Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Trumps Accomplishments! Trump @ War by Steve Banon. Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months #midterms by Pamela Geller
thank you Paula Spira for this reference to Trump @ War!
Steve Bannon Trailer: 'Trump @ War'
A must see video! Let us give President Trump the proper recognition he deserves!
Official Trump @ War Full Movie 1:16:33
Trump's list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months #midterms
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Arizona voters: you are being duped by the Kyrsten Sinema campaign - Latest News - Mike Huckabee
Fwd: From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood from Jews Choose Trump
From: Jews Choose Trump <>
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2018, 8:43 AM
Subject: From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood
To: <>
From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood:Trump versus Obama Contrasting Trump with a Democratic President Vote Republican in the Midterms If You want Moral Clar
Monday, October 29, 2018
Fwd Letter: Chele Farley is 100% pro-Israel by Helen Freedman Exec. Director AFSI, Gillibrand is the opposite
Dov Hikind makes the reality about Senator Gillibrand clear.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, we have some questions for you. Face us.
Five Reasons Senator Gillibrand is Dangerous to Israel by Aaron Klein
From: Helen Freedman <>
Date: Sun, Oct 28, 2018, 10:43 PM
Subject: Chele Farley is 100% pro-Israel
To: Ilene Curtach <>, Judy Freedman Kadish <>
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Endorse Chele Farley in the Spirit of the Law! Best Way for American Jewish Groups to Fight Antisemitism Following 'Deadliest Attack on Jews in US History'. Please Don't Continue to Neutralize Legitimate Opposition to Gillibrand
Dear Mainstream Jewish Organizations:
Let us "endorse" Farley like Senator Gillibrand "endorsed" the likes of Linda Sarsour.
Appearing with Sarsour in public, being introduced by Sarsour who generously showered praises on the Senator, is for all practical purposes an "endorsement" of Sarsour's agenda.
How sad that good Jews seem to be working against Farley by neutralizing and suppressing the voice that opposes Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.
Kirsten Gillibrand is aligned with real enemies of Israel. Gillibrand has a record of supporting Planned Parenthood and Abortion, supporting anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour and supporting a Nuclear Iran.
Don't go by the polls. Trump's win as President proved that polls can be wrong!
Jewish Leaders....Don't feel like a grasshopper crying about a done deal when you in fact can still make a difference!
Shall we, influential Jews, purposely sweep evil under the rug, be useful idiots, political pawns, lured into silence, expecting pay back from our enemies when they are in office?
We can not be complicit at any price.
As Queen Esther put it, she would have remained silent if it wasn't a matter about the destruction of our people!
We all agree that deadly attacks such as what happened in Pittsburgh is tragic.
Fake rhetoric of solidarity with Jews in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, by time tested enemies of Israel is duplicit, nauseating and deceptive.
We are being complicit in not openly and aggressively opposing United States Senator Gillibrand who openly supports those who wishes to annihilate us!
This statement falls short. Time to expose Senator Gillibrand's true agenda and her obvious opposition for a Safe Israel in spite of empty rhetoric, in vocal support for the opposing candidate!
fyi: Live Interview with Candidate Chele Farley with Jay Oliver who expresses her genuine support for Israel
Friday, October 26, 2018
Fwd: Is Agudah and FJCC meeting with Gillibrand this Sunday and if so why?
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 2:38 PM
Subject: Is Agudah and FJCC meeting with Gillibrand this Sunday and if so why?
To: Rabbi Feldman <>, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky <>, Malcolm Hoenlein <>, Menachem Lubinsky <>, cindy grosz <>, Chaim Dovid Zwiebel <>, Shea Rubenstein <>, Rabbi Feldman <>, Josh Wander <>, <>
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Fwd: San Francisco allows non-citizens to vote Mike Huckabee newsletter October 24, 2018
From: Mike Huckabee <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 10:01 AM
Subject: San Francisco allows non-citizens to vote
To: <>
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Today's Commentary --- Rosenstein hearing postponed as Papadopoulos offers plenty -- Huck PAC's Political impact -- Sandra Day O'Connor -- Theaters dropping "Gosnell" -- Regret -- The Baltic Experience 2019 -- San Francisco allows non-citizens to vote -- Evening Edition - Daily Verse
After all the trouble I went to to put together that list of questions for Rod Rosenstein, his testimony has been postponed indefinitely. Committee chairmen Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy said in a statement late Tuesday that they were postponing because they would be "unable to ask all questions of deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein within the time allotted for tomorrow's transcribed interview."
