Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chareidi Draft, Chareidi Piskei Halacha


Two very informative Halachic Torah discussions regarding compelling issues of the day.  
  • Chareidi Draft 14 pages., גיוס בני הישיבות לצהל.
  • Halacha Berura Rabbi Yissochar Rumpler - regarding: Releasing Jonathan Pollard in exchange of Terrorists
דבר ה' זו הלכה הלכה ברורה בענין שחרור מחבלים תמורת הצלת יהודיישכר דוב רומפלער

The Charedi Draft  Halachic discussion, was sent to me by Rabbi Dov Stein. The first part of the document (Hebrew) is supportive of the Idea of serving in a Jewish army based on numerous Torah sources, contradicting the idea of the Chareidim. The second part of this document,  explains in detail why joining Tzahal as it exists today is problematic and offers suggestions to correct the situation.  These concerns include:
  • women soldiers in the army enticing, tempting and distracting soldiers from their holy mission of serving in a holy army,
  •  maintaining proper Kashrut standards
  • dealing with immoral orders like forcing soldiers to evict families from their homes or forcing them to listen to women sing which goes against religious principles,allotting  prayer times and Torah studying time
  • sending out soldiers recklessly thereby endangering lives of soldiers with no support or backup, 
  • not promoting religious soldiers to a higher rank when deserved, etc.  Please read 

The second google document was sent to me by Rabbi Yissochar Dov Rumpler.  Rabbi Yissochar Dov Rumpler presented his Halachic presentation regarding the  release of Jonathan Pollard at a Press Conference sponsored by CROWN HEIGHTS WOMEN FOR THE SAFETY AND INTEGRITY OF ISRAEL CONCESSIONS – THE RELEASE OF THE THIRD ROUND OF ARAB MURDERERS OF JEWISH CHILDREN held December 30, 2013 in downtown Brooklyn, organizer Tamar Adelstein.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rabbonim Speak out - No contradiction between Jewish Army and Learning Torah - Rabbi Dovid Milston audio, Rabbi Steve Pruzansky, Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, Rabbi Nachman Kahana, Rabbi David Bar Hayim


One comment on Nosei Ol Chaveiro, Carrying the burden of my brother by Robin.  It seems to me that the Chareidim are carrying the yoke of their fellow secular Jews when it comes to Mitzvoth like Tefillin, Shabbath, Keeping Kosher, Family Purity etc.We owe the Chareidi population tremendous Hakoras Hatov for carrying this burden and we need to recognize that those Tinok Shenishba, uneducated or OTD (off the Derech),  need stronger love and outreach to be better educated because it is simply too much for a portion of the population to bear the negative consequences of violation of these precious Mitzvoth by a large segment of the  Israeli population.  

 It seems to me like the non Chareidi Jew is carrying the yoke when it comes to Mitzvoth like Milchemet Mitzvah and by extention Yishuv Haaretz.  This  includes the Mitzvoth Telyim Baaretz, commandments dependent on the Land. How can one truthfully claim a desire to keep Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz while at the same time not protest when it is given to Fatah and Hamas? How can one not protest when 10,000 Torah observant Jews had their homes bulldozed and their communities destroyed. Will one agree to amputate his arm and not try everything possible to save it, if they truly understood the importance of their hand. Isn"t it often impossible to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tefillin without that arm.  Can one amputate the heart and still survive? What about Hakoras Hatov?  The Chareidim have spent 70 years in Israel seeing tremendous growth in Torah Learning?  How was this possible if not for the support coming from  State of Israel and Hashem's miraculous miracles and the return of Jews to their ancestral Homeland? Isn't is Motzei Shem Ra to compare the hand that supported Torah to evil antisemites who wish to destroy Torah? 

After reading Rabbi Pruzansky's post, please listen to powerful audio, Rabbi Milston Rosh Yeshiv of Midreshet HaRova in Old City,  end of blog post by Rabbi Pruzansky. 

Synopsis of Rabbi Milston audio: Chareidi Rally - A demonstration against a Mitzvah?!?  Moshe Rabbeinu, Yehoshu, Dovid Hamelech all fought.  Bitul Torah?  Did anyone ever say don't build a Succah cause it's Bitul Torah.  Torah is not only about learning but about living and a way of life.  The Torah wasn't given just to study but to live.  Where is there any source in Torah that a Jewish army is against Torah. There is no source!  How did they compare this to the antisemitic decree of the Romans?  It's an evil manipulation of fact for political purposes and not truth. There is no law in the land that forbids learning Torah!  Just a law that everyone should fight for the land united. Rabbi Milston said that there were many mines found and many terrorist attempts during his Miluim. He davka demanded to be transferred to active unit. He didn't enjoy the actual duty but he enjoyed being part of the Nation.  Shma Yisroel.  What does it mean? The Shma Yisroel at the rally couldn't be the same as the Shma Yisroel cried out facing those who wanted to annihilate us!

