Friday, June 05, 2009

Re: President Obama, The Truth of the Torah not the Quran...


Rather than aiming to convince President Obama, let us aim to convince ourselves of our entitlement to the Land.

The Truth according to the Torah (the Bible upon which he swore to office) is as follows:

Bereishis/Genesis Chapter 21:9-12

9) Sarah saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking*. 10) So she said to Abraham, "Drive out this slave woman with her son, for the son of that slave woman shall not inherit with my son, with Isaac!" 11) The matter greatly distressed Abraham regarding his son. 12) So G-d said to Abraham, "Be not distressed over the youth or your slave woman: Whatever Sarah tells you, heed her voice, since through Isaac will offspring be considered yours. 13) But the son of the the slave woman as well will I make into a nation for he is your offspring."...A few verses later the Torah says

17) G-d heard the cry of the the youth. and an angel of G-d called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for G-d has heeded the cry of the youth in his present state. 18) Arise, lift up the youth and grasp your hand upon him, for I will make a great nation of him."

*Rashi: Mocking [or: playing: making sport], This term expresses what Sarah saw that convinced her than Ishmael could not remain in the household. Scripture uses this verb to denote the three cardinal sins: Idolatry [Exodus 32:5] adultery [39:17[ and murder [II Samuel 2:14] Thus Ishmael's behavior proved that he had become thoroughly corrupt and evil and he had to be sent away. (Rashi)

Is this being fair and just to Ishmael? It clearly says that the son of that slave woman shall not inherit with Sarah's son, with Isaac. Ishmael's behavior was not on the high moral ground required for Sarah and her offspring. However, G-d did promise that He would grow to be a great nation.

The Torah is not politically correct. It is fair and just when it says that Ishmael can not inherit with Isaac.

The Land of Israel is the Promised Land for the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Abraham's seed will be defined through Isaac only.

The Jewish people have an extremely high moral standard while living on the land or else the Land will vomit them.

In Vayikra/Leviticus 18:24-30 it says:

24) Do not become contaminated through any of these; for through all of these the nations that I expel before you became contaminated. 25) The Land became contaminated and I recalled its iniquity upon it; and the Land disgorged its inhabitants. 26) But you shall safeguard My decrees and My Judgements, and not commit any of these abominations - the native or the proselyte who lives among you. 27) For the inhabitants of the Land who are before you committed all these abominations and the Land became contaminated. 28) Let not the Land disgorge you for having contaminated it; as it disgorged the nation that was before you. 29) For if anyone commits any of these abominations, the people doing so will be cut off from among their people

30) You shall safeguard My charge not to do any of the abominable traditions that were done before you and not contaminate yourselves through them; I am Hashem, your G-d.

There are many negative commandments that are simply not tolerated in the Land. Among these are Immorality and forbidden relationships. The Torah warns us and the Nations of the World not to even consider living in the Land and behave immorally because the Land will vomit you.

In addition to the negative commandments there are many positive commandments that are specific to the Land of Israel. Very prominent among these Mitzvoth is the Mitzva of Shemittah. These commandments brings forth sanctity from the Land which then permeates throughout the world. Observing Shemittah is not easy. It requires amazing fortitude and a test of our faith in G-d and his Holy Torah. How many Jews will leave their field lie to waste not knowing where his sustenance will come? You can be sure that the Palestinians have no such laws nor any desire or inclination to observe such difficult laws.

And if we say that Judaism is racist, then let us remind the world that even within the Jewish camp, there are levels of holiness. The Levites are considered G-d's servants and their camp comes closer to the Holy of Holies than that of the Israelites. The Priests, the Kohanim have unique laws that separate them from he rest of the Jewish Nation including the Levites and their space is off limits to the rest of the Jews. If an Israelite enters the space meant for the Kohanim and performs the service of a kohein, he suffers fatal punishment, Misa Bidei Shamayim, death from heaven. Then there is the position of the High Priest who can enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur alone in a state of absolute purity.
Failure to do so ends in fatal punishment as well.

How this is all applied on a universal level is explained by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum The following explanation makes it very clear why a Palestinian State simply won't work in the Land of Israel.

