake about Eretz Yisroel.  He replied because they were human and were afraid.  The same then I answered him applies here. 

The bottom line is that each and every Jew has a promised Nachala in Eretz Yisroel,  This promise extends for each and every generation. Every Noahide will tell you that G-d is faithful to  keep His promises.  It is written so in the Torah and in the Prophets.  One needs not hear from a living prophet or from Moshiach to know that we have entitlement to the Land of Israel in our generation. 

The Dvine Promise is that Eretz Yisroel is our Nachala for all generations. 

Ani Maamin Beemunah Sheleim SheZot Hatorah, Lo Tehei Muchlefet velo tehei Torah Acheret Meeit Haborei Yisbarach Shemo....This is our Torah and it will not be changed. This is one of our principles of faiths.

 For that matter, a Jew that lives in the Diaspora also has a Nachala in the Land of Israel even if he doesn't know exactly where it is. Eretz Yisroel is his permanent Nachala.  Flatbush and Boro Park are his temporary Nachala. Those that live in Eretz Yisroel may not be living in their permanent Nachala either.  When Moshiach comes and we once again keep Yoveil, we will know where exactly are our Permanent Nachlaot.  We do know however that Eretz Yisroel is our collective Nachala.  We say it each and every day in Pesukei D'Zimra from Divrei Hayamim "Davar Tziva LeElef Dor asher Karas es Avraham....."

Eretz Yisroel is like Shabbat  and both are meant only  for Jews.  "Velo Nesato Hashem Elokeinu LeGoyei Haarazot"  (Shabbat Shemoneh Esreh Shacharit) Therefore to deny this fundamental truth of Torah is like denying the entire Torah.  It pains me deeply to say that Lev L'Achim and the Gedoilim have been leading the Nation astray. They misrepresent Torah when they teach that Eretz Yisroel is not necessary for keeping Torah.  Their proof is that we survived in Galus w/o Eretz Yisroel.  However, for our generation, when we do have Sovereignty, they have essentially annulled the Covenant that applies to each one of us  And because of Areivus, I humbly disagree with your assessment that Yehuda and the Shomron will be fine without Jews from Flatlbush and Boro Park.  We can't be fine because we are one body and these precious Neshamos are needed for a healthy body. 

Am Yisroel is Hashem's Nachala and we are by Divine will connected with our Nachala which is in Eretz Yisroel which is divinely linked with the concept of Shabbat and Shabbat Haaretz.  Any attempt to disconnect this divine connection ultimately results in linking up with Eisav who gave away his Birthright and therefore aids intentionally or unintentionally with the  establishment of  Palestinian Sovereignty (To be established within 2 years chas vechalila according to Mitchell Chas Veshalom).  Such an Authority if implemented translates into the destruction of the entire Jewish Presence in the Land Chas Vechalila

The Likud, Shas, UTJ all speak of giving away our Sovereignty, which basically means giving away our Nachala.  This is not Torah Judaism and it is not Kiruv Rechokim.  Lev L'Achim is teaching either by silence, by their maps or vocally, that Eretz Yisroel Hashleima, including our heartland and Holy cities like Hebron, Beit Lechem and Shchem are not necessary in order to observe Torah in our generation,  This translates into a gross distortion of Torah.  The  beginning Rashi in Breishit answers the Umot Haolom that accuse us of occupying the Land.  The Land belongs to G-d and He chooses to whom to give the Land.  Eretz Yisroel plays a major role in the Torah from beginning till the end of Devarim when Hashem shows Moshe Rabbeinu the entire Land and says Perek 34 Pasuk 4  And Hashem said to him.  "This is the Land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, 'I will give it to your offspring. I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not cross over to there.'. (and Hashem did not leave out Yehudah and Shomron when he gives Moshe Rabbeinu the visual tour)

In our generation, after 2000 years we are a Sovereign Nation granted this status by the Nations of the World, the League of Nations. There was the Balfour Declaration. We did not prematurely climb any wall as the Satmer Rebbe claimed.  We were attacked and we fought off our attackers. We as a Nation have witnessed Nissim and Niflaot. great miracles, that can not be merely happenstance.  How can we not claim our inheritance publicly?  Surely our Silence  tells the world that we ourselves are not convinced of our Divine Promise of Entitlement to the Land. This allows for identity theft.

