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Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Open Letter to the World. Powerful video several minutes long.
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TodayNEWS: Destruction, Water Cut-Off Thwarted at Hilltop Community Aish Kodesh
I would like to let you know that the government with two hundred soldiers has descended on AISH CODESH early this morning. They are removing the water from the water tank in order to remove the water tank thus making it impossible for life to be sustained there.
please do what ever you can to let the world know what is happening. My grandchildren will be thrown out of there homes.
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Resp of the Bd of Directors of the OU - needs to go a step further. Entitlement.
Shemos/Exodus 6:4,8 (HaShem to Moshe - reminder of promise to the Avot)
Amos 9:14,15 (Return from captivity - plant on to the land - never again to be uprooted)
Ezekiel 36:24, 36; 37:21( Gathering from all the lands to your own soil)
Bamidbar/Numbers 33:53; 34:13 (HaShem to Moshe - boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, the 7 nations)
Shemos/Exodus 19: 5-6 (The Nation of Israel will be a Kingdom of Priests and a holy nation)
Statement of The Board of Directors of the OU in Support of Israeli Self-defence Actions in Gaza
March 04, 2008
The Board of Directors of the Orthodox Union has unanimously adopted this resolution.
Statement of the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Union:
WHEREAS, the Orthodox Union watches with horror the recent terrorist onslaughts against the State of Israel, with rocket and mortar fire into Sderot, and now Ashkelon. Nearly 200 rockets have fallen in the last few days alone, and since Hamas took over Gaza in an armed coup in June 2007, 1,018 rockets and 937 mortars have been launched, making Sderot and the Western Negev the front line against Arab terrorism; innocent civilians, including men, women and children face constant, unprovoked attacks, as terrorists indiscriminately target homes, schools, kindergartens and houses of worship; and the Orthodox Union is deeply concerned by the physical and psychological trauma and injuries endured and we mourn the death of innocents.
WHEREAS, Hamas is a vicious terrorist organization, committed to the destruction of the State of Israel. Hamas continues to indoctrinate children with hate in school textbooks and children's television programs; it refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and continues to arm, train and fund terrorists; it remains a proxy of Iran and continues, most awfully, to hold IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit hostage, in violation of all basic rules of war and human decency.
WHEREAS, Israel has the sovereign right of self defense and the moral duty to protect innocent civilians from terror attack. Israel has done so admirably, with great restraint and making efforts to minimize civilian casualties on the Palestinian side while targeting terror masterminds and leaders in targeted strikes; yet, the international community, including the United Nations, the Arab League and the European Union, in whole or through member states, has criticized Israel's responses, and equated Israel's reaction and self defense with Hamas led terrorist attacks.
THEREFORE, the Orthodox Union states its strongest support for Israel's right to defend itself against the terrorist campaign and to defend Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State in the historic homeland of the Jewish People and
To support the brave people of Israel, notably those in Sderot, Ashkelon and the Western Negev;
To support the Israel Defense Forces and security personnel who risk their lives to defend innocent life;
To call upon the international community to support Israel in its fight for survival against Hamas and Arab-Islamic terrorism.
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VeHeishiv Lev Avos Al Banim, The Youth says UNITE or we won't vote for you!!
In light of the splintered national-religious Knesset factions, seniors from two yeshiva high schools have initiated an ultimatum: Unite, or it's likely we won't vote for you.
The petition was initiated by the seniors of two prestigious yeshiva high schools: Kfar HaRoeh near Hadera, Israel's first yeshiva high school, and Ulpanat Tzviyah in Herzliya for girls.
"We could be silent no longer," the petition states, "for the sake of the People of Israel... We demand that the [religious-Zionist] Knesset Members unite, or else we will seriously consider not voting for you in the next election."
The multi-faceted nature of the religious-Zionist political camp has long been an issue. There is currently one religious-Zionist party in the Knesset - the National Union-National Religious Party (NU-NRP) - but it is comprised of four different factions: The NRP and the three parties that make up the National Union. The party's four members are thus the following:
The goal of Achi is to unite the other parties into one, but has so far not succeeded in arousing the interest of the others.
• The NRP, the most senior member. Essentially the successor to the original Mizrachi party, it once boasted as many as 12 MKs on its own (in the 9th Knesset, from 1977 to 1981). It held a registration drive three years ago that garnered 70,000 members. It is headed by MK Zevulun Orlev; its other MKs are Eli Gabbai and Nissan Slomiansky.
• Tekumah, founded in 1998 by former MK Chanan Porat and others, and a long-time member of the National Union. Its policy is largely determined by a board of three leading religious-Zionist rabbis. Its MKs today are Tzvi Hendel (formerly of the NRP) and Uri Ariel.
• Moledet, founded by the late Rehavam Ze'evi in time for the 1992 elections, when it won 3 Knesset seats - its best showing. Comprising both religious and not religious members, its MKs are party leader Rabbi Benny Elon and Aryeh Eldad.
• Achi, whose MKs are Effie Eitam and Yitzchak Levy, both formerly of the NRP. The goal of Achi is to unite the other parties into one, but has so far not succeeded in arousing the interest of the others.
Further muddling the picture are two other nationalist movements: The Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) faction of the Likud, and HaTikvah. The former boasts roughly 10,000 members, a strong presence in the Likud Central Committee, and an expectation of 1-2 Knesset Members in the next Knesset. HaTikvah, only a few months old, was created for what one of its founders, Dr. Ron Breiman, calls the "secular orange [right-wing] camp." Among its supporters are MK Aryeh Eldad.
"In light of the especially difficult situation facing our beloved and only country," the students write, "we see the MKs of the NU-NRP as the right ones to lead the country to better times. But this objective will certainly not be reached with divisions, arguments, and fights. We therefore call upon them to unite immediately. They must decide, in whatever manner they choose, to choose their representatives and leaders. The key to success is simple and clear: Unity, mutual respect, and consensus."
The union between the NRP and the National Union was achieved, after much toil and hard work to overcome significant differences between the various sides, just in time for the last national election.
The students are scheduled to meet with some of the MKs in question; the date has been set for March 31.
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