Tuesday, July 29, 2008

5768.10.26 Israel the Land of My Possession. Obama ,ZFA, Michelle Nevada, David Wilder, Sondra Oster Baras utube, interfaith dialog cancelled


Israel  the Land of My Possession.  A digest of articles in the spirit of Calev Ben Yefunah and Yehoshua Ben Nun!  Oloh Naaleh Veyarashnu Osah Ki Yachol Nuchal La!  Bamidbar 13:30

26 Tamuz 5768
Tuesday, 29 July 2008


2. The Zionist Freedom Alliance: Pro-Israel Revolution on Campus - Arutz7 article (Pro Judea and Samaria as well!)

3. The Covenant of Peace   By Michelle Nevada - A must read

4. Yitzchak Herskovitz claims ownership to his property in spite of  squatters and  hundreds of thousands of shekels in legal fees, court expenses, investigation and expert research of their documents. by David Wilder

5. Sandra Oster Baras of the Shomron - a must see 5 minute utube video of a pioneer settler, lover of Zion and Eretz Yisroel in the Shomron.  Unfortunately it is directed to Christian Friends of Israel Communities rather than Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.

  Interfaith dialog canceled. Anti-Darwinists turned away by Israeli academia  - Hebrew Univ. (Pro Darwin means anti Creationism) 




Published: June 29, 2008
Washington Post


Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama's campaign internet geeks.  These are the staffers who devised Obama's internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far.  That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history – and this was all from the internet campaign.

What I learned from this insider was shocking, but I guess we shouldn't be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken and no ethics that prevail.

 Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking , lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites.

Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff  were more than pleased by the results.

 Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied.  Where was it coming from?  One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were "programmed" by a very sophisticated user.

While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions, they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers.  The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia.

Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges.

It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters.  This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.

It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations.  They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.

This is a shocking revelation.

We have been concerned about the legality of "bundling" contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem.

I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out.  We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so.

If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions?  That would also be 13 million contributions that would need to be processed.  How did all that happen?

I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit.  It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.

2. The Zionist Freedom Alliance: Pro-Israel Revolution on Campus


by Ze'ev Ben Yechiel

Over the last couple of years, the Zionist Freedom Alliance (www.zfa.org.il) has been slowly taking American college campuses by storm with a message of Jewish rights not heard for many decades. Led by veteran IDF soldiers and activists in Israel, the ZFA presents Zionism to the youth as a revolutionary struggle for national liberation.

Can't see player? Click here for video of Israel Liberation Week on Hofstra Campus

ZFA: "We Have a Right to Live in Freedom"

Unlike most pro-Israel advocacy organizations that present Israel as a democracy or focus on the Jewish state's willingness to surrender territory, ZFA speaks of Israel as a Middle Eastern nation with a legitimate moral and historic right to its land.

"We tell young people about the fight for freedom from British rule," says ZFA leader Yehuda HaKohen. "And we explain how we are still fighting against nearly the entire world for our right to live freely in the whole of our country. Educating young people to the history of our struggle creates a paradigm shift in how they view our situation today. If people know two basic facts – that this really is our country and that we fought the British Empire to free it – their understanding of the Middle East conflict is revolutionized. Suddenly the Jewish people are the natives in the story and international pressure to shrink our borders is an act of Western imperialism against an indigenous population."

ZFA speaks to Diverse Crowd

HaKohen currently lives in Jerusalem but grew up in New York City and often travels to the United States to organize ZFA activities. While some mainstream Jewish groups focus on Israel's security needs,  HaKohen's message to campuses is one of Jewish rights. "We must make the world understand that the Jewish nation, like any other nation on the planet, has a right to self-determination in our country. Not in half of our country, but in our whole country. We have nothing against any other peoples, but the world today has no shortage of Arab states. 77% of Palestine (the territory east of the Jordan River) was made into an Arab state, and we are at least entitled to the remaining 23% that was left us by international law to be a Jewish state. No power on earth has the moral authority to rob us of our land."

ZFA Warrior in Israeli Flag: "Nobody Can Take it From Us"

HaKohen is no stranger to bold declarations, having repeated the same simple message on campuses across the United States and Canada. While other pro-Israel organizations attempt to rationalize or depreciate the stridently nationalistic aspects of Zionism in order to court the favor of high-profile skeptics and to make their message palatable to wealthy and influential benefactors, HaKohen says that his group has learned out of necessity to work on a shoestring budget rather than alter their message. ZFA activists take no pains in concealing their belief in the unequivocal right of the Jewish nation to the entire Land of Israel.  And the movement puts forward this message in a clear and simple yet powerful language that resonates with young people across North American campuses.

ZFA: "Israel Demands Justice"

The movement includes an eclectic mix of activists from various backgrounds. When asked what stream of Zionism (Religious, Socialist, Revisionist) they belong to, HaKohen calls the ZFA "Revolutionary Zionism".

