Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fwd: J Street manipulates mainstream organizations to falsely represent itself by Lori Lowenthal Marcus

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From: Women in Green <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:51 PM
Subject: J Street manipulates mainstream organizations to falsely

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The New Wing of the "pro-Israel, pro-Peace" Lobby Comes to Town
J Street deceives others in order to falsely represent and promote itself.
The Weekly Standard
by Lori Lowenthal Marcus
February 10, 2010

The "new," "progressive" voice of the "pro-peace and pro-Israel" lobby
known as J Street has had its "pro-Israel" label questioned by many
observers, and even some of its own have shed that label. J Street has
now also revealed it doesn't keep its word to trusting Jewish

On Thursday, February 4, 2010, J Street launched a new "grassroots"
division­J Street Local­with an event at the University of
Pennsylvania, which was webcast to twenty other locations.

The event involved a deception by J Street leadership on the local
Hillel and the surrounding Jewish community. When it was discovered
that J Street planned to have its new division roll-out from the Penn
Hillel, many Israel supporters were concerned that the outside world
would assume that Hillel had endorsed J Street, especially because J
Street would be webcasting live from there to cities across the
country. Not to worry, said J Street to the local Hillel leadership:
We promise not to mention that we're using your facility, and to make
clear in our written and oral statements that Hillel does not endorse
us.  That condition was agreed upon­it was "not just a promise, it was
an agreement"­according to Rabbi Howard Alpert, the executive director
of all the Philadelphia area Hillels.  On the strength of that
essential agreement, Hillel went ahead and rented J Street its space.

And then? J Street's Ben-Ami said exactly what he'd promised not to
say­that he was speaking "here at Penn Hillel"­and failed to say a
word about what he'd promised solemnly to make clear: that Hillel does
not endorse J Street or its message.

In short, J Street manipulated the Hillel of Greater Philadelphia (of
which I am a board member) into leasing to them space in the Hillel
building for their J Street Local launch by entering into a firm
agreement, and then ignoring that agreement to Hillel's detriment. J
Street's deception made Hillel's carefully planned and extensive
pre-event efforts to soothe concerned donors, students, and others
that there was no­and that it would be made very clear that there was
no­connection between Hillel and J Street.

Within hours of the event J Street sent out thousands of releases and
emails urging everyone who was not present at the launch to go to its
website and watch the video. The video of Ben-Ami's remarks is still
up on his website, and the text­that is, the pre-drafted statement,
not an extemporaneous slip­is
<>here. You can see for yourself.
(After remonstrations by the HGP executive director, after thousands
of emails and press releases were sent out without the agreed-upon
disclaimer, days later a terse note went up in the site under the
video box that Hillel had not endorsed the speech.  But "Penn Hillel"
is still in the video and in the transcript of Ben-Ami's speech.)

Now we know: J Street will deceive and damage the central organization
representing Jewish life on college campuses in order to falsely
represent and promote itself.  Perhaps the rest of J Street's
exaggerations and misrepresentations fall under the rubric of clever
marketing.  Lying, manipulation and damaging Hillel's reputation
should be beyond the pale.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus is president and co-founder of Z STREET.

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fwd: Urgent Save a life Request Pidyon Shvuyim from National Council of Young Israel

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From: NCYI <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:17 AM
Subject: Urgent Request

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February 10, 2010
To Friends and Constituents of the National Young Israel movement:

As you may or may not know, a Jewish man is slated for execution in Florida next Tuesday.

Martin Grossman was convicted of killing Margaret Parks, a Florida Wildlife Officer, in 1984, when he was 19 years old.

He did so while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and in an act of panic, not premeditation.

He has conducted himself as a model prisoner since his incarceration some 25 years ago and has shown profound remorse and regret for his actions.

National Council of Young Israel has joined other Orthodox Jewish groups including Agudath Israel of America and the Orthodox Union, in asking Florida  Governor Charlie Crist to grant clemency , from the death penalty to life in prison, to Mr. Grossman, and we have also requested a meeting in person with Governor Crist to discuss the matter.

But it is important that the Governor hear from the grassroots as well - certainly from people who live or spend significant time in Florida, but even from non-Floridians.

His e-mail address is , his phone number is
(850) 488-7146 and he can be faxed at 850-487-0801.