Universal Torah
Lessons for Humanity
from the Weekly Parshah
by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum

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Torah Reading: SHOFTIM, Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9.
Haftara: Isaiah 51:12-52:12.

The annual cycle of Torah readings is so arranged that parshas SHOFTIM, "Judges", is always read on the first Shabbos of the month of Elul, season of compassion and repentance, when all hearts yearn to come back to the Source. The opening words of the parshah -- "Appoint judges and police for yourselves in all your gates" -- contain a personal message for all of us. The key step in coming back to G-d is when we "appoint judges and police" for OURSELVES -- in the gates of our own minds and souls. We must examine our traits, activities and behavior and consider carefully whether they accord with G-d's Torah and how they could be improved. Then we must find ways to "police" ourselves so as to enforce our good resolutions and carry them out, taking the next steps forward to greater holiness in all the different areas of our lives.

Together with its personal spiritual advice for each one of us, parshas SHOFTIM contains the blueprint for a Torah state in Israel ordered under its judges, its supreme court, its king, priests and prophets. Parshas SHOFTIM is at the center of the "trilogy" of parshiyos in which Moses sets forth the intricate details of the mitzvos making up the "Mishneh Torah", his repetition of Torah law prior to his departure from the world. Following the opening parshiyos of Deuteronomy, which brought us the basics of faith, love and fear of G-d, last week's parshah, RE-EH, set forth the blueprint for a blessed country cleansed of idolatry, where people's minds are constantly focussed on the service of G-d in the Temple. The blueprint in RE-EH is for a nation cultivating the land, giving tithes to the priests and Levites, caring for widows, orphans and proselytes, giving loans and charity to those in need... The annual cycle revolves around the three pilgrim festivals when everyone comes up to Jerusalem to "appear before G-d", experiencing the awe of the Temple, partaking of sacrifices and the second tithe in holiness and purity, and learning to revere G-d.

Next week's parshah, KI TETZE, the third in this "trilogy", focuses more upon the commandments that relate to the particulars of our daily lives in the world -- family, property, how we build our houses (with a parapet), our clothes (tzitzis), personal morality, who we admit into our communities and many others. Thereafter, parshas KI TAVO will complete the "repetition of the law", concluding with the blessings and curses over which Moses struck the Covenant with the Children of Israel in the Plains of Moab prior to their entry into the Land.

Our present parshah of SHOFTIM, which is at the very center of this "trilogy" of parshahs containing Moses' "repetition of the law", sets forth the necessary order of leadership and government through which the Torah nation can thrive in the Land of Israel. The parshah gives us the commandments relating to those who are the key to living successfully in the Holy Land: the judges and police, the Supreme Court (Sanhedrin), the king, the priests and the true prophets. It is these leaders and officers who are to lead and guide the nation in following the path of the Torah. SHOFTIM also sets forth the laws of murder and manslaughter, whose purpose is to ensure personal security within the country, and the laws of warfare, whose purpose is to bring security from external enemies.

* * *


"Justice! You must pursue Justice -- in order that you may live and inherit the Land." (Deut. 16:17). According to the Midrash, "This teaches that the appointment of judges is to give life to Israel and to let them dwell on their land and not to cause them to fall by the sword" (Sifri Shoftim 144). A Torah judiciary with police to enforce Torah law is the very key to life and security in the land.

According to the blueprint, the true judges of Israel are not to be an aloof elite with responsibility to no-one. The legal system is not to be a tangled jungle rife with corruption and special protection for the rich and powerful.

The entire judicial system of the Torah nation is predicated upon universal study and knowledge of the Torah, making regular working citizens capable of serving as members of a Beis Din -- a "house of law" ("court") of three judges (for non-capital) or twenty-three (for capital) cases. A true Torah Israel is one so blessed that those earning their living through the labor of their hands are able to complete their work in less time, so as to be able to study the Torah assiduously as well, as in the case of many of the outstanding sages of the Talmud. According to the blueprint, the minimum town of one hundred and twenty male residents must contain a Beis Din of 23 together with an additional three rows of twenty-three students listening to and learning from their elders (Sanhedrin 17b). In this way, justice is at hand and quickly available every day, without the aggrieved parties having to submit themselves to a protracted, expensive, grueling struggle with slick lawyers and a heaving, endlessly complex legal system.

