Thursday, July 05, 2018

Remembering Gush Katif | Everyday Jewish Living | OU Life. Must Read but the OU Disclaimer is Shameful.


Must read article.

This is a factual recount of what happened to the Mordechai Family from Gush Katif. It is not an opinion piece except for the author's desire for these families to return to their Land and homes which are now being Occupied by Hamas as a result of the Government of Israel's senseless expulsion of 22 flourishing communities from Gush Katif!

As is obvious from this excellent article,  NCSYers in Israel as well as the members of the Israel Center, individuals, under the auspices of the OU were horrified and shared deeply in the pain of the expelled and did their very utmost to ease the pain and  suffering before, during and after the Gush Katif expulsion.

But the OU as an Organization tragically failed to do its part to prevent the expulsion and subsequent suffering and grief..

As of today, 2018, OU the Organization has refrained from being critical of the premature condemnations, violations of human and civil rights, incarceration, torture and sexual misconduct against Hilltop Youth.

With recent home Demolitions in Netiv HaAvot and Tal Binyamin, there is a tragic continuation  of the senseless destruction and trauma started in Yamit. It  progressed to Gush Katif targeting the dust of the earth, the Settlers of Judea and Samaria, and the hilltop Youth, people who love the Land of Israel,  who Love and Live  Torah,  and who love Am Yisroel in spite of being targetted and persecuted.

This disclaimer is indicative of an organization that is unrepentant.  In its passivity and lack of leadership to prevent  traumatic home demolitions of Settlers in Gush Katif and now in Judea and Samaria, they are indirectly accountable and will have to answer to a Heavenly Court. 

Please call them up and ask why have they been so silent when it comes to Jewish Youth, the Hilltop Youth, incarcerated and separated from their families for 2 and a half years with no live witnesses or forensic evidence of  any criminal misconduct connecting them to any  act of arson in Duma that killed 3 members of the Dawabshe family?

Why have they been silent of the slander, framing, denial of due process and human rights,  and all kinds of abuse including  sexual misconduct against innocent Jewish kids who confessed to anything to stop the torture. This demonization and delegitimitization,   was orchestrated from the highest echelon of Public Service in the Israeli government down, beginning with the Defense Minister, followed within hours by the Prime Minister,  the President, many MKs, the Department of Defense, Dept of Justice, Israel Supreme Court and the most painful of all, following an indictment a few months later, based on lies, was betrayed by many influential Rabbanim and influential leaders of Yesha. 

Why are the humanitarian plight of Jewish kids less important than kids of illegal immigrants who entered the USA illegally,  separated from parents who knowingly knew the risks of their actions. who knowingly endangered the lives of their children knowing fully the risks involved?

Why is criticism of Trump's policies allowed based on questionable humanitarian concerns but criticism of Israeli policies tabboo when serious humanitarian concerns are blatant?

Remembering Gush Katif

Adina HershbergJuly 2, 2018

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

From Mike Huckabee Newsletter More Leaders Who Resembles Trees July 3, 2018

We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything.  Remember the classmate who insisted on picking the games you'd all play at recess, where you'd go after school, even who was "in" or "out" of your group?  In high school, that kid had a compulsive need to be president of every organization.  You just wanted to say, "Hey!  You're not the boss of me!"  Whatever happened to those kids?  I wouldn't be surprised if most of them ended up in government.

 I'm convinced the world is divided into people who just want to live their own lives and those who, for some reason, need to tell everyone else how to live.  Unfortunately, to that latter group, government seems like the ideal place to work.  As more of them gravitated toward it and government grew bigger and bigger, one day we looked up and discovered we had a crushing national debt and were paying huge salaries to people who enforce how big your soda should be. That's when sane people realize that government is the LAST place control freaks need to be.

 The temptation for government to overreach is hardly new.  In fact, it stretches back to the beginning of recorded history, and I bet even earlier than that.  There's a story in the ninth chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament about Gideon's son Abimelech, who craved leadership and stature - not to serve the people but to control them and make them serve him.  He said, "Give me dominion over your lives, and I will simplify your existence."  Wow, does that sound familiar?  I think it's the 2018 Democratic platform.  Our government has taken us pretty far down that same road, but does your life seem any simpler -- or just a lot less free?

Anyway, back to Abimelech.  He had a very smart younger brother, Jotham, who came up with a clever tale about three trees: an olive tree, a fig tree, and a vine tree.   All three were fine trees that produced lots of fruit.  All were offered the exalted position of "King Of All Trees," but all three turned it down.  The plant that wanted to be "King Of All Trees" was the bramble bush, a weak plant that produces no fruit at all.  Jotham's point was that only the weak and nonproductive have the desire to rule everyone else.

 So when anyone aspires to a position of power, take a hard look.  If that person seemingly crawled out of the cradle with an ambition to be President, then beware!  Anytime someone talks about "running the country," alarm bells should sound.  No one – not the President, not Congress, no one person – "runs the country."  That's why the Founders took such pains to divide and limit federal power, and why we need to reinstate those limits that have been blurred in recent years, whether by Presidents ruling via executive order or out-of-control judges legislating from the bench or unelected bureaucrats trying to influence the results of elections.  If we allow any one person or entity to ignore those limits and assume the power to run everything, we won't be able to stop them when they run America into the ground.

We should pick leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don't need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit.  As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Government has more than enough nuts already. 

Fwd: Clear one paragraph policy analysis: Reduction of funds to PA means: Arab states fill the gap. David Bedein Israel Resource Agency

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: david bedein <>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 4:41 PM
Subject: Clear one paragraph policy analysis: Reduction of funds to PA means: Arab states fill the gap.
To: Israel News Investigations <>

July 3, 2018

Clear one paragraph policy analysis: Reduction of funds to PA means
​ that
 Arab states
​will ​
fill the gap.

At a time when Israel, the US & Australia reduce funds from the PA because of their "pay to slay" policy,
funds cut from the PA are replaced by Saudi Arabia, Qatar & 
other Arab states, while  $1.2 billion from donor nations continues 
to flow to UNRWA with no conditions attached. 

54% of U
NRWA funds are allocated to education, 
where PA school books used by UNRWA  focus on war indoctrination. 

David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Jerusalem 94581 Israel

Hebron Jews’ Right to Self-Rule at Risk After Supreme Court Injunction

If We're Nazis, Expect More Violence - The Dennis Prager Show. My comments Slanderous Rhetoric Leads to Violence. Case in Point Duma Suspects...


Dennis Prager raises legitimate fears that slanderous labeling of President Trump and his supporters as Nazis, has led and will lead to violence.

Nazi atrocities began by dehumanizing and delegitimizing with a false narrative.

This should and can not be taken lightly!

We see how slandering Jewish Hillltop Youth by labeling them "Jewish Terrorists" demonized them and then justified serious misconduct, torture, unjustified incarceration and all kinds of abuse to ellicit false confessions.