Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Shemittah Solution that seems to be another loophole.

The following posted on Shiloh Musings http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2007/11/shmita-solution.html is another Shemittah Solution sent by Yosef Shomron.  Below please find the post and my comments.
Yossi writes:
With all the controversy surrounding the buying of vegetables during shmita (heter mechira – selling the Land to non Jews or buying from Jewish companies that in turn buy from arabs, the same arabs who we've been at war with for many years); I have the perfect solution: "Alim Yerukim L'mahadrin" grown by Gush Katif expellee Yosef Y'mini, and marketed by Yerok L'mahadrin Ltd. (tel. 02-6541477/8).

"Alim Yerukim L'mahadrin," with the kosher certification of Rabanut Yerushalyim (recognized by both hareidim and religious Zionists) grows the entire range of quality insect-free, green leafy vegetables in a specially designed greenhouse south of Ashkelon without the use of arab labor and no labor on Shabbat.

The floor of the greenhouse has a double layer of nylon on top of which the vegetables are grown in pots. This recognized method of shmita growing is called minutak in Hebrew. Additionally, the walls of the greenhouse are composed of one and half meters high of nylon and a special "bio-net" fine mesh netting which prevent the entrance of insects from outside the greenhouse. The greenhouse has double door entrances to further prevent insects from entering. The grower, Yosef Y'mini has some 20 years experience in growing insect free vegetables and employs both an agronomist and full-time mashgiach, both with many years of experience in growing insect-free vegetables.

Why don't all such companies grow vegetables using this minutak method during shmita? The start-up costs are high as the farmer has to purchase well over 100,000 pots, nylon floor coverings and other special equipment. One other reason to buy this product – I'm the mashgiach and I take my job of checking for insect infestation very seriously. When you call the marketer, ask to speak to Aharon or Moshe and tell them Yosef Shomron sent you.

Yosef Shomron – formerly of Neve Dekalim, Gush Katif
Robin said...

Even though it's endorsed by both Chareidi and Religious Zionists, this solution still does not capture the spirit of Shemittah. First of all, if produce would be growing wildly this nylon apparatus takes away access. It seems to me that this solution is Menutak from G-d's intention when He created the shemittah laws. Is all the soil imported from Chul? I imagine it is. Does that make the produce of the Land equivalent to MeChutz Laaretz? Does this produce have Kedushat Shviit? Isn't it a Mitzvah to davka eat the produce of the Land, that has Kedushat Sheviit? One is denying access to the Land to others. Good try but not the real thing.

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