Avraham Avinu was called Ivri because he was on one side with the truth and the rest of the world was on the other.  Each one of us must be an Ivri and be willing to go against the tide in order to proclaim the Emes.

Chazak Veematz.  Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevarech as Amo Bashalom. 

David, Please continue to Be Strong and Courageous, Hashem will give Strength to His Nation , Hashem will Bless his Nation with Peace.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Benefit concert for Women Shlaymus HaAretz Motzei Shabbos January 23rd in Crown Heights Brooklyn


Dear Family and Friends,
Please Pass On To Your Friends and Please do try to attend!
Looking forward to greeting you there,
Tamar Adelstein, coordinator


Learn what is happening TODAY in YESHA – Yehuda & the Shomron

& with former Gush Katif Residents

With Live Music Performance by


and opening act special guest

Inspirational Music

Original Theater

Documentary Film

This event is for women only

Motzei Shabbos

Jan 23


Beis Rivka Elementary

470 Lefferts Ave @ Brooklyn Ave

Crown Heights, Brooklyn

2 blocks from "Sterling" stop on the 2 (red) or 5 (green) subway


The recent decision to freeze building within Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and Har Homa in Jerusalem not only abuses the Halachic and civil rights of Jews living there but threatens every Jews' safety in Eretz Yisroel and abroad. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said the very best guarantee to Israel's security comes through Jewish pride in our Heritage and determined settlement in our Homeland.  Please join us in doing what we can to stop the next Disengagement.



Your purchase supports those maintaining a Jewish presence in Israel. Maasar may be used.

$18 / $36 General Admission

$75 / $118 Contributions receive complimentary gift, front row seats, VIP services

Tickets:  718-774-0914 

 OR  - credit cards online:



Will YOU prevent a second Disengagement?


Sponsored by Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel and The Shleimus HaAretz Talk Show.

For more information contact Cadelstein@aol.com

or call  

 718-774-0914 .

Friday, January 08, 2010

Question for Lev L'Achim Flatbush Breakfast endorsed by 86 participating local Flatbush Shuls and Bungalow Colonies - Is Yehudah and Shomron merely Arab populated areas?


Lev L'Achim has been perhaps the most successful organization when it come to fundraising in Flatbush. Brooklyn, NY . Each one of these shuls have one or more chairmen in charge of fundraising for Lev L'Achim. Advertising is comprehensive.  Personally, I saw promotion, 3 page glossy insert,  for this breakfast in The Vues (free advertising circular in Flatbush/Boro Park area)  plus we got an addressed glossy flier in the mail.  I am sure that was just a small example of the comprehensive promotion for this breakfast.

In addition to the local shuls in Flatbush, many of the Local Yeshivoth, including my children's Yeshivoth have exciting  Lev L'Achim Tzedakah drives whereby the children are awarded prizes, class pizza parties etc for those that collect substantial sums of monies,  Kids are motivated after a representative of Lev L"Achim comes to their school and talks to their classes. Children organize carnivals whereby the proceeds go to Lev L'Achim.  In my son's Yeshiva, the class will be receiving a free pizza party but only boys that have raised more than $10 will be able to participate in the pizza party.

On Purim, the high school boys get free limousines from Lev L'Achim and do their collecting in groups.  Lev L'Achim according to the promotion is the Movement of Gedolei Yisroel and in the past, pictures of around 30 Gedoilim are featured back cover on the promotion material. 

Several years ago, a map of Eretz Yisroel was included in the glossy 22 page circular for Lev L'Achim..  On this map, Yehudah and Shomron was delineated with a different shade of green than the rest of Israel  and all the offices of Lev L'Achim were outside this shaded area.  In addition, this shaded area was labeled "Arab Populated Areas".  I went to their offices and voiced a complaint.  I asked them that aside from being the Biblical Heartland, Yehudah and Shomron have significant Jewish population centers from Hebron  upward to Yerushalyim and throughout the Shomron.   I inquired about their position regarding Gush Katif.  I was told that one of the Gedoilim was asked the same question and he replied in 3 words  "Nisht Inzere Sugia". 

I was also told by a friend in Israel that her daughter and her friends were descouraged by outreach professionals of  Lev L'Achim not to do Sheirut Leumi because it might have an adverse affect on their frumkeit. 

I know for a fact that Sheirut Leumi girls have been extremely helpful to the Yishuvim om Yehudah and the Shomron, helping in kindergartens, Yeshivot, social services etc. Is this where I want my Tzedaka monies to go?