Letters and calls should be polite to the Governor to take into account Mr. Grossman's youth and impairment at the time of the crime and his good behavior and remorse in the years since.

And the request should be that Mr. Grossman be permitted to serve his debt to society by serving the rest of his life in prison.

May we have happier occasions to demonstrate our achdus and ahavas Yisroel. 
"Even those who strongly support capital punishment would limit it to recidivists or people who ‎commit the most heinous of crimes.  Martin Grossman fits neither of those categories.  He does ‎not belong on death row.  His crime, committed when he was a teenager, was unplanned, ‎unpremeditated and impulsive—the product of a serious mental illness, that can now be proved ‎by medical technology that was unavailable at the time of his sentencing.  He has been in prison ‎for more than a quarter of a century, during which time he has been a model prisoner who has ‎shown great remorse for what he did.  All that he is seeking now is a 60 day postponement of his ‎execution, so that his supporters can martial the evidence and present his case for clemency.  No ‎one should be rushed to execution while doubts remain unresolved.  Justice demands that he be ‎given the 60 days to prove that he does not deserve to die at the hands of the state."  ‎

Alan M. Dershowitz ‎



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Fwd: One of Israel's best known Knesset Members (Dr. A. Eldad) speaking in NYC area Thu & Sat nites

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From: US 4Israel <>
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:55 PM
Subject: One of Israel's best known Knesset Members (Dr. A. Eldad) speaking in NYC area Thu & Sat nites

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REMINDER:  Portrait of Arieh Eldad

Please fw to your friends in NYC:

Dr. Arieh Eldad, Member of Israel's Knesset will be speaking  twice in New York City this weekend

O   Former Chief Medical officer of the Israel Defence Forces

O   Former Director of Plastic Surgery at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem

O   Member of Knesset since 2003

O   Member, Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee

O   Co-chair, Knesset's new Land of Israel Forum uniting representatives of 7 different Israeli political parties  


* ISRAEL'S SURVIVAL STRATEGIES: Thursday, Feb. 11, 7:30 P.M., West Side Institutional Synagogue, 120 West 76th Street, between Columbus & Amsterdam Aves., NYC. 212-828-2424 or for particulars. Admission free. Light refreshments.


* ISRAEL FACES THE WORLD'S CHALLENGES. Saturday evening, Feb. 13, 8 PM, Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, 70-11 150th Street, between Jewel Avenue and 70th Road.

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Fwd: Re. Video: Free Speech challenged at UC Irvine 2/8/10


The question remains is why is America pushing a Palestinian State when the majority of the Palestinians agree in theory with the goals of Hizbollah and Hamas which is the  elimination of Israel from the map and name their schools after martyrs and Jihadists.  Why is the Leftist Press and even Netanyahu not facing the reality of this crowd but choose instead to give credibility and  legitimacy to the Palestinian "refugees" .  It is only  UNRWA who has been keeping Palestinian "refugees" as refugees rather than recognizing  them to be  villages that have received billions of dollars of aid from NGO's all over the world.  Watch this video!
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From: StandWithUs News <>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Re. Video: Free Speech challenged at UC Irvine 2/8/10

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Israel Ambassador Oren
Defends Free Speech at UC Irvine
By Roz Rothstein

This video shows you what an elegant man Michael Oren is,
in the face of hostility.


Muslim students tried to silence Israel's U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren when he spoke at UC Irvine's Pacific Ballroom on Monday afternoon, February 8.

Ambassador Oren had come to share his historical and personal perspective on the U.S.-Israel relationship. An author, professor of history, and diplomat, Ambassador Oren is politically centrist and regarded as an expert on many issues of vital interest today. But the Muslim students were determined to silence him, deny him the right to free speech, and deny the audience the right to have civil, intellectual discourse at UCI.

The Muslim students had carefully planned their tactics. Shortly before the event began, large numbers of them gathered for prayers outside the Ballroom. They then entered and scattered throughout the room in order to disrupt the speech from different locations. They did. After every few of Ambassador Oren's sentences, a student would stand up and scream unintelligibly at him while the other students involved raucously clapped and howled. The student whose turn it was to disturb the event would then walk proudly out of the Ballroom, escorted by police, while glaring at the understandably upset and frustrated audience of over 500 people who had come to hear the Ambassador's remarks.

