Monday, June 29, 2020

What is the value of confessions made under torture?


Is Ben-Uliel the Duma arsonist? He may or may not be. The verdict of the court is not based on any credible evidence. Opinion.
Prof. Boaz Sangero , 28/06/20 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chilul Hashem


אל המקום אשר..
Kol HaKavod Shmuel Koenig! Tysm for putting these ideas in writing in a short, clear and succinct manner. 

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020, 10:42 PM Shmuel Koenig <> wrote:
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 7:51 PM
Subject: Fw: chilul hashem
Dear Rabbi,
Not speaking out against the 2 state solution is not politics but is chilul hashem.
If we give in on any part of it, it is denying our right to any of it.
Our right stems from the Torah; the borders are set by the Torah.
This must be supported by Jews and non-Jews.
The same goes for fighting the Democratic party.
W elected officials that are anti-7 mitzvos bnai noach; now we are reaping the fruits of that support with violence and anti-semitism.
We need to leave the democratic  party and teach the non-Jews the sheva mitzovs bnai noach and return the country to its founding principles.
Please take the lead in these matters.
Silence is a sin !
We cannot say no one will listen to me; we must do !
With best wishes for the geula,
Shmuel Koenig

Kol haKavod to Iggud HaRabbonim, Rabbinical Alliance of America, RAA who just released a Statement!

June 22, 2020
For Immediate Release
“A Statement Which Should Really be Unnecessary”
By Rabbi Yaakov Klass

Don’t surrender an inch of land’: Orthodox rabbis in US blast Trump peace plan

Let's digress and bring this down a notch to a simple scenario ..

Can you imagine if we convinced a housewife to share her home with a homeless person. And what if this intruder, while allowing the owner the rights to her kitchen, insists that the owner not use the stove. The owner then argues that her family is hungry and she needs to cook for her family and for other homeless people via HaMasbia soup kitchen. So the negotiation begins. Maybe the owner can be allowed to cook but not for Shabbat  and not for HaMasbia. The owner is willing to accept the deal but the intruder really wants to take over the whole kitchen.  When the owner can't even use the refrigerator anymore she decides to go to war with the intruder...

The only way towards peace and coexistence is for the owner to put her foot down immediately and declare "This is My Kitchen". If you want to stay you must follow my rules. etc..etc..

Consider another scenario....

Let's imagine the liberals insist that President Trump share the Oval Office with BLM to compensate them for all their pain and suffering over the ages? After all, Trump was born into white privilege and can never understand their perspective since he was never in their shoes.

 (For starters, the White House doesn't even belong to President Trump. While he is President it is only his to occupy and noone elses, nor does he have any mandate to allow anyone other than himself and his family to occupy the White House for the purpose it was designed).

But the world doesn't care and the pressures of the liberal media is unrelenting.  BLM surely will first want to change the name to be The Black-White House. The White House is obviously a racist house. If they could, they would demolish it and build a new improved  progressive Multi Colored House.  

They insist on fair and equal rights to the Oval Office.  They prefer Democrats over Republicans so Trump as a Republican would have to fight each time he wants to use the Oval Office.

Of course, Trump rightfully would never allow this possibility of a 2 Color Solution, Black-White House to get to first base. He will call in the National Guard to make it 100% clear who the Boss is and who is in charge of the White House!

 Fyi related

"Listen to Israel Inspired: The Illumination of Nadia Matar by The Land of Israel on #SoundCloud"

Peace by Piece
By Shmuel Sackett - 2 Tammuz 5780 – June 23, 2020

Uniting Jewish Women around the World
Under the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s
Directives for True Peace

An Op-Ed by Mrs. Tamar Adelstein and Mrs. Faige Lobel
on the eve of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 26th Yom Hillula
Gimmel Tammuz

Shmuel Koenig,  here are my  comments as an addendum to your letter.

Everything written in your letter to the great Rabbis, members of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah, is about Torah and not politics.  

Why is Am Yisroel sitting silently, passively waiting for a recipe of disaster called the"Deal of a Century" to unfold? This deal is null and void at its inception as it defies the Covenant Hashem made with Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov Avinu. It is a recipe of disaster.

This Deal will be America's and Trump's undoing if Jews don't speak up loudly as one, and stop, once and for all, the mere suggestion of a most certain disaster in the making. 

It is the obligation of each and every Jew, whether we are in Chutz leAretz, the Diaspora, or in Eretz Yisroel to state Aloh Naaleh ki Yachol Nuchal, we will ascend and conquer as did Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua bin Nun. 

This deal is similar to the plan suggested in Netanyahu's speech in June 2009 at Bar Ilan when he in principle, accepted  a 2 State Solution. 

Many claim it is a pragmatic approach since the Palestinians would never agree anyway given the harsh terms.

However... the premise is false! That is, that a 2 State Solution is even an option. 

This premise is deceitful and null and void since the Land belongs to Hashem and noone, not even POTUS has the mandate to divide the Land. This Torah Truth is one that each and every Jew heard at Sinai.  Daas Torah  isn't even needed since this fundamental Emes is etched in our collective Neshomas. 

In addition on the local front...our collective destiny is to be a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh. 

On the local front, we can not sit silently in Blue State NY as laws are being legislated that defy the 7 Noahide Laws by an unG-dly Party. Our community has been encouraged to register for this "Party" and we as a Community have put an unG-dly party into office. This has to end.

