Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Duma Plea Bargain. A Terrible Deal not for the sake of Truth! The Public Wants to Know! What Really Happened at Duma? With Real Facts and Evidence!


Will we rely on testimony of a kid that is threatened with years of imprisonment for crimes he never committed unless he plea bargains??  

What value is Elisha's confessions at this point?  He admitted he would confess to anything to stop the ongoing torture! This charade of justice is psychological torture at it's best. 

These confessions only benefit the prosecution who advocates for those who prematurely slandered the Settler youth with the Duma arson.  This confession like the others was coerced and is worthless if it's the truth you are seeking. Who indeed were the perpetrators of the Duma arson?  Did anyone check out the Dawabshe family for clan infighting? Apparently not, as they don't fit the Given, the predetermined fact of the investigation, the Duma Blood Libel that they must be Jewish terrorist arsonists who murdered the Arab parents and their baby 

Facts and search for truth is the only evidence that should be permitted. Not self incrimination by someone whose freedom is being threatened if he doesn't comply.

Confessions by the tortured Duma suspects,  even in a plea bargain, are low life attempts to conceal the real guilty parties.

The Prime Minister
 The President of Israel, 
The Defense Minister
The Justice Minister
Shabak, Jewish Division of Terror
Israel Supreme Court,
Knesset Members
Rabbanei Yesha
The Media 

who rushed to condemn acts of terror by Jewish Settler Youth. 

They are desperate for Elisha to plead guilty because if Elisha and or Amiram aren't guilty, and there are no Jewish Terrorists connected to this arson, then they are the guilty ones. 

They, using their positions of authority, speaking with confidence from positions of authority, generated a hoax narrative of an arson terror attack in Duma allegedly perpetrated by Jewish Settler Youth within 24 hours of it happening without seriously examining the evidence before rushing to conclusions and condemnations. 

Tens of Hilltop Youth among them Meir Ettinger and followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane were detained, interrogated, traumatized.  They came up empty handed! This was going on for a few months.  In December they were desperate. 

 Elisha and Amiram were their next scapegoats.   
Elisha and Amiram were separated from other religious youths, placed in isolation and in conditions that befit a ticking time bomb terrorist, denied habeas corpus, denied rights to see a lawyer. Elisha was placed in a staged prison with actors who acted like terrorists, terrified and traumatized to get him to confess. Duma happened in 2015. That is 3 years of harsh incarceration and trauma for a crime this minor never committed!

Elisha's lawyer does not represent Elisha.  Elisha's lawyer represents Netanyahu and all the above mentioned authorities in positions of power that put Elisha in prison for no reason. 

They were responsible of taking away his innocent youthful years....  They were responsible for torturing him physically and emotionally, he and his family,  on and off, these past three years. 

They smeared and slandered the name of innocent  Jewish Kids in order to produce a narrative that show that there are Jewish Terrorists just like there are Palestinian Terrorists.

Someone who would really represent Elisha would sue all the guilty ones for slander, physical and emotional trauma to last a lifetime and would win hundreds of millions of Shekalim.  They wouldn't plea bargain 5 years instead of 15 years with time off for good behavior. . 

Translated from Duma Whatsapp post Administrator Michael Puah. See original in Hebrew below.

Shameful and Dirty Deal !!
Dear Friends,

 For a long time, you have not been informed of what is happening in the Duma trial. The reason for this is that in recent months there has been a process that we could not report in which a minor deal was offered to the minor in the trial, which was secretly conducted behind the scenes. Tonight we reveal the main points of the deal that will be discussed in court tomorrow.

Let us recall that in the trial, the court rejected all the confessions linking the minor to the deceased. At the same time with regard to Amiram Ben Uliel, the court prepared the confessions and the recovery despite the presence and intervention of Miguel, head of the investigation team, the GSS response.
 Now, during the investigation of the prosecution witnesses, it turns out that Amiram's confession does not hold water. It is inconsistent with reality on the ground and not with the testimonies from the incident.

What to do???

Here comes an amazing initiative in its depravity !!
Proposal for a plea bargain with the minor. The minor, who apparently has indeed become entangled in several other cases, will admit that he planned to carry out a terror attack with someone without mentioning the name Amiram. He would admit that he was a member of a terrorist organization, without mentioning any other members. In return, we will lower the charges for 15 years to five years, and in fact we will remove him almost without punishment because the whole period of detention can be considered part of the punishment.
In this proceeding, the State Attorney's Office continues the line outlined by the court in advance. We'll get the boy out of the story in exchange of Amiram's head. The removal of Amiram's name from the minor's agreed-upon letter of complaint is throwing sand in the eyes. The minor who in internal conversations continues to claim that he is not connected to the story of Duma nor Amiram, can not resist the temptation to leave this story with this proposal which in reality amounts to nothing. The bitter truth is that the State Prosecutor's Office has no evidence or even half an evidence that links Amiram to the event in Duma. The minor's admission of guilt in the plea bargain is the gold on which the entire tower of proof will be built against Amiram.

 No judge will accept Amiram's sweeping denial of any connection to an event,  that it has not been proven it was committed by Jews, and the high probability is that it was carried out in the context of the local arson incitements there, when there is an admission of a Jewish terrorist organization that planned Duma.At the expense of extracting from the minor such nonsense that he has confessed without any connection to Duma, the prosecution will be able to incriminate those who, in our opinion, are innocent and have no evidence against him.