"If there are police, there are judges; if there are no police, there are no judges" (Sifri). If there are no police to enforce the law, the judges may judge all they like, but to no effect. In addition to study, the effective rule of Torah law is also predicated upon police who are subject to the authority of the Torah judges. Some may smile at the above suggestion that the first resort for justice should be the local Beis Din of Torah scholars, wondering how many of today's yeshivah alumni would be capable of acting as judges, let alone having police under them. It should be remembered that one of the reasons why the study of Talmudic law often appears detached from life in the rough and tumble of the actual world is because during most of the past two thousand years, rabbinical courts everywhere have been stripped of all meaningful sanctions with which to impose and enforce Torah law. The result is that the Torah has authority only over those who give it authority in their lives. Indeed, contemporary "political correctness" is appalled at the idea of rabbis "interfering" in areas that are considered in the realm of personal conscience, such as whether a person worships before a statue or image or violates the Shabbat, or what he or she does with another consenting adult. Yet under Torah law all of these may involve capital punishment, as we find in the case of idolatry in our parshah (Deut. 17:5). Many other sins that the wider society does not consider "criminal" can render a person liable to 39 lashes, such as wearing a forbidden mixture of wool and linen or eating meat cooked with milk.

The wider society obviously has some way to go in order to accept the law of the Torah. Those who yearn for the rule of Torah law and the blessing that it will bring can learn from our present parshah of SHOFTIM that constant study of study of the law is the foundation of the entire system.

While every layman is expected to be versed in the law, the commandment to "pursue Justice! Justice!" is interpreted to mean you should go to a "beautiful" Beis Din and seek out the best judges: the true sages and guardians of the Torah.

Our parshah instructs us that "when a matter of law is to wondrous for you. you shall rise up and go up to the place which HaShem your G-d will choose." (Deut. 17:8). If the local scholars and maveens do not know the correct answer, we are instructed to search out the wisest and most profoundly learned. It is evident from our parshah that the spiritual source of the wisdom of the Torah lies on Mount Moriah, "the Mountain of Teaching" -- the Temple Mount. In Temple times, there was a hierarchy of three courts that were in constant session on the Temple Mount: one at the very entrance and one inside, while the Supreme Court, the Sanhedrin, sat immediately adjacent to the inner Temple courtyard (Azara), in the Lishkas HaGozis, ("Hewn Chamber").

The teachings of the sages of the Sanhedrin in Temple times constitute the oral Torah tradition handed down from teacher to student going back to Moses and Joshua. This is incorporated in the Mishneh and Talmud, which are the core of the study of Torah law today. Obedience to the oral law as handed down by the true sages is itself one of the commandments of the Torah in our parshah: "According to the Torah that they will teach you and the law that they will tell you shall you do: you shall not depart from the word that they tell you right or left." (Deut. 17:11). Even an outstanding sage who deviates from the majority opinion of the sages of the Sanhedrin is liable to the death penalty as a "rebellious elder" (ibid. v. 12-13). It is noteworthy that the punishment of the rebellious elder is one of those cases (like that of false witnesses) that is to be loudly publicized among the people. Here is another respect in which the blueprint for a Torah state differs widely from the present-day reality, in which media controlled by narrow interests can put anyone they like on public "trial", while the quest for true justice is like trying to grasp a phantom. In the Torah state, it is from the Temple that the announcement goes forth about who is truly evil, "and all the people will hear and be afraid, and will not act in insolent defiance any more" (ibid. v. 13).

* * *


For some people the very word king is associated with images of contemporary "royalty" that render it somewhat misleading as a translation of the Hebrew word MELECH. The Hebrew word refers to the ruler who has power over a sovereign political entity. Our parshah teaches that such a ruler is part of the Torah blueprint for the successful state (Deut. 17:14-20). Yet the Torah conception of the MELECH could not be further away from the kinds of rulers who have power in states throughout the world today including those who still bear royal titles.

