19 Elul 5768
Friday, September 19, 2008
1. Rabbi Weissmandl and his Unheeded cry. A lesson to be learned for our generation.
2. Matot Arim - True Activists of Substance.
1. Please email faigerayzel@gmail.com for a report by Renanah Goldhar taken from the book The Unheeded Cry.
This report describes how Rabbi Weismandl pleaded with his fellow Jews to help save the Jews in Europe and it fell upon deaf ears thereby allowing thousands upon thousands of Jews to be sent to the death camps each and every day. Had we acted in strength in 1938 as events started to develop we very probably would have prevented the Holocaust.
Very ominous signs in current events are forshadowing another Nazi like regime with the establishment of a Palestinian State. One must recognize that a Palestinian State is equivalent to a Hitler State chas vechalila and therefore we must stop it with the harshness it deserves. The sooner the better. Renana
presented a report to the Holocaust Ed. Week two years ago. Please read her report. These are my conclusions about how to best prevent another Holocaust chas vechalila. .
YESHA must be united. YESHA Rabbis and residents need to collectively cry out as Weismandl did. Their cries must be boosted by each and every caring Jew. Their cry must pierce the offices of Agudath Yisroel of America, the Young Israel, the OU and Chabad International. Each of these offices have thousands of Rabbanim and Shuls on their internal databases. Each of these Rabbanim and Shuls must be instructed to take up the cry for YESHA, home to hundreds of thousands of Jews. With all the present day Outreach and Kiruv Organizations in place, each and every nonaffiliated Jew can also be reached to speak out for YESHA. Every man, women and child is capable of writing a letter or making a telephone call.
Mainstream activism of major Jewish Organizations has not only been noneffective but actually counterproductive.
The CCJER, the Coordinating Council for Jerusalem established to speak up for a Unified Jerusalem has caused more damage than one can imagine. It neutralized any activism against Oslo and against Annapolis and against the Roadmap and against Land for Peace Concessions. It succeeded to convince people that something was being done on behalf of Jerusalem when in reality concessions and plans for a Palestinian State went forward with alarming speed.
And then when it became apparent that neighborhoods of Jerusalem are on the concession list under "confidence building measures" CCJER was "surprisingly" silent. Their moment to fame was merely a concert where everyone sang a bunch of songs about their love for Jerusalem while clearly not advocating any kind of real activism of substance to benefit the communities and hundreds of thousands of individuals at risk of expulsion in Judea and Samaria.
The Jews of YESHA must join forces. Hebron can not just have fundraisers for Hebron alone and Beit Orot have fundraisers just for Beit Orot, and Manhigut Yehudit have fund raisers for just Manhigut Yehudit and Yeshiva of Sderot Yeshiva have fundraisers for Sderot Yeshiva and Beit El just for Beit El and the list goes on and on. Many of these worthy organizations even used Nachum Segal as emcee. (nachum Segal is a loyal promoter of Malcolm Hoenlein an active negotiator for a Palestinian State, partnering with Abbas, a Hitler admirer, as a legitimate "peace partner").. Our fight must be to join forces and collectively speak up for YESHA and our entitlement for YESHA and the justification of our people to defend the right to live and settle on every inch of YESHA.
Any non Jew has the right to live in Yesha as a Ger Toshav but they must accept Jewish Sovereignty. Otherwise let them find other accommodations. We must be prepared to fight any aggression be it Kassam or Yassam. We have every moral justification and obligation to stay and defend the right to our Land.
For this we need a Rabbinic Board for Yesha that will decide matters based on our Torah and Jewish Heritage similar to a Sanhedrin. We need a fighting force and Leaders that will recognize this hour of need and step up to the plate and lead against the empowerment of the Amalek of our time.
The people of Yesha are at least as justified as the 13 Colonies who were willing to fight for their freedom simply because of "Taxation w/o Representation". Surely the residents of Yesha have paid their taxes to the current government who have failed to protect their most loyal citizens and even much worse, have plans for the destruction of their homes and communities. If we speak out forcefully on our right to defend our Land this will deter the gov't of Israel from taking any more steps towards the delegitimization of the Settlers of Yesha and our rights to YESHA. However if we take a meek stand of protest, a puppet protest, and show unwillingness to really fight armed forces with armed forces, then the Yassam bullies will be sent out in full force.
