Monday, February 23, 2009

Mercaz Harav Massacre - One year later, Utubes of Rav Yerachmiel Weiss Rosh Yeshiva


Dear Yeshivoth, Friends and family, amv'sh

One can not watch these utubes without crying. Tonight is the yahrzeit of the massacre of the Kedoshim


Sent to me by Yaakov Cohney
Communications Director
Yeshivat Yerushalim LeTze'irim (Yashlatz)
050-833-1309 (israel)
646-810-8743 (us line)

A transcription of Rav Weiss's interview can be found on

If you are a Yeshiva this material is a tremendous lesson in Emunah and Bitachon and you may wish to share it with the students who can identify with their peers and deeply share the pain with the students of Yashlatz and Mercaz Harav Yeshiva.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Remarks by Aaron Kinsberg regarding 3 boys in jail in Japan.


"Aaron Kinsberg" <>, writes:

I will say T'hillim 4 them . But when is the Jewish leadership & community going to put a stop to the illegal acts perpetrated by community members. On this issue, the chilloni (secular) criticism of the Chareidi (ultra orthodox) silence is on the mark.
The name & background of the person who led this 'chesed' club should be disseminated. I hope it is not being hidden out of the usual 'mah yomru hagoyim (what will the Nation of the World say?) which only gives a license to members of the community to commit illegal acts. What do these alleged religious people have to be afraid of? The community will always run to protect the worst offender.  I'm in Israel & read that an adult in Meah Shearim was just arrested for molesting his 2 nephews. The parents were aware & claim they consulted a Rav & were told not to make an issue.

Tehillim must be said 4 the 3 young men but when r we going to put an end to the crime that is allowed by the silence of 'mah yomru hagoyim?

Please say Tehillim for Yaakov Yosef ben [son of] Raizel, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava, and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Re: הכנסת ס"ת שארית ישראל - hachnasat sefer torah to Bet Hakneset Shearit Yisrael Sderot


Israel Kaplan can honestly say that he shares in the pain of his brethren.  May we all be equally zocheh and learn from his example.

Israel, Thank you so much for sharing.  Yasher Koach!

