Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Re: Moshe Belogorodsky Coming From Shilo to U.S.


The civil rights abuses of those that are jailed including minors, unfortunately did not suprise me. It it for this reason I didn't agree with civil disobedience approach of Pinchus Wallerstein and Manhigut Yehudit. These civil rights abuses are sadly to be expected in Sharon's gov't. The reason I raise this is because it's important to know what we are up against.

The following scenario is for sure a possibility:

I would not be surprised if Shabak would pick (or plant) a few settlers ( and make sure they receive adequate compensation for the expulsion). Then show these settlers complaining that they did not have pocket money for basic necessities. The media will then portray the refugees as doing whatever they can to take advantage of the gov't and as exploiters.

1 comment:

Batya said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Are you helping Moshe raise money for Honenu?