We know their "values" are mutually exclusive from Laws of Universal Morality. They legislate putting criminals back on the streets, they legislate LGBTQ Pride, and late Term abortions. Why are we surprised now at the discrimination and antiSemitic and arbitrary laws against the Religious Jews ? 

Time to leave this dangerous party, remove them from office and/or quickly make Aliya. We New Yorkers don't feel safe and secure given the policies  of the Democrats and their definition of what constitutes as law and order. 

We call upon our great spiritual leaders especially to lead, but none of us are exempt, to rise to the occasion and speak out for our Heritage.  

May Hashem, Mida Keneged Mida send relief and the Geula!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

BREAKING - LAWSUIT FILED MOMENTS AGO: Association of Jewish Camp Operators against NY Governor Cuomo


*BREAKING - LAWSUIT FILED MOMENTS AGO:* The Association of Jewish Camp Operators, whose members run dozens of summer camps, has just filed a lawsuit against NY Governor Cuomo following his decision to forbid overnight summer camps from opening this season. 

Why Would Anyone Need Police Order For Police To Infringe on Our Constitutional Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Or To Prevent Those Who Actually Infringe????


Something is very wrong. The  Democratic Leadership must be removed. 

Re Chaz: From a Police Officer in Seattle

What no Policing  in Harlem looks like.

D.C. Residents Have Wild West Shootout In The Streets – How A World Without Cops Would Look

Gov. Cuomo's New York: 250 Inmates Freed from Prison Rearrested 450 Times

A fired cop for speaking up  speaks up

Going undercover at BLM riots
 Seeing who is enabling the rioters.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Rebbe 20 years ago about an Autonomous Palestinian State


A journalistic record from the Rebbe's conversation with Moshe Katsav exactly 20 years ago.  Journalist Shahar Ilan reported in Haaretz about the conversation.  Needless to say, all the Rebbe's words were fulfilled: "The Lubavitcher Rebbe firmly attacked the Israeli government's autonomy offer.  The Rebbe argued in the conversation that autonomy would lead to disaster.  According to him, the very talk of autonomy encourages the Palestinians and makes them believe that there is a chance to achieve their goals and "increase terrorism".

תיעוד עיתונאי מהשיחה של הרבי עם משה קצב לפני 20 שנה בדיוק. העיתונאי שחר אילן דיווח ב'הארץ' על השיחה. מיותר לציין שכל דברי הרבי התממשו: "הרבי מלובביץ תקף בחריפות את הצעת האוטונומיה של ממשלת ישראל. בשיחה עם שר התחבורה משה קצב. שניאורסון הזכיר לקצב כי הוא שהביא להקמת ממשלת הליכוד והבהיר שאם תתמיד הממשלה במדיניות זו, הוא יהפוך למתנגד חריף שלה ואף ינסה להפילה. האדמו"ר טען בשיחה שהאוטונומיה תוביל לאסון. לדבריו עצם הדיבורים על אוטונומיה מעודדים את הפלשתינים וגורמים להם להאמין שיש סיכוי להשגת מטרותיהם ו'מביאים להגברת הטרור' 

On Vote-By-Mail - J. Christian Adams


Vote by mail might sound good, until you look at the data. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Re: Honenu Update 15 Youth, Boys and Girls handcuffed in hot sun long time. Kochav HaShachar


"In a discriminatory act, today Israeli security forces destroyed 8 structures and synagogues. As you can see in the background of the pictures, there are currently tens of illegal Bedouin structures sitting there untouched, in which it seems nobody cares to take down. 

The couple you see in the picture is the Gozlan family, who was only married two weeks ago. Their house was destroyed along with all their possessions."

Honenu organization:

* Destruction of the houses in the Kochav HaShachar : boys and girls long-shackled in the sun *

Attorney Nati Rom, who came to help detainees in the destruction of Kochav HaShachar homes by the Honenu organization, found the boys handcuffed in the field, in the sun for a long time.

Adv. Rom said "More than 15 boys and girls were arrested following the destruction of homes in the area of ​​Kochav HaShachar. Unfortunately when I arrived on the scene I saw the boys and girls, handcuffed behind their backs, in the scorching sun, long in the field, we hope they will be able to meet an attorney as soon as possible. "

Recall that this morning, 13 Border Police and Administration forces demolished about 13 buildings near the settlement of the Kochav HaShachar including 2 synagogues, and homes of about 5 families. Residents reported severe police violence during the evacuation.

Credit: Attorney Nati Rom.

ארגון חוננו:

*הרס הבתים בכוכב השחר: נערים ונערות אזוקים בשמש זמן רב*

עו"ד נתי רום, אשר הגיע לסייע לעצורים בהרס הבתים בכוכב השחר מטעם ארגון חוננו, מצא את הנערים אזוקים בשטח, בשמש זמן רב.

עו"ד רום סיפר "בעקבות הרס של בתים באזור כוכב השחר נעצרו למעלה מ-15 נערים ונערות. לצערי בהגיעי למקום ראיתי את הנערים והנערות, אזוקים מאחורי הגב, בשמש הלוהטת, זמן רב בשטח, אנו מקווים שיאפשרו להם לפגוש עו"ד בהקדם."

