Thursday, February 14, 2008


Call the Agudath Yisroel of America (contact information below) and ask them to speak out!  Rabbi Simcha Kook spoke to Rav Eliashiv and to Rav Shteinman and to the Noveminsker Rav.
Odelia Jacobs wrote me this email.
Dear Robin,
    I just finished speaking with Rav Kook, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot.
Rav Kook told me that he met personally with each one of the
Gedolei Hador amongst the list, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Shteinman.....
and he also met last week with Rav Perlow and they all urged
us to do our hishtadlus in tefila and actions on behalf of Eretz Yisrael.
They mentioned that these are dangerous times, worse then
pre Holocaust!!!!!
Please ask Rabbi Bloom why the Aguda in NY still remains silent and
does not follow the lead and request of the Aguda in Israel???
                                                    Odeleya Jacobs
So I forwarded this letter to Rabbi Avi Shafran, spokesperson of Agudah asking him to please reply to Odelia's question.  This was his reply. 
 In a message dated 2/13/2008 9:39:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Only last week we publicized (to yeshivos, shuls and a large e-mail list) a call from the Gedolim in E"Y to recite Tehillim and convene Yom Kippur Koton services on erev Rosh Chodesh because of the dire situation in E"Y, and held such a service in our offices.  Any other special tefillos or actions that those Gedolim ask us to do, you may rest assured we will undertake with alacrity.

"Remains silent"?  Perhaps your correspondent might pursue a true zechut for Klal Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael in not judging other Jews harshly and unfairly.

May we merit better times.

I responded by saying Will the fact that we davaned last week suffice? Would that really stop the Kassam Rockets?    On the other hand, constant, action, networking, public pressure, etc.  whatever, to physically stop the Kassam Rockets and of course daven, now that would be much more effective. 
Apparently this response didn't impress Rabbi Shafran.  But perhaps he will be more open to your responses.
Here is an excellent letter to the Gedoilim from Menachem Kovacs.

Letter from Menachem Kovacs
to influential Rabbanim to act now to keep Yehuda and Shomron as well as all Jerusalem under Jewish control 

(Dr. Kovacs is Director of the Jewish Roots Center in Baltimore and Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Montgomery College in Maryland.)



6005 Baywood Av

Baltimore, Md  21209

April 7, 2008

Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon, Parshas Teruma


Dear Distinguished Rabbanim,


Please use your influence to request a brief and strong public statement from Rav Steinman Shlita and Rav Eliyashi Shlita and from other prominent Rabbanim and other Jewish leaders and organizations to overtly support the importance of Israel retaining Yehuda and the Shomron (aka "The West Bank") in addition to all of Jerusalem because;


(a)    They are all integral parts of Eretz HaKodesh and not "occupied" lands as our enemies contend. The very first Rashi in the Chumash tells us we will have to tell the world when they say we stole the Land that we should reply that it was G-d who gave it to us and in Parshas Masei inter alia it is G-d Himself who delineates the Holy Land's boundaries which include Yehuda and the Shomron, and

(b)   Abandoning Yehuda and Shomron, G-d forbid, would put the Jews in the remaining Israel in  a real and present existential danger on a much larger scale than the Jews today in Sderot, Ashkelon, etc. who are faced with daily rocket attacks and fatalities. The 1967 Report on Israeli security requirements of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Defense Department (The Pentagon) concluded that retention of the entire West Bank as well as Jerusalem, The Golan Heights and Gaza is an indefinite security imperative for the Jewish State, With the abandonment of Gaza to Hamas terrorist rule with increasingly advanced weapons and with the renewed stockpiling of weapons by Hizbollah after Israel's defeat in the Second Lebanon War, Israel must draw its red lines with the remaining land for its self-defense.


This is not a "political" matter. It is a matter of Israel's survival and, perhaps in turn, the survival of the Jewish people.  In addition, what is at stake goes to the very essence of retaining our connection as the Am Hashem to Eretz Hakodesh, a holiness we witness and experience every day and even more so now during this Shmitta year. Through your efforts now in this matter of Pikuach Nefesh, where Jewish lives and deaths are literally at stake, may Hashem bless your efforts with success to reverse the evil decree as He did "in those days at this time".  May the result be that the Jews in Israel and indeed everywhere will truly experience "Orah VeSimch VeSasson Vicar", dwelling securely with Hashem's protection.


BeKavod Rav.

