Sunday, September 02, 2007

Homeless Right written post election 2006 by Elyakim Haetzni

Elyakim Haetzni writes a post a year ago after the elections called the Homeless Right calling for a new Party to represent the Right since all the other parties have failed them. 
II agree with Elyakim Haetzni and wish to take his suggestion even one step further.  Even if such a party actually was successful in winning the majority vote, I seriously doubt that the entire country would hop on board willingly. I am realistic. I don't see that the Nation is yet ready for such a strong leap even with strong education etc..  
Keeping unity among the people of Israel is the ideal and a goal we must work towards.  However, we have no choice but to consider another option. 
It is my position that a strong Right Wing Party emerge as Elyakim Haetzni suggests and I even have a good name for such a party.  I would call that party "Zocher Habrith", remembering the Covenant in order to look forward, which is precisely the opposite of Kadima who chooses to not look back.  Then let that right wing party and government,  agree to the establishment of a trial sovereign authority in Yesha that has a constitution that is based on Torah.  The rest of Israel will maintain it's secular form of government but will not be antagonistic to it's sister entity.  Since a government based on Torah and a Sanhedrin  is quite revolutionary and will be subject to many fashlas at least in the beginning, it therefore should be started small scale as a small model.  Even for the strongest believers in Hashem and His H-ly Torah, setting up and implementing such an entity will prove to be quite a challenge.  Slowly, as this small Sovereign authority gains in popularity and success and begins to prove itself, more and more people will find the courage to come aboard.  It is my belief that this small entity will bring admiration from the rest of Am Yisroel and from the Nations of the World and admiration for the brilliance of Hashem's H-ly Torah.  We will begin to lead as a Nation, act like the Lion rather than be the lamb among the wolves. 
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