"History is full of great revolutions. And although many of these revolutions have succeeded in impacting the future course of world history, all of them pale in comparison to the Zionist revolution," HaKohen argues. "Only the Zionist revolution aspires to ingather a scattered nation from the four corners of the earth, to revive a dead language to everyday use, to liberate a homeland from under a mighty world empire and to create a moral society that will serve as an example to the human race. Zionism is the greatest revolution in the history of man, and the ZFA sees it as our mission to drive the revolution forward."

Zionist Revolution T-Shirt: Close-Up
ZFA on the March

Politically Correct
Having been raised and educated in the West, many ZFA leaders are sensitive to the reality of the political culture that dominates American campuses. Therefore, the movement is careful not to align with "Right-wing" campus groups, and instead targets students active with the Left. HaKohen defends this position by arguing that "there is nothing 'Right-wing' or 'Conservative' about wanting to keep our homeland free from foreign rule. If we are truly the indigenous natives in the conflict, then our cause should really be championed by liberal students everywhere. Especially since the Bush administration that occupies Iraq and imposes a Patriot Act on the American people is the very same administration pushing to ethnically cleanse the Jewish people from portions of our homeland."

Kosha Dillz & ZFA on Summer Stage, NYC

It is for this reason that ZFA avoids anti-Arab rhetoric and instead focuses its attacks on Western powers and global corporations who have special interests in forcing Israel to surrender land. The group defends this position by claiming that if the Arabs remained the security problem that they are but all international pressure would cease, Israel would immediately take the necessary measures to defend herself and ensure long term survival. But if the Arabs in Judea and Samaria would somehow disappear, the Western world would most likely find another excuse to shrink and weaken Israel. The true enemy of Zionism, according to the ZFA , is not radical Islam but globalization, which seeks to amalgamate continents into unified blocks and threatens Israel's existence as a small Jewish state situated in a mostly Arab region. ZFA activists argue this to be the true motivation behind international pressure on Israel to make concessions and that the eventual goal of Western governments is for Israel not to exist.

While this message has angered many American Jewish groups who tend to see Israel and America as allies in a global war against Islamic terrorism, it has actually earned the ZFA support from students who oppose globalization and America's War in Iraq. And it has neutralized anti-Israel voices who accuse "Zionists" of pushing America into a war that benefits Israel. In fact, most ZFA leaders oppose the Iraq War and see it as an aggressive act of neo-imperialism. And many of the students joining the ZFA today are young Jews who view themselves on the political Left. HaKohen attributes this support not only to his group's unique message, but also to their efforts to reach beyond the Jewish community.

ZFA speaks in front of Diverse Crowd

Many ZFA programs, including the "Israel Liberation Week" event, is geared towards promoting Jewish rights on college campuses and educating the general student public to the justice of the Zionist struggle. "Israel Liberation Week" includes a hip hop concert (featuring Jewish and non-Jewish artists), speeches, information campaigns, historical films and an art exhibit honoring the Jewish underground fighters who were executed by the British administration during the struggle for Jewish statehood. By securing strong support from non-Jewish students on many campuses, the ZFA makes it socially acceptable and desirable for Jewish students to support the Zionist cause.

Israel Liberation Week Logo

HaKohen believes that if young American liberals really understood the history and reality of events in the Middle East, they would naturally support Israel's rights to Judea and Samaria. The problem is that the anti-Israel propaganda and often even the pro-Israel propaganda have worked to present the Jewish state as a Western power occupying indigenous Arab natives. HaKohen argues that nothing can be further from the truth. "The Jewish nation is a Middle Eastern nation and the true native sons of our land. As a result of an injustice perpetrated against us by the Roman Empire, many of us suffered a long and difficult exile. But now we've come home. Israel is our country and like any other people we have a right to freedom in our country."

The ZFA chose a kafiyah (Middle Eastern head dress) with blue Jewish stars as a symbol of the Zionist revolution. The "Jewish kafiyah," as well as t-shirts and other items, will be available on the ZFA website later in July when they launch their online store.

HaKohen, wearing a kafiya with blue Jewish stars, with Activist

The ZFA's cutting edge message and methods have proven successful in taking the wind out of anti-Israel sails. But the movement is small and has been unsuccessful at persuading more established Jewish groups to follow their revolutionary lead. Therefore, says HaKohen, the movement works slowly, one campus at a time, to promote the Zionist revolution as a politically correct struggle for social justice.