נזכיר כי הבוקר, הרסו כוחות מג"ב משטרה ומינהל כ-13 מבנים בסמוך ליישוב כוכב השחר, בניהם 2 בתי כנסת, ובתים של כ-5 משפחות. התושבים דיווחו על אלימות שוטרים קשה במהלך הפינוי.

קרדיט: עו"ד נתי רום

-------- Original Message --------
On Jun 15, 2020, 12:54 AM, <> wrote:

From Honenu
See Hebrew Below...rough translation into English

* Large forces are destroying homes of Residents of Kochav HaShachar - homes of 5 families and 2 synagogues destroyed.

* Residents at the scene report severe police violence. One of the residents barricaded himself at his home. The Honenu organization reports about 13 arrested*

Border forces, police and administration are currently evacuating families in the neighborhoods surrounding the settlement of Kochav Hashachar in Benjamin.

The forces have so far destroyed - 5 families' houses, 2 synagogues and about 8 additional buildings. For over an hour and a half now, one of the residents has been barricaded to his home.

One of the families, a young couple who got married just a week and a half ago, was violently evacuated from their home, thrown on the floor, and the police strangled the woman. Another couple thrown out from his home with a two weeks old baby.

Honenu Legal Center reported About 13 arrested detainees. Lawyers from the organization help detainees.

"Once again, the state continues to harass the Jewish community that is expanding and establishing their boundaries on the ground as per the suggested delineated boundaries of the Trump Deal, letting Arab construction around it go uninterrupted.

ארגון חוננו:

*כוחות גדולים הורסים בתי מתיישבים באזור כוכב השחר - בתיהם של 5 משפחות ו-2 בתי כנסת נהרסו.*

*התושבים במקום מדווחים על אלימות שוטרים קשה. אחד מהתושבים מתבצר בביתו במתקן מיוחד. ארגון חוננו מדווח על כ-13 עצורים*

כוחות מג"ב, משטרה ומינהל מפנים בשעה זו בתי משפחות בשכונות הסובבות את היישוב כוכב השחר בבנימין.

הכוחות הרסו עד כה - 5 בתי משפחות, 2 בתי כנסת וכ-8 מבנים נוספים. כעת כבר למעלה משעה וחצי מתבצר אחד מהתושבים בביתו באמצעות מתקן מיוחד הכובל אותו לביתו, הכוחות אינם מצליחים לפנותו.

אחת מהמשפחות, זוג צעיר, שהתחתן רק לפני כשבוע וחצי, פונו באלימות מביתם, הושכבו על הריצפה והשוטרים חנקו את האישה. זוג נוסף פונה מביתו עם תינוק כבן שבועיים בלבד.

למוקד המשפטי של ארגון חוננו דווח עד כה על כ-13 עצורים. עורכי דין מהארגון מסייעים לעצורים.

"שוב המדינה ממשיכה להתנכל להתיישבות היהודית שמרחיבה וקובעת את הגבולות בשטח כפי שראינו בתוכנית טראמפ, ונותנת לבניה הערבית מסביב להשתולל באין מפריע. אנחנו נמשיך להאחז בכל רגב ורגב מאדמת א"י." מסר אחד התושבים.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Honenu Update: Destruction and Violence in Kochav HaShachar



Here is the official English report from Honenu

Houses destroyed near Kochav HaShahar

From Honenu
See Hebrew Below...rough translation into English

* Large forces are destroying homes of Residents of Kochav HaShachar - homes of 5 families and 2 synagogues destroyed.

* Residents at the scene report severe police violence. One of the residents barricaded himself at his home. The Honenu organization reports about 13 arrested*

Border forces, police and administration are currently evacuating families in the neighborhoods surrounding the settlement of Kochav Hashachar in Benjamin.

The forces have so far destroyed - 5 families' houses, 2 synagogues and about 8 additional buildings. For over an hour and a half now, one of the residents has been barricaded to his home.

One of the families, a young couple who got married just a week and a half ago, was violently evacuated from their home, thrown on the floor, and the police strangled the woman. Another couple thrown out from his home with a two weeks old baby.

Honenu Legal Center reported About 13 arrested detainees. Lawyers from the organization help detainees.

"Once again, the state continues to harass the Jewish community that is expanding and establishing their boundaries on the ground as per the suggested delineated boundaries of the Trump Deal, letting Arab construction around it go uninterrupted.

ארגון חוננו:

*כוחות גדולים הורסים בתי מתיישבים באזור כוכב השחר - בתיהם של 5 משפחות ו-2 בתי כנסת נהרסו.*

*התושבים במקום מדווחים על אלימות שוטרים קשה. אחד מהתושבים מתבצר בביתו במתקן מיוחד. ארגון חוננו מדווח על כ-13 עצורים*

כוחות מג"ב, משטרה ומינהל מפנים בשעה זו בתי משפחות בשכונות הסובבות את היישוב כוכב השחר בבנימין.

הכוחות הרסו עד כה - 5 בתי משפחות, 2 בתי כנסת וכ-8 מבנים נוספים. כעת כבר למעלה משעה וחצי מתבצר אחד מהתושבים בביתו באמצעות מתקן מיוחד הכובל אותו לביתו, הכוחות אינם מצליחים לפנותו.