So once again when I got a call from the Lev L'Achim office this pasts week inviting my husband to this breakfast on Sunday I expressed admiration on their fundraising efforts but brought up some serious questions I have regarding the silence of the Gedoilim regarding Yesha.

They put me on speaker in the office.  From my discussion of one of the organizers, I got the impression that Lev L'Achim follow Gedoilim who are of the opinion that ERetz Yisroel is not necessary in order to keep the Torah. When Eliyahu comes and announces Moshiach then we can plan on returning to EY. How can I say I know better than the Satmer Rebbe or Rabbi Avigdor Miller.  I was told  we've lived in Galus for 2000 years and anyway the Medina  hates Torah.  I asked them then how come Shas, UTJ and Likud are partners with the Medina in establishing a Palestinian State. 

I was told  that we don't have Neviim in our time so we have no authorization to have sovereignty on Eretz Yisroel in our dayHe as.  I asked  him whether if someone would come to his house and tell him that he is occupying it and should leave whether he would say it's Gezera Min Shamayim and leave w/o protest.  He told me that he would show them the deed, the bank statements, the mortgage to prove that he has right ful inheritance.  I asked him "Do you believe that you have a Nachala in EY".  Isn't it true that if one is part of Bnei Yisroel and belongs to one of the Shevatim that Hashem has promised us a Nachala?  He couldn't deny that.  I asned so why aren't the Gedoilim telling the world that it is our entitlement, based on Hashem's  Covenant with the Avot, as an everlasting inheritance.  Why do we need a Navi to tell us that we have a Nachala  when it is pashut from the Torah?  Just look at the Chumash with a map that shows how the Land of Israel was divided among the Shevatim each receiving a Nachala besides Shevet Levi.

He asked why I live in Flatbush and not EY.  I replied, the Rambam had a residence in Egypt.  How come if the Torah says not to return to Mitzrayim?  THe answer is that it's not a permanant residence.  Eretz Yisroel is our permanent residence.  Egypt was  a temporary residence. for the Rambam and therefore it was permitted. 

In Poland, Checkoslovakia etc, the Jews were thrown out of their homes with a deed and with mortgage statements.  Perhaps it was Hashem's way of saying that Eretz Yisroel is your true homeland and somehow Jews  didn't get it.  The religious Jew did not go en masse to ERetz Yisroel after the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations gave us the green light.  Did we do our utmost Hishtadlus to claim our inheritance? Even without going on Aliya, at the very least we can publicly put a claim to our inheritance.

When we fail to do our Hishtadlus for our real and permanent homeland, Eretz Yisroel,  when the Nations of the world call us occupiers and all we can say, If we lose Eretz Yisroel, our nachala  it's a Gezera min Shamayim let us reflect if  would we react ini a similar manner if they say we have no rights to our homes in Flatbush chas Vechalila and simply say it's a Gezeira min Shamayim?   Would we ?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Fwd: Sickening re: Neguhot- Arabs employed by Police ransack Jewish Home in Neguhot, then the Bulldozers destroyed 3 Jewish homes at 1:00am after waking up kids in the middle of the night

