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Rav Kamenetsky was very warm and sad - it seemed to me.
He spoke about supporting the Israeli rabbis ONCE they speak out. He said to do so first would NOT help them or the situation.
Well, what about the Israeli rabbinate speaking to him and asking him to speak out? Rabbi Weinberg, Rabbi Waldman and others?
Perhaps Rabbi Kamentsky meant that it had to be not individual rabbis. Well - what about Aish Hatorah? What about the Nir Yeshiva?
My comments are in purple.
Yasher Koach! Please ask Rav Perlow why it's a "political situation?" Why is the expulsion the hundreds of thousands of Jews less of a Torah issue then Basar Vechalav. If we want to keep the Mitzvah of Shemittah which is Shabbat Haaretz it's a Torah issue. Observing these Mitzvoth becomes impossible if we give away the Land of Israel. Where is the yearning and desire to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel of Sefer Devarim taught by Moshe Rabbeinu to Am Yisroel especially since he was not going to be leading the Nation into Eretz Yisroel. These Mitzvoth are the key to our survival. We will be unable to keep the Mitzva DOrayta of Shabbat Haaretz. And if you say Shemittah is simply Drabbanon then why is the halacha of Badatz against Heter Mechira and yet now how are their Rabbanim so willing to actually give Eretz Yisroel away? There is also a matter of Al Taamod Al Dam Reiacha which the gov't of Israel is doing withe citizens of Judea and Samaria and Sderot. They are imprisoning the Jews of Judea and Samaria if these Jews protest giving away Eretz Yisroel. What about Pidyon Shvuyim????? There are so many Mitzvoth DOrayta Lo Saaseh there were violated with the expulsion of the people of Gush Katif. What's the point of learning all the gemarras on property rights when one is silent when ones brothers home was destroyed and means of Parnassa taken away and the same is programmed to happen for hundreds of thousands more Chas Vechalila. The IDF has brainwashed it's loyal citizens to abandon it's function as protector of the citizens of Israel to be an instrument of the gov't who make immoral decisions on behalf of the Nation. If the gov't would outlaw Bris Mila does it become a "political situation? or does it still remain a Mitzvah of the Torah. Our Covenant is not a "political situation"
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Renanah Goldhar <> wrote:
I spoke with Rav Perlow the Noveminker and Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky today. R av Perlow said that we should keep doing whatever we can
We don't have their influence and network infastructure over the masses of Jews as they do.
but that he could not speak with me about the "political situation." I told both Rab Perlow and Rav Kamenetsky that I was a student of the life and writings of Rabbi Dov Weissmandl of blessed memory.Rav Kamenetsky was very warm and sad - it seemed to me.He spoke about supporting the Israeli rabbis ONCE they speak out. He said to do so first would NOT help them or the situation.
I personally spoke to Hadas Rav Eliashiv's secretary and to Rav Efrati. They both said that if a Mishlachat of Chashuva Rabbanim including Rav Perlow, Rav Kamenetsky, Rav Matisyahoo Solomon, Rav Malkiel Kotler would come to Israel with an entourage of other chashuva Rabbanim to ask Rav Eliashiv to speak out for our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel is would be "mashpia". My understanding is that Rav Eliashiv who is bli ayin hara around 97 years old needs to know that his people will back him up. There is no question that all the Rabbanim believe of our entitlement espeicially Rav Eliashiv. The Novaminsker himself reported that Rav Eliashiv said that giving awy Land makes the security situation worse. The Novaminsker himself acknowledged that Gush Katif was a disaster (at Agudah conventions last year). Even Satmar can not disagreeof our entitlement because this is Torah. However, all are afraid to state so publicly. Maybe their concern is what if the Nations of the world express a backlash at the very notion of us insisting on our Land just like Pharoe made it worse for the Jews when Moshe Rabbeinu asked Pharoeh to let the Jews go. Moshe Rabbeinu asked Hashem "Lama Hareiosa?" Why did you make it worse after I spoke up. Rav Eliashiv needs to know that each and every Jew wants Eretz Yisroel very badly and only then will we Am Yisroel have the Zechus of keeping Eretz Yisroel. But if we scorn the Land after Nissim gluyim and give it away no different then Eisav scorned his Bechora for a pot of lentils then why should we expect from Hashem His Divine Povidence?
Well, what about the Israeli rabbinate speaking to him and asking him to speak out?
The Israeli Rabbinate are selected by the gov't and it seems to me that they are first politicians and their halacha is based on politics.
Rabbi Weinberg, Rabbi Waldman and others?Perhaps Rabbi Kamentsky meant that it had to be not individual rabbis. Well - what about Aish Hatorah? What about the Nir Yeshiva?
Everyone is passing the buck. Is Rav Perlow and Rav Kamenestky willing to publicly state that the Land of Israel is our birthright and a gift from G-d. Rav Perlow is Rosh Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and so is Rav Kamenetsky I believe. If they can not speak up and make a difference then who can? Their leadership influences hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews including the more modern orthodox. Rav Kemenetsky is the spiritual mentor of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation who reach over 50,000 Jews on Tisha Baav alone and they have the network in place to reach 1000's of Yeshivot I believe. Of course Aish Hatorah and Nir Yeshiva should also speak up for Eretz Yisroel as should each and every Jew, man, women and child. And they automatically would if Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah comes out with a Kol Korei. Each child can write a letter to the White House saying this My land and we are obligated to keep, observe the Commandments such as Shemittah which is not the case for even a "peaceful, wonderful Palestinian State" and this will bring the blessings to mankind. I see this matter of getting the Rabbinic Leaders of our generation to speak up for Eretz Yisroel as Tikkun Chait Miraglim the test of this generation!
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