אחת מהמשפחות, זוג צעיר, שהתחתן רק לפני כשבוע וחצי, פונו באלימות מביתם, הושכבו על הריצפה והשוטרים חנקו את האישה. זוג נוסף פונה מביתו עם תינוק כבן שבועיים בלבד.

למוקד המשפטי של ארגון חוננו דווח עד כה על כ-13 עצורים. עורכי דין מהארגון מסייעים לעצורים.

"שוב המדינה ממשיכה להתנכל להתיישבות היהודית שמרחיבה וקובעת את הגבולות בשטח כפי שראינו בתוכנית טראמפ, ונותנת לבניה הערבית מסביב להשתולל באין מפריע. אנחנו נמשיך להאחז בכל רגב ורגב מאדמת א"י." מסר אחד התושבים.

*להצטרפות לקבוצת העדכונים השקטה של חוננו לחצו על הקישור -*

Saturday, June 13, 2020

BSD Orthodox Jews: We Reap What We Sow. Time to leave the unG-dly Party.


אל המקום אשר...

Updated July 2, 2020

Don't Legitimize the Progressive Circus - Register Republican Jewish Press Fri. July 3, 2020 page 8 Op-Ed David Storobin

A society that is delinquent to invoke justice is held accountable. 

Was the Killing of the People of Shchem by Shimon and Levy for the Rape of Dina Justified? How do we relate it to the murder of George Floyd?

Time to back and support a party that respects G-dliness  and like-minded morals and values rather than a party that doesn't. 

Related Links:

De Blasio, Cuomo are making children bear the worst of the lockdowns by Councilman Chaim Deutsch. 
Excellent article by Councilman Deutsch whose hands are tied under a Majority Democrat Council. Time to divorce from the party and run as a Republican and take back NY for its constituents whose G-dly values are not represented in the Council nor Assembly of NY.

The Democrats themselves understand that Chaim Deutsch does not truly represent their "values".

Op Ed Vos Iz Neias New York to Observant Jews Drop Dead And Pay Us Taxes

Orthodox Jews Sue Cuomo And de Blasio Over ‘Blatant Double-Standard’. Time to leave the unG-dly Party. 

From VINnews:
🇺🇸 - Message from Camp Ohr Chedva on their decision to open as a day camp this summer instead of a sleepaway camp, since the Governor refused to allow sleepaway camps to open despite pleas from the community

NYC: Brooklyn Parks in Jewsh areas were welded shut while other parks in non jewsh areas remain opened.

NYC Welds Park Gates In Jewish Community Shut 1 Day After Massive Demonstration

🇺🇸 - Heshy Tischler joins Williamsburg community members in snipping the lock off a local park in protest of the city locking down the parks
From Yeshiva World News
Boro Park community personality Heshy “ParkBuster” Tischler has struck again – for the second time today. But this time, it has gone viral and gained national eyeballs.

Tischler’s morning began with a showdown with the NYC Parks Department officers who were placed in Boro Park to make sure that the 18th Avenue Park would remain closed. After having some words with the officers, they left – and the park remained open for the hundreds of children to use.

🇺🇸 - Heshy Tischler along with Kalman Yeger, Simcha Eichenstein, and Simcha Felder break the chains to open the Ave L park in Flatbush. More parks in other neighborhoods to follow.

🇺🇸 - Mayor de Blasio reacts to Jewish politicians and activists breaking open the parks: "We're not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands"

🌎 Follow VINnews on WhatsApp status! Just click the following link to join - 11:24am

My comments and opinion. 

The Democratic Party is illegitimate and its platform defies the laws of universal morality established by the founders of this great nation.  deBlasio's personal subjective designation of what constitutes law and order is highly questionable and defies basic common sense! He has lost total credibility as a functional Mayor and should be removed because of bad decisions and dangerous policies he and the Democratic City Council are implementing such as the Bail Reform Law which puts criminals back on the street with no deterrence.

The Governor as well has made extremely poor choices for the State of New York. The Democrats must be voted out! 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Was the Killing of the People of Shchem by Shimon and Levy for the Rape of Dina Justified? How do we relate it to the murder of George Floyd?


It can be asked, how could Shimon and Levi murder innocent people of Shchem following their moral outrage of the rape of Dina?

An answer given is that they were justified because society itself in Shchem was lawless and condoned lawlessness.

Their argument, if applied to the George Floyd's murder can be as follows:  Severe social injustice was perpetrated by a racist white cop resulting in the murder of an innocent black man. This was fueled by a society that condones prejudice and racism against blacks known as systemic racism. Therefore looting and rioting of such a society is justified. 

Let us examine their justification. This justification is perhaps valid,  only if their given is true that systemic racism in the police and in society existed prior to the murder.

This link provides excellent proofs and statistics and examples to disprove this given that has been rammed down our subconscious.

Systemic Police Racism Is a Myth

What is being staged are white, black and multicolored Supremacists and power hungry  forces behind the riots and unrest. 

We all agree that peaceful protests are important and should be protected and a 1st amendment right. This is not the issue here.

That leaves us still with the position that 
when a society is morally bankrupt, they are held accountable and justifiably  punished  if they are delinquent to invoke justice.

Namely that Society is collectively held accountable for knowingly and passively allowing such an evil society in their midst to exist and thrive.