One problem that may have contributed to the delay was the format for the interview, which excluded all but four members of Congress, including Freedom Caucus members Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, who were really intent on being there, disgusted as they are with Rosenstein's stonewalling on the release of documents and also with his previous failure to appear. But I'm wondering if the postponement might also have something to do with a new story about the dark background for the FISA application, which raises a lot of new questions and perhaps necessitates more preparation before calling Rosenstein in.
Mike Huckabee
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Huck PAC's Political Impact
By Mike Huckabee
My political action committee Huck PAC is a grassroots organization that relies solely on the financial support of individuals and our endorsements reflect their views.
In 2018, Huck PAC has donated $194,800 directly to candidates (9 US Senate races, 27 US House races, 5 Governors races and 23 Arkansas races).
For a full list of our endorsements and donations please go here >>>
To donate to Huck PAC's efforts please go here >>>
At the end of this week, we will announce another round of endorsements and donations.
Sandra Day O'Connor
By Mike Huckabee
I hope you'll join me in sending prayers and good wishes to Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female Supreme Court Justice. She is 88 and just announced that she has early stage dementia and "probably Alzheimer's disease." She says she can no longer participate in public life and will spend "the final chapter" of her life with loved ones in Phoenix.
In a moving open letter, retired Justice O'Connor expressed her "gratitude and deep appreciation for the countless blessings" she has received and many people who've made her life possible. She also left a message to current and future generations about the importance of understanding the Constitution and our unique system of government, of teaching children civics and of "putting country and the common good above party and self-interest." It's both a timeless and very timely message. I urge you to read it, and again, to say a prayer for her and her family.
Theaters dropping "Gosnell"
By Mike Huckabee
I've told you that "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" is a must-see film. But you must see it quickly, because, ironically, the movie industry is doing everything in its power to abort it. Despite racking up $2.5 million at the box office in less than two weeks (amazing, considering it was on just over 600 screens, was ignored by reviewers and blocked from advertising on social media and other outlets), theaters are already dropping it from 253 screens.
The producers smell a rat, noting that that in some multiplexes that are dropping it, it's as high as the sixth most profitable film per screen. They've also heard reports of patrons being told screenings are sold out when there are seats available. Director Nick Searcy says some of the few media outlets that actually wrote about the film openly lied about it. One review claimed it became very partisan against abortion once the story moved into the courtroom, even though every word of those scenes came straight from the trial transcript.
The media are so in the pocket of the pro-abortion movement that they are determined to keep you from knowing that this gripping, heartbreaking, dramatic, very well-made and absolutely true-to-life film even exists. It's the same "protect abortion at all costs" attitude that led to Gosnell's deadly clinic being protected for years, and his actual murder trial going unreported until the absent press was shamed into covering it by a photo of their empty gallery on social media.
You can still see this film, and you can ask your local theaters to screen it. But you'd better hurry. For information and to find a showing near you, visit
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By Mike Huckabee
According to one of the world's leading genital reconstructive surgeons, he and his colleagues are seeing increasing numbers of transgender patients who've had sex-change surgeries returning to ask for reversal surgeries to transition back. Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic says these patients have told him of crippling levels of depression following their transitions, even to the point of considering suicide. But he said these stories are not being heard.
And why not? Because reporting them might undercut the preferred narrative about transgender people, which would gin up a lot of social media "OUTRAGE." That's why Bath Spa University in England infamously yanked a research grant in 2014 for a psychological study of the de-transitioning issue. Not because it wasn't real or didn't deserve study, but because studying it would require admitting it exists, and that would be politically incorrect.
I know that I'm not part of the self-proclaimed "party of science," but I don't think that's how science works.
The link has more on this subject, along with the really politically incorrect news that many of those who want to reverse their surgeries now believe they were too young when they decided they were the wrong gender – something nobody's allowed to say in the era when it's considered both compassionate and acceptable to pump confused 11-year-olds full of hormone blocking drugs, even when their parents object.
The Baltic Experience 2019
I am thrilled to announce an unforgettable trip to the Baltics for the summer of 2019! After many years of the Israel Experiences and our most recent trip the Mediterranean Experience cruise, we are bringing you another phenomenal cruise, the Baltic Experience! This all-inclusive cruise will feature some of the most beautiful places in the Baltic Sea and we will get to travel to and absorb these destinations aboard a luxury cruise ship from the Azamara Cruise line. If you have traveled with us before, you already know that all-inclusive means exactly that and there are no surprises along the way. The Baltic Experience will be no different. And when the weather is often unbearably hot throughout most of the US in August, we will be enjoying the cool and delightful weather that makes travel in the Baltic region perfect. Once again we have the entire ship and will fill our time on board with spectacular entertainment and special guests. In addition to the cruise we have multiple pre and post cruise offerings you can choose from to extend your trip. Our last cruise sold out in record time so we encourage you to get your cabin secured soon. We look forward to traveling with you soon and as always we will work tirelessly and do everything in our control to bring you The Greatest Trip.