As exemplified by David Melech Yisrael, the Torah MELECH is first and foremost a saintly student and lover of the Torah. While every Israelite is commanded to write his own Torah scroll, the king is commanded to copy another scroll from the authoritative Temple text and to take it everywhere he goes. He is to read from it constantly -- this is what gives him his life and power (see Likutey Moharan I:56). King David testified that he would nightly rise before midnight in order to meditate on the Torah (Psalms 119:148). Yet he did not flinch from getting involved in the rough and tumble of the actual world. "My hands are filthy from from blood and aborted tissue in order to purify a woman to permit her to her husband" (Berochos 4a).

The Talmud instructs us even to go to see the kings of the nations -- in order to understand the difference between them and the true kings of Israel (Berachot 9b). Surviving non-Israelite monarchies have, with the complicity of the media, fostered a fairy-tale image of royalty whose vanity and emptiness have become starkly visible through an endless succession of scandals. The present heir to the throne of Britain has publicly declared that if he becomes king, he will abandon the historic title of Defender of THE Faith, and instead declare himself Defender of Faith - as if it does not matter what you believe, so long as you believe in something.

This is the precise opposite of MELECH YISRAEL, who is the uncompromising Defender and Champion of the Torah of Truth. The true kings of Israel today are the humble sages and Tzaddikim who live modestly, without Mercedes, mansions and villas, artwork, jewelry and the other trappings of "royalty". Their wealth is the true, enduring wealth of their Torah wisdom and holiness, and the merits they have accumulated through their strenuous efforts and exertion on behalf of the community.

In the Torah state, the king himself must subject himself to the authority of the Sanhedrin and the prophets. While the king has responsibility for the internal and external security of the state, he must submit weighty matters of state, such as whether to go to war, to the sources of holy spirit: the priests and the prophets. Thus parshas SHOFTIM presents commandments relating to the status and privileges of the priests in the Torah state, and to the qualifications of the prophet and how true prophecy is to be distinguished from false prophesy and divination.

* * *


The greatest scourge of contemporary society has become the cheapness of human blood, which is being shed daily without scruples in the rampant criminality and terror that have spread all over the world. The abhorrence of the Torah for bloodshed appears in many places and is prominent in our parshah, which contains the laws of murder and manslaughter and the cities of refuge for unintentional killers. We have already encountered some of these laws in precious parshiyos (MISHPATIM, Exodus ch. 21, MAS'EI, Numbers ch. 35, etc.)

Some are under the impression that the Torah requirements for valid testimony to convict a killer are so demanding that in practice it would be impossible to bring criminals to justice. For example, in a Beis Din, the witnesses must be Torah-observant, and their testimony must withstand rigorous investigation, while circumstantial evidence is inadmissible. It is true that the Torah requirements for valid testimony are very stringent, yet Torah law also provides the MELECH with sanctions with which to make sure that Torah leniency does not lead to social chaos. Thus the lawful MELECH of the Torah state can impose prison sentences and even capital punishment where necessary even in cases where a Beis Din could not impose such sentences.

The laws of warfare contained in parshas SHOFTIM show that from the Torah standpoint, the critical factor in the wars we face are not our numbers, arms and equipment as against those of our enemies. The critical factor is our faith in HaShem and the courage with which we are ready and willing to fight for our convictions. The "pep talk" to the troops is given by the priest. His opening words are: "SHEMA YISRAEL" (Deut. 20:3) -- alluding to the words with which we declare our faith twice daily.

The Torah commands us not to loose our sensitivities even in time of war. Even when fighting our enemies, we are not allowed to wantonly destroy property. It is in the context of the laws of warfare that the Torah gives us the law of "BAL TASHCHIS" ("Do not wantonly destroy." Deut. 20:20). If this law applies to our enemies' property even in time of war, how much more it applies to our own property and to public property in time of peace. We are to value that which has value, and not to needlessly waste and destroy. This applies to the natural wealth and resources of the earth, which are being mindlessly exploited and destroyed for the sake of immediate gain without a thought for the long-term.