Let me suggest that in a Heavenly Court the NATURAL CONSEQUENCE of passivity and being delinquent in invoking justice and morality, will foster lawlessness in that society. 

It is not merely punishment but rather a natural consequence. 

Applying this to the situation in New York City in wake of riots and looters....

Will Torah Jews, members of a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh, a Kingdom of Priests and Holy Nation, in Blue States be held accountable for being delinquent in not properly educating and protesting and campaigning against a morally bankrupt society and it's elected officials.

Is it not a natural consequence that collectively we will then be the victims of such a society Chas veShalom, Heaven forbid, as there is noone to police the criminals?  It is not only leaders held accountable but society at large. This leads us to conclude that a moral society at large must protest and mobilize to fight an immoral and unjust society rather than be complacent even when it's leaders try to convince them otherwise to accept the status quo.

Have we collectively been  too complicit when a corrupt and G-dless party gets the overwhelmingly majority of elected officials?  48 out of 51 Councilmen are members of a G-dless party on the City Council.  Did we campaign and advocate for  the G-dly party, the Republican Party,  and their candidates who supported basic Laws of Universal morality and are  natural allies, friends and supporters of Israel or did we encourage everyone to register and vote for Democrats albeit moderate ones, the unG-dly Party?

Were major Jewish mainstream organizations of all denominations either neutral or indirectly benefitting from juicy bones thrown their way from this unG-dly party thereby blinding common sense and a creating a myopic perception of what truly  benefits our community? 

The platform of the Democrat Party openly defies  the 7 Noahide Laws, (6 of the Noahide laws were given by G-d to Adam, passed down to Noah and one law was added to Noah's generation. The 7 Laws were solidified at Sinai as laws incumbent upon all the Nations)

A G-dless governance inevitably replaces Noahide Laws with their own kind of worship,  warped laws and values. 

We've seen this modus operandi in the past where Jews were useful idiots in empowering  evil regimes, like Socialist Communism in Soviet Union only to be targeted themselves when they were no longer needed.

We Reap What We Sow. See the related Links.


NYPD Officers Are Retiring In Droves Over Leadership’s Handling Of Riots, Officials Say

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Systemic Racism Is a Myth


FYI Many of the posts listed below are written or said by people of color.

Updated July 31, 2020
CNN Cuts Off Sheriff  David Clarke About Black Lives Matters. Prager University Gives Him a Voice.


Black woman smears paint on BLM mural at Trump Tower in NYC
Bevelyn Beatty of The Well Ministries dump paint on 'Black Liver Matter' mural painted in front of Trump Tower in NYC.
Democratic official thanks President Trump in remarkable speech.
Democratic official Vernon Jones just destroyed the narrative that his own party created about the police force. Brilliant speech!
By Leah Rosenberg - July 19, 2020 

Updated July 17, 2020

George Soros’s Foundation Is Spending $220 Million To ‘Dismantle Systemic Racism’ In U.S.

Updated July 16, 2020

Ep. 143 — Courage and Critical Thinking With Special Guest Brandon Tatum
Dennis Prager

Updated July 14, 2014

Allen West

The Case Against Revolution with Susan Hirsi Ali

Updated July 2, 2020

Jewish Press Fri July 3, 2020
Prager's Perspective by Dennis Prager 
The Present Moment Has Set Blacks Back A Half Century 

Behind the Mask of Black Lives Matters. The Glazov Gang. Daniel Greenfield video 14:53 minutes

Updated July 1, 2020

Video 52:30minutes

Updated June 28, 2020

Reverend Manning don't  encourage Black's   "Chip on Shoulder" narrative.  Don't label any dialogue critical of the Black Community as Racist!

Updated June 25, 2020

Sen. Tim Scott rips into the plantation Democrats after GOP police reform effort fails in Senate

Stats: Systemic Police Racism Is a Myth By C. Douglas Golden
Published June 4, 2020 Western Journal 

Most people think they know what happened in Ferguson, MO on August 9, 2014. Most people are wrong. Radio host and author Larry Elder presents a factual account of what actually took place on that fateful day.

The Ferguson Lie
Larry Elder June 22, 2020

Our Second Amendment Rights
Barbara a Black Conservative from Harlem speaks from a shooting range about our 2nd Amendment rights and how destructive the Black Lives Matters movement and Antifa is.

UC Berkeley History Professor’s Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy
by Katy Grimes

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

Here is a black man's very convincing arguments about who is responsible for the riots and unrest and it's not racism. He points to Antifa, Clinton Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation.  Must see video.

"White Lives Matter Black Lives Exposed". Excellent Video of black brothers looking at reality and seeing blatant  examples of discriminatory and unfair media bias.

David Harris Jr. A Black man who looks at the reality and asks "Systemic Racism?"

Diamond and Silk, famous black  women Republican supporters on hypocritical Al Sharpton

Diamond and Silk Breaks Down Black Lives Matter

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters
This was done 3 1/2 years ago and you'd think it was filmed today. Funny and brilliant. Hats off to Ami Horowitz.

Published July 25, 2018
"White Guilt is Black Power" From Life, Liberty and Levin. Shelby Steele explains how "White Guilt" is a tactic of the left to disarm whites of moral authority.

Here is a video that shows clear evidence of Hamas Leaders behind BLM.

Another black woman that greatly distrusts the Democrat's "concern" for black folks. She feels it's quite the opposite...