Zionist Freedom Alliance Logo

For more information, visit the ZFA online at http://www.zfa.org.il

Comment on This Story

3. The Covenant of Peace   By Michelle Nevada
We read the parasha, and too often we are distracted from the main point of the story by our own internal monologue.  We sit in the synagogue and we think, "Oh, here's that story. Pinchas.  Right.  The guy with the spear who killed some prostitute or something.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Pinchas was a bit hot headed. Moshe thought he was bad, G-d thought he was good. We know. OK, when does the Kiddush start."  Let's be real.  A lot of the time, the Parasha just doesn't seem to relate much to our lives.  Except for right about now.
Right about now, just after beating my head against the wall about the prisoner swap and the stupidity of the Israeli government in agreeing to it, just after having my guts ripped out by the image of two black coffins where two young healthy men should have been, just after I hear the cheering of terrorist sympathizers and victory speeches by murderous arabs and their equally evil leaders, just about now I am thinking—where is Pinchas?  What happened to THAT guy?  Why can't we get him back right about now?  
Normally, I would feel a little guilty for wishing that we had Pinchas in our midst.  Every time I am there for the reading of Parashat Pichas, I hear some rabbi go on about how the single-mindedness of Pinchas was OK, but it wasn't the best course of action.  I am told continually that we shouldn't be like Pinchas.  After all, we are told, he was too zealous.  Rabbis explain to us that he was passed over as the next leader in line after Moshe because of his actions, and the job went to Joshua instead.  We are told that Pinchas just wasn't the type of person to lead a nation.
In order to further justify their teachings about Pinchas, the rabbis focus upon the argument that ensued after Pinchas killed Zimri and Kosbi.  The people were divided over whether or not Pinchas was a hero or a murderer. The divide was so great, and the argument about Pinchas so heated, that G-d had to intervene:

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Pinchas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the kohen has turned My anger away from the children of Israel by his zealously avenging Me among them, so that I did not destroy the children of Israel because of My zeal. Therefore, say, "I hereby give him My covenant of peace. It shall be for him and for his descendants after him [as] an eternal covenant of kehunah, because he was zealous for his God and atoned for the children of Israel."

It's at that point that I think to myself, "Maybe it wasn't that Pinchas was too hot headed and too passionate to lead Israel-- maybe it was that we weren't hot headed and passionate enough to deserve him as our leader."  Maybe we weren't worthy of a man like Pinchas.  
Yes, Joshua got to lead the nation, but Pinchas got a Covenant with G-d--the Covenant of Peace, no less.
Why isn't this Covenant the important part of the story?  Why don't we focus on the fact that there were very few Covenants made in Torah, and they were very serious moments in Jewish history. By my count, there were only four Covenants made with humanity in the Torah: the Covenant of Noah; the Covenant of Avraham; the Covenant of the Torah with B'nei Israel; and the Covenant with Pinchas, the Covenant of Peace.
Why isn't the Covenant of Peace as important for Jews to follow as the Covenant of Avraham? What is it about this Covenant that makes us so squeamish and so willing to forget that it even exists?
I sincerely believe that the Covenant of Peace was given to Pinchas because he was not willing to compromise.  He knew what was right, and he knew what was wrong, and he wasn't going to try to find some middle ground.  He acted upon his convictions.  It wasn't like he didn't have any patience at all.  He watched as the Moabite women were sent to Israel to seduce the men away from G-d.  He witnessed the continuing downward spiral of the morality of B'nei Israel.  He had seen how the people were being turned away from G-d, and he saw how those in charge were avoiding the problem rather than dealing with it—sitting in front of the tent of meeting weeping while the people of Israel began to drop from Plague.
While preserving a meaningless peace, inaction had chipped away at the foundations of Israel. Finally, Pinchas knew the time was right to stop looking the other way. He got his spear and solved the problem in one moment:
He went after the Israelite man into the chamber and drove [it through] both of them; the Israelite man, and the woman through her stomach, and the plague ceased from the children of Israel.

In performing a single act of selfless devotion to G-d and the rule of law, Pinchas saved the Jewish people from G-d's wrath.  In choosing to kill, he saved countless lives.
I wish we had Pinchas now.  I wish that Pinchas had been in the truck with the terrorist Kuntar when it was revealed that the bodies in the coffins were our young men.  
But he wasn't.
We are still arguing about the need for action.  We are still weeping before the tent of meeting and refusing to act.  We are still maintaining a meaningless peace while Israel moves daily toward annihilation.  Isn't it time we started to act like Pinchas, and became worthy of the Covenant of Peace?

4. Yitzchak Herskovitz claims ownership to his property in spite of  squatters and  hundreds of thousands of shekels in legal fees, court expenses, investigation and expert research of their documents.

David Wilder
July 17, 2008

Yitzhak Herskovitz

The Talmud in the tractate Brachot teaches us that three prizes are obtained via hardship: Torah, the Next World, and Eretz Yisrael. Yitzhak Herskovitz has first-hand experience with the adversity involved in redeeming and settling Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel.

R' Yitzchak made aliyah over 20 years ago. A carpenter by trade, he remodeled the lift he used to transport his belongings to Israel into a wonderful home in Kiryat Arba. But a home outside Hebron wasn't enough to quench his thirst for settling our holy land. Back in 1988 he began proceedings to purchase a home in south Jerusalem, near Gilo, today called Givat HaMatos, bordering a neighborhood called by the Arabs, Beit Tsafafa. 

