Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Discussion with Yehoshua Friedman

Ms. Ticker,
I generally agree with you on almost all points. The awful truth is that everybody is looking for someone else to solve the problem. The hareidi approach is that the geula is going to happen by the initiative of Hashem almost entirely alone. It is true that it the room for movement of our free will is pretty limited. A lot of us tried very hard a year and a half ago to stop the expulsion. It seems to have been decreed from above. To the extent that we can fathom an incomplete process with our limited perception, it seems to me as though the secular leadership of the country is being forced to have its nose rubbed in the filth it has created. The religious Zionist camp, of which I am, since Gush Katif, a former member, ultimately gave more value to national unity with the secular public than to Torah values. This is changing. Growth is painful. The hareidi politicians also spent more time in one-upmanship against the RZ camp than they did in supporting Torah values. This put the rabbanim in a difficult position. The expulsion also caused the country to see the failure of the sudden withdrawal from Lebanon under Barak. It also precipitated the internal Arab fighting in Gaza. Truth sprouts from the earth, but first it has to be buried in the ground and rot. That is hard.
The entire secular regime will have to be changed including not only the government but the courts, media, economic oligarchy, everything. As we come closer to being a majority, the opposition by the Sitra Achra will be greater. It is even possible that the secular leadership will call in foreign troops in support of the preservation of the Jewish Democratic People's Republic of Israel. The gemara in Sanhedrin does say that the Malchut (non-Jewish nations) will rule over EY for 9 months before Mashiach comes. The other possibility is that in the face of a nuclear holocaust those people without emuna will run away and the maaminim will take control. But they will take the money with them. Things will be difficult one way or another, but in the end Hashem's will will be done.
Pesach Kasher v'Sameach.
Yehoshua Friedman

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Discussion on Interfaith Dialogue

Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:20 AM
Subject: Response to RABBI FRIEDMAN (CC: Eder, Friedman)

Dear Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Eder, amv"sh
Just tonight I took note of this post 
It seems to me that the State Dept. is pulling the strings of the Israeli gov't.  Olmert and his gov't seem to be a puppet state of the wants and desires of Western Democracy.  Bush is a Bible believing Christian or at least he would not deny it.  I personally have put my focus to Rabbanim, specifically the Chareidim (Rav Eliashiv) to make a statement regarding our Biblical rights to the Land of Israel and the importance to speak out against a 2 State Solution (Israel living side by side with a "peaceful, democratic" Palestine).  (see letter below). If Rav Eliashiv makes a public statement or if better yet a group of Chareidi Rabbanim such as Rav Eliashiv, Rav Shteinman, Rav Kanievsky, the Admor M'Gur etc. come up with a statement asking all their followers to call the White House denouncing the 2 State Solution this would be over a hundred thousand phone calls.  If one adds to this the Christian Evangelicals of 50,000 as stated above and millions of Christians according to Richard Hellman of CIPAC see below, it would greatly weaken Bush's position to promote the creation of  a Palestinian State. Needing support of Christian groups as to Israel's right to exist including Judea Samaria is a matter of survival. True we don't depend on Christians support but only on God's salvation.  Yet G-d's salvation comes through His messengers which include righteous Christians.  We pray for the day when the Nations of the world accept G-d and the Nation of Israel is accepted as being the Kingdom of Priests. (See Aleinu) This having been said, I personally would first focus on the Chareidi Rabbanim because they have the influence and following of at least 100,000 caring believing Jews that have been silent.  I would challenge their Halacha of Silence that is based on politics rather than on Daas Torah.  Here is a letter I wrote to Hadas the Administrative assistant to Rav Efrati who is the personal assistant to Rav Eliashiv.  If you wish to join this struggle of convincing the Chareidi world to join forces with the Religious Zionists to speak up for Eretz Yisroel please let me know and I will give you telephone numbers to call.
Reply-To: friedy07@netvision.net.il
X-URL: http://mail2web.com/
From: "friedy07@netvision.net.il" <friedy07@netvision.net.il>
To: rb@rb.org.il
Cc: rb@rb.org.il
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 13:30:01 -0500
Subject: Arutz Sheva News Report