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Show Trial. Wife of Man Convicted in Duma Arson Murder Blasts Court. It was a Show Trial. World Israel News


In addressing the sentencing hearing, the wife of the man convicted for the Duma firebombing writes that justice has not been served as her husband is innocent.

Re: New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began - Daniel Greenfield/Sultan Knish articles

On Tue, Jun 9, 2020, 8:23 AM Sultan 
Link to Sultan Knish

New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began

Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:34 AM PDT

New York City released over 2,650 criminals from prison to protect them from the pandemic. But they didn't stay home or wash their hands. They went back to their old jobs and 100 of them accounted for 190 arrests for crimes like burglary and robbery. A rapist was released and he went back to raping.

One of the freed criminals was responsible for 18 burglaries at closed eateries. And when he was arrested, the end of bail meant that he was set loose. This looting was going on long before the riots.

Now as the rioters and looters rule the streets of Manhattan, when the police manage to arrest them, they have to quickly let them go.

"When it comes to a burglary, a commercial store, which is looting, they're back out," Chief Terrence Monahan said. "Because of bail reform, you're back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail."

Of the 650 thugs arrested, almost all will be released back on the street to riot and loot again.

Los Angeles County released about 5,000 criminals accounting for around a third of imprisoned criminals. And with no bail, arrested criminals were set loose and then arrested again. In the first 30 days of the experiment, 213 criminals were rearrested again after being put back on the street.

Sacramento County's jail population fell 30%, Orange County's prison numbers dropped by 45%, Detroit's jail population dropped by 40%, Philadelphia's by 17%, and Denver's by 41%. Massachusetts freed 1,000 criminals while Illinois freed around 4,000. Dallas released 1,000 criminals and Hennepin County, the home of the riots that went on to sweep major cities, reduced its prison population by 44%.

What impact did the hundreds of released criminals have on kickstarting the riots?

It's no coincidence that some of the areas hardest hit by the rioting and the looting had also opened up their prisons to protect inmates from contracting the coronavirus. Despite apocalyptic predictions from policymakers and the media, there were no mass deaths in prisons or ICE detention facilities. But the critical mass of criminals out on the street left police in major cities hopelessly outnumbered.

That was all part of the plan.

While not all the criminals returned to their trade, even those who wanted to go straight had few jobs waiting for them in locked down cities and states that were already suffering from massive unemployment and where the businesses that might have employed them had been shut down.

Not all of the released criminals returned to crime, but the riots provided the perfect opportunity.

Even before the pandemic, state and federal pro-crime legislation pushed by lefties and libertarians had dramatically cut the numbers of criminals being safely held behind bars. New York City's prison population had dropped from over 25,000 in 2016 to just under 20,000 in 2019. The end of bail meant that criminals never even bothering showing up for trial. And Mayor Bill de Blasio tried to bribe them to come to court with free movie tickets and gift cards. Even before the riots, there had been violent mob attacks on NYPD officers. The attacks have just reached a critical mass in the Black Lives Matter riots.

Anyone who was closely reading the crime numbers could have predicted the mass looting outbreak.

With massive numbers of criminals on the loose, major crimes rose 12%. Car thefts shot up 65%, robberies went up by 25%, and burglaries rose by 22%.

Burglaries of businesses in New York City had shot up 75% by April.

This was slow-motion looting. If you understand that then what happened in Manhattan with organized gangs targeting stores, smashing and grabbing their way through countless businesses, falls into place. The mass looting was not a shocking new development, it was just the existing criminals going public.

The Black Lives Matter riots provided cover for Antifa violence and for organized criminal gangs and individual opportunistic looters, many of whom had been released because of leftist activism.

Free the criminals. Organize riots. Watch cities burn.

In 2006, California had over 165,000 criminals safely locked away. By 2017, the state was down to 115,000 criminals, in part due to an unconstitutional Supreme Court decision ordering the state to release tens of thousands of criminals into the street. Statewide crime rates slowly began ticking up.

Crime rates jumped in 2012, after the Supreme Court's unconstitutional ruling, and in 2015, after George Soros' Proposition 47: Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. The name meant the exact opposite of what it actually did, effectively legalizing retail theft. The more discreet version of looting.

After each mass jailbreak, crime went up.

Violent crimes shot up from 151,425 before Proposition 47, to 178,553 in 2017. Property crime rates were where the real action was, not only rising, but defying nationwide downward trends.

While the rioters cry for more pro-crime measures, demanding the defunding of the police, less prosecution, and more criminals freed from prison, that's exactly what caused the riots.

New York and California aren't being devastated because of mass public outrage, but because they freed the criminals who are tearing New York City and Los Angeles apart. And they want the rest of the country to follow them down the same rabbit hole until there isn't a single safe place left in America.

The mass riots and looting are the direct result of freeing thousands of criminals while crippling law enforcement and the justice system. Past upticks in crime rates had been hidden with statistical games and by tainting the system from the bottom up, by defining crime reporting down at the precinct level, to the top, refusing to bring charges against criminals or pleading them down to next to nothing.

Even as people felt less safe, the media and the authorities kept telling them that crime was falling.