Menachem Kovacs

Agudah made a commitment to speak out for Jerusalem.   They did so at their Agudah convention in November. 
Part of their resolution is as follows:"NOW, THEREFORE, the delegates to the 85th national convention of Agudath Israel of America hereby resolve that Agudath Israel of America, under the direction of its rabbinic leadership, should communicate to appropriate government officials the organization's strong belief that, for the reasons set forth above, Israel should not relinquish parts of Jerusalem to Palestinian sovereignty, and the American government should not pressure the Israeli government into doing so."

So the United States gov't didn't listen to Agudah's appeal.  Neither did Olmert.  So is that the end of Agudah's appeal.  If someone you love is threatening to go off a cliff and you ask him not to and he doesn't listen, do you simply give up trying to convince him and only pray? What happened pre Nazi Germany?  Jews were silent then as well. 

 Of course, it's not just about Jerusalem.  It's not just about Sederot.  It's about all of Eretz Yisroel.   Even if Olmert's gov't agrees due to public pressure, to allow Jerusalem to remain in tact (no prayers allowed however on Temple Mount) and to continue with the destruction of settlements in Judea and Samaria to pacify those that object to dividing Jerusalem only, we can't be fooled. it's not the real thing.  It's only their phase one of taking Jerusalem as well.  
If Olmert speaks tough or responds marginally, regarding the Kassam rockets but continues to allow an influx of weapons into Gaza and turns a blind eye, then his talk is to pacify us but it's not for real. 
Let Agudah use their inside influence to convince Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Shas ministers to leave the government.  Even Rav Ovadia Yosef's oldest son, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef made a statement that Shas should leave the government since there is serious negotiations going on regarding Jerusalem.  Will they wait too long to leave as did Netanyahu?

Please call and/or email:
Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, and Rabbi Gertzulin - Public Affaris can be reached at Agudath Yisroel  212-797-9000 
Rabbi Pesach Lerner at The Young Israel can be reached at 212-929-1525
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb of the OU can be reached at  212-563-4000
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Chabad Headquarters  at 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718
and ask them to please end the Silence regarding Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the establishment of a Terror State Chas Vechalilah.
Their respective emails are: 

'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing' (or words to that effect)

Please cc:  or bcc: all correspondence to myself and/or Susie Dym and/or Odelia Jacobs  so that it won't be ignored.
P.S. Faxes work the best.
1. Chaim Amsellem Tel:  02-649-6457 02-675-3474  fax 02-649-6527
2. Ariel Atias  Tel: 02-675-3220  Minister of Communications
3. David Azoulay Tel: 02-640-8184 02-640-8185  fax:02-675-3908
4. Shlomo Benizri Tel: 02-640-8196  02-640-8197  fax:02-675-3747
5. Amnon Cohen Tel: 02-640-8372 02-640-8373 fax 02-640-8927
6. Yitzhak Cohen Tel: 02-640-8397  02-640-8398 fax: 02-670-6157
7. Yakov Margi Tel: 02-640-8187 02-640-8188 fax: 02-675-3759
8. Avraham Michaeli Tel: 02-640-8128  02-640-8129 fax: 02-675-3961
9. Meshulam Nehari Tel: 02-640-8446 02-640-8447 fax: 02-649-6447
10. Yitzhak Vaknin Tel: 02-640-8106 fax 02-649-6027
11. Eliyahoo Yishai Tel: 02-640-8406 02-640-8407 fax: 02-666-2909 
      Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
12. Nissim Zeev Tel: 02-640-8151 02-640-8152 fax: 02-649-6549


The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An Authentic Jewish Mission Statement according to Biblical Sources.