 The transaction took a few years to finalize but in 1992 he received the papers and the property was his.

 Almost.   But not quite.

 That's because his new home had visitors who had no plans to leave. Arab squatters, the Salach clan had moved in and the new Jewish owner of the property didn't impress them. They stayed.

 Yitzchak Herskovitz did what any good citizen would do. He went to the police and eventually to the courts. That's where the case has remained for the past sixteen years.

 During the first Magistrate court proceedings, experts proved beyond any doubt that the papers presented by the Arabs, purporting to support their claims, to be forgeries. After years and years of court sessions, the judge ruled in Herskovitz' favor. An order was issued demanding that the police remove the illegal residents from the property. Over the years some seven eviction notices have been issued. But the Salach clan is still there. The police, despite the court order, refused to expel the illegal squatters.

 Following Herskovitz' victory the Arabs appealed to a Jerusalem District Court, claiming that they owned the property. The judge decided not only to hear the appeal, but also to retry the case from the very beginning, forcing Herskovitz to keep paying an attorney and bring back all his past witnesses for a second round of court sessions.

 Herskovitz' attorney, Ms. Anat Ben-Dror explained that the original court verdict did not rule on ownership of the property, rather regarded the case as an 'eviction hearing.' The Arabs, after losing the first case, then filed an 'ownership suit,' and the judge fell into the trap they set for him and began hearing the case for a second time.

 Herskovitz pointed out that when the Arabs made a verbal claim of ownership twelve years ago, the Magistrate Court judge told them in no uncertain terms: 'if you claim ownership, file a claim in the District Court which has authority to rule on such an issue.' The fact that they did not follow the judge's instructions then basically proved that they themselves knew that they had no case. 

 Not too long ago R' Yitzchak won a small victory in court. The judge ruled that the Arabs would have to deposit all back rent as well as a monetary bond covering future costs, in order for him to cancel the eviction notice issued and still standing against them. However, as of this writing they still have not paid the money, and are still living in the house.

Yitzhak Herskovitz has himself authored a number of documents concerning his property:

" I spent 15 years of my life in court. I spent hundreds of thousands of shekels in legal fees, court expenses, investigation and expert research of their documents, which the police crime laboratory and my hand writing expert found to be fabricated. All of this just to pursue justice.

The police do not enforce the law when it comes to Arabs. Should I not be upset when I see and feel the injustice of this?

I understand that there are squatter's rights when they are legitimate. But when they are illegitimate, that person is a trespasser. A trespasser is a criminal. He should be put in jail so the public will know that trespassers go to jail.

I do not believe a person can fathom the pain of what trespassing does to me. The restraint that I bear goes beyond comprehension. I have been told by many not to trust the Israeli courts. I now understand why. It goes without saying: the courts and the government are responsible to protect the property rights of their citizens.

This is the primary function of the government. This is their duty and responsibility. They must provide for the safety and security of their citizens in Hebron, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or in Beit HaShalom and in Givat Hamatos.

Many of my of my acquaintances and friends keep telling me: Sell it and forget it!


The best answer I can give is that I love my children, I love my family and I love my people. I want them to have a home that they can come home to. We cannot allow Arabs to occupy our homes and our properties, to steal and rob our Land from us.


I want to help guarantee the survival of Israel."

(This article was first printed in the Jewish Press Magazine, Page M8, July 18, 2008 issue)

5. Sondra Oster Baras of the Shomron - a must see utube.  Unfortunately it is directed to Christian Friends of Israel Communities rather than Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.

Israel Kaplan writes:




Please watch this five minutes video prepared by an Israeli woman living in Samaria.

You may learn a few new things about the history and significance of this land.

Although the video is not touching on defense, I think you will clearly see how crucial it is for Israel,

particularly in view of recent events in Lebanon and Gaza.

Handing over Judea & Samaria means the certain demise of Israel!

  Side Note from Robin Ticker:  I once asked Herb Zweibon Chairman of Afsi why he does outreach to the Xtian Community regarding our entitlement of Israel, rather than convincing the Establishment Jewish Community.  He answered it is very satisfying dealing with the Xtian Community.  I understood from his answer the unspoken. 

I answered him that unless all of Am Yisroel is worthy of the Land of Israel, it doesn't really matter if we manage to convince the Non Jewish world and all the members of Congress of our entitlement.  If we as a nation reject our precious gift of Israel by giving her away without a protesty, if we act as if we do not desire the Land and the commandments that require the Land of Israel, than are we worthy of keeping her? 

Why wasn't this video directed to Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the OU, the Young Israel and Chabad International who have not made a public statement protesting a 2 State Solution that was proposed in 2002.

The Xtians believe in JC.  We do not.  That could be a major problem if they come forth with funding for partnering with the Israel Communities. We really do not wish to partner with JC.  It is we the Land of Israel and then YES there will be peace for all the Nations of the world, Jews and Non Jews as Hashem promised.In the time of the redemption the nations of the World will bring their gifts to Israel (feast of Tabernacles). It seems to me that first the Nation of Israel must unite in our desire to keep the Land of Israel, accept our status as a Mamlechet Cohanim and strive with all our heart and soul to keep the H-ly Commandments in the Torah.

