Jews in Judea and Samaria are under attack from within and from without.
Attack from within: Mattot Arim: The Gov't of Israel is planning on uprooting entire Yesha communities.
Attacks from without and from within: In just today's news in Arutz7.
1. Arabs Harvesting in Itamar: We Will Turn You Into FogelsEach post points a finger to the gov't of Israel for abandoning our brethren in Judea and Samaria.
Yet Judea and Samaria are filled with Chol Hamoed activities and there is no stopping spirited Jews who rely on Hashem for protection. See end of this email for a list of Chol Hamoed activity in Judea and Samaria. Thank you Arieh Zaritsky for sending out your informative newsletter with interesting posts and events.
From Mattot Arim:
Update re Netanyahu mini-deportation plan to uproot entire Yesha communities (Migron, Givat Assaf, Bet-El's Ulpana neighborhood & more):
About the mini-deportation plan: Important progress has been made: due to excellent strong leadership by Minister Limor Livnat and others (see links in above Hebrew section), all senior members of government are now fully apprised and aware of the above extremely grave situation However, this does not yet constitute a SOLUTION. Onthe contrary - we are in a very dangerous stage wherein senior officers in the army or police whose political views happen to tend to the left, are fully legally entitled to raze entire communities, e.g. as above, essentially at any time, in view of the existence of the mini-deportation plan (Hebrew: mini-gerush).
To solve this URGENT problem, kindly contact the ministers. For example, e-mail (it would be even better to communicate the same message by phone):
"Dear ministers, the Hebrew press in Israel has been covering a new plan to raze entire Yesha communities. This is horrible, and Gush Katif was more than enough. Can you URGENTLY contact PM Netanyahu and ask him to give clear instructions to the army and police, today, NOT to act on this plan until the alternatives recently presented to the prime minister, have been reviewed. I ask this because I understand that razing these communities is NOT the only possible legal solution. Obviously this understanding needs to be conveyed to the army and police IMMEDIATELY by the Prime Minister himself -- to prevent totally un-necessary deportation of young families. Thank you for taking immediate action to make absolutely sure this happens TODAY, (NAME)".
Email addresses:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ulandau@KNESSET.GOV.IL;;; dhershkovitz@KNESSET.GOV.IL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
copy the above into "to" field of your email.
Phone and fax info (phonecalls are BEST and faxes too are better than e-mail, if you are willing to put in the time:)
Please IMMEDIATELY contact us at (English) or if you get any feedback (especially if any minister or MK or aide - get her/his name -- claims your information is "not true" or that they "never heard of it"). Thank you very much indeed - most especially to those of us who are phoning and faxing - wow. But even if you are "just" emailing -- that is great too. To see some of the very cute Israeli children whose homes you are saving, go to Mattot Arim's blog and scroll down!
Attacks From Without and Within:
Itamar residents were shocked to see local arabs, some from the Awwad family that brutally murdered five members of the Fogel family, entering the confines of the communityf's security zone barely half a year after the Friday night massacre.
The PA village of Awarta's residents were allowed in to harvest olives by Israeli Civil Administration but the Shomron (Samaria) Residents Committee reports that they threw rocks at Itamar residents, yelling "We will turn you into Fogel's", while drawing fingers across their throats to emphasize the threat.
Last year, Hakim Awwad, one of the murderers, used the harvest as a means of gathering intelligence about the towns homes and residents.
Itamar residents are protesting furiously and young Tamar Fogel, now the oldest surviving member of her family, has joined them.
Benny Katsover, head of the Shomron Residents' Committee, had harsh words for the civil administration decision: "There is no limit to the insensitivity and irresponsibility of the civil administration. We thought that even the blatant one-sidedness of the Civil Administration has limits, but once again it has given in to radical left views, at the risk of endangering Jewish lives."
Brigadier-General (res.) Rabbi Avichai Ronsky, head of the Itamar Hesder Yeshiva, former IDF Chief Rabbi and once head of the IDF Shomron Brigade, reacted sharply: "Half a year after the murder, the blood still bubbling and the community still tending its bleeding wounds, allowing residents of Awarta, the home of the murderers of the Fogel and Shabo families, into our community – is an irresponsible travesty!"
Gershon Mesika, Head of the Shomron Regional Council contacted the commanding ranks of the IDF and Knesset Members in order to stop the murderess clan's harvest: "It is an outrage that cries out to Heaven. A year ago, exactly, I warned the army Civil Administration that terrorists can use the olive harvest as an opportunity to collect intelligence before attacking. In spite of all my warnings, hundreds of Arabs from the village Awarta were allowed into Itamar to harvest the olives and we all know the tragic results. I would expect that this year there would be some logic employed."