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Israel Kaplan <> wrote:
Dear Family & Friends
On the eighth day of Shevat, corresponding to February 2nd, 2009, a Sefer Torah entered into the Shearit Yisrael Shul in Sderot.  The Shearit Yisrael Kehilla is one of the few ashkenaz shuls in Sderot and has a mix of young and old, many immigrants and Israeli born Jews.   Several month earlier I was approached by members of the kehilla to help them locate a Torah as the Sifrei Torah they had were either on loan or were posul beyond repair.  So after giving it much thought I decided that the right thing to do was to donate one to this shul.   The dedication was not in memory of our family members but rather to honor the Jews of Sderot who have shown our enemies, both near and far that it will take much more than  the intimidation of Kassam rockets and the recklessness of the ruling Israeli governments to remove these Holy Jews from their homes.      The event was planned for between Mincha & Maariv and when I showed up at this very modest shul with Alon Davidi of Maateh L'bitchon Sderot, recorded music started to play and the chaverim of the shul drew us into the dancing immediately.  
Throughout the dancing with the Sifrei Torah, I kept thinking of what brings me to this place, why me, why Sderot, why this shul?  Later in the evening the answers became clear when we sat down to the seudah in order to give shevach v'hodaah (praise and thanks to hashem) that he brought us to this moment of great joy(as seen in these pictures).   One regret was that my wife, children and grandchildren who live in Israel were not with me during this hachnasat Hasefer but due to timing, work and school it would have been difficult, however we hope in the future to involve them in similar acts of chesed.   At a point in the suedah a number of Rabbanim stood and said beautiful divrei torah which encapsulated a myriad of aspects related to why we all came together.   
So, at the end of the divrei torah an announcement is made asking me to address the kehillah hakdosha and only then did it dawn on me that I am speaking to an entirely hebrew speaking group.   Ashamedly my hebrew is not all that good but having little choice stood up and thus began my debut of giving a drasha in hebrew for the next 10-15 minutes.    I have often heard Rabbanim say throughout my life that whenever you are looking for connectivity to a happening open up the chumash and there you will find it, in front of your nose.    I firstly asked for mechilah from those that were gathered, that my hebrew is rough and that I will need their help to get me through this.   I then brought to their attention my thoughts of why me why Sderot, why this shul.   I opened up the Chumash to parshat Shmot perek alef, posuk zayin.   Yosef has died and the Jewish people were fruitful and became strong and the land became filled with Jews.   So what we see here is that while Yosef was alive and leadership exsisted and protected, the Jewish people were safe and secure and despite the fact that they grew and became many there were no assurances that there safety and security was guaranteed as the following suggests (v'yakam melech chadash).
From this point I turn to Shmot Perek bet posuk yud alef.  Moshe Rabbainu grows up and went out to his brothers and the posuk says that he observed their burdens(v'yar b'sivlosam).  I remarked that Moshe grew up not only grew up physically but also matured in his sensitivity to the plight of his brothers and identified as one of them.   Moshe sees an Egyptian beating a Jew and with very little hesitation acts quickly and decisively, wrong or right and kills the Egyptian.   My comment being that this is the first time we see that a man has taken notice of the suffering of the Jews.   Only later in Shmot perek bet posuk kof daled does hashem state that he hears their crying and moaning and great suffering.  Then again perek gimel posuk zayin does hashem begin to discuss with Moshe that he, Hashem has seen the suffering of his people thus begins the process of Hashem's intervention from suffering, slavery to redemption and freedom.   
One should attempt to draw the lessons of life and behavior from the acts of Moshe Rabbainu who long before he knew about the powers of Hashem took it upon himself to help his fellow Jews.   Moshe was brought up as a Prince, isolated from the streets of Egypt where his brothers were going through unimaginable suffering and yet he was unable to live with himself knowing that while this is going on I am enjoying myself in a palatial existence.    It would appear that the message that I am attempting to give is that Hashem will not come into the picture unless he sees how we sacrifice for the sake of our fellow Jews first.  Other examples that Moshe displays are at the time of Golden Calf when Hashem has had it with the Jewish People and declares he will destroy the Jews at which point Moshe shows again his devotion and responds to G-d to wipe his name out from the Torah.   And yet another example of faith & emunah is when Moshe is castigated by G-d prior to the splitting of the sea and with no compassion asks Moshe why are you crying to me "did I not tell you what to do" at which time he tells  Moshe, "Now when Israel is in distress, is no time for lengthy prayer.  Bringing examples such as these could be called a blueprint on how and when to act when segments of the Jewish people are in trouble.  
Another famous line that I have heard from Rabbanim throughout my life time is when you have reached IM"H your 120th and you go to for judgement will they ask you why were you not more like Moshe Rabbainu and the answer is no they will ask you why were you not more like yourself, why did you squander the great potential that you had?   Why did not you not hear the calling out of your brothers when they needed you the most?  I pray that most of us won't be asked this question.    Without greater elaboration I asked the gathering if they understood what I was trying to say.
My closing remarks were regarding the yet to be decided elections and who would lead Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael into the coming frightening years.  Again I borrowed some parallels from our mesorah.   When we come close to the month of Tishrei, we begin to do some soul searching and often become a bit queezy about transgressions, sins of ommission, innocent and not so innocent comments made to our fellow man.   The coming elections in Israel can be looked at by many political personalities of coming clean as it were with the Jewish people.   How refreshing would it be if someone stands up in front of the viewing public and says I made a terrible, terrible mistake.  I voted for the expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif, I was carried away to a low place by personal greed.  I watched in the last 3 years how so many families have been destroyed with very few of us politicians coming to their aid.   I watched as the Kassam rockets rained down on the homes and people in Sderot for the last few years and I did so little to help.   Oh, I am so ashamed of what I have done.   I have no right to ask this of you the people of Israel who voted me into power, but I need your forgiveness.   Are there politicians of this calibre who are able to show their human side, I responded, very, very doubtful.   Politicians in Israel are unable to admit to making mistakes lest those who oppose them use the apology as being less than perfect and unable to serve.   Only politicians who make no mistakes are able to serve and the rest, well the rest are not part of the ruling class.   I suggested to the small gathering that far be it from myself to make predictions on the political future of Eretz Yisrael, but that until a new bread of political leadership religous or non-religous are voted into power those that are being recycled today will continue to challenge us for many years to come.
I thanked everyone for the z'chus and merit of sharing my feelings with the Jews of Sderot and left the evening elevated and richer for this experience.
May we all share in similar experineces throughout our lives.
Thank you
Izzy Kaplan

חה .
I am

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tehillim for 3 Yeshiva Boys on Trial in Japan Yaakov Yosef ben [son of] Raizel, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava, and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.