6. Interfaith dialog canceled. Anti-Darwinists turned away by Israeli academia

This ynet story has been sent to you by Yakov Ticker

The people who canceled this are more worried about looking politically correct to atheist materialists than they are about finding a way to talk with Muslims and establishing a basis for peace between Israel and its neighbors.

21:29 , 07.15.08
Stood Up
Photo: AP Know your origin. Charles Darwin (Archives) Photo: AP
Anti-Darwinists turned away by Israeli academia

Turkish scientists receive last minute cancellation from Hebrew University who fears Jewish-Muslim reconciliation conference may give stage to anti-Darwinist propaganda
Avital Lahav

A group of Muslim religious scholars arriving from Turkey to participate in a reconciliation conference at the Hebrew University claim that the head of the Social Sciences Faculty refused to greenlight the event, calling it off in short notice. Professor Boaz Shamir, Dean of Social Sciences explained his decision citing the lack of proper coordination between the Students' Union, which was in charge of organizing the event, and the faculty's secretariat.


Receiving End

Israeli ambassador says Britain 'hotbed of anti-Israeli sentiment' / AFP

'Attempts by academics to boycott Israeli universities are against British values,' Ron Prosor writes in comment piece for the Daily Telegraph, 'I implore the British public to prevent the radical fringe from monopolizing British-Israeli discourse'
Full story

However, the correspondence received by Ynet has Prof. Shamir admitting that "we wouldn't have hosted an event supporting anti-Darwinist propaganda."


The Turkish lecturers arriving from Istanbul on a joint initiative between the research and scientific foundation they represent and the Interfaith Encounter Association, were planning to speak at the two Jewish-Muslim conferences at the Hebrew University's campus on Mount Scopus and at Tel Aviv University.


The speakers planned to talk about uniting between the two religions and denouncing Islamic terror - but also against Darwin's theory about The Origin of Species.


But someone at the university must have not liked the idea of giving the stage to a foundation that is busy spreading Creationism, not to mention the foundation president's negation of Darwinism in his books. Hence the cancellation notification received by Prof. Shamir a mere few hours before the event.


'University maintains radical image of Islam'

The dean excused the cancellation by telling the organizers that the conference could not be held in the faculty's building at any time. Later on in the correspondence, the organizers explained that the Darwinist theory had mistakenly been added to the program and that there was no intention of addressing it in the conference, but Prof. Shamir insisted on not hosting the event.


The foundation criticized the event's cancellation, claiming that "the Hebrew University chooses to maintain the radical image of Islam and is preventing us from spreading a message of peace. We see this as an undemocratic way of handling ideas."


The Turkish scholar's friend, Ehud Tokatly, was shocked by the university's stance, especially in light of Israel's struggle against the academic boycott, saying the university should apologize to the lecturers who made it all the way from Turkey to attend the conference: "Where will there be freedom of opinion if not in academia? These are two serious scientists and not some religious Taliban preachers."


Yehuda Stolov, founder and director of the Interfaith Encounter Association said that "the purpose (of the conference ) was to discuss collaboration between Muslims and Jews for peace and against terror. We had no plans of talking against Darwinism. Unfortunately, the anti-Darwinism made it by mistake into the list of topics on the electronic invitation, which in turn caused the cancellation of the event."


Kobi Nahshoni contributed to this report

Friday, July 25, 2008

5768.10.22 Israel the Land of My Possession cont.on Kuntar


5768.10. 22  22 Tamux cont,
Friday July  25th 2008

6. The death penalty for terrorists like Samir Kuntar.
7. Sami Al-Quntar - I Will Kill More Israelis

6. The death penalty for terrorists

Jul. 21, 2008

Shmuley Boteach , THE JERUSALEM POST

The sickening specter of a monster like Samir Kuntar being welcomed
home in Lebanon as a conquering hero should turn the stomachs of all
who repose faith in humanity. Even for a generation neutered to
horror stories, his crimes stand out. In April, 1979, after killing a
police officer and then shooting Danny Haran at close range in the
back in front of his four-year-old-daughter Einat, Kuntar proceeded
to smash the head of the little girl on beach rocks and then crushed
her skull with the butt of his rifle. The coup-de-grace was when, in
an attempt to hide her surviving child Yael from Kuntar, Smadar Haran
accidentally suffocated her while attempting to quiet her whimpering
so as not to reveal their hiding place.

I still remember, as a boy, encountering the rabbinical teaching that
humiliating someone in public is worse than actually killing them.
What? Worse than murder? Years later, it made sense to me. When you
embarrass someone, you make them wish they were dead. You have, in
effect, made them into their own murderer. This is the legacy of
Kuntar. True evil corrupts all around it and is capable of
transforming even the most loving mother into an accomplice to
murder. One can only imagine the anguish that Smadar Haran, who has
since thankfully remarried, feels as she watches Israel's northern
neighbor roll out the red carpet for the heartless killer who
exterminated her family.