A PA Arab has been lightly injured after being hit by a rock. He was treated by an IDF soldier at the scene. The circumstances surrounding the attack are not yet clear, sources said.
Last March, Tamar Fogel, 12 years old at the time, arrived home at midnight after a Sabbath youth activity to discover that both her parents, her 3-month-old baby sister and two brothers, ages 11 and 4, had been stabbed to death and had their throats slashed. Court documents showed that one of the two Arab terrorists held down the children for slaughter, and shot the mother after the other terrorist stabbed her.
The two cousins, Amjad Awad, 19 and Hakim Awad, 18 (17 at the time of the murder), were residents of the neighboring PA Arab village of Awarta. Both expressed pride and no remorse for the crime during the trial. They were sentenced to five consecutive life sentences plus five years in prison, a total of 130 years behind bars.
The Israeli government has pointed out repeatedly that murders like the Fogel massacre in Itamar, while not known to have been directed by a specific terrorist organization, are incited by the Palestinian Authority's constant, incessant stream of media invective.
"Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pointed out at the time of the murders.
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National Union chairman MK Ya'akov Katz (Ketzaleh) on Sunday railed against IDF Army Radio for what he called a "blood libel" several of the station's talk show hosts had leveled against the Hesder Yeshiva in Yafo (Jaffa).
The comments by Niv Raskin and former soccer player Jimmy Turk came in the wake of several acts of vandalism in Christian and Muslim cemeteries. Graffiti was scrawled on tombstones, and comments denigrating Arabs were discovered. Police said that they were not sure when the graffiti was scrawled, and they have no suspects. While they have not ruled out the possibility that the vandalism was committed by groups espousing anti-Arab "price tag" attacks, they said it was just as likely – perhaps even more likely, based on the evidence at the scene – that the graffiti was scrawled by local teenage hoodlums.
However, Raskin and Turk apparently have all the evidence they need to try and convict Yeshiva students in Yafo, says Ketzaleh. "The organized blood libel against the Jews of Jaffa reached new lows Sunday when Raskin and Turk went on for a very lengthy time on how the incident was the fault, if not the actual acts, of the IDF officers and students in the Yafo Hesder Yeshiva."
Even worse, said Ketzaleh, officials were looking for ways to pin the vandalism on Jews living in Judea and Samaria – despite the fact that there were more than enough local suspects who are not members of the National Religious community, and who are not even Jewish. "One of the former Shabak officials interviewed on the program took great pains to point out that 'not all religious Jews are settlers' – meaning that the 700,000 Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria were the chief suspects."
Ketzaleh said he planned to file a complaint with police against Raskin and Turk over their incitement against the Yeshiva students. "We, on the other hand, are absolutely positive that the vandalism was committed by radical leftists, or Arabs working on their behalf, in an attempt to make the Jews look bad. The Jewish people endured thousands of years of pogroms that regularly took place when the body of a kidnapped Christian child was discovered dead on Jewish property, allegedly for use of his blood for Passover matzos," said Ketzaleh.
"It's a shame that Raskin and Turk don't realize that Jews would never desecrate a cemetery, or burn down a mosque," Ketzaleh said. Regarding the latter, he added that "in a few days the young Jewish man from the Galilee who was arrested for the arson at the Tuba Zangriya mosque will be released, proving that the agitation against Jews in that instance was also a blood libel."
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Palestinian Authority terrorists continued their attacks on innocent Jewish motorists over Yom Kippur, this time attacking a woman in labor and her husband as they rushed to the hospital. The husband, Ariel Goldman of Pnei Kedem, told Arutz Sheva that the two were lucky to escape with their lives.
Their ordeal began near Har Homa at 2:30 a.m., as they drove to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem. Suddenly, they encountered a point in the road that had been blocked by large stones.
As Goldman slowed the car, looking for a way around the trap, several Palestinian Authority terrorists jumped out and began to hurl rocks at the car.
The attack turned into a game of cat and mouse, as Goldman looked for ways around the rocks and tried to keep moving, while the terrorists followed the car and continued to pelt it with heavy stones, using a tactic that recently resulted in two deaths near Hevron.
The terrorists "had murder in their eyes," Goldman said.
