Tuesday, February 19, 2008

fwd: Israel Kaplan Save Sderot: Does anyone have an idea what shock does to...

Sent by Israel Kaplan israelkaplan@yahoo.com

Save Sderot:   Does anyone have an idea what shock does to a human being?   Now does anyone know what multiple shocks do to a person?  Now does anyone have an idea of what 7 years of shock does to an entire city?

update: 11 Suffer Shock in Sderot

12 Adar 5768, 18 February 08 09:45
(IsraelNN.com) Eleven people suffered from shock following rocket attacks in Sderot on Monday night.  Two rockets landed in open areas near the city. 
Terrorists have fired nine rockets and five mortar shells at Israeli towns in the western Negev since Monday morning.  Fifteen people have suffered shock, and buildings in Sderot were damaged.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rabbi Mazuz, Leading Sephardic Rabbi to Shas: Tell Your Leader the Truth!

Besides, Rabbi Mazuz, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, Rav Ovadia's oldest son also urges Shas to leave the gov't.
If you know anyone with influence within the Sephardic Community, please urge them to voice their concern regarding the possible expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Judea and Samaria, the constant barrage of rockets on Sederot, the influx of ammunition into the hands of terrorists and their opposition to the most recent talks regarding Jerusalem. How can we remain Silent when our brothers and our lives are on the line?

If you have not yet written to Shas, please do so.

If you have already written to Shas, please do so again!

 Here are the simple steps:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.)  Open a second email window

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.)  Copy and paste the following email addresses to the address line:
eyishay@knesset.gov.il, aatias@knesset.gov.il, eamsalem@knesset.gov.il, amncohen@knesset.gov.il, izchakec@knesset.gov.il, dazulay@knesset.gov.il, slomob@knesset.gov.il, ymargi@knesset.gov.il, amichaeli@knesset.gov.il, mnahari@knesset.gov.il, yvaknin@knesset.gov.il, nzeev@knesset.gov.il,

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.)  Copy and paste the following to the Subject line:
Israel is Discussing the Division of Jerusalem – Leave the Government Now!

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.)  Type your name, city and state (in the U.S.) or name, city & country in the text of the message.  Then send it.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.)  Forward this email to everyone on your list, and urge them to do the same.

Please Note: If you have already written to Shas, but have not received a thank you from me, please send me an email with your name, city & state/country, so I may add you to the growing list of pro-Israel activists. 