Looking for Clarity according to Biblical Sources
Why have we, the Jewish Nation been Silent?  President Bush is convinced that the Roadmap is the way to go and mainstream American Jewish Organizations  have yet to publicly deny that it's the Jewish way.
Where is clarity of the Jewish position regarding our entitlement to our Jewish homeland based on the boundaries delineated in the Torah?   Where is clarity regarding our position of a 2 State Solution and the Roadmap proposed by the Bush Administration and Olmert Administration.  Where is clarity and a Jewish statement that correlates observance of Mitzvoth depending on the Land with security in the Land.  Where is clarity related to the status of non Jews?  Are agreements and treaties that are against the Torah binding or alternatively null and void?
And the answer is....
All major Jewish Organizations including Agudath Yisroel, OU, Young Israel and Lubavitch Headquarters have basically been silent letting everyone second guess what their position is.
Read the Pesukim again and again.  Here is an attempt to make a clear statement according to Biblical Sources.  All comments are welcome.
Mission Statement
The entire world belongs to G-d.  (1) He created the world and apportioned His land to whomever He deemed worthy of residing therein. (2) 
We are a people of faith.  It is written in the Torah, that the land of Israel, was promised by G-d to our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, to be passed down to His chosen nation Israel, as an everlasting inheritance.  (3) The boundaries of the Land of Israel are delineated in the Torah.  (4) (5). Any agreement to revoke the Covenant with our forefathers is considered null and void.
Our Nation was chosen by G-d to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, and to infuse the world with holiness by observing the holy commandments in the Torah. (6) This and only this will bring peace and prosperity to mankind. (7)
No other nation, peaceful or hostile has that mission or mandate.  Any claim to the Land of Israel by an alien entity is purely one of a stolen identity.
An Arab State living side by side in the holy land is a contradiction in terms and is in defiance to the desire of the Creator of the world (2).  Our obligation to perform the commandments sanctifying the land, impels us to say "How can we keep the commandments like Shemittah without the land of Israel?"  Annulling the Covenant (9) by false treaties which gives away our land is a recipe for disaster (10)  So is walking with happenstance with G-d.  There are daily ongoing miracles that have occurred in  Gush Katif, and now in Sederot.  We won a miraculous victory in  1967   and the Jewish nation has  miraculously survived and outlived Nazi Germany.  
The roadmap promoted by President Bush, Condeleeza Rice, and the government of Israel  (GOI) has empowered evil and terror to reign in the world. In addition, G-d has sent His witnesses and His emissaries, the heavens and the earth (8) to wreak havoc in His world in the form of natural disasters - tzunami's, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes.
We call upon all people of faith to use their G-d given talents, resources and abilities to work to proclaim these truths. We defy the evil forces that use their resources be it oil or other, to instill a fear society rather than a free society. (11)
Collectively, let us call for a reversal of the Camp David accords, Oslo, the convergence plan, unilateral withdrawals and the roadmap which advocates the two state solution.   Let us choose life, that which is good.  (14)
It is time to cut our losses, recognize that we are going in the wrong direction and start anew, going in the right direction -  with a Torah roadmap.  This will issue in a new era filled with peace and blessings for humanity. ( 7)  (14)
For the commandments which G-d has commanded is not hidden and it is not in is not over the ocean...Rather the matter is very near to our mouth and in our hearts to perform it. (14)
We are commanded to wage a holy war - a Milchemet Mitzvah to defend our entitlement to the land. (12)  In our days the Milchemet Mitzvah is also in PR and the media.  Each and every Jew, man, woman and child is a soldier and the weapon is the mouth and the pen  via  conversations, mail,email, fax, telephone, blogs, websites, print media,radio and TV and organizational dinners and functions.
In Biblical times those that accepted Jewish sovereignty and the 7 Noachide laws were welcome to remain under the Status of Ger Toshav.(13)  We would be endangering our security if we allowed those that wished to annihilate us to stay within shooting range.   
The nation of Israel is the violinist.  The land of Israel is the violin.  The Torah is the music.  When the Nation of Israel, live a holy life in the holy land  we become the conductors for the entire world. 
It is our position that the nations of the world adhering to the 7 Noachide laws, join, support and participate in this magnificent and mighty orchestra rather than destroy the instruments, the players and the music.
And rather than war and terror, let the music begin....
(1) Shemos/Exodus 19:5
Also the Lubavitch Rebbe zt"l quotes the first Rashi
In the beginning, G-d created the Heavens and the Earth

What is the reason the Torah begins with Creation? Because if the nations of the world say to Israel: "You are robbers because you have conquered with force the lands of the nations of Canaan" Israel can answer: "He created it and gave it to whomever was proper in His eyes. Of His own will He gave it to them and of His own will He took it from them and gave it to us."

