Tuesday, May 05, 2009

UTUBE : Paris March 2009 Once again the world watches, as they did in 1930's !!!!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JWinter <jwinter1227@rogers.com>
Date: Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Once again the world watches, as they did in 1930's !!!!!!
To: info@jewishtoronto.com

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 6:11 PM
Subject: Once again the world watches, as they did in 1930's !!!!!!

Once again the world watches, as they did in 1930's !!!!!!


coming soon to a supermarket near you......
when they do it unopposed in one place, copy cats mushroom, and the event is cloned far and wide.
Note that the PARIS

police did nothing.
unfortunately there are no subtitles to the french sound track, but you don't need words to see what is happening..
From the city where police once happily aided the SS in ridding Paris of its Jews and is now host to an "Annual Intifada Festival" comes another economically destructive form of organized anti-Semitism:  Destroying products of Israeli origin.  And, in their historically lax defense of Jews and justice, the French police do absolutely nothing to prevent the destruction of private property, this time in a supermarket. 
Similar actions are taking place


where extensive boycotts also include books written by Israeli authors.


video shows ~50 Pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel Muslims and sympathizers in Paris as they DESTROYED ALL the Israeli products in a large supermarket, took control inside the supermarket and loudly urged the people to Boycott Israel products.


Click below to watch the March 8, 2009 anti-Israel demonstration in the French supermarket chain Carrefour: 



416 824 2858
416 256 2858
Check out my new blog http://israelonisrael.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Our Message to the World. Entitlement vs. Pikuach Nefesh

The Lubavitch Rebbe writes

and you will have peace.

When the Jewish people will trust in G-d, that the Land of Israel belongs unequivocally to them, and are willing to declare this openly to the nations of the world, then "No one will contest the matter, and you will not need to go to war." In fact, even weapons will prove unnecessary…" The Rebbe, (Likutei Sichos, vol. 34, p. 8)

In the beginning, G-d created the Heavens and the Earth

What is the reason the Torah begins with Creation? Because if the nations of the world say to Israel: "You are robbers because you have conquered with force the lands of the nations of Canaan" Israel can answer: "He created it and gave it to whomever was proper in His eyes. Of His own will He gave it to them and of His own will He took it from them and gave it to us."

-- Rashi on Genesis 1:1

 Unless we address the root of the problem we can not cure the disease.  It just resurfaces. 

Addressing Pikuach Nefesh/security concerns and  the rockets facing us  is merely addressing the symptoms. 

Forget about PR and public opinion.  It's irrelevant.  Case in point. Mass public protest called for Jonathan Pollards' release and in the final analysis it didn't really make a difference.. The comment hotline was closed due to large volume of calls regarding this matter.  Many Congressman and Senators lobbied for Jonathan Pollard's release and it was all disregarded.  So the campaign was successful in that it generated an outcry for our position but nevertheless it ultimately failed  in its goal...at least in Bush's administration.
One can truthfully argue that after all, Obama is publicly addressing our security concerns.  Very responsibly in his opinion. Extremely responsibly. His solution is to  give money to moderate Fatah our partner in peace, and train their soldiers so that they can fight Hamas.  He is for appointing the UN  as our guardians to address our security concerns.   Now why do you want to waste your time arguing with Obama's proposed solutions. He gets counsel from the worlds  leading experts on the matter.  Mitchell, Hillary Cinton. Even Jewish ones like Rahm Emanuel. Bush was advised by Malcolm Hoenlein the leading expert on antisemitism. Do you honestly think that you know better than them?

 If entitlement is our claim then we stop Obama in his tracks before he can give us solutions on how to solve our Pikuach Nefesh/security concerns..  They know this and that is why they will demonize us for being religious extremists, fanatics, crazy Messianic extremists etc.  We must ignore this negative PR and put our faith in Hashem to help us.  We get negative PR anyway especially when we bend over backwards to get good PR.  Case in point - Jenin Massacre.

Unless we openly declare our entitlement, then Obama's administration united with the State Department will claim that the Arabs have the right to protect themselves as well. Go argue with them and waste your time trying to show that we are justified in fighting a moral war and they are not. The funding to support their position, way outnumbers our own.

That is why emphasizing entitlement  is the only answer.  We need not talk about the dangers we face from our enemies such as rockets in order to prevent further attacks.  However,  we must act on them.  We are justified in our actions in self defense when we emphasize our entitlement.  If one has entitlement then one is justified  and obligated to act in self defense for ones own survival.

But then they will cut off our funding for important matters such as fighting Iran and the nuclear threat you argue?