He finally managed to pass the stone barrier and speed away from the group of attackers, only to encounter a second group that attempted to stone the car near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Talpiot. Goldman managed to speed away a second time.
A policewoman he later encountered appeared uninterested by his story, but promised to notify her superiors, he said.
Ariel Goldman and his wife managed to reach the hospital, where she gave birth to a baby boy. Both the baby and mother are in good condition.
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Attackers set fire to a synagogue in Yafo on Saturday night. The building suffered light damage.
The attack came hours after reports of vandalism in local Christian and Muslim cemeteries. The vandals painted slogans including, "Price tag," and "death to Arabs."
Also on Saturday evening, Arab residents of Yafo took to the streets to protest the desecration.
Several public figures have condemned the cemetery vandalism, including President Shimon Peres, who said Saturday, "The desecration of tombstones is a wicked act that brings dishonor on us, and stands in opposition to the values on which Israeli society is based."
A synagogue in Jerusalem was burnt by unidentified attackers three weeks ago. The study hall was destroyed.
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Video shot by the Hatzala Judea and Samaria emergency services organization and published Friday morning indicates clearly that security forces had to know Asher Palmer and baby Yehonatan were murdered, and were not the victims of a road accident.
The video was published by the organization on its Facebook page, after the terror cell that murdered the Palmers was arrested.
It shows rocks scattered on the road near the scene of the crash on Route 60. The car's windshield – a special windshield that is relatively rock-proof – is badly broken but intact overall except for one spot where a rock made a clean cut through it – right above the steering wheel.
The cameraman then spots the rock itself inside the car – its profile is elongated and with straight sides, just like the hole it punched through the rock-proofed glass. The cameraman can be heard shouting: "Look at the rock! Are you guys crazy? Look at the rock inside the car!"
Nationalists accused security forces of intentionally lying to the press and saying that the event was an accident, so as not to cause Jewish protests and possible violence on the day in which Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations. Another possibility, though much less likely, is that security forces wanted the terrorists to think that they were safe, so as to cause them let down their guard and make their capture easier.
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Area residents and the Women in Green will redouble efforts to settle the Eitam Hill section of Efrat during Chol Hamoed Sukkot.
Eitam Hill is the northernmost hill within the municipal jurisdiction of the Efrat Local Council.
In 2008-2009, council heads and residents, in cooperation with Women in Green and action committees waged a stubborn battle that led to the proclamation of 1700 dunams as state lands. The land was designated for construction of 2500 housing units, to be located on the hill.
Residents of Efrat and their supporters plan to go up to the site to pray the Shacharit morning service, departing at 8:00 a.m. from the Eitam gate in the Zayit neighborhood of Efrat, after the Orot Etzion Girls School. A shuttle van will also depart from Kiryat Arba-Hevron at 7:45 a.m. and from the Gush Etzion Junction (Tzomet HaGush) at 8:00 a.m. A sukkah will be built on the hill.
Prayers, including a musical Hallel with David Litke and Steve Rodan ("bring your instruments!") are scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. followed by refreshments at 9:45 a.m. and greetings at 10:00 a.m. by Efrat Chief Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi Shimon Golan and Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi. A festive Simchat Beit HaSho'eva celebration will follow with music by Bentzi Thee and Avi Shmell of the MiShir Tzion Band. There will be inflatables for the children.
The event will also serve as a launch for a weekly campaign to demand settlement of the hill.
Eitam is mentioned in Jewish sources as a city in the portion of Judah, close to Solomon's Pools. It was also once considered as a possible location for the building of the Holy Temple, according to the Talmud. Ultimately, the decision was made to build the Temple in Jerusalem.
The "Aqueduct extended from Eitam," notes the Jerusalem Talmud in Yoma 3:8, because "the Eitam well was twenty-three cubits above the ground of the Temple Court (Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 31a), and "the water flowed to Jerusalem by the force of gravity."
The Committee for the Development of Eitan currently in formation includes rabbis, members of the Efrat Local Council and Land of Israel activists from Kiryat Arba-Hevron, Women in Green, and the Efrat and Gush Etzion Action Committees.
"With G-d's help, and with much perseverance, humility, and faith in the rightness of our way, it will be possible to build on Eitam, so that our children will be able to build their future on the Eitam Hill that overlooks Jerusalem," said the committee in a statement.
For further information about the event, interested readers are asked to call 050-716-1818 or 050-550-0834.
