Sunday, July 29, 2018

Soldiers’ Kicker-Slapper Ahed Tamimi Released from Prison | The Jewish Press - | JNi.Media | 17 Av 5778 – July 29, 2018 | Is she wearing an ankle bracelet, confined to house arrest and permitted to speak to just a select number of approved individuals like the hilltop youth recently released who has sat in jail for over 2 and a half years with no evidence of wrongdoing other than his confession selectively chosen from among his many forced confessions when his life was being threatened or being tortured?


Not exactly!  Quite the contrary!

Seems like Ahead got a heroes welcome, declaring herself a strong woman amongst other strong women sitting in jail, strengthened in her determination to end the "occupation". She has been nurtured on Jihad education, the Right of Return of Palestinians to Haifa, Yaffa and Acca. She is anything but repentant for her documented and verifiable misconduct! She is praised by  the likes of Abbas and Erdojan.

Doesn't seem like she suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from her stay in Israeli prison

Please let us compare her  conditions in jail following conviction,  for obvious harassment and provocation against IDF soldiers with those of the Jewish Duma Suspect, A., a hilltop youth who with his Chevra, ideologically  believes in Settling the Hilltops of Judea and Samaria. As of this writing there has been no conviction, no sentence (obviously), yet incarceration based on indictments of being a ticking time bomb, still awaiting a trial after 2 and a half years,  and the only justification for his harsh unjustifed incarceration are allegations of planning of a crime to set arson to innocent Palestinians based on A's forced confessions during and following real life threats and torture. He has been condemned by Jews in influential leadership positions from across the spectrum!

The Israeli penal system is clearly on the side of Palestinian Jihadists and their families...

This is a terrible stain in Israeli Justice System!

Shame on the entire Political, Legal and Rabbinic Leadership in Israel and elsewhere who have yet to praise these kids for their ideological, Torah based ferver and have yet to admit  their part in allowing this to happen, apathy, misjudgement and  premature condemnation and false slander  on fabricated fake news!

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