Well, my answer is that there was one Shemittah year that I didn't work all year and trust me, I didn't starve.  I gained 30 pounds.  G-d provided as he promised.  This is a practical, hands on  lesson in Emunah Peshuta which gives us the moral strength to withstand all economic sanctions placed upon us.  We depend on G-d and not on America for our security in spite of their threats and even implement to cut off funding..

 According to the Torah,  Ushavtem Betach Baaretz is the reward for keeping Shemittah and not the reward for placating Obama.

If the Chareidim claim that we have been keeping Shemittah properly, then I would argue then where is the security? Where was the feeling of Shabbat Haaretz when prices of produce sky rocketed?  Is buying from Arabs and Yevul Nochri  the solution the Torah had in mind?  What about Shmitas Kesafim? Isn't Pruzbul a loophole instituted by Hillel Hazakein because of lack of faith after Churban Bayis?  If we observed Shemittah so wonderfully then why has our security deteriorated so dramatically.  Was Hashem not fulfilling His promise to us in the Torah for keeping Shemittah properly?

Let us reconsider.  Maybe the chareidi solutions have not been the best way to observe Shemittah and neither is the Heter Mechira Solution?

Let us try addressing the root of the problem which is our failure to want the entitlement in order to keep the Mitzvoth and only this way we will be worthy of the Land. 

We are all desperate to win this battle.  But winning the war is our goal.  But we can not do it alone.  We need G-d's help and we must earn it with putting forth our best efforts to address the Biblical commandments that pertain to the Land like tithes, leaving portions of the field for the poor, the Sabbatical year etc,  It's not easy obviously but let's at least try.....Isn't this better and easier than facing Kassam Rockets daily?

Rather than blame the world for the dangers facing us, let's proclaim that the Land of Israel belongs unequivocally to us and then  look inward and address whether we are keeping the commandments properly which according to the Torah promise security.

Also please read http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2008/05/land-of-your-possession-on-behar-2.html
- Show quoted text -

Friday, May 01, 2009

Jewish Press - Fantastic articles this week!


Did you get this weeks Jewish Press.  It's the best I've seen. Read the front page article entitled "Israel's Founding Revisited" by Elliot Resnick about Israel Eldad z"l author of the "First Tithe" and father of Arieh Eldad who ran the Lehi movement also known as the Stern group.  It blew my mind. The Jewish Press  staff reporter Elliot Resnick interviewed Zev Golan who described the difference in ideology between Hagana and Lehi, Begin and Eldad.   Here are some excerpts:

Resnick:    People also credit the UN vote of  November 29, 1947 as instrumental in creating Israel.  However, while many Jews in Palestine danced in the streets the night of November 29, Eldad walked around depressed.  Why?

Golan replies: Eldad compares that night to the time when Israel danced around the Golden Calf and said, "This is the god who took you out of Egypt."  Here they were looking to the UN and saying "this is the god who has given us the State," and it wasn't. 

About the Altalena  ship where the IDF, on Ben Gurion's orders, fired on the ammunition - laden Altalena ship, killing 16 Irgun fighters.

Resnick asks: "So if it had been up to Eldad, the Jews on the Altalena would have shot back? Golan responds

"Without a doubt.  He would've shot back and made a move elsewhere to take power"

...and create a separate Jewish State in Jerusalem
Right, that's what he wanted to do.  But at that point, not only was Begin not on his side in terms of strategy but neither really was Lehi, which had moved leftward.
Begin said "I won't allow a civil war.  If they shoot at us, we're not going to shoot back" and Eldad said "We need to take power; we can't let power stay to the hands of people who are shooting at us and killing Jews".

Elliot Resnick:  "Many would consider the thought of shooting back at fellow Jews to be horrific. 

Golan: The horrific thought is not that Jews would shoot back at people trying to kill Jews and prevent the salvation of Israel.  The horrific thought is that Jews would take that first shot at Jews whose only goal was to help Israel.

And if the Jews who are fighting to save the country announce in advance that they will not fight back if the government comes to kill them, why fight at all?  If you announce that in advance, the other side really can get away with anything it wants.  So Begin had lost as soon as he made that announcement.  He was saying essentially, I don't care if Ben-Gurion runs the country.

Robins Comment, Dejas vu.  When the Yesha Council in Gush Katif agrees to be dragged to jail rather than declare their entitlement and rights to the Land of Israel and express a willingness to fight Kassam or Yassam, they lost as soon as they made that announcement  and was saying essentially, let Sharon run the country and carry out the disengagements.   Who knows if today we would be negotiating giving away our heartland in Judea and Samaria had we stopped it in Gush Katif and would have said we are making our own Judean State whose capital is in Jerusalem.Instead of handing over parts of Jerusalem to Fatah we could have suggested dividing Jerusalem between Jews and Jews.