The closing mitzvah of parshas SHOFTIM is that of the heiffer whose neck is broken in a ceremony that comes to atone for an unsolved homicide - a case in which a body is found in the open but the killer is unknown. It is noteworthy that the judges of the town nearest to where the body is found require atonement. It is their responsibility to see that their town is properly organized to take care of visitors and the needy, so that no-one is forced to take to the roads in search of hospitality, thereby exposing himself to the attendant dangers from roaming killers.

"Atone for Your people Israel, whom You have redeemed, Hashem, and do not put innocent blood among Your people Israel, and let the blood be atoned for them" (Deut. 21:8).

* * *

Shabbat Shalom!!! Chodesh Tov Umevorach!!!

Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Fwd: June 4, 6:30 pm :RSVP Now! Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation: “Rachel Imeinu, Fears, Tears and Cheers” by Evelyn Haies, Pres RCRf & Bnei Rachel Corp


Please forward to your lists especially Singles lists and places where Seniors would see it.  I plan on attending  iy"h ven though a weeknight is tough with little ones at home with HW etc.
Evelyn Haies' events are always well worth attending and supports an active living presence at Kever Rochel.  Robin

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From: Evelyn Hayes <>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:31 PM
Subject: June 4, 6:30 pm :RSVP Now! Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation: "Rachel Imeinu, Fears, Tears and Cheers" by Evelyn Haies, Pres RCRf & Bnei Rachel Corp


Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation

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THURSDAY, JUNE 4 , 2009  6:30PM


2nd floor

Cheese, Crackers, Chocolates and Cordials

"Rachel Imeinu, Fears, Tears and Cheers" by Evelyn Haies, Pres RCRf & Bnei Rachel Corp


Guest Speaker from Jerusalem, Dean, Inspirational Teacher, Lecturer, Columnist and Jewish Identity Builder


Evolution and Kaballah

"Were there Cavemen and Dinosaurs in Eden?"

"Was a Jewish State in 48 Foretold in the Torah?"


As Tel Aviv commemorates 100 years as a city in Jewish Palestine RCRF reclaims over 3600 year

Of Jewish roots, midos, the good ideology and Hashem's Pathways of Torah for perfection of the whole world


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The RACHEL TEAR © March 2009 First Edition

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In Memory of the Yahrzeit of

Shaul Yechezkel  Jacobowitz ben Avraham Eliyahu HaCohen



In Memory of her Paternal Grandmother

Rebbitzen YOCHEVED K. Singer

of Blessed Memory,

wife of Dr. Henoch Singer A"H ,

mother of Rabbi Dr. Joseph I. Singer










SAVE THE DATE: June 23, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, 11th Anniversary Torah reading at Kever Rachel. Plaque Hanging and Museum of Jewish Aliyah panel unveiling presenting the story of Jewish settlement in Beis Lechem in 1879 by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Kalisher and properties in Beis Lechem.

Torah Reading by Beit Orot Talmudim, Lecture by Atara Gur, Rachel Imeinu Scholar.


Failing to study your Jewish history is allowing it to be re-written.


"Remember,  A visit to Israel without going to Kever Rachel is like going home and not visiting your mother."

Tuesday, June 02, 2009



Pretty powerful Mussar!

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Date: 2009/6/1
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[Amos 9:10]


Additional messages-  //  Print version  // Original Hebrew version with sources


Binyamin: I want to speak to my beloved nation, Am Yisrael.

Everyone can see the growing dangers, especially in regard to Jews people, although the whole world is now in danger. Nature is in a bad state and the climate has had drastic changes recently. There have also been large-scale natural disasters, frightening events such as the melting ice in the North and South poles and a large part of the world is in danger of terrible drought.

The world is heading for a Third World War, which precedes the final war of the world – Gog Umagog [See Yechezkel 38]. In that war two-thirds of the world will disappear [see Zechariah 13:8], may Hashem have mercy.

This is why the whole world is now feeling fear, both goyim and Jews alike. Everyone is beginning to finally see the truth. The financial situation, which is worsening with time, is also putting everyone in a state of fear. People are starting to realize that all the formulas, all the various institutions throughout the world that they were once able to rely upon as a source of income are suddenly falling apart.