But the bizarre story of the release of Kuntar does not end there and
includes the fact that while a prisoner in jail he married an Israeli
Arab woman who campaigned on his behalf. Although he later divorced
her, she was paid a monthly stipend by the government for being the
wife of an incarcerated prisoner.

All this would be comical if it were not so tragic.

IT IS time that we articulate what few wish to, namely, that Israel
must finally institute a death penalty for convicted terrorists.

To be sure, human life is of infinite value and every human being is
equally a child of God. No country upholds this statute more than
Israel, which is why it is prepared to set killers free just to
retrieve the bodies of its fallen soldiers. Israel could have
defeated Hizbullah and Hamas with ease had it not always limited its
overwhelming firepower to protect innocent civilians. A country this
virtuous naturally balks from putting anyone, even terrorists, to

But there exist those fiends whose crimes are so heinous that they
have erased the image of God from their countenance and have
forfeited any reasonable right to walk God's earth. Worse, keeping
terrorists alive in prison just invites further kidnappings of
innocent civilians and soldiers who are hunted down by Hamas and
Hizbullah to exchange for their terrorist brothers.

Here in the United States there is an impassioned and legitimate
debate as to the humanity and righteousness of the death penalty.
Those who argue against it maintain that mistakes are made and
innocent people are meted out the most severe and irreversible
punishment imaginable. They, of course, have a point. A moral society
shudders before it takes life and only does so when there is an
essential certainty that the defendant in question is guilty of
unspeakable crimes. Indeed, no major legal work has ever been harsher
on the death penalty than the Talmud which states: "A Sanhedrin which
kills once in seven years is considered murderous. Rabbi Elazar ben
Azariah said: Once in seventy years. Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon
said: If we had been in the Sanhedrin, no one would have ever been
killed..." (Mishna Makot 1:10).

BUT SURELy these humanitarian considerations do not, cannot, apply to
terrorists like Kuntar who infiltrate a country looking to dash
children's brains against rocks. And keeping them alive once they are
caught simply draws a bull's-eye on countless other innocent
civilians who become magnets for trade. This, of course, is exactly
what occurred with Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. Indeed, keeping
terrorist mass-murderers alive in prison bespeaks a contempt for
life, demonstrating as it does that civil societies lack the moral
courage to draw a line and declare that the lives of mass murderers,
after a fair and impartial trial, will always be forfeit.

Few Americans flinched when Timothy McVeigh was executed in June 2001
for having murdered 168 people in the Oklahoma City bombing six years
earlier. Israel itself put Adolf Eichmann to death in May 1962 for
being one of the supreme architects of the Holocaust. The allied
nations of the world came together to conduct the Nuremberg Trials of
major Nazi war criminals, hanging 10 of the convicted on October 16,
1946. Their purpose was to broadcast to all humanity the fate of
anyone who would ever attempt such crimes again.

As for those who argue that if Israel puts its terrorist captives to
death the same will be done to its soldiers once captured, I ask,
does anyone seriously believe that it would be otherwise? We once
believed that Goldwasser and Regev might likewise come home alive,
and for two years Hizbullah manipulated the emotions of the country
to believe just that. But like so many other Israeli prisoners before
them, they ultimately came home in a box.

I am not suggesting that Israel take unilateral action and simply
hang captured terrorists. They should be given a fair trial, just
like Kuntar, in which he was found guilty and sentenced to more than
500 years in prison. But once found guilty and allowed an appeal, if
their conviction is upheld, they must be executed.

There are times when a country must temporarily violate a principle
to ensure it is upheld. Police cars speed to catch those who
themselves speed on highways, thereby endangering other motorists.
Surgeons cut open people's chests with knives to save their blocked
arteries and stopped hearts. And just governments must sometimes take
the lives of unrepentant terrorist mass-murderers to protect and
uphold the infinite value of human life.

The writer is the international best-selling author of 20 books, most
recently The Broken American Male and How to Fix Him.


7. Sami Al-Quntar - I Will Kill More Israelis

Special Dispatch | No. 1999 | July 23, 2008
Lebanon/ Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project
Released Lebanese Terrorist Samir Al-Quntar Vows to Fight Under Hizbullah:
Allah Willing, I Will Kill More Israelis

Following are excerpts from TV programs with released Lebanese terrorist
Samir Al-Quntar, which aired on various TV channels in July 2008.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

Al-Manar TV, July 16, 2008
Samir Al-Quntar: "The weapon of a position that has been turned into a
culture builds the homeland of the resistance. It has become the culture of
the generations that will realize the dream of annihilating that plundering
entity. Allow me to commemorate a great legendary commander, the martyred
hero and mujahid 'Imad Mughniya. I would like to say just one thing: Hajj
'Imad, we will only be worthy of the blood you sacrificed when we force this
enemy to long for your times." [...]
Al-Manar TV, July 17, 2008
"At this time yesterday, I was in the hands of the enemies. This time
yesterday, I was still in their hands. But right now, there is nothing I'd
like more than to face them again. I ask Allah to make this happen very
soon. Whoever thinks that the liberation of the Shaba' Farms of the Lebanese
lands can bring an end to this conflict is deluded. Take my word for it.
Even if we let them be, they will not let us be." [...]