 Let us defend ourselves of Arab aggression and if the government of Israel decides that it does not want to defend these territories, we are proud Jews that are willing to fight to defend our land.  (even though our settlement protects the rest of Israel as has been clearly proven with Sderot).  Rather than a civil war between brothers we could have suggested a parting of the ways between brothers such as Abraham and Lot where each side chooses to separate peacefully. This is a situation where the sides can not coexist as one and G-d is unable to dwell with Lot in Abraham's midst.  This is a situation where the positions are mutually exclusive and cannot coexist but each side continues to love each other and do not hate one another.

Golan says that there is no doubt that his vision (Eldad's) of redemption is the biblical, prophetic and traditional view of redemption.  Avraham Stern (Lehi's founder) put the building of the Temple into the principles of the Stern Group and called it a recognition, a symbol of redemption.

 Also read Paul Eidelberg M34 (Magazine section) entitled :"From George Washington to Barack Obama. The Decline of America" He writes: Notice that first Washington identifies the good of America with the good of mankind.  Rightly so, because America was the first and only nation explicitly founded on the Seven Noahide Laws of Univeral Morality.    Eidelbertg points out how Obama consistantly demotes America and puts Islam ahead of Judaism.  to be continued. 

Robin comments: I like that Prof. Eidelberg is speaking about the Noahide laws.  This is the Jewish answer to the Non Jew rather than Xtians, since we do not believe in J as the Savior of humanity.

Then read a phenomenal article by Caroline Glick page 22 entitled "Extrordinary Jews"  She describes the sacrificing actvists, the individuals and not the organizations who are extraordinary Jews  who finance her speaking engagements out of no compensation for themselves but merely to be there for Israel and safeguard her settlment.  Now even though I and my friends are not mentioned since we have not personally funded Caroline Glicks articles we do publicize them.  She writes "Their willingness to devote their time and effort to the increasingly lonely task of defending Israel makes them all extraordinary Jews.  it takes one to know one.   We agree. to her assessment.

Finally, they are printing the right kind of articles..  Even Menachem Porush in "As I see It" on Page 16 in an article entitled "Israel: Sixty-One Years Later" spoke up for our entitlement of EY and not merely because there is no peace partner.  "Many politicians continue to give the impression that Israelis are in agreement vis-a-vis a Palestinian state, but lacking is the condition that our enemies commit to the existence of a Jewish State.  While the ARabas seek our destruction, G-d forbid, we religious Jews firmly believe in G-d's Torah promise that "To you and to your children will I give this Land."

Robin's Comment:  Case in point, unfortunately, the Young Israel Campaign emphasizes such points rather than G-d's promise to us and to our children.  www.youngisrael.org/content/usa.cfm

As for Feiglin's article on Page 45, it was very disappointing.  Feiglin  has the right ideology which is to keep Judea and Samaria and Gaza but still can not declare independence from Likud, a party that is selling the country down the tubes.  Shimon Peres is now representing Likud in Washington thereby betraying the entire Nationalist camp that voted for Likud.

Feiglin has a way with words.  What is he saying when he writes about (Begin, Shamir, Netanyahu and Sharon, ) "They lack in the Jewish aspect  (meaning lacking in faith) that gives flavor to the entire Jewish Nationalist enterprise and therefore internalized the Left's agenda rather than Likud's agenda.   If all the Previous Likud's administrations failed to carry through on our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel, why is Feiglin holier then the pope and feel that he can reverse the trend and be true to the Likud's constitution?   It was in these administrations that Oslo, Wye and the Disengagement happened.  Why can't Feiglin come out and say that by doing so Hefeiru Toratecha, they annulled our Covenant which is Divine,  and  precedes the Likud Constitution by thousands of years?