We can not replace the minor and his family in this attempt. Indeed, the fear of seeing your child spend about 15 years in prison can drive everyone crazy.
If the minor was really a partner in the Duma event and he is religious, we would not say anything. But when the clear statement is that the confession is part of a plea bargain that has nothing to do with truth, we believe that the public must know and understand that this is the most despicable conduct imaginable by the State Prosecutor's Office. It is simply a bribe to incriminate an innocent person in exchange for a lighter sentence.
We expect the minor and his family to understand the tremendous damage they are going to do in submission to the State Attorney's Office pressure.

And again in order to be clear whether this is a true confession we are silent and say that the offenders will be punished. But if the confession is only for the purpose of a plea bargain, we expect you not to be swayed by the threats directed against you by the prosecution. Azzur Kach said no to the shameful deal !!

עסקה מלוכלכת ובזויה!! 
חברים וחברות יקרים,

 כבר זמן רב לא עדכנו אתכם מה קורה במשפט דומא. הסיבה לכך היא שבחודשים האחרונים התרחש תהליך שלא יכולנו לדווח עליו במסגרתו הוצעה לקטין במשפט עסקה מלוכלכת, שהתנהלה בחשאי מאחורי הקלעים. הערב אנו חושפים את עקרי העסקה שמחר תידון בבית המשפט.

נזכיר, במשפט הזוטא בית המשפט פסל את כל ההודאות שקושרות את הקטין לדומא. במקביל ביחס לעמירם הכשיר בית המשפט את ההודאות והשחזור על אף הנוכחות וההתערבות של מיגל ראש צוות החקירה, המענה בשב"כ.
 עתה, במהלך חקירת עדי התביעה מתברר שההודאה של עמירם לא מחזיקה מים. היא לא מתיישבת עם המציאות בשטח ולא עם העדויות מהאירוע. 

מה עושים??? 

כאן באה יוזמה מדהימה בשפלותה !!
הצעה לעסקת טיעון עם הקטין. הקטין שכפי הנראה אכן הסתבך בכמה פרשות אחרות, יודה שהוא תכנן לעשות פיגוע בדומא עם מישהו בלי להזכיר את השם המפורש 'עמירם'. הוא יודה שהיה חבר בארגון טרור בלי להזכיר כמובן אף חבר אחר. בתמורה נוריד את הטענות לעונש מ-15 שנה לחמש שנים ובעצם נוציא אותו כמעט בלי עונש כי אפשר להחשיב את כל תקופת המעצר כחלק מהעונש. 
בהליך זה ממשיכה הפרקליטות את הקו שהתווה בית המשפט מראש. נוציא את הקטין מהסיפור תמורת ראשו של עמירם. הוצאת שמו של עמירם מכתב התביעה המוסכם של הקטין היא זריית חול בעיניים. הקטין שבשיחות פנימיות ממשיך לטעון שהוא לא קשור לסיפור דומא ולעמירם, לא מסוגל לעמוד מול הפיתוי לצאת מהסיפור בהצעה זו שלכאורה אין בה דבר. אבל האמת המרה היא שלפרקליטות אין ראייה וחצי ראייה הקושרת את עמירם לאירוע בדומא. הודאתו של הקטין במסגרת עסקת הטיעון היא ראיית הזהב שעליה ייבנה כל מגדל ההוכחות כנגד עמירם. שום שופט לא יקבל את ההכחשה הגורפת של עמירם לגבי כל קשר לאירוע שאין הוכחה שנעשה על ידי יהודים, והסבירות הגבוהה היא שנעשה במסגרת קרב ההצתות במקום, כאשר   יש הודאה בקיום ארגון טרור שתכנן את דומא. במחיר הוצאת הקטין מהשטויות שהוא עשה בלי קשר לדומא, תרוויח הפרקליטות הרשעה למי שלדעתנו חף מפשע, ואין לה שום ראיה נגדו.  

איננו יכולים להיכנס במקומו של הקטין ומשפחתו בניסיון זה. אכן החשש לראות את ילדך מבלה כ-15 שנים בכלא יכול להטריף כל אחד. 
לו הקטין היה באמת שותף באירוע דומא והוא חוזר בתשובה לא היינו  אומרים דבר. אבל כשהאמירה הברורה היא שההודאה היא במסגרת עסקת טיעון שאין בה לבין האמת כלום, אנו סבורים שהציבור חייב לדעת ולהבין שמדובר בהתנהלות הכי בזוייה שניתן להעלות על הדעת על ידיי הפרקליטות. זו פשוט הצעת שוחד להפליל בן אדם חף מפשע תמורת הקלה בעונש. 
אנו מצפים מהקטין ומשפחתו להבין את הנזק העצום שהם הולכים לעשות בכניעה ללחץ הפרקליטות. 

ועוד פעם כדי להיות ברורים אם מדובר בהודאה אמתית אנחנו שותקים ואומרים העבריינים יענשו. אך אם מדובר בהודאה רק לצורך הסכם טיעון אנו מצפים מכם שלא תכנעו לסחיטה באיומים שמנהלת הפרקליטות כנגדכם. אזרו כח אמרו לא לעסקה המבישה!!

Report: Arrangement with defendant in Duma affair
According to TV report, minor accused of involvement in Dawabshe murder will confess to planning the murder but convicted of lesser offense.

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