To learn more about this exciting trip, visit my website here.
See you on the boat,
Mike Huckabee
San Francisco allows non-citizens to vote
By Mike Huckabee
In case you think that it's just partisan paranoia to claim that Democrats want open borders because they covet the illegal immigrant vote: San Francisco is about to hold its first election where non-citizens will be allowed to vote in school board races. Newt Gingrich has a suggestion that Congress reaffirm that only citizens have the right to vote, and see how many Democrats would support it.
Incidentally, that shouldn't even be necessary. The fact that it is just shows how far off the deep end the left coast Democrats are swimming these days.
Evening Edition - October 23
By Mike Huckabee
A wrap-up of all the news you might have missed yesterday!
Daily Verse
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
- Joshua 1:9
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Fwd: RuthMatarZ"L; Sovereignty Campaign, Yahrzeit Rabbi Meir Kahane ,ComingFortnight; Missions/Tours; WebS from Eretz Yisrael Shelanu
From: Eretz Israel Shelanu <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 2:09 AM
Subject: RuthMatarZ"L; ComingFortnight; Missions/Tours; WebS
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Shalom, Greer Fay Cashman: Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
Vote For Candidates Who Support Sovereignty (H) * , * , * , * , *
Mordechai Sones: If you support sovereignty we'll vote for you Link to page of campaign
TOMORROW, THURSDAY, October 25 / Cheshvan 16
28th Yahrzeit of HaRav Meir David Kahane Zt"L Hy"D at the Yeshiva he Founded Hebrew Program: Starting at 12:00 noon at Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi, 11, Shmarya (btwn. Shmuel HaNavi & Arzei HaBira), Jerusalem - Shiurim by Rav Kreuser and prominent personalities 16:30 - Leave from the Yeshiva to Rav Kahane's grave at Har HaMenuchot, where there will be a short memorial program and Kaddish at 17:00 18:30 - at Heichal David, Ohaliav 14, Romema: The theme of the program is the demand to cancel the outlawing of the Kach movement: 6:30-7:30 pm - Light meal and "activity fair" (display) 19:30 - Speeches by prominent personalities and films English Program: Motzei Shabbat Va'era, SaturNight, 18 Chesvan / October 27, at the Yeshiva. Speakers: 20:15 - Rabbi Yehuda Richter: The Rabbi's Torah - The Key to Redemption 20:45 - Lenny Goldberg: Special video presentation (1st-time show) 21:30 - Meir Weinstein, Head of JDL Canada: Continuing in his path Refreshments will be served. For more information: Levi 0506-556-813, Dina Moskowitz
THURSDAYs, 20:00 Eastern, Till mid-term elections
Trevor Loudon Releases: #EnemiesWithin #5 – Exposing Threats In Government, at and on The United West -
2018-19 Activities of WiG ( …… in Oz veGaon: List of Monthly lectures: For transportation from Jerusalem Renee 0547-103-240
FRIDAY, October 26 / Cheshvan 17
18:00 - Justice Minister of the State of Israel Ayelet Shaked in Dialogue with Rabbi Arthur Schneier. Mincha service followed by dinner and program Park East Synagogue, 163 East 67th St, NYC Price: $75 Member; $100 Non-Member; $40 Child. Info 212-737-6900 Register online
12 Lectures (H) about "Politics and Army in Israel's History" SUNDAYs at 20:00 (From October 21) by Dr Uri Milstein
SUNDAY, October 28 / Cheshvan 19
(a) The 2018 Conference on Jews and Conservatism. Program: Jewish Ideas and the American Public Square, Keynote Speakers, Israel & World Politics. Guest speakers: Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked, Natan Sharansky, Ruth Wisse, Caroline Glick, Elliot Abrams and many more. Cost is $200 per ticket Grand Hyatt @ 42nd St, NYC. To register online plus full program info
(b) 17:00 - Meet IDF Special Forces Unit 669 Alumni An evening of stories and insight into the world of Unit 669 —Israel's elite combat search and rescue unit. No admission fee but please register at B'nai Jeshurun, 257 West 88th St, NYC (between Broadway & West End Aves)