I read your message regarding the "Interfaith Sages Council" in Jerusalem.
Interfaith dialogue as a theological enterprise has been opposed by all
major poskim who related to the question. Rav Soloveitchik allowed
interfaith cooperation for the general welfare but opposed public dialogue.
Rav Moshe Feinstein opposed both. Naturally most rabbis, even very hareidi
ones, support political activism without any specific connection to
relgious figures of other faiths. Root & Branch mostly follows the position
of Rav Soloveitchik, but we reserve the right to reconsider details of our
position. See R. Soloveitchik's article "Confrontation" from Tradition in
1965. It thus depends what the content of such a body is as to whether we
will support it. We look forward to your further comments.
Yehoshua Friedman

>Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:53:44 +0200
>From: Asher Eder <avrason@netvision.net.il>
>Subject: Re: Arutz Sheva News Report
>To: FaigeRayzel@aol.com
>Cc: "Root & Branch Association, Ltd." <rb@rb.org.il>
>Dear Mr. Ticker,
>Thanks for the below.
>So far, I did not get any announcement - not to speak of invitation - from
>the municipality.
>About a week or 10 days ago, I sent to the Mayor a letter together with
>the article on "Ask for Jerusalem-Peace", and suggested printing it, and
>handing a copy to each visitor of Jerusalem on occasion of "40 years of
>the City's unification". So far, I did not get any answer (perhaps it is
>still on the way; or in the making?).
>Attached herewith that short article
>Dr. Asher Eder
>Jewish Co-Founder and Co-Chairman
>Islam-Israel Fellowship
>Root&Branch Assoc. Ltd, Yerushalayim/Israel

>----- Original Message ----- From: "Robin Ticker" <faigerayzel@aol.com>
>To: <avrason@netvision.net.il>
>Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 6:36 AM
>Subject: Arutz Sheva News Report
>>This  news item  from Arutz Sheva has been sent to you by: Robin Ticker
>>Message: I hope you and Root and Branch are involved in this.

>>Arutz Sheva News Service
>>Delivered Daily via Email, Sunday thru Friday
>>Subscribe (free): http://subscribe.a7.org/subscribe.asp
>>Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski declared that a local Sages Council will
>>soon be established, comprised of religious and secular leaders
>>representing the three predominant monotheistic faiths.
>>Making the announcement during a municipality reception this week marking
>>the new year of 2007, Mayor Lupolianski explained that the council's role
>>will be to improve and enhance the lives of the people of Jerusalem, to
>>create dialogue and understanding between Jews, Muslims and Christians,
>>and to overcome boundaries for all those living in the city.
>>"The council will ignore the so-called 'large, international politics,'
>>which often works in the name of anonymous interests, with no regard for
>>the people living in Jerusalem," Lupolianski said. "The council will set
>>an example for peaceful co-existence and will enable us all to overcome
>>difficulties, solve disputes, get to know each other better and share the
>>vast knowledge we've all accumulated, all for one common goal - the
>>[welfare of the] city of Jerusalem and its residents."
>>Sages Councils such as that announced by the mayor were common in several
>>cities long ago. Their role was to consolidate ideas for the improvement
>>of their respective cities.
>>Mayor Lupolianski came up with the idea to create such a council in
>>Jerusalem following meetings he held with Jewish, Christian and Muslim
>>religious leaders from various denominations. One of the topics raised in
>>those meetings was the lack of direct dialogue between the various
>>communities populating the city, which is one of the most diverse in the
>>world.  Sometimes, people who live just a few feet from one another
>>needed a mediator in order to communicate, municipality spokesman Gideon
>>Schmerling said. This lack of dialogue is one of the reasons Schmerling
>>noted for tensions flaring occasionally between the various religious and
>>ethnic denominations, with Mayor Lupolianski often called in to mediate.
>>In light of this reality, Lupolianski believes that regular meetings of
>>the council, several times a year, will promote inter-cultural dialogue
>>and improve the quality of life for all the people of Jerusalem.

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Letter to Hadas Secretary to Rav Eliashiv