One by one, everything that people used to rely upon economically has started falling [banks, insurance, etc.]. This will continue until at last there will be no other source of sustenance other than our Father in Heaven. And now the Jews are hated throughout the world. Anti Semitism is continuously rising in many countries and a lot of Jews are afraid to look like Jews. There are countries where the anti-Semitism is openly flaunted.

Yet, with all the troubles that the world is experiencing, there are still Jews who think they will regain their precious American dream; a world of restaurants, entertainment, shopping malls, vacations, Pesach in the Alps or Pesach by the Pyramids, or Pesach at the Dead Sea, and so on. Back then the money was flowing and almost every Jew in the Western world was living a relatively high-class lifestyle. Even the 'poor' people could eat out and own cars.

However now that everything is falling apart, we, Jews and Goyim, are in a situation where the poor people are really poor and barely managing to make ends meet and fill their basic needs. Even the wealthy people are afraid to spend their money. In any case, as we have said before, soon their money will be worthless.


This whole situation is happening because Hashem wants to bring us all, the Jews in particular but also the gentiles, to the recognition that there is none other to rely upon aside from our Father in Heaven, because everything in the world is from Hakadosh Baruch Hu [as we say in the prayer "aleinu": "all the people throughout the world will recognize and know that every knee will kneel before You etc."]. This is the main point of the message Hashem wants to give over to Am Yisrael and to the entire world.

This is why Hakadosh Baruch Hu [G-d] is bringing us to a situation where we will have to directly ask Him for every single thing we need and He will give it to us directly. The world is completing its final rectifications and it is no simple matter. We have been in the world for thousands of years, from the time of Adam and Chava until now, and unfortunately the world has progressed very little. Adam and Chava's first sins were the same sins which still cause us the most problems today: lashon hara [slander] and lack of modesty.

The fall of mankind on the sixth day of creation was because of these two sins. The snake told Chava lashon Hara about Hakadosh Baruch Hu, may Hashem have mercy. Then he convinced her that she could supposedly be like Hashem if she would just eat from the fruit of the tree. Then all she had to do was convince her husband to do the same.


But what was the snake's real objective? He wanted her; he simply wanted Chava for himself. Those two sins, the lack of modest behavior and not guarding one's tongue are still causing us problems today.

What causes these sins? Pride, and the desire to fulfill our passions; in other words, the "olam hazeh" [materialism, the vanities of this world]. Not the spiritual world, rather the materialistic world. The root of all our problems is the Golden Calf.

Many times throughout history were we given the chance to rectify our sins and we did not. Now is our last opportunity to rectify those two central sins and many other secondary sins. However in order to accomplish this, we must separate ourselves from olam hazeh, from the Golden Calf.


There is another big problem caused by the Golden Calf and that is dispute [quarreling]. Lately, our people have been suffering greatly due to machlokes [arguments, quarreling]. With all the shmiras halashon that people are learning, machlokes is working over time between the various Jewish communities and sectors; between Sefaradim and Ashkenazim, etc. and even amongst the various Chassidic communities and the various Litvish communities. The situation is terrible and we have reached a point where shalom [peace] is rare to find. Moreover, due to all the gashmius, some groups are afraid that other groups will deprive them of their parnassah and that is a most horrific situation.

All the Jews, secular and religious [and the non-Jews even more], suffer from too much lashon hara and disputes. Dispute, dispute and more disputes - and everything is supposedly leShem Shamayim [for the Sake of Heaven]. Yet in reality almost none of this is really leShem Shamayim. Even though the people involved support their actions protesting "spiritual causes", usually everything is really about money, prestige, etc. All these disputes going on between the various Jewish groups are truly heartbreaking; even amongst different Chassidusses, within yeshivas etc.; terrible, just terrible.


Another problem with this generation is that much of our Torah learning is based upon olam hazeh and not leShem Shamayim. That is why Hakadosh Baruch Hu is destroying the Egel Hazahav [Golden Calf] and all the money flowing into the Yeshivas. This will reveal who is really acting leShem Shamayim.

Who indeed will sit and learn Torah in the Yeshiva even if it means he must now go and get a job? Who will take a Gemara with him to sit and learn with even though he has no Kollel paying him to learn, or a wife who works in an office together with men and wears a long 'custom' wig and tight clothes, making good money to pay for his learning?