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <faigerayzel@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 5:34 AM
Subject: Sickening re: Neguhot- Arabs employed by Police ransack Jewish Home in Neguhot, then the Bulldozers destroyed 3 Jewish homes at 1:00am after waking up kids in the middle of the night
To: ddanon@knesset.gov.il, zhotovely@knesset.gov.il, hkatz@knesset.gov.il, ylevin@knesset.gov.il, zpinian@knesset.gov.il, akara@knesset.gov.il, mregev@knesset.gov.il, zelkin@knesset.gov.il, oakunis@knesset.gov.il, olevy@knesset.gov.il, mmatalon@knesset.gov.il, anmichaely@knesset.gov.il, amiller@knesset.gov.il, hamar@knesset.gov.il, fkirshenbaum@knesset.gov.il, drotem@knesset.gov.il, lshemtov@knesset.gov.il, mmozes@knesset.gov.il, umaklev@knesset.gov.il, uorbach@knesset.gov.il, zorlev@knesset.gov.il, dazulay@knesset.gov.il, eamsalem@knesset.gov.il, yvaknin@knesset.gov.il, nzeev@knesset.gov.il, amichaeli@knesset.gov.il, uria@knesset.gov.il, mbenary@knesset.gov.il, yakatz@knesset.gov.il, aeldad@knesset.gov.il, amir.yakko@gmail.com, hesderrg@neto.net.il, yesmalot@netvision.net.il, levladaat@gmail.com, midbara@gmail.com, arielle@emeir.org.il, bmechina@gmail.com, office@birkatmoshe.org.il, ndeiah@barak.net.il, rachel@yeshivand.com, y-n-m@bezeqint.net, office@yhn.co.il, hesder1@zahav.net.il, ornahaya@gmail.com, baruchk@amit.org.il, henbamidbar@gmail.com, yptleora@gmail.com, karo-of@actcom.co.il, nir_rahel@walla.com, yeshivakg@gmail.com, yeshiva@yk8.org, hesderks@zahav.net.il, hazder-s@zahav.net.il, mazkirutrg@gmail.com, mkahana1@gmail.com, reuta3@neto.net.il, yebinot@gmail.com, office@ysi.org.il, b-torah@zahav.net.il, yeshiva2@gmail.com, lapid@goldmail.net.il, yeshilo@netvision.net.il, aryey@shaalvim.co.il, yeshtkoa@netvision.net.il, ormeofir@oretzion.com, oretzion@netvision.net.il, orotaviv@gmail.com, office@orashk.org, shulil@mor.ac.il, yayeleth@zahav.net.il, 239704@gmail.com, bmoriah1@012.net.il, ayelet@beitorot.org, y.h.b.shean@gmail.com, hesder.di@gmail.com, derechchaim@walla.com, mira_rat@netvision.net.il, hesder@gmail.com, office@yhb.org.il, shosh@haretzion.or.il, harshalom1@gmail.com, drukman@gmail.com, rettig1@walla.co.il, gershons@shaalvim.co.il, yesholon@neto.net.il, orvi@zahav.net.il, netivtfahot@bezeqint.net, yeshivatyafo@gmail.com, office@yhy.co.il, misrad@hakotel.org.il, yhm10@macam.ac.il, mazkirut@kby.org.il, yadid55@gmail.com, sima@rehovot.macam98.ac.il, Rav Eliezer Waldman <ravwaldman@nircollege.org>


I would like to know who in the Israel gov't gave the authorization on this cruel Police activity against a religious Jewish family with 6 kids ages 1-12 whose only crime is their desire to settle and live in Judea and Samaria!  This can be definitely be classified as an "intolerable act".
Don't forget to take a look at the first Ben-David's house that was valued at 350,000 NIS.  http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/198660

The only illegal activity  in this unfolding of tragic and unfortunate events are these orders to destroy people's properties in a cruel and inhumane fashion. Those that are merciful to the cruel will be cruel to the merciful. This young family with 6 kids were not a bunch of terrorists who deserve to have their home destroyed.  They are scapegoats of a political process to intimidate Torah believers who insist on the Biblical Rights to settle the Land of Israel.  It is an act against G-d and the Torah.  It is an act that is clearly racist and self destructive to the Jewish people and to the world at large!

Fatah and Abbas honors suicide bombers and terrorists. http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=3853&q=1

Fatah is ideologically no different than Nazi Germany who honors those that murder innocent, defenseless Jews

The Mufti of Jerusalem, the Founding Father of modern Palestine was Hitler's partner Yemach Shemam. Can one make peace with the likes of Hitler Yemach Shemo? 

Don't be deceived by Arab and/or leftist propaganda. The Palestinians find justification in engaging in an armed struggle against  Jewish occupation on this Earth not just the State of Israel!  Israel is convenient because it has Jews in a ghetto like setting with a large Jewish Population in a relatively small area.

Netanyahu must be either blind because of accepting bribes (Shochad Meaver Pikchim, bribery blinds the wise) is being blackmailed. 

These three houses are a symbol of our struggle. Even one house would be.  If we sit by passively and allow this desecration to happen without protest then it will be a green light for further destruction of many homes G-d forbid in Judea and Samaria  and in aiding the establishment of a Nazi State.

Yes I am screaming. Come on, You can scream too! I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! 