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Rachel Tomb Complex, Beit Lechem, via 09 or 10 Egged #163 from Jerusalem Central Bus Station, on
TUESDAY October 11, 11:00. Rabbi Shimshon Nadel will talk about "The Succah's Embrace"
Classes at 11 - Learn from 11 - 12 noon. Info: Chana 0505-330-992
Sponsored by Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation 5755-5772. ,
SUKKOT begins this year on WEDNESDAY night, October 12
58 site links, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes
Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz ; Free Sukkot Clipart ;
34 Sukkot Cool Videos (Jacob Richman
ONWARD TO THE EITAM ! - Tefillat Shacharit & Simchat Beit HaSho'ava On the Eitam Hill in Efrat
FRIDAY, Chol HaMoed Succot, 14/10/11
Come with the whole family and show the kids where their future homes will soon be built please G-d.
Program: 08:00 Departure from Eitam gate in Zayit (after Orot Etzion Girls school)
08:30 Tefillat Shacharit,musical Hallel with David Litke and Steve Rodan – bring your instruments
09:45 refreshments, 10:00 * Greetings, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi Shimon Golan, Mayor Oded Revivi
* Music by Bentzi Thee and Avi Shmell of the MiShir Tzion band
* Inflatables for the children. 11:00 estimated conclusion
Shuttle vans will bring you to and from the Eitam starting at 08:00
Transportation from Kiryat Arba Hevron 07:45 - Tsomet Hagush 08:00
Eitam is accessible by private car
A sukka will be built on the hill
The Committee for the development of Eitam
Rabbi Baruch Efrati – Ruth Golan – Dovi Sheffler – Judy Auerbach – Sharon Katz –
Josh and Marilyn Adler – Zahava Englard – Ori and Gila Plasse- Yehudit Katsover – Nadia Matar
The yearly get-together in the sukkah of the Cherki family (From
SUNDAY, 18 Tishrei / October 16 , 11 Giv'at Shaul Str, Jerusalem, from 18:00
Come an enjoy Shomron with your family during the Succot holiday
From SUNDAY – TUESDAY: Fun experience for all the family in the agricultural farms in Itamar.
Givot Olam farm – 02-940-9310; HaNekuda HaKafrit – 0523-003-523. Trips during Hol HaMoed
For details and registration: Midreshet Shomron – 09-884-1359, Helkat HaSadeh – 02-997-3106
Grape picking in the vineyards of the Shomron – registration in advance:
Har Bracha Winery 0525-775-156, Tura Winery 0527-966-613, Ben Porat Winery 0509-972-605
MONDAY – the 4th day of Hol HaMoed Succot / Tishrei 19 / October 17
(a) Join Ruthi's Yesha Experiences in Full-Day Meaningful Tour of Important Strategic Sites
From Binyanei HaUma - 08:45. Bullet-proof bus and Licensed Guide all day, in both Hebrew & English
Bring Lunch & drinks - to be eaten in Succah. Return 18:00
Price: 110 NIS: Tekoa Dalet -- see hear what happened here! Wine Tasting at Tekoa Alef Winery
Maale Rachavam - see/hear 1st hand story from the Halamish brothers; Sde Boaz – hear / see the house appearing overnight....!
Federman Farm -- Rebuilt - Noam will tell us the full shocking story
Contact RUTHI , tel: 02-561-1962 / 0524-307-405
(b) Ancient Shomron – Sebastia - Kings and Prophets walked its streets. Come and discover its secrets!
Shavei Shomron: Parking for cars - departure point both for the march on foot and for the buses.
Central Succa and bouncy castles for children.
Ancient Shomron: 10.00 – 15.00 Drumming circle with ancient instruments, guided tours, street actors as characters from the Bible, shows for children, ancient artwork.
16.00: central show in the old theater: "Tuvia and Maximus make Miraculissimus"
* Central car-park in Shavei Shomron where the march on foot will leave from/* buses between 10.00 and 14.00 for those who find it difficult to walk long distances /* after 15.00 there will no longer be entry to the site
Children 20 NIS, adults 30 NIS, family 90 NIS.
TUESDAY – the 5th day of Hol HaMoed - On the Path of Time of the Northern Shomron
An experience in nature for all the family from 10.00 – 16.00
The Dotan Valley Farm, The Rechan Forest – Bet HaYearan – etc
10 NIS per person/70 NIS per family – separate bicycle trip
David Ha'ivri, Executive Director, The Shomron Liaison Office
Tel: +9723-936-8146, Cell: +97252-607-1690, USA Phone: 917-274-7173--
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.
Most of these emails are posted on
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