T 202 - 364 – 5542 Say these 13 words "Go to the White House and demand the release of Jonathan Pollard Now! Public Reception: Monday through Thursday 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM Friday 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM If you cannot call between these hours leave a message. |
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Action Alert: Jonathan Pollard from Yosef Rabin
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
An open letter to Avrohom Ben Yosef, Mayor of Hebron.
To: Avrohom Ben Yosef, Mayor of Hebron, amv"sh
cc: Noam Arnon, Dovid Wilder, Simcha Hochbaum, Yossi Baumol
(please forward to Noam Arnon and Simcha Hochbaum since I do not have their emails)
This calls for an open debate since it affects all of our lives and not only Hebron.
The purpose of my letter is to impress upon the Hebron community for which you are their leaders the importance of being more proactive in the fight for Yesha. I realize that there is no group doing more than the Hebron community to settle Yesha. The love of EY in Hebron is the role model for each and every Jew.
Shouldn't that be enough you ask?
Hashem wants that love and activism for EY actualized in every Jew in the rest of the world as well. This is the way to be mezakeh (bring worthiness to) Am Yisroel (The Nation of Israel) and to prevent further evil decrees against Am Yisroel . Hebron is in the forefront of the battle.
It is my impression that Am Ysroel haven't a clue of what this battle is all about. Am Yisroel must have a better understanding that this is their battle and join.
What is happening in Yesha is not being reported in a timely fashion or at all and in a negative way. Yesha is fighting a losing battle unless we call in the reserves. Prior to the expulsion of Gush Katif, the women in Netzarim insisted on no protesters coming into their community since it would destroy their daily routine. They said, just davan (pray) and send us money. So they kept a few weeks more of their routine but then what?
If Yesha goes under so does Hebron. A Palestinian State translates into Yesha's demise. Yesha's demise is Hebron's demise and the demise of Kiryat Arba, Itamar, Elon Moreh, Beit El etc etc.. Therefore we must unite to battle the establishment of a Palestinian State. If Yesha goes under so does Eretz Yisroel and then so does the haven for all Jews throughout the world. So every Jew is affected and must be more proactive to join this batttle.
But worldwide Jewry are clueless that their input and activism is wanted and needed. They think that donating to particular organizations will suffice in doing their share. And the organizations are competing for these funds.
We are not talking about competing organizations. We are talking about our collective survival. And if there's a hole somewhere we all sink and each hole is a danger to the entire ship. Every provocation against the settlers of Yesha is another small hole in our ship. It needs to be addressed. We need to join forces and get the support and backing of loyal supporters in the Diaspora of each and every organization in Yesha be it the Hebron Fund, A/F of Hebron Chabad, A/F of Shavei Hebron, A/F of Yeshiva Kiryat Arba, A/F of Beit El etc.... All these databases combined makes a huge force that must then mobilize to reach out to the Jewish community at large throughout the world. I am talking about speaking out regarding our entitlement to YESHA. and protesting vehemently a Palestinian State in all our correspondance. If this force would reach out to the Chareidi community and the chareidi leadership, we can then bring in a force of hundreds of thousands of caring Jews to join the fight against a Palestinian State. It is doable.
The time has come to reevaluate our priorities. Your priorities (and correct me if I am wrog) are particular projects in Hebron which I agree are very important. Each of the other organizations have their own priorities.
My position is that the priority in Hebron, in Kiryat Arba, in Itamar in Ariel and in every community or orginization in Yesha should be the fight for the survival of Yesha. Because if Yesha falls then all Yesha projects go as well.
Each person under house arrest and each house destroyed in Yesha is a litmus test in the eyes of the gov't fight against Yesha in order to establish a Palestinian STate. According to David Bedein they are monitoring our collective response. When we as a community fail to respond, the gov't is empowered to continue its campaign of deligitimizing Yesha and picking the next guinea pig.. .
Maybe if we would have stopped it when the others guys were put in administrative detention they wouldn't have hit Beit Hashalom now. Noam Federman, Dahtia Yitchaki, Moattot arim and WIG are out there fighting for this battle as they were for the others in Yesha. But their collective voices weren't strong enough apparently to stop this trend. Even if the Hebron Community joins it won't be enough. We need to get the community at large in the Diaspora and EY to join our battle for Yesha.
If the Hebron Fund team temporarily redirects their focus and puts their focus on fighting for Yesha and against a Palestinian State, this fight for Yesha can only serve to raise the stature of the Community of Hebron in the eyes of its Benefactors. It will also be a role model for the other Yesha organizations. It might even serve as a role model for the right camp political parties such as Moshe Feiglin, Benny Elon, Tsafrir Ronen, Eldad etc to join together under the common denominator of our entitlement for EY., .
The Hebron Dinner is an opportunity to speak out for Yesha and against the establishment of a State of Palestine.. Money for advertising for this Dinner has already been allocated. Let the advertising speak out for Yesha and against a Palestinian State as well. Money raised helps support the community of Hebron.
I don't feel that there is a choice of priorities in this time. It's Yesha or nothing. I don't believe that there will be viable projects in Hebron chas vechalila unless the Community of Hebron united with others seriously takes on the battle and a PR campaign as per our entitlement of the entire Land of Israel including Yesha.
Sincerely, Robin Ticker
Thursday, November 06, 2008
From: Israel Kaplan <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:42 PM
To: IZZY <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>
Elisheva Federman was whisked away by police on Tuesday as she was walking in the street to pick up her daughter from the nursery. IN NATAN SHARANSKY'S BOOKS, THIS WAS THE STANDARDS THAT THE RUSSIAN ADOPTED. ONE MINUTE YOU WERE WALKING ON THE STREET AND THE NEXT MINUTE YOUR GONE FOR INTERROGATION. |
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Dear List, amv"sh
There you have it. See below response from the IDF."The IDF will continue to enforce the law in Judea and Samaria, as it did in this instance. "
Let's agree to disagree. The IDF is enforcing an immoral and illegal law in Judea and Samaria. Testimony clearly contradicts that this was done in a moral or legal fashion. That is why our protest is so important to prevent future demolitions!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Israel Kaplan <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>
To: IZZY <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:38:12 -0700 (PDT)
Letter sent from IDF spokesman in response to query below about the IDF destruction of Federman home: In Response to Query
Yesterday a number of structures, which were built illegally and without required permits, were dismantled near Kiryat Arba. The removal of these buildings took place under supervision and after the issuance of legal orders. As part of these processes, the inhabitants of these illegal buildings were given the opportunity to put forth their claims and peacefully leave the structures.
However, they chose not to do so and instead continued to break the law. While a petition was submitted to the Supreme Court of Israel regarding some of the buildings, they were rejected.
Removal of the buildings was done only after property and other belongings were removed from them in an organized manner. Evacuation of the buildings was done at night to reduce the chance of a crowd grathering and unnecessary friction.
The IDF will continue to enforce the law in Judea and Samaria, as it did in this instance. Fax: +972 (3) 608-0312 ---------------------------------------------------------- IZZY KAPLAN 416 824 2858 416 256 2858 Check out my new blog http://israelonisrael.blogspot.com |