Dear Fellow Activists for the Entire Land of Israel, amv"sh
Yasher Koach! I hope the momentum continues. My concern is that when it comes to activism for Israel in the Diaspora the Jewish voice is still too silent. There is still a void because the major religious Jewish organizations such as Agudath Yisroel, Young Israel and OU are silent regarding Judea and Samaria. We've come down hard for good reason on the OU. I think at this point we need to take a softer tone of being Mekarev all these organizations with personal calls from Yesha leaders and Yesha activists to the leadership of the Silent Majority also known as the CCJER (Coordinating Council for Jerusalem) in the Diaspora. Agudath Yisroel of America stressed at their Agudah convention that we are one Guf (body) and one Neshama (soul). Because of Areivus, when we do good, we are all raised but when many of us are on the wrong path it brings us all down. They were referring specifically to Kiruv (outreach) and the fact that 1 million Jews were lost to assimilation this past 10 years alone. However, the same can be said regarding how the Jew views his obligations in the Land of Israel. The majority of Jews in the Diaspora and in Israel proper seem to feel that a disconnect to the Land of Israel is authentic Judaism. They have therefore abandoned Yesha, Judea and Samaria. In Parshat Veera Hashem says that He appeared to the forefathers but did not appear with the name Hashem only with the name Kel Shakai. That is because Hashem promised them the Land but in their lifetime the promises never materialized. They did not complain and believed in His promises. However to Moshe Rabbeinu, G-d is appearing with the name of Hashem because He will now show that He keeps His promises and is taking the Jews out of Egypt and bringing them back to the Land of Israel. Let us say that in our generation G-d has appeared to us in the name of Hashem. He has after 2,000 years fulfilled His promise to bring us back to the Land of Israel after we witnessed the fiery furnace of the Holocaust. How can we continue to remain blind to the unbelievable miracles our generation has experienced including day after day in Sederot. How can we not even claim this precious Land as ours . If we truly desire to keep the commandments then we need the Land and this will bring peace and blessings to all of mankind. Israel is peace and their ways of Torah is peace. The accomplishments in technology, medicine, agriculture, disaster relief, the arts and music is benefiting the entire world. When we allow terror to take over we destroy these gifts to mankind and destroy any future peace that fosters all contributions towards peace and prosperity. The people of Israel, like no other nation wishes and desires to benefit mankind. For this we require to be on our Land with exclusive sovereignty. If we allow the criminal thief to take over, to rape us, to commit identity theft then we have essentially robbed the world of G-dliness and goodness for mankind. The commandments, the Mitzvoth are the vehicle to bring forth this goodness to its ultimate. It is therefore mandatory for the Torah believing community to take that public role of being a Mamlechet Kohanim Vegoy Kadosh. a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation. There must be some proclamation by our leadership which declares the Land of Israel, and the G-d given borders as absolute and nonnegotiable the rightful inheritance of the Nation of Israel. The Silence in the Jewish Leadership has brought non Jewish Groups as the loudest Voice. The Laws of Noah is the Torah for the Non Jew and not missionary forces. We must strive for unity among the Nation of Israel since G-d can only bring His blessings when we unite. Letting the chareidi or modern orthodox Diaspora Jew continue in their blindness to fall off the cliff and learn the hard way is simply not an option. Yes we will survive but at what cost. We are one Nation and if we love our brother we need to do whatever it takes to convince him that this Land is each and every one of ours. Of course the secular Jew is as precious as any Jew that has studied the Torah his/her whole life. However, we should expect more from the Jew that goes to the synagogue each week and is familiar with the Torah reading for that week. Our Written and Rabbinic Tradition pertains to each and every Jew and Non Jew in some didactic way. Of course we must outreach to our fellow Jew who was not that fortunate to have learned or study the Torah. Their contribution is equal and necessary for a wholesome unity. When a Jew is lost, then the whole is lacking. When the Jews observe the commandments in the Land of Israel then once again G-d will be true to His promise and extend bessings that are never ending to all of mankind and all of humanity.