2. Letter from Susie Dym - Matot Arim - True Activists of Substance.This Sat. nite: "Melaveh Malka"-style party at Yitzhar
Yitzhar is the community in which a 9 year old child was thrown off a porch and stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist. The media was uniformly strongly against - no, no, not against the terrorist! Against the settlers! If you are looking for a fascinating experience, get to Yitzhar this Saturday night 20 September at 9 PM. Excellent band -- Yirmiyahu veChaverim -- many of whose members are themselves from Yitzhar --and excellent atmosphere. Enjoy
Mattot Arim hopes to soon distribute information to the inhabitants of Israel's big cities explaining to them exactly what will happen to them if a Palestinian state ever comes into existence (answer: constant rockets everywhere -- like in Sderot). To do this we urgently need volunteer, Hebrew speaking GRAPHIC ARTISTS (please contact mattot.arim@gmail.com and mark your email URGENT). We also need FINANCIAL GIFTS. As little as 200 NIS allows us to warn one thousand Israeli families. Ideally, we would like to warn whole citiesful of Israelis, and that translates into huge printing and distribution costs. If you can help, write out your shekel or $ check to the Matteh leMaan Eretz Yisrael and send to: POB 1588, Rehovot Israel (please notify us of your generosity by email to sddym@bezeqint.net if possible). We hope we can do this – with everybody's help!
Here's what an important expert has to say about the danger of a Palestinian state: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1221142472433&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
FROM JERUSALEM on Wednesday, 24 September:
9:00 AM departure from the Inbal hotel. Halfon's new factory to build fast prefabs. Visiting the outpost of Havot Yair next to Yakir. Visiting the outpost of Mizpeh Nehemia. Approximate return to Jerusalem around 4:00pm
Meet the pioneers. Breath the air of Eretz Israel! Only one bus so order now. Fee: 50 shekels. Women in Green, 0505777254 or 0505-500834.
FROM TEL-AVIV on Friday, 26 September:
Guided in Hebrew. 8:00 AM - 1 PM. 50 NIS. Leaving in armored bus from Arlozoroff train station. MUST pre-register: ellakoblenz@gmail.com or 054-4601542. Enjoy!
Years ago, when Ehud Barak was Prime Minister, he sent troops to destroy a house in Yitzhar. In reaction, Women in Green printed a bumpersticker that said "Kulanu Yitzhar" (We are all Yitzhar). After the terror attack this past Shabbat in Yitzhar please order the sticker which has been reprinted and hand it out to your friends' cars in your neighborhood. 1 NIS per sticker. For example, for 50 stickers, send a check for 50 NIS to Women in Green, POB 1269, Efrat 90435. Please write clearly full name, address and how many stickers you want.
Dear friends --We need your voice for JUSTICE. It is difficult and tiring for the Gush Katif deportees - fighting the wheels of bureaucracy and lack of caring on their own for 3 long years. Please read the latest:
The following defects were discovered under several caravans allocated to Gush Katif deportees by the Government:
* sewage flowing openly beneath the residence
* electric wires exposed and without protection sleeves , without colored warning tape, and without sand to protect from land movement
* families involved forced to sleep over neighbors several days and nights waiting for TEMPORARY repairs -- major repairs will have to be done.
* No one is willing to take financial responsibility for the repairs costing thousand of shekels caused by slap-dash "building" of the caravans by Government contractors to enable the all-important deportation to go through on time.
* Gov't: We have no responsibility for the caravans because they were rented to the expellees (has anybody ever heard of a landlord who got away with claiming he is not responsible for repairs?? this is complete balderdash!!)
Yet again ,the Gush Katif expellees bear the brunt of dysfunctional and callous government agencies. Call the relevant senior Gov't officials and ask what on earth is going on: Michal Ben David 0526130020 Motti Elimelech 050-6205064.
People wounded and evacuated from Amona by Mogen David Adom have recently begun to receive letters with requests to pay, and even threats against their possessions and bank accounts if they do not pay. If you are one of these or know of anyone else who has received one of these letters, please contact Organization for Human Rights in Yesh'a. 054-2070-368
Kever Rachel
Request from Buddy Macy, well known Eretz Yisrael activist: "Please send this to 100 people and ask them to send it to 100 people. Thank you". New! You can now drive, in your car, directly to the entrance of Kever Rachel with ample parking 50 meters away from the entrance. Until now vehicles, consisting of only vans and buses - NOT cars, had to be army-escorted to the entrance - very cumbersome. How can we keep this improvement permanent? It is in your and my hands: Please, tell everyone you know to go by car ASAP and pray there. More info? 1888 276 2435. www.keverrachel.com chanatovasokol@yahoo.com |