Please say Tehillim for Yaakov Yosef ben [son of] Raizel, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava, and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.

Three Yeshiva Boys on Trial in Japan

by Hillel Fendel

The trial of one of three Israeli yeshiva boys charged with smuggling drugs into Japan – inside a suitcase a "friend" asked them to take for him – has begun, and the other two are to begin within weeks.

Efforts to give the three legal aid, financial help and prayers have been stepped up in Jewish communities around the world.

The story began last April when the three Chassidic yeshiva boys from Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, all under age 20 and one under age 18, were asked to transport some antiques from Holland to Japan. The three were part of an "acts of charity club," and the friend who asked them for the favor, offered them $1,000 each, and assured them that everything was legal, was the coordinator of their group. They therefore suspected nothing.

Once in Amsterdam, they were given the "antiques" – concealed inside false-bottomed suitcases. Told that this was a precaution against theft, they once again suspected nothing, and flew on to Tokyo. In Japan, the false bottoms were quickly detected and broken into by customs officials – who found there not antiques, but $3.6 million worth of Ecstasy pills.

The boy's ensuing detention period has been "very difficult, to say the least," sources close to the case say.  Japan is known for its no-nonsense approach to drug-trafficking and other crimes, and in view of the severity of the charges, the boys have been separated from each other, grilled by interrogators, and forced to subsist on vegetables, fish and the like – so as not to eat non-kosher food. 

Fears That It Will Get Worse
Held in conditions that are diametrically opposed to the culture and sheltered conditions in which they grew up, they are likely to face even more difficult conditions for untold years in Japanese prison if convicted. Japan and Israel do not have a mutual extradition treaty.

Actively helping out in procuring legal help and visitors are Rabbinical Court Judge Chaim Yosef Dovid Weiss of Antwerp, Belgium; Attorney Mordechai Tzivin of Israel, who deals in international law and specializes in cases of Israelis incarcerated overseas; Ukrainian Chief Rabbi Yaakov Bleich; and Rabbi Aron Nezri of London. In addition, Japanese lawyers have been hired to defend the boys – and they recently flew to Israel to see first-hand the environment of trust and kindness in which their clients grew up. 

Points in Their Favor
The sources say that though criminal cases in Japan almost never end in acquittal, the boys' exemplary behaviour, as well as extenuating circumstances as they were carrying out their "crime," have been noted. For one thing, all three have passed lie-detector tests showing that they were unwittingly taken advantage of by someone they trusted, and that they did not know what they were carrying. In addition, their behaviour before and during their trip to Japan indicated that they felt not at all self-conscious or secretive about their intentions.  

"Their incarceration in Japan is very difficult," one source emphasized, "physically, emotionally, and legally – and it can get intolerably worse if they are convicted."  The boys spend whatever hours they have studying Torah and praying, and try to fulfil whatever Torah precepts they can. Rabbi Nezri said that one of them told him, "No matter how much you think you understand what emunah [faith in G-d] is, you can't really know what it means until you're in my position."

The families ask for prayers for their sons: Yaakov Yosef ben [son of] Raizel, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava, and Yosef ben Ita Rivka.

A letter from one of them, Yaakov Yosef, several months ago, was replete with words of inspiration and faith. He wrote that he did not want to write about his personal situation, "because this is not the time, and especially since I didn't want to break you too much, for there are things that are above nature, and they happen every single day, without exaggeration." 