  I don't remember Feiglin denouncing Annapolis publicly and aggressively and he did not lead or join a campaign to condemn Annapolis. He chose instead to concentrate on campaigning.  In doing so, he neutralized the activism of the best lovers of Eretz Yisroel and a significant section of the Nationalist camp that voted for Likud.  That is painful to me because his following includes the most dedicated, hard working devoted, ardent lovers of the Land of Israel.  Why should all their energies dissipate under Likud?  What a waste.  He did not choose to join with National Union as an equal partner which is under a Torah ideology since he felt that is did not represent a cross section of the country but only a faction. Where is our faith that Torah is Universal?  Feiglin still chooses instead to be subservient to the Likud party under Netanyahu's reign until he is Prime Minister.  He is afraid to use the words Torah in his speeches but rather couches his words with more politically correct usage such as "lacking in the Jewish aspect that gives flavor the the entire Jewish Nationalist Enterprise".  It pains me to suggest that   Feiglin really does belong within Likud since his leadership is consistent  with their leadership. While his words are music to the Nationalist camp and are consistent with Torah his actions do not reflect faith in Hashem but rather his faith that sticking with the Likud party, an established party,  will bring about his leadership and Israel's salvation.

We are clearly seeing under the Obama administration that words are meaningless unless they are backed up with actions that are consistent with these words. 

In the Jewish Press's editorial "What the President Didn't Say" Page 5 Obama spoke very movingly at the Holocaust Remembrance speech to the Congressmen on the Capitol Rotunda .  The Jewish Press reports that "The President called on Americans to give force to the pledge "Never Again" and with stirring cadence asked, "How do we ensure that "never again" isn't an empty slogan, or merely an aspiration, but also a call to action?"

The Jewish Press brought this to light obviously annoyed at this hypocracy with an adjacent article on page 4 by Larry Domnich entitled "A Post Pesach Dayenu: Enough"  which concludes Dayenu, Mr. President. Enough is enough..

This Dayanulists 23 or so actions of President Obama that speaks of  how he befriended anti-Semtic leaders and terrorist regimes  prior and during his administration. These actions include having been a member of Jeremiah Wrights church for 20 years, befriended Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalidy, bowed to the Saudi King, declared friendship to mullahs of Iran, called for talks with North Korean dictator Kim Yong,  called for more talks with nuclear ambitious mad dictator Ahmadinejad, embraced Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and accepted an American-hating book, gave audience and credibility to Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ordega appointed Janet Napolitano director of Homeland Security, appointed Eric Holder attorney general, recommended Chas Freeman as chief of National Intelligence Council, apportioned $920 million to Gaza, ordered  the closing of Guantanamo Bay and expressed approval of an investigation of former Bush officials whose objectives were to protect Americans and did in fact  protect Americans in their interrogations techniques by preventing further terror attacks, cut military budget, announced his intentions in Prague to destroy Americas nuclear weapons and called America arrogant before other Nations.

 How disturbing that words become the vehicle to say one thing but actually mean exactly the opposite.  Will we be forced to become cynical and learn to take empty words of Obama and interpret them to mean the opposite?  Will we continue to believe what we read and hear by political figures and media as truth or as lies?

Thank you to the Jewish Press for publishing these articles that serve to express our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel and to expose Obama without rose tinted glasses. thank you as well for other excellent articles regarding Shalom Bayis (Dr. Yael Respler, Rebbetzin Jungreiss, Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch etc)

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh! How to best counter bad Internet influence, destructive text messaging...etc.


Please forward to whomever is willing to read:

Tonight I came back from an Aseifa (gathering) put together by the Prospect Park Yeshiva in response to the detrimental effects that todays internet, cell phones, ipods, video games etc. have on our children.  There is no reason for me to doubt the veracity of the the claims that today's technology has extremely destructive consequences on many of our children.  Everyone apparently is at risk.  The easy accessibility to such negative influences to violence, pornography, unhealthy relationships at early ages has united the Rabbanim to alert the public and to convince parents to curb the use of these devices in order to protect our children from a young age.

Yet as an astute teenager remarked to me, many good kids that would have been cautious in the use of these devices in the first place  will be the first ones that will listen  to this ban while those that have a problem and should listen and stop messaging or access to the internet will be angry and disregard.  Those that should have come to this Aseifa didn't come and those that didn't really have any issues will be the most willing to adhere to the recommendations.

Let me suggest that banning messaging and internet  is not a solution. 

Because my guess is that many kids like their parents have been using the cell phones and the internet for positive things as well.  When we limit the use of the cell phone including text messaging we do stop the negative but we also inhibit the positive.  It's like some cancer treatments.  We possibly destroy both the unhealthy and the healthy tissues.  In the worse case scenario we inhibit the healthy tissue but the unhealthy tissue continues to thrive.

 If the kids who primarily use these devices for positive purposes like organizing chesed activities or texting Tehillim notices, stop as they have been told, and those that use it for negative purposes continue and disregard the ruling of the Rabbanim, we have succeeded in stopping much positive but have not succeeded in stopping the negative.

This is not our goal. 