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Women in Green <wfit2@womeningreen.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:29 AM
Subject: Rebuilding in Neguhot for the third time
To: wfit2@womeningreen.org

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More Destruction of Houses in Neguhot -- Preparing to Rebuild For the Third Time

Dear Friends,

Sunday night, January 4th, at 1 a.m., police and Yassam forces entered
the community of Neguhot in the southern Hevron hills, and, like
thieves in the night, went to the "Beit Hakerem" hill and ordered the
Ben-David family to get dressed, and leave their home into the night
cold. Once again, bulldozers destroyed their house, rebuilt only a
month and a half after their original, beautiful home was destroyed.
Two other homes, built nearby in solidarity with the Ben-David's, were
also destroyed. Again, the families' household goods were scattered
along the hilltop. The houses themselves, constructed of fiberboard
panels, were turned into a muddy conglomerate.

Yehudit Ben David called us early in the morning. This is what she told us:

"At around 1:00 in the morning we heard loud knocks on the door.
"Police, open the door!!" they shouted. We opened the door and saw the
troops outside. "We came to destroy your house. Get dressed and get
out". Then they cut off the electricity and the entire house was in
the dark".Yehudit and her husband told the police that their six
children were sleeping and they needed some time to get organized and
wake up the children, etc. The policeman said: "I must come in and see
if you are not lying and really have children sleeping here". The
policeman came in with a flashlight and confirmed that there indeed
were six children sleeping there, aged one year old to 12 year old.
"Get them up and get out" he told the parents. Yehudit said: "but
there is no light. You cut off the electricity. We can't see a thing.
Can I at least get one of your flashlights? Each and every one of your
policemen have flashlights- give us one". The policeman refused.

"Somehow we managed to get the kids up" says Yehudit. "Meanwhile Arabs
who had been employed by the police , entered our house and started
taking out our possessions, simply throwing everything outside, on the
muddy floor -  the fridge, the matresses, the linens,  the books, the
clothes..." After that the bulldozer came and destroyed our house and
an additional two that belong to our neighbors.

"Luckily, on the nearby hill that is also part of Neguhot, where some
ten families live, there was an empty caravan, and we temporarily
moved in there, till we can rebuild our house on the "Bet Hakerem"
hill, for the third time. "The problem is", said Yehudit ben David,
that now the "Beit Hakerem hill" is empty and Arabs who come by foot
from their village, kilometers away, approach the hill and steal our
belongings. They grab whatever they can and walk back to their village
far away.We must find a way of priotecting the hill.

Women in Green immediately organized a group of young men to stand
guard at the hill and together we drove out to Neguhot. The scene of
the destruction was heartbreaking. Just a few days ago we had come
there to protest the fact that Arabs had thrown a molotov cocktail
against a bus, wounding an 18 year old girl. Instead of trying to
catch the Arab terrorists, Israeli security forces were busy planning
the destruction of the Ben David house.

Through the ugly stratagems of Defense Minister Barak and the
deafening silence of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the power of the state
continues to be mobilized against "enemies of the state" like the
Ben-David's and their neighbors, whose "crime" is their desire to make
their homes in the Land of Israel generally, and within the legal
boundaries of their community of Neguhot specifically.  They built
their homes in a designated new neighborhood of Neguhot to prevent
Arab squatters from expropriating their community's land, as is
happening throughout the Negev and the Galil along with Judea and

The spirit of these families won't be broken: they are ready to
rebuild their houses anew. We, secure for now in our nice, warm homes,
have to do our own mobilizing -- of ourselves -- to provide them with
the resources to rebuild their homes for the third time.

We call on all lovers of the Land of Israel to contribute to the
Yibane Fund, currently being established by Women In Green for
building and settlement in the hills of Judea.

While organizing the launching of this fund, the destruction in
Neguhot gave us an object lesson of the fund's purpose and necessity.

We can rebuild the houses destroyed in Neguhot within 10 to 14 days if
we can collect the funding. It will take 100,000 NIS (some $30,000)
to construct three new very basic structures.

The struggle over the future of the Land of Israel is being waged on
the hilltops of Judea and Samaria.

We, with God's help and with your help, will ignore all anti-Zionist
and anti-Jewish decrees and continue to build our Biblical homeland.

Please send your checks to:

"Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)- The Yibane Fund"
P.O. Box 7352 Jerusalem 91072 Israel

For US tax deduction please contact us by email at nmatar@netvision.net.il

For details: Nadia Matar 050-5500834,Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818,  or
Miriam Fleishman 052-4295557.

Link to Arutz 7 article in which you can see pictures of the Ben
Davids first beautiful house, the bulldozer destroying that house and
pictures of the simple houses rebuilt after the first destruction. The
pictures are at the end of the Hebrew article.

With love for Israel,

Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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