He also noted that he had "received letters from people we don't know, because all Israel is responsible one for another; 'Who is like Your nation Israel!'... and just as you [plural] wish to know about our reception of your letters, so too and even more I want to know how you [will accept] this letter, to which I have dedicated more than a week... and also, I saw your letter only a month after you sent it, and who knows how long it will be before you receive this.  I will sign off here, with G-d's help... saying, 'Even if I walk in the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your staff and rod will comfort me.'"



Dear Barbara, amv"sh

Malcolm Hoenlein is a dynamic speaker who mesmerizes his audience.  He wears a Kipa, is knowledgeable and quotes Tanach.  Yet as Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations he has been a major force in promoting a 2 State Solution and is a master politician. 

Unless people attend this event in Jerusalem in order to protest his continuous involvement in pushing Oslo, Annapolis and President Bush's Roadmap then why honor him with a mesmerized respectful audience? Malcolm Hoenlein has misguided the major Jewish organizations and hundreds of thousands of Jews, if not millions, into accepting the lie that a working  relationship with Fatah proves our willingness to work for the advancement of peace and security. 

He has yet to proclaim the Jews exclusive entitlement  of the Land of Israel based on G-D's Covenant with the Jewish people and does not publicly discredits Fatah's claim to the Land. By this silence he perpetuates the lie that we, the settlers, are the occupiers and that Fatah has legitimate claim to Judea and Samaria.

Malcolm Hoenlein is the number one expert on antisemitism. Therefore if antisemitism would decline, then Malcolm Hoenlein would be underemployed. 

We all know that there are charismatic dentists who are unethical.  They won't tell you to floss or brush your teeth. Or maybe they will. But they will create problems in your teeth when there weren't any before and you as a layman haven't a clue.  Are they professional?  No question about it!  They know how to fix your teeth better than any other dentist. So not only won't you know that this dentist created your problems, you will come out of his office depending on him and showering praises upon him believing that he is the most capable fantastic dentist alive.

There are auto mechanics that are unethical.  They fix your car in such a way they you will have to come back to them for major repairs.  As a layman you haven't a clue. After all, the knowledgeable auto mechanic, he's the professional. He has fixed problem after problem like no other mechanic has done.  He teaches all the other auto mechanics and is well regarded and respected.
AIAC clearly has a political agenda and if you read their statement of principles, Judea and Samaria are disregarded and by omission, expendable. This non statement is a political statement!  It is definitely a political stand that has been the public position of the major Jewish Organizations in America such as Agudath Yisroel of America, or the OU and even the Young Israel who never publicly protested Annapolis or spoke out against a Palestinian State! By this they bring "unity and consensus"?

The statement of principles of AIAC are deliberately vague.  The work of a true politician.

As a Jewish people we must unite around our Torah. We must not be afraid to speak out for our Torah and against a Palestinian State based on our entitlement. If AIAC truly wants unity that will last it must focus on the Torah and G-d's Covenant with the Jewish people. 

Only then AIAC will become a non-political, non-partisan, issue-oriented NGO based on our heritage and not politics. 

My fear is that if AIAC is successful in effectively recruiting and activating the more than 250,000 expatriate American citizens in Israel in order to create a united voice that will be heard by the governments and people of the United States and Israel on issues that pertain to the continued safety and security of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, they will send the wrong message for the Jewish People and for the world! 

Why is Jeff Daube involved?

Will AIAC invite Nadia Matar to speak?  How about Gershon Mesika? Their message is more consistent with our Jewish Heritage than is Malcolm Hoenlein's.



On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Barbara Sommer <> wrote:


AIAC Co-Sponsors Presentation by Malcolm Hoenlein

Saturday Night, February 21/28 Shevat AIAC: American Israeli Action Coalition Co-Sponsors Motzaei Shabbat Mevorchim Social Evening and Lecture at the Jerusalem Great Synagogoue 56 King George Street. 8:15 PM (doors open at 7:30) Speaker: Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice-Chairman of The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Topic: "After the Elections: What Does the Future Hold?" Admission is free.

# # #

AIAC is a non-political, non-partisan, issue-oriented NGO, which is devoted to effectively recruiting and activating the more than 250,000 expatriate American citizens in Israel in order to create a united voice that will be heard by the governments and people of the United States and Israel on issues that pertain to the continued safety and security of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.

AIAC POB 7440 Jerusalem 94262