The riots tore apart that lie. No one feels safe after watching mobs ransack neighborhoods and assault police. But the media and the authorities have replaced that lie with another lie, falsely portraying the riots as a mass uprising against racism, when they're really a plot by a small group of radicals and racists, while freed career criminals are doing much of the work of actually wrecking the cities.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa have touched off the riots and looting to overwhelm police forces. And it's working. Demoralized cops are given a bad choice between arresting motivated rioters or chasing down looters, while knowing that everyone they arrest will out by the next day so that it really doesn't matter.

The riot endgame will move the war to the next stage with more mass releases of criminals, more crippled police forces, and even less prosecutions. And the next wave of riots will be even worse. There will be another viral video, more manufactured outrage, and even more devastating riots. Each set of riots will include demands that if met will lead to worse riots in the next stage of the conflict.

This is the same old playbook that the Left has used effectively for well over a century.

The myth of law enforcement racism is being used to dismantle police forces and open up the prisons. The released criminals become witting or unwitting shock troops for violent confrontations that tear apart society and build up the political power of the radicals who can turn the violence on or off.

There is only one way forward. Conservatives must work to reverse the pro-crime policies of leftists and libertarians. As the nation experiences curfews and people huddle in their homes, there is no way to escape the truth that if we don't lock up the criminals rampaging in the street, we will be the ones in jail.

Right now, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and more importantly their backers from the Democrat Party to the media to academia, are holding a gun to the head of the United States of America. But the worst part of it is that we gave them the gun and put the bullets in it when we began freeing criminals.

Law and order is the only way to take the gun away. Locking up the criminals disarms the Left.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.

Thank you for reading.

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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Leading Chabad Rabbis Oppose Trump Peace Plan: ‘Poison Sometimes Resembles A Candy’

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

Fw: Fyi Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now


To All those of Us Who Can Make a Difference

Sat Jun 6, 2020 - 11:59 am EST

Archbishop Viganò's powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

From an Orthodox Jewish Perspective, other than the references to Jesus, this Archbishop is on the mark.

Archbishop Viganòs analogy between the woman and the snake is consistent with Rabbinic teachings


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, published and spoke about the Seven Laws of Noah many times. He taught, based on a detailed reading of Maimonides' Hilchot Melachim, Talmud and Scripture, that the Seven Laws originally given to Noah were given yet again, through Moses at Sinai, and it is exclusively through that giving of the Torah that the Seven Laws derive their current force.[15] What has changed with the giving of the Torah is that now, it is the duty of the Jewish people to bring the rest of the world to fulfill the Seven Laws.[16]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò warns the president that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots are a part of the eternal spiritual struggle between the forces of good and evil.

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

-------- Original Message --------
On Jun 4, 2020, 11:14 PM, <> wrote:


Is Democrat Farah Louis whom we campaigned for, showing her true colors? She was the moderate Democrat whom we supported....

The Democrats Lack of G-dly Leadership has shown its true colors with Covid 19, sending Covid Patients to Nursing homes and infecting a vulnerable population causing unnecessary death and anguish etc... Now NY Democratic failed leadership has failed to protect the property and lives of New Yorkers and have tied the hands of NYPD putting all of New York, lives and property at risk causing unnecessary death and anguish.

They had resources which they squandered or failed to use.

After rioting and looting and lawlessness she is calling to further weaken the NYPD when their orders often was to standby, as criminals took over the city with no real consequences nor deterrence to stop.

We voted them in.

Time to cut our losses and start a new.

Leave the Democrats en masse, an illegitimate and unG-dly party less we become enslaved, Heaven forbid,  under Democratic tyranny to the point of no return. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NYC Council Member Farah N. Louis <>
Date: Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 9:56 PM
Subject: CORRECTION: Louis Calls for NYPD Budget Cuts Amid Shortfall, Pandemic, and Protests
To: <>



Farah N. Louis


Kristia Winter, Communications Director, 718-629-2900

June 4, 2020


Louis Calls for NYPD Budget Cuts

Amid Shortfall, Pandemic, and Protests

BROOKLYN, NY — Today, Council Member Farah N. Louis (D-Brooklyn) issued the following statement calling for cuts to the NYPD's budget as the city faces a $9 billion budget shortfall due to resources exhausted in the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The NYPD, which has a $6 billion budget, was largely spared in contrast to the proposed cuts to city agencies such as the Department of Education, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Department of Homeless Services; the Department of Housing Preservation and Development; the Department of Youth and Community Development. Our city's budget is going to be balanced by jeopardizing the education, health, and livelihoods of our most vulnerable communities. That is not an option, given the uncertainty of the level of support that our city must be prepared to provide thousands of families and small business owners in the aftermath of a global health crisis.  


"As the City of New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic, begins to recover from the health and economic toll, New Yorkers will need assurance that housing, mental health, and housing assistance is readily available.  

"After touting historic lows in crime and other so-called progress in community-police relations, the NYPD's response to peaceful protesters in the days following nationwide protests against police brutality and racial injustice have been abhorrent. There is no way to justify a significant reduction to health and social services as well as the elimination of the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), while our city is overrun by officers who are ill-equipped to address those immediate needs or patrolling our streets without endangering Black and brown lives. We need more community programming and counselors, not additional cops.

"With the City Council working to adopt a budget by the June 30th deadline, we have to shift our focus and priorities to ensure that we pass a fair and inclusive budget that will help and not harm New Yorkers," said Council Member Farah N. Louis, a member of the Council committees on Youth Services; Education; and Finance.


