Dear Doris and my Fellow Activists, amv"sh
I just want to share with you some of the material I have been listening to in Brooklyn, NY. Of course, please check it out yourself since I admit to being human and please don't hold me accountable if there are mistakes in the repeat of what Rav Amnon said). Please go to the source yourself. I myself just went on their website and found a wealth of video material.
I've been listening to Rav Amnon Yitzchok on 95.1 fm in Borough Park Brooklyn, NY when I am in my car and his tapes are programmed many hours during the day.
Rav AmnonYitzchok, founder of the Shofar Organization 001-972-3-677-7779 (videos with English subtitles says that it is written in the prophets (i believe he quotes Yechezkell, possibly the Zohar) that at the end of days (B'Acharit Hayamim) the Ishmaelites will take over Israel for 9 months, the whole world will come to fight over Jerusalem and finally the world will recognize the G-d of Israel. He said 9 months compared to the 9 months of pregnancy before the birth of a new baby. He says that the present situation with the Arabs is a result of not keeping our part of the Covenant with G-d. He says that doctors, the army (Tzahal) would be unnecessary if we would keep the Commandments as we should since G-d would heal and protect. us, fight for us as He promises in the Torah. Rav Amnon doesn't want to scare us but rather inform us. I Believe he was referring to the present Tzahal which is lax in enforcing the laws necessary to keep the soldiers in a holy frame of mind which is a prereq for victory)
Regarding the end of Days I believe that he says that that it is written that 2/3 of the world will be destroyed. He said that in Eastern Europe 60% assimilated and there was a Holocaust. He says that now in America there is 90% assimilation rate....
He said that Enemies of Israel from the past will reincarnate and this period in time will be G-d's justice to them. He says that Yishmael will have the zechut of taking over Israel for 9 months because of the fact that they did a Brit Milah at the late age of 13.
Rav Amnono Yitzchok speaks in Hebrew primarily and personally I am amazed at the way he quotes pesukim, phrases literally from the Tanach on the spot, as he answers questions from the audiences. He is sharp, funny, entertaining, compassionate, clearly loves and is loved by his fellow Jew and is making me into a Baalas Teshuva as well even though I was ffb (frum from birth). As he explained, each and every Jew can/should be a Baal Teshuva..
He blesses individuals in the audience for health, prosperity, children, marriage, fear of G-d etc in exchange for commitments to wearing head coverings, wearing Tzitzit, observance of commandments in the Torah daily commitments to Torah study a certain allotted time etc. . In addition many people in the audience who hear a request for blessings for a child or blessings for a complete recovery from a serious illness, take upon themselves additional commitments n Torah observance or Torah Study in order to help the blessing come into fruition for a particular individual..
He speaks of the necessity of unity of the Jewish people and how each straw alone can be easily broken but a bundle of straw can not be easily roken.
His unfaltering faith in G-d and G-d's ability to heal, protect and save the Jewish People is for real. He is bringing this nation to the level of faith in the desert. There is no one we can depend on except G-d. G-d is all powerful. He can heal, He can protect - G-d wants nothing else but to bring good to His people and good to the world. Simple faith of a little child. His powerful songs, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Ohavim Otcha (The Holy One, Blessed be He, We Love You!) Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Mamlichim Otcha (The Holy One, Blessed BeHe , we makeYou our King), Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Hayeladim Shelcha (The Holy One , Blessed Be He, we are Your children) has brought hundreds of thousands of Israeli's to become Baalei Teshuva and if he has had such an impact on myself and others, I am sure that when people in America hear him as well, it causes an inner revolutions within many individuals. Because what he says makes a lot of sense. He is extremely logical for those that speak reason. He is extremely knowledgeable and he addresses about every topic under the sun when asked. So many times I have said to myself, "that makes so much sense, how come I never heard or thought of it before".
It's worth inviting him to California and anywhere else. Jewish schools and synagogues should have his tapes and videos all the time for free periods and easy access. Many are subtitled into English as well as other languages. I wonder if it is utubed so that our children can watch this instead of the last 20 years of sitcoms. The internet is taking over the minds and hearts of our children. Kids spend hours upon hours watching baseball, football, basketball, tennis, that it takes over their lives not to mention utube and disney and whatever else is out there. Let's not forget the secular library that has a large variety of enticing books and dvd's.
Many children and adults have forgotten or are sometimes clueless about how to rake the leaves, paint the house, hangi;up fixtures, make furniture, sew clothes, install gas and electric, grow plants,fruits and vegetables, help cook, clean, set the table etc. even learn computer skills. They are too busy with other activities like being online, watching sports, playing poker, watching movies, entertaining utube and learn what they need to know to advance their entertainment etc.
As long as Moshiach still hasn't come the above skills are still useful and necessary things to know. Once Moshiach comes, Rav Amnon says, we then revert to the Status of being in the Garden of Eden where all our physical needs are taken care of. But in this point in time it's premature and we still need to uplift the material world with our efforts.
Interpersonal communication skills are being modeled for us from the internet from TV shows of the past and movies etc and the models are less than ideal.
Working on our Middot are fantastic topics of Rav Amnon Yitchok as well.
If we really want Never Again, Listening to Rav Amnon Yitzchok is an important first step. He might have the only answer.
Kol Tuv, Robin
Working to ensure that Never Again remains more than a mere slogan
Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors with
One Jerusalem
David Horowitz Freedom Center, and
Mere Rhetoric MediaWelcomes
Ambassador Dore Gold
Monday, November 2, 2009 - 7 p.m.
Skirball Cultural Center
2701 North Sepulveda Blvd. ● Los Angeles![]()
One of Israel's greatest living foreign policy experts, Ambassador Dore Gold will be speaking about his new book The Rise of Nuclear Iran: How Tehran Defies the West and about the threats posed by a resurgent Iran arming itself with weapons of mass destruction.
Gold has served as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations and has been direct envoy to the leaders of almost a dozen Arab states. In The Rise of Nuclear Iran he brings his unique experience and knowledge to bear on the diplomatic and military dimensions of Iran's drive for nuclear weapons. Sounding the alarm about the nuclear threat has earned Gold vociferous attacks from America's liberal foreign policy community, which seeks to avoid a confrontation with Iran at all costs. He will be speaking about all that and more, before taking questions from the audience.
The Rise of Nuclear Iran systematically lays out the elements of Iran's weaponization program: highly enriched nuclear material, long-range ballistic missiles, and nuclear-capable warheads. The revelation of the Qom enrichment facility and Iran's subsequent missile tests have confirmed all of Gold's warnings, making his book required reading for anyone who seeks to understand Tehran's current and future plans.
Now Ambassador Gold will lay out a bleak case against the West's "sticks and carrots" engagement policy and highlight the consequences of its likely failure: a "nuclear umbrella" for global terrorists, a Middle East dominated by Shiite hegemony, a Western hemisphere subject to Iranian threats, and a ever-present genocidal shadow over the Jewish State.
Seating is LimitedPre-registration is recommended for this eventTo register email RSVP@CJHSLA.orgor click
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A safe and secure Israel is a prerequisite to genuine peace in the world.
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Children Of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHSLA)is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to the promotion of Western values against the dual threats of complacency at home and political Islam abroad.
We believe that a safe and secure Israel, prospering as a Jewish State, is a prerequisite to long-term global peace.
CJHS insists that the last Holocaust imposes upon all people of good will a moral and political imperative to prevent the next one.
CJHS operates solely on donations, all of which are greatly appreciated.
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