-- Rashi on Genesis 1:1

(3) Bereishis/Genesis 13:15-18 ; 17:8 (HaShem to Avram - promise of land; to Avraham - new name and reiteration of promise of land)
The Covenant with Abraham is Breishis/Genesis 15:18-21. (extended boundaries, from the River of Egypt to the Eurphrates River, covers boundaries of 10 nations)
The Covenant to Isaac Breishis/Genesis 26:2-6.
The Covenant of Jacob is in Breishis/Genesis  28:13-16.
The Covenants and promises to the forefathers share three points. 1. Land is promised to them and to their children afterwards 2. The Nations of the world are blessed through them and 3. the children must keep the commandments in order to be worthy of the Land.

Shemos/Exodus 6:4,8 (HaShem to Moshe - reminder of promise to the Avot)
Isaiah 11:12; 49:12; 51:11 (Ingathering of exiles; return to Zion)

Amos 9:14,15 (Return from captivity - plant on to the land - never again to be uprooted)

Ezekiel 36:24, 36; 37:21( Gathering from all the lands to your own soil)
(4) Breishis/Genesis 15:18-21. (extended boundaries, from the River of Egypt to the Eurphrates River, covers boundaries of 10 nations)

(5) Bamidbar/Numbers 33:53; 34:13 (HaShem to Moshe - boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, the 7 nations)

(6) Shemos/Exodus 19: 5-6  (The Nation of Israel will be a Kingdom of Priests and a holy nation)     
(7)  Hashem's blessings to Am Yisroel
Vayikra 26: 1-14
Devarim 28: 1-14
(8) Devarim 31:28 G-d calls heavens and earth as witnesses
Devarim Perek 32 Parashas Haazinu.  Hashem calls upon Heaven and Earth to be the witnesses. 
(9) Leviticus 26:42-46  Hashem will send the Nation of Israel to Galus for  rejecting the Covenant with our forefathers and despising the Mishpatim and Chukim (ordinances and decrees) but Hashem will not reject them completely to obliterate them because He will remember the first Covenant when He took us out of Egypt before the eyes of the nations of the world to be G-d unto them. 
(10) Leviticus 26:14-41 Tochacha
Devarim 28: 15-69  Tochacha
Devarim Perek 31 Pasukim 17-23 (Hashem's anger in hiding his face since the Jews annulled the Covenant made with our forefathers and did not keep the Torah a natural outcome.)
(11) When we are unwilling to draw clear moral lines between free societies and fear societies, when we are unwilling to call the former good and the latter evil, we will not be able to advance the cause of peace because peace cannot be disconnected from freedom. (Sharansky)
Free societies are societies in which the right of dissent is protected. (Sharansky)
(12) Rambam Laws of Kings 5:1,2
 Which is a Milchemet Mitzva? This is a war to save Israel from an enemy that has attacked them.
(13) In biblical times a Gentile who observed the seven Noachide laws in the Holy Land was regarded as a resident alien or Ger Toshav in Hebrew. (גֵר תּוֹשָׁב)
(14) Devarim 30  Returning to G-d
        Devarim  30: 11-15

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Please bcc or cc to a third party. re:the last email Influence SHAS....

We feel it is important for the organizations be it Shas, Sephardic Federation, Agudah,  OU, Young Israel,  Lubavitch Headquarters  know, that  not just they but others know and have been reading your letters...because a letter of criticism can be ignored -- unless they know and you know that others have read it as well.  It might even get into the media. We have a stronger case if we can show strength in numbers.
So you can CC or BCC your letters to
and/or another third party that you feel might make a difference to get some action regarding the daily rocket attacks in Sederot, or the young girl or young father put in prison with harsher sentences then terrorists for their love of Eretz Yisroel, or getting Jonathan Pollard finally released after 22 years in prison for giving classified information that was to be used for Israel's protection or asking the Major Orthodox Jewish Organizations to voice clarity regarding our entitlement to the entire Eretz Yisroel and against the roadmap and the 2 State Solution and a divided Jerusalem.

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

Influence SHAS to leave the gov't!!! Important Contact information

(please read till the end of this email for all the contact information)

Communication Minister Ariel Atias, the number two man in Shas, said Tuesday morning that he believes the Jerusalem Post report that secret talks have been taking place between the Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams on the issue of Jerusalem. Shas Chairman Eli Yishai had said that if the Post story was true the party would leave the government.  Now is the perfect time to ACT to influence SHAS!


If you have not yet written to Shas, please do so.

If you have already written to Shas, please do so again!

 Here are the simple steps:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.)  Open a second email window

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.)  Copy and paste the following email addresses to the address line:,,,,,,,,,,,,

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.)  Copy and paste the following to the Subject line:
Israel is Discussing the Division of Jerusalem – Leave the Government Now!