Al-Jadid TV, July 18, 2008
Samir Al-Quntar: "There is a disease in this region called 'the state of
Israel,' which we refer to as 'the plundering entity.' If we do not put an
end to this disease, it will follow us, even if we flee to the end of the
world. So it's better to get rid of it." [...]

Al-Manar TV, July 17, 2008
Samir Al-Quntar: "If we consider the history of the conflict... When you
read books written by the Zionists about the wars of 1967, 1948, and 1973,
you feel that no value was attributed to the lives of the Arabs. Arab
soldiers would fall, others would go missing in action... There was a kind
of disdain for their lives. This was evident in the lack of seriousness in
dealing with cases of Egyptians, Lebanese, and others who went missing in
action in the conflict with the plundering entity.

"Hizbullah, however, has been searching for missing people - martyred or
alive. They had no reason to carry out a capturing operation for my sake
other than their belief in the value of human life. I remember that
Secretary-General [Nasrallah] once said: 'If Samir Al-Quntar is in prison,
it means Lebanon in its entirety is in prison.' This reflects the value of
human life...

"Today, everybody talks about human rights, democracy, and modern
development... Human rights begin here - in caring for the individual in
society. The individual is everything. To be honest, we used to envy our
enemy - how it would go to the end of the world in order to retrieve a body,
and how it was ready to go all the way to free one of its captured soldiers.
Today, Allah be praised, we have the resistance, which retrieves the bodies
of the martyrs, and every single prisoner. It does not leave prisoners in
jail or bodies in the hands of the enemies." [...]

Al-Jadid TV, July 21, 2008
Sheikh 'Atallah Hamoud, head of the Lebanese Society for Prisoners and
Released Prisoners: "This is a gift from the Islamic resistance to the
liberated hero, Lt.-Col. Samir Al-Quntar. Mujahideen like Samir Al-Quntar
and his brothers do not care about themselves, because they have dedicated
themselves to the resistance, the cause, and the homeland."

Narrator: "The special gift from the resistance merged with the words of
Al-Quntar, who vowed that his gun would play a role in avenging the blood of
the martyrs."

Samir Al-Quntar: "This is the most beautiful gift, except for freedom
itself. I'd like to salute the Islamic resistance and Secretary-General
Nasrallah for their trust. First, this is the Islamic resistance's way of
reaffirming their faith in me as a fighter. Second, this gun will play a
role, Allah willing, in avenging the blood of 'Imad Mughaniya." [...]

Future TV, July 22, 2008

Samir Al-Quntar: "If you are asking whether I killed Israelis - I did, Allah
be praised."

Interviewer: "Including children?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "No. I am proud of this, and Allah willing, I will get the
chance to kill more Israelis. As for the children, that's another story. A
girl was killed during the operation, in the crossfire. In all the
operations that involved capturing Israeli hostages, the hostages were
killed by the bullets of the Israeli forces. In the operation of Dalal
Al-Maghrabi, the [Israelis] fired like crazy on the bus, and killed a large
number of Jewish hostages. In the Ma'alot operation, hostages were taken at
a high school. [The Israelis] used anti-tank missiles to storm the school,
killing many. The same thing happened in my operation. When we fired at
them, in response to their fire, they began shooting in our direction like
crazy. They are the ones who killed the hostages."


Interviewer: "What did you study [while in prison]?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Social studies and humanities."

Interviewer: "Did you complete your master's degree?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "No. I tried and took six courses, but they stopped it,
saying it was forbidden. Other brothers completed their master's degree, but
they prevented me personally from doing so, for reasons unknown to me."

Interviewer: "Are you considering completing your master's?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "No. Allah willing, I will do a different one."

Interviewer: "In what?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "A master's degree in resistance."

Interviewer: "What form will it take?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Military..."

Interviewer: "So Samir Al-Quntar is declaring tonight that..."

Samir Al-Quntar: "I've already declared this."

Interviewer: "You declared that you would be a member of the resistance, but
today you are declaring that you will be a resistance fighter, and that you
will carry out military missions for the resistance."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Without the slightest doubt."

Interviewer: "The Islamic resistance?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Is that a done deal?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. I say it three

Al-Jazeera TV, July 19, 2008
Samir Al-Quntar: "At 02:00, they asked us to prepare for departure. When we
left, the Israeli media filled the corridor, taking pictures of us. They
wanted us to wear clothes that they brought over. These clothes were so
ridiculous that anybody seeing us wearing them would burst into laughter, no
matter what."