Dear Hadas, amv"sh
Thank you so much for helping us to bring this to the attention of Rav Eliashiv and Rav Efrati. It seems to me that Rav Eliashiv has influence of over hundred thousand Jews. I know that in America, Agudath Yisroel of America and the Chofetz Chaim Foundation will not act unless they are under the directive of the Gedoilim in Eretz Yisroel such as Rav Eliashiv and Rav Shteinman. In America and in Israel there has been Silence as to our Biblical Inheritance. When asked to make a statement protesting Bush's Roadmap which involves a 2 State Solution, the answer the Rabbanim in America has been that "We follow the lead from the Rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel and that our hands are paralyzed" (a direct quote from Reb Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, spokesperson of Agudath Yisroel of America) or "We do not make political statements".
Eretz Yisroel's boundaries are delineated in Parshat Masei . That is straightforward and a given. The Torah repeatedly states that Hashem promises Eretz Yisroel to the seed of Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov. That too is straightforward and a given. However, the Gedoilim have not taken these two givens one step forward to proclaim that a 2 State Solution is contrary to Torah since if it is an inheritance exclusively to Am Yisroel it means that it can not be negotiated. The public has been brainwashed to believe that making such a statement is political when in fact it is Daas Torah. Rav Eliashiv has chosen to be Silent and not protest Bush's roadmap plan. Why hasn't Rav Eliashiv spoken up in favor of the Torah Roadmap? I believe if Am Yisroel would give Rav Eliashiv reason to believe that we desire Eretz Yisroel and yearn to keep the Mitzvoth that are dependant on the Land, there is a good chance that he and the other Gedoilim Batorah would speak up. Hasn't Rav Eliashiv endorsed and is behind the "Beis Medrash LeToras Eretz Yisroel" in Har Nof under the leadership of his close secretary and confidant Rav Efrati? Isn't learning Torah for the sake of keeping Torah? How can we keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz if we give our Land away to the Goyim?
The formation of a Non Jewish State within the boundaries of Yehudah and Shomron is a Chillul Hashem. If there was truly the yearning and desire to keep Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz than Am Yisroel would simply say that the Land belongs to Hashem as it says in Parshas Yisro Perek 19 Pasuk 5 "Ki Li Kol Haaretz". We must first proclaim to the world that G-d is the Master of the entire world. Hashem chose Am Yisroel to be a treasured Nation from all the Nations in order to be a Kingdom of Priests (Mamlechet Kohanim) and a H-ly Nation (VeGoy Kadosh). In the previous phrase in the Pasuk it describes the prerequisite for Am Yisroel to be on this special status "VeAta Im Shamoa Tishmeuh BeKoli Ushmartem Es Brisi". For Am Yisroel to achieve their purpose and Wordly Mission, they must listen to Hashem's voice and keep the Covenant. What is the Bris, the Covenant? It says in Pesukei D'zimra (Hodu LaHashem Kiru Vishmo" which comes from Divrei Hayamim I Perek 16, "Zichru LeOlam (forever) Briso, Davar Tziva LeEleph Dor, asher Karas Es Avraham, Ushvuoso LeYitzchok, Vayaamideha LeChok, LeYisroel Bris Olam, Lemor, Lecha Etain Eretz Canaan, Chevel Nachalaschem..."
The reason we have this special status of being an Am Segula is not because we are racists. We have certain obligations that only we, Am Yisroel, can fulfill. These are the Mitzvoth that are in the Torah. These are the Mitzvoth that are read at Hakhel. These are Mitzvoth that are dependant on the Land. Only we have the potential can bring the Kedusha and no other Peaceful Democratic State has the knowledge, the potential or the inclination. Only Am Yisroel is the violinist, Torah is the notes and Eretz Yisroel is the violin that will create beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. When we listen to Hashem's voice and keep the Mitzvoth then the entire world is blessed.
There is an emphasis in the Chareidi world on not speaking Lashon Hara. Is it coincidence that the Disengagement happened on Tisha Baav and the 10th day of Av, the yahrzeit of the Chait HaMiraglim and of the Churban Beit Hamikdash. The root cause of Lashon Hara happened on this day in the desert and this event caused Bechiya Ledorot. The Miraglim were the Gedoilim of their generation. They discouraged the people from entering Eretz Yisroel. They preferred the spirituality of the desert.
We were told by those that are close to the inner circle of Rav Eliashiv that if a Mishlachat of Chashuva Rabbanim from America come and ask Rav Eliashiv to make a public Statement, then that will be Mashpia. Shmuel Koenig then spoke to Rav Matisyahoo Salomon and Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky. Rav Matisyahoo Salomon told him that he's too busy and Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky said that he is not interested in making a public statement or going to Eretz Yisroel to persuade Rav Eliashiv to make a statement. Shmuel did not ask Rav Shmuel Berenbaum since he was told that he wasn't feeling well. I personally spoke to Rebbetzin Kamenetsky. She said that all the Jews know that Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance and there is no need to make a Statement and that we don't need to explain it to the Goyim. Anyway she said it wouldn't make a difference if we did make a public Statement. Rebbetzin Kamenetsky said her husband made up his mind and didn't believe he was interested in changing his position. She said we need only to focus on Learning Torah and doing Chesed. It would be chutzpa for her husband to tell Rav Eliashiv what to say. I asked what's the point of learning Torah if it's not for the sake of keeping Torah. How can we keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz if we give away the Land. How can we keep Tefillin w/o a hand. How can there be light w/o a candle? As for Chesed, isn't the most basic form of chesed is to prevent others from reaching a state of poverty? If the 2 State Solution is implemented, over 100,000 productive, self supporting, tax paying people will be made into social welfare cases just like the people from Gush Katif. Will you wait for that to happen and then speak about chesed? I spoke to the Noveminsker Rebbe, Rav Perlow. He said that this is a very serious matter and that his position is not to make a public statement and then he hung up the telephone, end of discussion.