New York City Council Member Farah N. Louis represents the 45th Council District, which is comprised of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Marine Park, Flatlands, & Kensington in Brooklyn, NY. She is a member of the committees on Civil Service and Labor; Economic Development; Education; Finance; Housing and Buildings; Youth Services; and Justice System. Council Member Louis is the Co-Chair of the Women's Caucus and Vice Co-Chair of the Black, Latino/a, and Asian Caucus.

Council Member Farah N. Louis | Website

NYC Council Member Farah N. Louis | 1434 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210Unsubscribe faigerayzel@gmail.comUpdate Profile | About Constant ContactSent by in collaboration with                                                                               

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Fwd: Morning News Report - Today's Headlines Geller Report June 2, 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Geller Report <>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2020, 1:35 AM
Subject: Morning News Report - Today's Headlines
To: faigerayzel <>

Meanwhile de Blasio ducks out on approaching looting protest mob in Midtown. There is no law - it;s a complete breakdown of society.
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 Today's Headlines

NYC: Riots, Looting Macy's, Nordstroms, Luxury Shops, While Mayor De Blasio Runs Away From Approaching Riot Mob in Midtown

Meanwhile de Blasio ducks out on approaching looting protest mob in Midtown. There is no law - it;s a complete breakdown of society.


Watch Trump makes visit to the torched St. John's Church after address

Mr. Trump held up a Bible as he stood in front of the church, which every sitting president since James Madison has visited at least once for a service.

WATCH: "Law and Order" President Addresses The Nation: "We Are Ending The Riots and Lawlessness That has Spread Throughout Our Country"

He's a political genius. He left spineless, gutless, Democrat mayors and governors to fail spectacularly for 6 days.

And on the 7th day, he said, let there be light.

A perfect speech.

BRUTAL INJUSTICE: George Floyd WAS murdered by Minn. cop Derek Chauvin after knee on his neck 'caused asphyxia that led to lack of blood flow to brain', says independent autopsy ordered by family

George Floyd was brutally murdered. The findings of the world renown Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson differ greatly from the autopsy results conducted  by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office last week. Baden was hired by the Floyd family to conduct the independent autopsy after the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office ruled last...

NYPD Counterterrorism Head Says Organized Groups Planned Looting in Wealthy Neighborhoods

The left using the brutal death of George Floyd to take down America - brick by brick.

President Trump Reacts To Biden's Staffers Donating To Group Bailing Out Protestors: "[He] Doesn't Know Anything About It, He Is Clueless"

"At least 13 Biden campaign staff members posted on Twitter on Friday and Saturday that they made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of cash bail, or making people pay to avoid pre-trial imprisonment. The group uses donations to pay bail fees in Minneapolis."


Coronavirus sparks 'insane' evacuation from NYC, movers say, as residents head south

After De Blasio, New York City will be unrecognizable. He is realizing his long held communist dream of utter destruction.

'Biden Center' at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China

The Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania is under fire this week over its alleged failure to disclose millions of dollars in gifts from China. The center has allegedly failed to disclose $70 million in gifts from China since 2017.

January 2020: George Soros warns Trump of potential economic doom before election

"[Trump's] problem is that the elections are still 10 months away, and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime," Soros said

One of the key, if not the most principal (but unreported) aspects of these national riots is how well coordinated and well funded they are. These things don't just happen, they are made to happen.


Jihad-Rep Omar: Minneapolis Rioters Were 'Terrorized' by National Guard and Police

Inciting to 'attack civil society, instill fear, and disrupt our great cities.' Omar's attacks on our American law enforcement echoes the jihadis when they blame the West after every  Islamic attack.

Keffiyeh-clad woman identified as a LAWYER tossed EXPLOSIVE at NYPD cruiser, her co-conspirator is a Princeton lawyer

George Floyd's death was a grave injustice. But subversive radicals are xploiting the tragedy to destroy the country. That is their goal. They aren't burning our cities for George Floyd, they are tearing down the country in order to destroy it.

The keffiyeh is illustrative of the evil forces at work - the leftist/Islamic axis.

At Least 4 Synagogues Were Vandalized By Antifa

Jewish communities were hit hard this weekend. The vandalism of multiple synagogues ought to be part of the discussion about their climate of violence and hate.

Mayor Bill de Blasio's daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest

Apparently daddy was not enforcing his totalitarian social distancing measures at home.

Looters destroy several NYC stores following riots

The Democrats have weaponized a poorly educated generation. These aren't protests, this is civil war.

Signs of Intelligent Life in Islam: Hussein Halawa

Many Muslim clerics and leaders have been coming up with outlandish theories about the origin of the coronavirus. Some say it was sent by Allah to punish China for its mistreatment of the Muslim Uighurs (the imam who first said it came down with the coronavirus two days after making this claim). Others have said...

Minneapolis: "Palestinian" Owner of Cup Foods Called Cops on George Floyd over Counterfeit $20

Why hasn't Mahmoud Abumayyaleh gotten any coverage? If he were Jewish, the enemedia would be full of stories about how the Jewish store owner called the cops on George Floyd and set Floyd up to be murdered. Mahmoud Abumayyaleh should not receive such treatment, as he isn't responsible for the behavior of the cops, but...