Rabbi Milston does not believe people should be coerced. Rather, they should be honored to join the Israeli army. Other people should die so I should learn? Rabbi Milston said, I am not a Zionist.  Israeli army is part of Torah. If we believe in Torah we don't play that game of manipulation. Rambam says, someone who gets money for learning Torah loses their Chelek in Olam Haba.

Here is one of the comments to Rabbi Pruzansky's article: 

Dear Rabbi Pruzansky,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I appreciate the honesty which you express in all of your posts and your openness to the feedback you receive in the comments.

While I take issue with several things that you wrote (at least some of which have been raised by others), they all pale in comparison to one: Why do you a feel the need, let alone the right, to use the loshon of "Talmid Chacham she'ein bo da'at"?

I understand that you think you're correct on this matter. Whenever one expresses his opinion, by definition he believes it to be correct. And perhaps other rabbonim agree with you as well. But aren't we talking about dozens of big Talmidei Chachamim, Poskim, Roshei Yeshivos and Marbitzei Torah who have spent their lives immersed in Torah?! Isn't it at least possible that they're right and you're wrong? Couldn't you have expressed your position while still showing a bit of respect for theirs?

And even if you'll say that you're 100% convinced that you're right and they're wrong, why do you feel the need to denigrate these Torah scholars by speaking of them in such a way? Couldn't you have at least shown some kavod, if not for their opinions, for their gadlus in Torah?

Actually, I think that is the point of the Midrash. There can be great Torah scholars who have no "daat," meaning common sense, derech eretz, etc. Far be from me to even suggest that any particular person, rabbi, Gadol is in that category. Chas v'shalom. But what interested me most is that Chazal had such a concept, and that concept was in the Midrash Raba of Parshat Vayikra, when all these events were taking place.
Again, I was not at all insinuating that such is applicable to any particular Rav, and I thank you for giving me the chance to clarify.
Thanks for writing.

  • Dodging the Draft Because of God?!by Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel Never in history have religious Jews hidden behind Torah study to evade defending Jewish lives.  
  •  We Must Bridge the Divide - Vayikra 5774 Rabbi Nachman Kahana
  • Haredim Demonstrating They Have Reached a Dead End Rabbi David Bar-Hayim's response to the massive haredi demonstration in Jerusalem.   The position of Chareidi World is that all young men whether or not they are learning Torah should not be drafted to protect them from secularism. No solution for the Jewish people including Chareidi society for those not cut out for Chareidi box)

Rabbi David Bar-Hayim discusses: Haredim, the Army & Spiritual Challenges


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Purim 5774 Virtual Mishloach Manot from the Tickers - A Kerry Slush!


The Ticker Purim Theme this year is Cold, Snow, Slush, Frost,and  Ice. Very appropriate for this years weather..
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said his city was facing "a rare storm, the likes of which we've never seen." on Asara BeTevet when Kerry arrived.

I dressed up as snow and dressed up in white and  wore a white terry robe and a white towel on my head. It got too hot in my snow costume and I started to melt... so no picture..).  As it says in Tehilim 147: The Word of Hashem will melt all the cold, frost and ice...:
יח  יִשְׁלַח דְּבָרוֹ וְיַמְסֵם;    יַשֵּׁב רוּחוֹ, יִזְּלוּ-מָיִם. 18 He sendeth forth His word, and melteth them; He causeth His wind to blow, and the waters flow.

Our daughter was dressed up as a snow girl.

Our Mishloach Manot is a Kerry Slush which consists of  "snow flakes" , frosted flakes and ice candy.  See pictures.  We put the slush in a lunch bag and inserted a Kerry Manual (kriminal for short) which we are sending to you virtually as a google document.  It is 20 pages long and you might want to print it and read it at your leisure.  It"s not really all that funny though.....kind of sad actually......That's where Nahafoch Hu comes in....We really need to turn it around.....

The Virtual Ticker Kerry Mishloach Manot 5774: Pictures and Manual:

Kriminal Manual:

There is even a Kerry Slush Fund Recipe at the end of the Kriminal Manual... 