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.)  Type your name, city and state (in the U.S.) or name, city & country in the text of the message.  Then send it.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.)  Forward this email to everyone on your list, and urge them to do the same.

Please Note: If you have already written to Shas, but have not received a thank you from me, please send me an email with your name, city & state/country, so I may add you to the growing list of pro-Israel activists. 


Buddy Macy

Little Falls, NJ


More Shas Contact Info:
Tel: 02-675-3550
Fax 02-649-6543
Current Composition
Chairman Yakov Margi
Number of Seats 12
Shas Members of Knesset:
1. Chaim Amsellem Tel:  02-649-6457 02-675-3474  fax 02-649-6527
2. Ariel Atias  Tel: 02-675-3220  Minister of Communications
3. David Azoulay Tel: 02-640-8184 02-640-8185  fax:02-675-3908
4. Shlomo Benizri Tel: 02-640-8196  02-640-8197  fax:02-675-3747
5. Amnon Cohen Tel: 02-640-8372 02-640-8373 fax 02-640-8927
6. Yitzhak Cohen Tel: 02-640-8397  02-640-8398 fax: 02-670-6157
7. Yakov Margi Tel: 02-640-8187 02-640-8188 fax: 02-675-3759
8. Avraham Michaeli Tel: 02-640-8128  02-640-8129 fax: 02-675-3961
9. Meshulam Nehari Tel: 02-640-8446 02-640-8447 fax: 02-649-6447
10. Yitzhak Vaknin Tel: 02-640-8106 fax 02-649-6027
11. Eliyahoo Yishai Tel: 02-640-8406 02-640-8407 fax: 02-666-2909 
      Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
12. Nissim Zeev Tel: 02-640-8151 02-640-8152 fax: 02-649-6549
 The voice from America also makes a difference! 
Please  call influential Sephardic Leaders.  The following information may be helpful.
SFC  Sephardic Community Federation - President Sam Sutton
Some of the many Sephardic community leaders  includes Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, Morris Bailey, Joe Cayre, Stanley Chera, Sam Sutton, Haim Dabah, David Hidary and Ronald Tawil.
David Greenfield is the Executive Vice President of the Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), the umbrella governmental relations and public policy organization of the Sephardic community. In that role, he works every single day with public officials at every level of government to improve the lives of not just the Sephardic community, but the entire Jewish community. He is also an experienced attorney who is an acclaimed community advocate.
Greenfield's inaugural fund-raising event for his City Council run was hosted by Paulette and Morris Bailey
In his remarks to the large crowd, Greenfield quoted from Rabbi Tarfon in Pirkei Avot who said, "while it is not our responsibility to solve the problem, we must still work towards solving it."
Before joining SCF, Greenfield served as Deputy Director of Finance to Senator Joe Lieberman's presidential campaign. Prior to that, he served as Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
The Jewish IMAGE Magazine is the official publication of Sephardic National Alliance - a non profit educational organization.
Ben-Gurion Matsas Publisher/Editor  Rochelle Matsas  Editor in Chief
P.O. Box 290-642
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel (718)627-4624
fax (718)627-4284  Links to the Sephardi community in America
Also Call the Major Orthodox Jewish Leaders and ask them to speak up and pressure Shas as well!  These organizations made a commitment to speak out for Jerusalem.  Yet they too remain SILENT!  Of course, it's not just about Jerusalem.  It's about all of Eretz Yisroel.   Even if Olmert's gov't agrees due to public pressure, to allow Jerusalem to remain in tact (no prayers allowed however on Temple Mount) and to continue with the destruction of settlements in Judea and Samaria to pacify those that object to dividing Jerusalem only, we can't be fooled. it's not the real thing.  It's only their phase one of taking Jerusalem as well.
Please call and/or email:
Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, and Rabbi Gertzulin - Public Affaris can be reached at Agudath Yisroel  212-797-9000 
Rabbi Pesach Lerner at The Young Israel can be reached at 212-929-1525
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb of the OU can be reached at  212-563-4000
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Chabad Headquarters  at 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718
and ask them to please end the Silence regarding Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the establishment of a Terror State Chas Vechalilah.
Their respective emails are:
The Silent Majority must break its SILENCE!  Otherwise evil will take over G-d forbid.


The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

Monday, February 11, 2008