After at least ten interruptions, the uncivilized demonstrators marched outside to a spot closest to the wall of the Ballroom. From there, they shouted more slogans, hoping they could continue to disrupt the event.
But they could not.

The Muslim students angered the audience and embarrassed the UCI administration. They ignored pleas and reprimands from UCI officials who took the microphone. They ignored Ambassador Oren's request that he be granted the civil hospitality due to a guest of the University. They ignored his urging that they raise their concerns during the Q and A. The good news is that Ambassador Oren refused to be silenced. He had come to UCI to share his thoughts and did not abandon his right to free speech even as dozens of students coordinated this hostile demonstration. With his elegant manner, he remained calm, and stood his ground.
He stood up for free speech.

There are lessons to be learned from this event. The University will need to identify the participating students and decide what consequences they will suffer for their uncivilized behavior. The organizers of the protest were seen coordinating the screams from their seats by text messaging on their cell phones, and the Muslim Student Union president may have been among the eleven arrested for disrupting the event. The UCI administration will need to consider sanctions for the MSU since it was clear to everyone in the audience that the MSU had orchestrated the raucous effort to prevent free speech.

Every speaker can learn from Ambassador Oren's example. Whether the speaker is a U.S. General, an academic, or a representative from another country, his or her right to free speech may very well be challenged. We have seen this pattern spread throughout the U.S., especially this past year. Just a few hours before Professor Oren's event, Israel's Senior Legal Advisor, Daniel Taub, had spoken at the UCLA Law School, and also faced a disruptive demonstration. Like Ambassador Oren, Mr. Taub responded with calm, dignity, and a sincere invitation to the demonstrators that they ask questions during the Q and A. Instead, they, too, refused to cooperate, and marched out, escorted by the police.

The main lesson from Ambassador Oren is that we must stand up with dignity and eloquence for free speech. If we do not, if speakers give up and walk off the stage, we risk sacrificing the civil dialogue essential to education and a bedrock of American values.


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Friday, February 05, 2010

Upcoming Events to be posted on Community Calendar for Eretz Yisroel in New York Area. Please post. Thanks


Thursday, Feb 11 - 7:30 pm Member of Knesset, Dr. Arieh Eldad - will be speaking on Israel's Survival Strategies at the West Side  Institutional Synagogue, 120 W. 76th Street, between Columbus & Amsterdam Avenues. Free admission. Reservations are required. Call 212-828-2424 or email:

On Saturday, February 13th, 8:00 pm The World Committee for the Land of Israel will host MK Dr. Arie Eldad, a prominent member of the Israeli Knesset in a program intended to update the audience on the challenges facing Israel in the year 2010. This program is co-sponsored by the Queens Jewish Community Council and is being  publicized throughout the New York area. The lecture will take place at  the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills,  70-11 150th Street, Kew Gardens Hills, on Saturday February 13th at 8 pm.  Dr. Eldad is a published medical doctor who holds the rank of Brigadier General in the Israeli Defense Forces and was its Chief Medical Officer from 1997 until 2000. The entire community is invited to hear this articulate defender of Israel and to show support for the State of Israel.

On Sunday Feb 14, 2010 at 6:15pm Manhigut USA Brooklyn Branch Meeting
Ave. N. Jewish Center 321 Ave. N. corner E. 4th Street
RSVP Yocheved 773-597-7690

On Monday March 1, 2010 (15 Adar 5770 Shushan Purim) Manhigut Yehudit Dinner 6:30pm
Yankee Stadium Legends Sweet, Bronx
For more info Tel: 516-295-3222 email:

Upcoming Event: May 9-17, 2010  Join the AFSI Chizuk Support Mission to the endangered lands and people of  Israel
AFSI has been leading Chizuk missions for over fifteen years to the threatened communities of Israel. By doing so, we have created strong ties with the land and the people who have been expelled from Gush Katif, and those who are facing expulsion from Judea and Samaria. Believing in the biblical road map, which charts a whole Israel, and an indivisible Jerusalem, we know it is our duty and responsibility to continue our program of first-hand identification with our beleaguered brethren. We urge everyone who believes as we do to join us on this trip.
There is limited space for the Mission. Dont be left out of this opportunity to be a witness to history in the making!!

Americans For a Safe Israel 1751 Second Avenue (91st Street) New York, NY 10128
el: 1-800-235-3658, Fax: 212-828-1717;