However, the learning of such a person is not worth very much. Not only is it not worth much, but also the prosecuting angels in Heaven are using this against him and against all of Am Yisrael. However Hashem is now going to reveal to everyone who is really learning leShem Shamayim.


All of the gashmius in our lives causes the Jew to go away from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. And the more modern Jews - which really means that they are less careful about keeping the mitzvos properly - in most cases these Jews are farther from Hashem and closer to the Egel Hazahav.

Not only are they going away from Hakadosh Baruch Hu, they are actually creating their own version of Yiddishkeit - just as the Jews did in the desert. They created a Golden Calf and thought that by doing so they were being loyal to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Thus we have created a new version of Yiddishkeit – as the Jews created the Golden Calf in the desert. And we are praying to it [our "Golden Calf"] and think that we are really praying to Hashem.

This is what is going on and even good Jews are becoming confused between what is right and what is wrong, between sheker and emes. This is the state of Yiddishkeit today. It is the "Yiddishkeit" of America, England, Europe and all over the world.

But this is not true Yiddishkeit. In America, the so-called "Yiddishkeit" is mainly based upon the pleasures of the olam hazeh, on materialistic convenience. Even though there is a lot of chessed as well, unfortunately a lot of the chessed is based upon business and profits.


The Americans usually want the "good" and easy life and to have fun all day long. The same generally applies to Europe. However, I am speaking only of the Charedi Jews because the rest of the Jews don't even come close to the emes [truth], and in most cases the truth is of no interest to them.

The Charedim in Europe are considered to be more conservative with their lifestyles yet over the last few years the gashmius has begun to overflow there as well and is pulling a lot of the Charedim to the Egel Hazahav. They too are enjoying all the gashmius like the Charedi Jews in America. In each country it takes on a different shape but in the end it is still the Egel Hazahav and it is destroying every thing spiritual in life.

Am Yisrael, we are right before The End. You want eternal life? Then you must throw away every connection to the olam hazeh. The only way to do that is to accept with humility the Yoke of Heaven. This is the final tikkun [rectification] for this generation.


Whoever does not complete this tikkun, chas veshalom, whoever does not lower his head and accept everything we are given form Hakadosh Baruch Hu, every blow, every difficult thing He gives us, without question, and does not cry out to Heaven: "Hashem is the Lord, Hashem is the lord, Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem echad" will disappear from this world - as well as from the Olam Haba, lo aleinu.

Whoever does say this with all of his heart and truly accepts the Yoke of Heaven, he will gain eternal life [olam haba] and greet Moshiach Tzidkanu, bezras Hashem. Whoever does not – there is no hope for him. Hashem himself will obliterate all of the evildoers from this world and from the World To Come, lo alenu, just as He did in Egypt during the three days of darkness. Decide what you want!

additional messages-  //  Print version  // Original Hebrew version with sources



Fwd: Love of the Land 9 Sivan/June 1 Even if you are extremely tired, visit these posts! Especially "Peace in Our Times"



These are all excellent posts of Love of the Land, but if you have no time whatsoever, find the time to at least watch the UTUBE  "Peace in Our Times" made 70 years ago in September 1938 and listen to Chamberlain give up the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia saying "Peace, Peace in our Time" in exchange for Hitler Yemach Shemo's guarantee for "World Peace".

Then, even though you really have no time,  find the time to watch it one more time. 

Then find the time to support the efforts of Women in Green.  Bizchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot! See their latest event and flier  Obama! 
A neon banner for this event on this coming Wednesday  is posted on 
www.yesha  .  Scroll down on your left entitled, Obama, NO You CAN'T (  is a fantastic website)  It's also posted by Rafael Rabinovich facebook

See below text of the Ad in Hebrew and English scheduled to go into the Jerusalem Post. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Melody/Yosef Hartuv <>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 5:57 PM
Subject: Love of the Land 9 Sivan/June 1
To: Melody/Yosef Hartuv <>

As I call it a day, I hope there is something of interest for everyone. And of course if you find something you think might be appropriate, don't be shy.
           Besorot Tovot     Love of the Land

From: Nadia and David Matar []
Subject: UPDATE on Obama no you can't-


Below is the Text in English detailing  a partial list of the public figures that will come to speak at the vigil

 מצורפת המודעה שתופיע בג'רוזלם פוסט מחר יום שלישי

למטה התרגום לעברית 



לא, אתה לא יכול!