A Freilich Purim filled with levity and levter.....
The Tickers

Friday, March 14, 2014

Zachor! Read and Weep. Jews Empowering Evil: Purim Story, Holocaust 1938, Kastner (Perfidy), 2014 Chareidim and Rich Jewish Liberal Democrats and OTD Jews, Teshuva and not Holocaust Please G-d...


Between all of the categories of Jews Empowering Evil, I venture to say that sadly almost each one of us, by virtue of having a close family member OTD (Off The Derech), or because of areivim (being guarantors of our fellow Jew)  or being a liberal rich Jewish leftist, or a Jewish BDS supporter or a Collaborator of evil (like Kastner), or even a Chareidi or didn't protest the Expulsion or a Dati Leumi Leader who collaborated with the IDF to expel the Jews,   we fall into a category of being a Jew that empowers evil.  Rather than give up in despair we need to do Teshuva like the Jews in the Purim story! 

all  empowers evil and inviting the Amalek of our time to battle us.  


Likkutei Dibburim An Anthology of Talks by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch

Purim Seuda - 5701 (1941)

...What the world is now going through [36] should remind us Jews of the ancient epoch of Haman, which is being repeated today with greater intensity. A certain portion of our people have forgotten that they are "G-d's nation." Indeed, "They have said to G-d, 'Depart from us,"' [37] and they do not desire to know His ways. [38] There has arisen an Ivri-Jew, without faith and without Torah and mitzvos. People have spurned and forgotten their own roots; they have forgotten that we are in exile.

The Ivri-Jews of Haman's days welcomed their life in exile with open arms and songs of joy. They did not want to know that the time of redemption was fast approaching. Being foolishly involved in their physical desires, they wanted to hear nothing of redemption, and scoffed at Mordechai's warnings and Malachi's prophecies. This was a period during which "the judges were on trial." [39] Anyone with a bit of money addressed the leading Torah personalities of the day in the basest and most presumptuous manner. And when the crisis came, the political Ivri-Jews and luxury-seeking assimilationists saw and felt what value there was in politics, and what security there was in wealth.

Indivisible anti-Semitism 

By CAROLINE B. GLICK 03/14/2014

...It is no doubt tempting to accept the artificial distinction between rejecting Israel's right to exist and rejecting the right of Jews to practice Judaism. Doing so allows you to pretend that the problem isn't as bad as it is, and to pretend that the fates of Israel and Jews of the Diaspora are not directly linked. It allows you to pretend that Jewish Americans who join the BDS movement are not anti-Semites. And it allows you to pretend that European leaders who minimize real anti-Semitic crimes by equating them with imaginary Israeli crimes are not inherently hostile to Jews.

But you cannot fight Jew-hatred by making distinctions between its various forms. They are all components of the same thing. And either you fight all of them, with no distinction, or you fight none of them, and even legitimize the bigotry.

For more, log on to

Caroline B. Glick is the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.

Kastner -  Sympathy for the Devil? Rudolf Kastner, the Jew who dealt with Nazis.

Op-Ed: Wealthy American Jews Have Abetted Iran's Nukes

Published: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11:07 PM by Mark Langfan
48 rich Jewish American Jews have condemned Israel to an ultimate nuclear Holocaust.

Likkutei Dibburim An Anthology of Talks by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch

Purim Seuda - 5701 (1941)

...Jews of America and its neighboring countries! You are being summoned by G-d's call to repentance. This moment is far more serious than can be imagined. You are being called from heaven to pay up your ancient debt on the promissory note that says that "All Jews are comrades" and that "All Jews are guarantors for one another" - by observing Shabbos, the dietary laws and the laws of family purity, and by putting on tefillin and fulfilling the other practical mitzvos.

It is painfully difficult to say what I have to say. My unbounded love for all Jews makes it exceedingly difficult for me to speak - but on no account may I dishonor the duty that I owe to [that very mitzvah of] ahavas Yisrael. Imagine a man who finds that he himself has to carry out extremely painful surgery on a brother whom he dearly loves. Yet operate he must, in order to save his brother's life.

Brother Jews! You are being put to an earnest test. The trial is a great one, and the Evil Inclination with his persuasively evil collaborators is even greater. You find it difficult to observe Shabbos, the dietary and marital laws, tefillin, and so forth - but it is preferable to do all of these things out of one's own free will than to do them (G-d forbid) with a broken spirit.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Missiles from Gaza as a result of not keeping Torah and giving away Gush Katif in 2005. Now we need the IDF to clean up the mess.