Buddy Macy

Little Falls, NJ


More Shas Contact Info:
Tel: 02-675-3550
Fax 02-649-6543
Current Composition
Chairman Yakov Margi
Number of Seats 12
Shas Members of Knesset:
1. Chaim Amsellem Tel:  02-649-6457 02-675-3474  fax 02-649-6527 eamsalem@knesset.gov.il
2. Ariel Atias  Tel: 02-675-3220 aatias@knesset.gov.il  Minister of Communications
3. David Azoulay Tel: 02-640-8184 02-640-8185  fax:02-675-3908 dazulay@knesset.gov.il
4. Shlomo Benizri Tel: 02-640-8196  02-640-8197  fax:02-675-3747 slomob@knesset.gov.il
5. Amnon Cohen Tel: 02-640-8372 02-640-8373 fax 02-640-8927 amncohen@knesset.gov.il
6. Yitzhak Cohen Tel: 02-640-8397  02-640-8398 fax: 02-670-6157 izchakec@knesset.gov.il
7. Yakov Margi Tel: 02-640-8187 02-640-8188 fax: 02-675-3759 ymargi@knesset.gov.il
8. Avraham Michaeli Tel: 02-640-8128  02-640-8129 fax: 02-675-3961 amichaelli@knesset.gov.il
9. Meshulam Nehari Tel: 02-640-8446 02-640-8447 fax: 02-649-6447 mnahari@knesset.gov.il
10. Yitzhak Vaknin Tel: 02-640-8106 fax 02-649-6027 yvaknin@knesset.gov.il
11. Eliyahoo Yishai Tel: 02-640-8406 02-640-8407 fax: 02-666-2909 eyishav@knesset.gov.il 
      Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
12. Nissim Zeev Tel: 02-640-8151 02-640-8152 fax: 02-649-6549 nzeev@knesset.gov.il
 The voice from America also makes a difference! 
Please  call influential Sephardic Leaders.  The following information may be helpful.
SFC  Sephardic Community Federation - President Sam Sutton
Some of the many Sephardic community leaders  includes Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, Morris Bailey, Joe Cayre, Stanley Chera, Sam Sutton, Haim Dabah, David Hidary and Ronald Tawil.
David Greenfield is the Executive Vice President of the Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), the umbrella governmental relations and public policy organization of the Sephardic community. In that role, he works every single day with public officials at every level of government to improve the lives of not just the Sephardic community, but the entire Jewish community. He is also an experienced attorney who is an acclaimed community advocate.
Greenfield's inaugural fund-raising event for his City Council run was hosted by Paulette and Morris Bailey
In his remarks to the large crowd, Greenfield quoted from Rabbi Tarfon in Pirkei Avot who said, "while it is not our responsibility to solve the problem, we must still work towards solving it."
Before joining SCF, Greenfield served as Deputy Director of Finance to Senator Joe Lieberman's presidential campaign. Prior to that, he served as Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
The Jewish IMAGE Magazine is the official publication of Sephardic National Alliance - a non profit educational organization.
Ben-Gurion Matsas Publisher/Editor  Rochelle Matsas  Editor in Chief
P.O. Box 290-642
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel (718)627-4624
fax (718)627-4284

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Obama, Democrats are on Palestinians' side.Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinal

The Sun-Sentinel

February 16, 2008

"Obama, Democrats are on Palestinians' side"

Alan Bergstein

Boca Raton, FL

Thank you petfa4@aol.com, caringjew@aol.com, Odel216@aol.com for forwarding.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Earthquake Damages Temple Mount and Shechem

So far there have been Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes.....
To read a thorough explanation of walking in happenstance, KERI with Hashem please read the post.  What does it take us to finally speak up? 
By Rabbi Avraham Fischer. A publication of the Orthodox Union in cooperation with the Seymour J. Abrams Orthodox Union Jerusalem World Center
Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
May 4, 2002

As the Book of Vayikra, the book of sanctity, draws to a close, the Torah delineates the consequences of obedience and disobedience to Hashem's will. This is the Tochechah, the passage of admonition (chapter 26) that concludes the covenant of Sinai. If the people embrace Hashem's commands, the land will be blessed with prosperity, security and peace (verses 3-13). Conversely, rejecting Hashem's edicts will result in the curses of disease (verses 16-17), famine (verses 18-20), wild beasts (verses 21-22), war (verses 23-26), destruction and exile (verses 27-39).

The purpose of these warnings is to stir the people to repentance. If the people do not heed the warnings, then the disasters become increasingly more dire.

Unique to this chapter is the word KERI, appearing a significant seven times - and nowhere else in Tanach - at transition points in this passage:
And if you walk with Me KERI, and you will not desire to listen to Me, then I will add against you a plague, seven times your sins (26:21).
Malbim (R. Meir Leib ben Yechiel Michael, 1809-1877) notes that KERI is first mentioned after the two warnings of disease and famine. Upon the determining third occasion of disregarding Hashem's punishment, there follows the plague of wild beasts:.... 

For full post please visit.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Food for Thought- Is the voice of the people properly represented.

The uniqueness of Israeli democracy:
We have Mr Olmert acting as prime minister - mind: he was not elected by the people into that office - although he himself is aware of, even said, that the majority of the people does not agree with him.
Every dictator, even monsters like Hitler and Stalin, claimed the support of at least 80-90% of their people.
True, he was elected by the Knesset into that office.
Remain two questions:
 Whom do the members of the Knesset represent?
 What is democracy?
additional question that I have for those in the USA.  Does the voice of the Conference of Presidents and IPA properly represent the voice of the Jewish Community? R. Ticker

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.