ארץ התנ"ך שייכת לעם התנ"ך!

ערב צאתו של נשיא ארה"ב, ברק חוסיין אובמה,

למצרים ולסעודיה, נערוך

משמרת מחאה

מול הקונסוליה האמריקנית

רח אגרון ירושלים

 ביום רביעי, י"א סיוון,3/6/09

בשעה 18:00

 בהשתתפות: הרב יוסף מנדלביץ,אסיר ציון לשעבר, 
הרב שלום גולד,

 ח"כ איוב קרא, גברת אסתר פולארד, ד"ר מוטי קידר, אוניברסיטת בר אילן,

ח"כ לשעבר עו"ד אליקים העצני, ואחרים

 כולנו באים לזעוק את זעקת ארץ ישראל!

 ועדי פעולה אפרת- גוש עציון- קרית ארבע חברון- נשים בירוק

הועד למען שדמה יהודית- ועד מתיישבי שומרון- ועד מתיישבי בנימין


לפרטים: יהודית קצובר 0507161818  נדיה מטר 0505500834



 You Can't Take the Land of the Bible

Away from the People of the Bible!


You Can't Get the Muslim World to Stop Hating America

 by Selling Out the Jews!


You Can't Destroy Israel's Security

 for Worthless Promises and Agreements!

On the eve of President Barak Obama's trip to Egypt and Saudi Arabia,

 we will hold a

VIGIL in front of the US Consulate.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd at 6:00pm


With the participation of

Rabbi Yossef Mendelevitch, former Prisoner of Zion; Rabbi Sholom Gold,

Dean Jerusalem College for Adults; MK Ayoub Kara; Mrs. Esther Pollard;

Dr. Motti Keidar, Bar Ilan University; Former MK Elyakim Ha'etzni; and others

Help us say it loud and clear:

the "two state solution" is a crafty formula to ensure the "final solution" to the State of Israel.

For Zion's Sake we will not be silent!

Women in Green - The Committee for a Jewish Shdema –

The Action Committees of Efrat-Gush Etzion-Kiryat Arba-Hevron  -Vaad Mityashvei Shomron - Vaad Mityashvei Binyamin


For details: Nadia Matar 0505-500834, Yehudit Katzover 050-7161818

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Fwd: President Obama Discussing Ways To PUNISH Israel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Sommer <>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:23 PM
Subject: President Obama Discussing Ways To PUNISH Israel
To: Barbara Sommer <>

_President Obama Discussing Ways To PUNISH Israel_
(http://yidwithlid. blogspot. com/2009/ 06/obama- looking-for- ways-to-punish- israel.html)

(http://3.bp. blogspot. com/_2k22z8vH128 /SiPT8AA9cuI/ AAAAAAAAGJk/ x5xT7yONBQk/ s1600-h/Shoot_ the_dog.jpg)
The other shoe is about to drop, President Obama "great friend of Israel"
is having discussion on the best way to screw Israel. Based on their
discussions two weeks ago, Barack Obama and his fellow democrats want Jews living
in the West Bank and Gaza to stop having babies so they can freeze the
size of existing settlements

At the same time Obama is making demands on the Palestinian side, like
recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, no that's not it, renouncing their call
for violent overthrow of the entire state of Israel, wait he didn't do that
either, oh I got it no Palestinian Jay-walking and no stealing their
neighbor's cable TV signal.

Among the ways that Obama is looking to punish Israel and endear himself
to the Muslim word is not vetoing anti-Israel UN Security resolutions and to
publicly denounce Israel. More by clicking below:

_http://yidwithlid. blogspot. com/2009/ 06/obama- looking-for- ways-to-punish- isr
(http://yidwithlid. blogspot. com/2009/ 06/obama- looking-for- ways-to-punish- israel.html)

Sammy Benoit

_The Lid_ (http://yidwithlid. blogspot. com/)
Exploring themes of Political Relativity