How about the Mishpatim. 10,000 people had their property stolen from them. The people of Gush Katif had their property completely destroyed and their means of Parnassa taken away from them. They still have to pay the mortgage on the property because they have personal liability. The government of Israel together with the Israel Defense Forces destroyed the property of their brothers and took away their Parnassa! As a result, children of these G-d Fearing families have been driven to drugs and other dependencies. What is the point of learning the halachos of Property ownership and be Silent to these ongoing horrible acts of Gezel?
The emotional pain and turmoil is just too painful to bear for many of these G-d Fearing Jews. Living with poverty is perhaps doable. Knowing that what was rightfully yours was stolen from you, knowing that Eretz Yisroel rightfully belongs to Am Yisroel and yet the spiritual Rabbinic leaders are quiet and allowed unprotected teenagers get beaten up for what is Torah and Emes and there is no justice whatsoever, is unbearable.
What positive force would be the result of Rav Eliashiv publicly stating the Torah Roadmap and Daas Torah. This would validate the struggle of the people of Gush Katif and would bring balm to their souls. Hundreds of thousands of Jews are looking for direction. It is still not too late to say we made a mistake. The Disengagement was a very serious mistake and the government of Israel did an evil thing. That would directly influence UTJ members as well as the hundreds of thousand of Jews that live in America. If UTJ would join with the Religious Zionists to vote for Torah this would be a revolution. The flaw of the government establishment 50 years ago was that it rejected Torah. They chose Zionism and rejected Torah. But being silent about our claim to Eretz Yisroel is practically speaking also rejecting Torah. Because the Torah is One. One can not pick and choose which Mitzvoth to keep. While our hand is still healthy we have an obligation to put on Tefillin. When we have access to the Land then we still are capable of keeping Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz. And if we argue we can still keep it in Bnei Brak, then we can argue back that's fine for those whose Nachala is in Bnei Brak. But if my Nachala is in the Nachala of Yehuda then it's not helpful to me.
This rejection of Torah at the very establishment of the State of Israel, is now a crack rather than just a flaw. The time has come for a Torah revolution. Hashem is the Master of the World. We must quote the 1st Rashi in Beraishis as does the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Let us focus on the Mitzvoth read at Hakhel from Devarim and pray that blessings reach the world. Silence and Humility on the part of the Gedoilim in this point of time is misplaced. The dangers surrounding us are too all encompassing. There is no other option but to put our trust in Hashem for His deliverance. We must do our part and not be afraid to speak for Torah and for the Emes.
As I am writing this letter the government of Israel is building a fence. They have fooled the public that the fence is for security reasons. Actually this fence is according to knowledgeable sources, the new border of Israel and Palestine. This past Friday, Hamas and the PA have joined forces and have worked out an agreement with the help of the Saudi's. On February 19 there is a meeting scheduled with Abbas, Olmert and Condeleeza Rice to discuss a Palestinian State.
We dare not be silent to this Chillul Hashem. There are 100,000,000 believing Christians that are against Bush's Roadmap and their leaders quote from the Bible. Yet they will not be more Jewish than the Jews. It is up to Am Yisroel to take a public stand as to our Biblical Inheritance. Agudath Yisroel of America recently made a statement regarding Jonathan Pollard. The Lines at the White House are flooded Baruch Hashem. If Rav Eliashiv would give his go-ahead we would have in a day, hundreds of thousands of phone calls to the White House regarding our Biblical Inheritance. This would definitely influence the President of the United States from promoting his "roadmap to peace".
NOTE: I based the 100,000,000 figure on a speech by Richard Hellman a Christian of CIPAC http://www.cipaconline.org/ who spoke at the AFSI National Conference Sunday December 3rd 2006 and at the Rally May 23rd 2006 In Washington DC. He said that 100 million of believing Christians support the Bible Roadmap rather than Bush's Roadmap and he quotes extensively from the Bible This is my recollection of what he said. You can verify what he said exactly from him directly.
Amalek is out to destroy us at this very moment. As Mordechai tells Queen Esther "Im Hacharesh Tacharishi ...." Now is not the time to be silent.
Sincerely, Robin Ticker
Please also look at an article about Shemittah posted in 2004 in Arutz7. It's still as relevant as it was when it was posted.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Notice from CAJL, Helping our Brethren from Gush Katif.