You ask "How much positive is happening as a result of exposure to the Internet or text messaging?"

I can give you my own personal experience. Just today, I read posts of how Jews in Judea and Samaria, Sderot are under constant danger of attack from the enemy.  But thse that do not go on the internet have no clue.  Therefore Rabbanim have not issued any proclamation about "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" literally.  When Jews in Eretz Yisroel are attacked then it is a Milchemet Mitzva to fight our enemy even on Shabbat.  When we go to war then the army must be a "Holy Camp".  This is the literal explanation of "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh".

The kids by enlarge in our Yeshivoth are self absorbed and have not been made aware of the terrible threat Am Yisroel and the entire world is facing.  Europe is blatantly antisemitic.  Today for example I got an email of pictures in Europe with Nazi propoganda, dated May 2009.  I read Arutz7 about attacks in Judea and Samaria which stabbed kids from Bat Ayin and about other attacks because of lack of civilian defense by the IDF.  Some of these attacks were miraculously Bchasdei Hashem prevented. Some were not.   I read of Obama's civilian defense force bill which sounded very scary to me because it talked about unifying millions of kids into a volunteer force where it would be forbidden to engage in religious activity or protest etc and such service would be required for student loans.  Then I read in Aruz7 about the eminent deal with the Catholic Church to take over Har Zion which will bring in tremendous numbers of Catholics to Har Habayit and other sites in EY which they consider as their Holy sites.  Instead of us claiming Har Zion and Har Habayit as belonging under Jewish Sovereignty we suffice our claim to the Har Zion and Har Habayit by  merely performing  lip service in our Tefila, prayers to bring back the Avoda of the Beit Hamikdash amd  we allow the likes of Danny Ayalon to make deals with the Pope.  All these emails make me want to cry bitterly for our Holy Temple and our lost opportunities to keep the Mitzvoth and bring peace and blessings to all of mankind.

Do the Rabbanim get these emails that keeps me up till late hours in the night?  If they practice what they preach they  have no access to these emails except to conduct business.

Yes, I too have trouble waking up on time in the morning and I am bleary eyed the next day.  Just like your students who are busy texting till wee hours in the night on stupidities. 

If these same kids only knew what was facing them in the future chas vechalila, it would be a wake up call to them to grim realities and they would recognize together with their parents what they should be spending their time doing.  They themselves will make the right choices of life and not on fantasy action emptiness and nonsense.

But if they have no clue because  their teachers have no clue how are they to blame? The spiritual leaders are off the internet and have willingly or due to mere ignorance  seem to have turned a blind eye to what is happening in Eretz Yisroel. They foolishly believe that what I can't see can't hurt me.

Have we as a Nation chas vechalila disregarded our Covenant with Hashem?  Our alliances and silence show a willingness to give away parts of our birthright and ignores the suffering of our fellow Jew in Judea, Samaria and what was formerly Gush Katif.  As a result, the Mitzva of "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh"  takes a prominence but in a distorted way.

These same educators and parents will be forced to become familiar with the internet and text messaging and all the Shmutz out there anyway in an attempt to effectively monitor their kids activities.  They won't even be successful at monitoring much of the time because it will be almost impossible to effectively monitor due to the widespread and easy access of this very disturbing material.

So if we truly wish to fight these negative influences, we must use the tools of the internet and the cell phone and of modern technology to raise awareness and help our fellow Jew in Eretz Yisroel in positive ways and to make choices that bring life and not death. 

Our grievous mistake is to not adequately use  the tools at hand to serve Hashem and spread Torah.  We need to proclaim to the entire world that Am Yisroel belongs in Eretz Yisroel exclusively. Only we Am Yisroel have the responsibility and the obligations to keep the Mitvoth in Eretz Yisroel.  Let us proclaim that Eretz Yisroel is our precious gift from Hashem.  Our mission as a Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh, a Kingly Nation of Priests and a Holy Nation, is to bring forth Torah and  Kedusha, holiness of the Land.  The message Ki M iZion Tetzeh Torah Udvar Hashem MeYerushalyim will permeate the world.  From Zion will come forth Torah and the word of Hashem from Jerusalem. This in turn will bring peace and prosperity and holiness to mankind.  The Shmutz of the internet will naturally dissipate.

Here are some of the emails I received just tonight: If I look at all these emails would it enter my mind to even access the shmutz that is out there or to waste my time with stupidities and trivialities? My mind is on overload with this material.

: ערוץ מצויין ביוטיוב בקשר להסברה הישראלית, נא להשתמש ולהפיץ. תודה רבה