When will we recognize that it was our betrayal to Torah and our brothers in Gush Katif that put us in physical danger now?

The Torah says that when we keep the Torah in the Land there will be peace.  

Gush Katif consisted of productive, flourishing, agricultural communities. Residents of Gush Katif were Torah believers. They were by enlarge Torah abiding Jews who endeavored to keep the Mitzvoth of the Land.  

Gush Katif protected Southern Israel.  Gush Katif absorbed thousands of rockets. Numerous Nissim Gluyim, open miracles, protected the  settlers and all this has been documented in the Gush Katif Hagaddah.

The gov't of Israel with the partnership of the Chareidi parties gave away Gush Katif to our enemies.  We, the nation, destroyed the homes of our brothers.

Rabbosai.  Is this Torah?????  Where was the voice of Torah then?  Where were the hundreds of thousands of protesters from the Chareidi camp against this aberration of Torah?

Hamas took over.  Radical Islamic Jihad have been sending missiles ever since!  The War in Lebanon was fought with a demoralized army who didn't know what they were fighting for. Who is the real  enemy? Hezbollah or the settlers of Gush Katif? 

 "Operation Cast Lead" Baruch Hashem was more successful and masses of people, most importantly the soldiers themselves, turned toward heaven to pray.  

There has been some quiet but the missiles are coming again.  It's a reminder to us not to repeat mistakes of the past. 

We are facing another expulsion of Jews like what happened in Gush Katif in Judea and Samaria.  A Palestinian State. Again Jews are confused. Confusion is coming from the Chareidi camp.  Who it the real enemy?  Iran, Islamic Jihad in Gaza or Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid?  

So Hashem sends some rockets to remind us....

Israel needs the IDF to clean up the mess once again, the mess that the keepers of Torah bear responsibility..... How so?

Did the keepers of Torah do their job?  Was Torah learning merely an intellectual mental exercise? What about the Covenant of the Land with our Forefathers.  What about all the Gemorrahs about property rights? Not relevant???? Silence....

Unfortunately for all, but mainly for the Chareidi community, they partnered in the Expulsion, a terrible sin, and now we, collectively are paying a price.  

Shouldn't the Chareidim now admit their mistake and help clean up the mess? How about a historic delegation of respected Torah Leaders,  Scholars and teachers to Hebron proclaiming our Jewish Heritage.  Let us proclaim our eternal connection to our ancient Biblical Homeland especially Judea and Samaria. No part of Israel can ever be given away to any foreign sovereignty neither by the Prime Minister or member of his gov't as the Land belongs to G-d and He determines who the rightful owner is.  That is what is written in Torah. 

Israel is the only Nation that is able to sanctify the Land to bring blessing upon all of mankind. But Chareidim, (those that feel that they have a monopoly on Kedusah),  are not letting it happen especially if they continue in a self absorbed message. 

It's important to rehash our mistakes from the past so that we don't repeat it!

From Israel National News:

 Terrorists Resume Rocket Fire as Far as Ashdod, Ashkelon  Published March 13, 2014
by Maayana Miskin Rocket Fire on Ashdod, Ashkelon

Gaza terrorists fired on major Israeli cities on Thursday morning, setting off the Red Alert rocket sirens in Ashdod and Ashkelon. The Iron Dome defensive system shot down at least one rocket that was on course to hit Ashkelon. 

Two other rockets were later found near the city. Both had hit open areas. The rockets did not cause physical injury, but several people were treated for shock. 

Terrorists had fired several rockets at southern Israel earlier on Thursday morning, setting off warning sirens in Sderot and surrounding communities. 

According to AFP, just one of the rockets hit Israeli territory, while four others apparently struck within Gaza. 

Gaza terrorists have fired nearly 100 rockets since Wednesday morning. Over 60 rockets have hit Israeli territory, while dozens more have fallen short inside Gaza. 

Terrorists have previously caused death in Gaza with misfired rockets. In one notable incident, terroristskilled the infant son of a BBC stringer – a death that the BBC, along with other international media outlets, initially blamed on Israel. 

Israel's Air Force responded Wednesday night to the rocket attacks by striking 29 targets in Gaza used by the Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorist groups. Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for all of the rocket fire so far, while the Israeli government says Hamas ultimately bears responsibility as the ruling power in Gaza. 

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas condemned Israel's response to the rocket fire, accusing Israel of a "military escalation." He did not condemn the rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. 

So far, there have been no casualties reported among either Israelis or Gaza residents. 

Comment on this story 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.