MONDAY, October 29 / Cheshvan 20
18:30 - Israel Strategic Security Political Insights, a view from Washington DC with EJ Kimball, Senior Advisor to the Israel Victory Project. No admission fee Suggested donation $18. RSVP to Ina Levine Jewish Community Campus, 12701 N. Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ
TUESDAYs, 19:00 Eastern, Till December 18th
"SHARIA CRIMES" - Comprehensive Training 16 Weeks' Webinar Series, Presented by "Sharia Crime Stoppers" Affiliate of The United West Instructor: David R Bores. Register at
TUESDAY, October 30 / Cheshvan 21
19:30-22:00 PM - Addison, TX (Dallas Area): AFSI Co-Sponsors An Evening with Caroline Glick with Special Guest Col Allen West Caroline discusses "President Trump's Israel Policy and Its Effect on American Interests and National Security" Allen West will introduce Ms Glick. A short presentation about ZAKA, Israel's volunteer emergency responders will be shown Book signing (books for sale) with Caroline followed by dessert reception FREE PARKING. $25 Early Bird Price thru Sept 1. $40 after Sept 1 Get tickets on Eventbrite. Info: (972) 450-6241 or Addison Conference and Theater Center, 15650 Addison Rd, Addison, TX
WEDNESDAY, October 31 / Cheshvan 22
20:00 - Israel's Next Northern War: Operational and Legal Challenges A high-level briefing sponsored by Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) featuring US military and national security experts Lt Gen (Ret) Richard Natonski, USMC and Cpl (Ret) Marc Warren USA. No admission fee. RSVP to Ethan Pupkin or 202-667-3900 The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th St, NYC
MISSIONS to VISIT ISRAEL – 2018 / 2019
(a) November 11-19 – "The Ultimate Mossad Mission" Be briefed by a former head of the Mossad & top policymakers; Meet intelligence agents and hear their riveting stories; Take part in a hands-on training experience with field; Visit strategic places; Enter the world of cyber warfare where Israel is a leading player Join The Mission
(b) National Security Mission To Israel, May 2019! * , *
Contact David Ha'ivri to plan your next visit to Israel
Tours in Israel
TOUR ISRAEL The City of David (H)
JERICHO - The Key to the Land of Israel - In E, H & R(ussian)
Katif Museum at 5 Sha'arei Tzedek St, Jerusalem Gush-Katif Museum. Tel 02-6255-456 Open Daily 10:00-18:00, * Open Daily between 10:00-19:00 (Fridays till 14:00) * Free entry to residents of 'Otef Azza' by presenting their ID *
Jabotinsky Museum (H) * Quality Tours in South Shomron Excations with Dr D'vir Raviv (H)
"Eretz Ahavati" Tours/Activities: 02-997-4222,
Ateret Cohanim Unique Jerusalem Tours Experience renewed Jewish life in the so-called Moslem Quarter
Gofna Hills' Tours (H) Details: 08-910-9876, , Neriyah 054-542-8580, Lilach 0542-545-104
Tour The Shomron (H) * ,
Jericho WebSite (H)
To reserve Tours with Shalom Polack: ,
MORESHET Tours with Jewish Taste, with Shabtai Shiran: Register at , 0523-246-827
Free Tour Jewish East Jerusalem with Beit Orot Call 02-628-4155, In the US: 201-530-0201,
Field School Kfar-Etzion: 02-9935-133, Sonia Chazan: , 03-528-55877, 03-5286523
WEBSITEs Rick Moran: * Bolton urges US exit from INF treaty
- Central American illegals riot at Guatemala-Mexico border
Dems' hoped for surge in Hispanic turnout an illusion
Soeren Kern: UK: Anjem Choudary Released from Prison
Denis MacEoin: * Britain's Grooming Gangs: Part 1 * Britain's Grooming Gangs: Part 2
Daniel Greenfield: * Why the Washington Post Fears the Freedom Center * Khashoggimania and Our Islamist Colluding Media
Hassan Mahmoudi: In Iran, retirees join truckers, shopkeepers, teachers on strike against the mullahs
Monica Showalter: Nancy Pelosi goes to Miami and finds herself in for a surprise
Seth Segal: An outsider for Connecticut?