Shavua Tov!
We ask all members and potential members of the conference to participate in helping out our Mishpacha from Gush Katif to have what they need for Pesach. Please let Tova Abady and Robin Ticker know if you are able to mobilize others to help and we can put you in touch directly with
the communities from Gush Katif in Israel. Or send a personal donation to the address on the website http://katifund.org/pesach/pesach.htm     
If you wish to unsubscribe please email us with unsubscribe in Subject line. 
Thanks Robin  

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Open Letter to All Rabbanim - Take a Biblical Stand!


Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership (CAJL)
P.O.B.340149 Brooklyn, NY 11234-0149
Or c/o Shmuel Koenig
1530 E. 19th St. Apt. 6K
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Chodesh Adar 5767

Dear Esteemed Rav, amv”sh

We are an organization working to unite all Torah believing Jews to make a claim to our rights to Eretz Yisroel and to our Biblical Inheritance. Our goal is to publicly denounce any talk of a two State Solution as proposed by President George Bush because it is a direct negation of the Torah’s Covenant between G-d and the Jewish people. We call upon each and every Jew to join with us and be active in whatever capacity that they are capable. We are especially writing to the Rabbinical and Spiritual Leaders of Am Yisroel since they have an extra dose of Achraius (obligation) according to their influence, to guide the population to speak out in a public and strong voice.

Attached please find a statement for you to fill out. We are asking you to state your protest regarding a 2 State Solution as proposed by President Bush. Being silent implies implicit agreement with Bush’s Roadmap or complacency meaning that even though you would prefer it not happen it doesn’t bother you enough to protest it. Remember that the greater influence you have over Hamonei Am the greater the impact of your statement or non statement. Collectively we can certainly make a difference. Individually, we will have to answer to our Creator whether we made an effort even at personal risk to our job, prestige, source of income, or popularity

Every Jewish soul was as Sinai. Atem Nitazvim … You are standing today, all of you, before G-d, the heads of your tribes, your elders…..your small children, your women….for you to pass into the Covenant of Hashem , your G-d and into the imprecation that Hashem , Your G-d seals with you today…..Not with you alone do I seal this covenant and this imprecation, but with whoever is here, standing with us today before Hashem, our G-d, and with whoever is not here with us today. Devarim 29:9 Parshas Nitzavim.

Please fill out and return the attached form. Ask others to do as well. The personal contact info is for our organization’s private use in order to contact you for further activism. Others will have access to the Public Statement and public contact information you provide. We thank you in advance for your concern and love for Hashem, Am Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel and Torat Yisroel.

Sincerely, Coordinators CAJL

Robin Ticker faigerayzel@aol.com ,
Tova Abadi simplefaith2002@yahoo.com
Shmuel Koenig 1530 E. 19th Street Apt 6K Brooklyn, NY 11230
Dear Honorable Rav, amv"sh
We are not only asking, but actually begging you to take a few minutes to print out the following pages and fill them out and return them to one of the addresses listed above. Thank you.
New Page

Contact information for CAJL use only:
Rabbi ________________________
Home Address: _____________________________
Home Telephone:_______________ Mobile:_________________
Email Address: ______________________

Shul Yeshiva and/or Organization Affilliation:
Work Address:______________________________
Work Telephone:________________
Work Email Address:_____________________
Work Fax: _____________________________
New Page


Rabbinic Public Statement Protesting Bush’s Roadmap:

I protest the formation of a Palestinian State within the borders of Judea and Samaria. Our Biblical borders have been given to us by G-d and there is no other answer. A Two State Solution as proposed by Bush’s Roadmap cannot coexist with Torah. (my additional comments are…)

Signature:______________________________ Date:__________________
Shul: or Organization: __________________________________________
I can be reached at :____________________________________________