- Eli E Hertz: Palestinians 'Peoplehood' Based on a Big Lie
Mati Tuchfeld: PM's capitulation undermines sovereignty
Joseph Klein: The Migrant Caravan Invasion
JCPA: Appeasement: 80 Years since the Munich Agreement -Conference Videos and Transcripts Video: Glenn Beck interviews Robert Spencer
Prof Eyal Zisser: A move that spells weakness
Joseph Puder: Swedish Hypocrisy on Human Rights
Ariel Kahana, Daniel Siryoti, Adi Hashmonai, Ronit Zilberstein, News Agencies & Israel Hayom Staff: Jordan cancels part of peace agreement with Israel
Scott Mayer: Food for Thought about California Public Education
AP & Israel Hayom Staff: PA, Hamas routinely use torture to crush dissent, human rights report finds
Nadav Shragai: * Don't use Temple Mount to placate Jordan * Bethlehem after Oslo: Terror Spiked in Israel's Absence
Alexander G Markovsky: From Russian Bolsheviks to American Socialists
Matthew Vadum: Crude Anti-White Anti-Male Anti-Christian Communists Indoctrinate California K-12 Students
Christopher Chantrill: How the Left Colonizes Education
Michael Cutler: The Impending Alien Invasion
Justin Haskins & H Sterling Burnett: Why Some Scientists Say Global Warming Is Out and Global Cooling Is InJustin Haskins and H Sterling Burnett
Adi Hashmonai, Ariel Kahana, Erez Linn, News Agencies & Israel Hayom Staff: Jordanian official rejects 'negotiations with Israel over sovereignty'
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Monday, October 22, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Fwd: Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
From: <>
Date: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
To: <>
Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
Matar and her husband gathered like-minded people around them, and in 1993,
almost as an instant response to Oslo, established what was initially called
"Women for Israel's Tomorrow.'
By Greer Fay Cashman The Jerusalem Post October 21, 2018 18:45
Israelis first learned about Ruth Matar as an artist long before she rose to
even greater fame as a co-founder of one of Israel's most enduring protest
movements: Women in Green.
Matar, who was in her late eighties, passed away on Saturday and was buried
late that night at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Jerusalem, following a
service at the Sanhedria funeral parlor.
A Vienna-born jewelry designer who developed her talents in America before
moving to Israel, Matar had a studio and showroom in her home in the capital's
Yemin Moshe, which in her time was well populated by artists, craftspeople,
novelists and poets.
Not everyone knew that she was also a child Holocaust survivor, who at age
eight had witnessed Nazi stormtroopers come to her home, knock down the door
and beat her mother, who had turned back to get warm jackets for the
Distinctly right-wing in her political persuasion, Matar was not only
shocked but outraged by the Oslo Accords. She had never been well-disposed
towards the Labor Party, and even when it was in opposition, she wrote
scathing articles about what she perceived as the negative influence it had
on life in Israel.
But before that, she was determined to do everything in her power to prevent
the implementation of the Oslo agreements. Nothing could persuade her to
cede territory which she believed belonged to Israel. To her, there was no
such thing as the disputed territories. The disputes were among people, and
the territories were part of the State of Israel.
Matar and her husband gathered like-minded people around them, and in 1993,
almost as an instant response to Oslo, established what was initially called
"Women for Israel's Tomorrow.' Matar saw it not only as a protest movement,
but as a defense movement safeguarding Israel's territorial integrity for
future generations.
Rather than come up with uniforms that not everyone would be willing to
wear, Matar hit upon peaked green caps for supporters to wear so that when
engaging in any kind of activity as a group, they would stand out and be
Although men were among the members, they were heavily outnumbered by women,
and when the name of the organization was changed in relation to its head
hear, its new appellation was and is "Women in Green."
Aside from its primary purpose, Women in Green has also had educational
projects, tree planting events and an annual encircling of the Old City
walls of Jerusalem on Tisha Be'Av, and has been a networking movement for
new immigrants and for English speakers and more recently French speakers
who have difficulty in mastering Hebrew.
Whenever the movement needed to make a statement, small clusters of Women in
Green holding up placards with the message of the day could be seen on
street corners.
Matar was a great admirer of Ariel Sharon's until he ordered the evacuation
of Gush Katif, after which she called him a traitor and accused him of
betraying the country.
She was very close to former tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi and was
devastated when he was assassinated.
Almost everyone who passionately espouses a cause wants to be sure that
someone will carry the ball when they are no longer in the position to do
Matar was fortunate in a having a charismatic, eloquent, multi-lingual
daughter-in-law whom she was able to imbue with her worldview.
Nadia Matar currently heads Women in Green together with Yehudit Katzover,
and has done so for several years. While the two share equal responsibility,
Matar is the more convincing speaker, who can instantly switch languages
depending on her audience.
Ruth Matar willed them to keep fighting for Israeli sovereignty over Judea
and Samaria and they have every intention of continuing her legacy, and her
belief that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel.
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