Interviewer: "What kind of clothes?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Long underwear..."

Interviewer: "Do you mean pajamas?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "If only they were pajamas... I asked the brothers to wait.
I called the man in charge over and said to him: We will not go out in these
clothes. I gave them back to him. He said it was not his decision, and I
said: So call off the deal. I said: Call off the deal. We are returning to
our cells. He said to me: You've waited 30 years, and now you want to call
off the deal over this? I said to him: Yes. They started making calls, and
then the warden came. I said to him: I want you to call off the deal
immediately. We are returning to our cells. He had told me there was a
decision that we must wear these clothes. I told him that we have maintained
our honor for 30 years, and we refuse to be humiliated in the last half
hour. When they realized we were serious about this, they started making
calls, and eventually, they backed down. Then we left in a long convoy..."

Interviewer: "So you defeated them even at the last minute."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Yes."


Interviewer: "To the best of your knowledge, who made the decision to
assassinate you?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "The decision was made by a senior officer, who was the
head of the research division of military intelligence. His name is Amos
Gilad. Today he is a very influential advisor, and his decisions are passed
easily in the Defense Ministry - the Zionist Ministry of War. He made the
decision, and I think it has political backing. As for me, I vow to make
them pay the price for my martyrdom in advance."


Interviewer: "Brother Samir, we would like to celebrate your birthday with
you. You deserve even more than this. I think that 11,000 prisoners - if
they can see this program now - are celebrating your birthday with you.
Happy birthday, brother Samir."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Thank you."

Interviewer: "Go ahead... There is a picture here... If the camera can show
this... Let's cut it... Does the camera show this clearly or not? We have a
picture here... This is the sword of the Arabs, Samir. Don't cut the
picture, cut on the side."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Here's Abu Qassam [Marwan Barghouti]."

Interviewer: "Marwan is here."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Abu Qassam is here with Ahmad Sa'dat. That's our prison

Interviewer: "This one?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "Yes."

Interviewer: "What is the warden's name?"

Samir Al-Quntar: "His name is... Never mind."

Interviewer: "This is when you were released. Here you are with Wafiq Safa."

Samir Al-Quntar: "Yes, this is Wafiq Safa. This is the most beautiful
picture - with Hassan Nasrallah. This is the most beautiful picture. There
cannot be anything more beautiful. Me and the secretary-general - the most
beautiful picture of me ever taken."

For assistance, please contact MEMRI at memri@memri.org.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,
non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle
East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background
information, are available on request.

MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with
proper attribution.

P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077


Thursday, July 24, 2008

5768.10.21 Israel the Land of My Possession Eli Hertz,Rabbi Nachman Kahane, PMW Blood Libel, Shdema Update, Tisha Baav Flier for the USA

21 Tamuz 5768
Thursday, July 24th, 2008 
1. The 86th Anniversary of the "Mandate for Palestine"
2. Parashat Matot 5768  Rabbi Nachman Kahane
3. Palestinian Authority libel:  Israel's supernatural rats chase away Jerusalem's Arabs
4. SHDEMA has been in Jewish hands for a week!! from Ruth and Nadia Matar
5. Tisha Baav Flier to be distributed in the Diaspora. Please read, print, make copies and distribute
1. The 86th Anniversary of the "Mandate for Palestine"
From: Eli E. Hertz
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:36 AM
Subject: The 86th Anniversary of the "Mandate for Palestine"


The 86th Anniversary of the
"Mandate for Palestine"

July 24, 2008 | Eli E. Hertz

86 years ago - on July 24, 1922, the League of Nations (equivalent to today's UN) published the historical document "Mandate for Palestine" that laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine - the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law.

The "Mandate for Palestine" was not a naive vision briefly embraced by the international community. Fifty-one member countries - the entire League of Nations - unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:

"Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."

It is important to note that political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the same League of Nations in four other mandates - in Lebanon and Syria [The French Mandate], Iraq, and later Trans-Jordan [The British Mandate].

Any attempt to negate the Jewish people's right to Palestine - Eretz-Israel, and to deny them access and control in the area designated as the Jewish National Home by the League of Nations is a serious infringement of international law.

Those claiming that Jewish settlements in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea are illegally occupied, should answer just one simple question: In 1922 Jewish settlements were perfectly legal - What has changed?

For the entire commentary please click The Mandate for Palestine.


Palestinian Media Watch

Palestinian Authority libel: 
Israel's supernatural rats
chase away Jerusalem's Arabs
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
The Palestinian Authority has come up with yet another wild accusation about Israel. Two PA newspapers - one directly controlled by the office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas - are accusing Israel of releasing rats with  supernatural qualities to chase away the Arab residents of Jerusalem.
 According to the PA papers, the Israeli-Jerusalem rat is:
1. Immune to rat poison;
2. Aggressive and larger than usual;
3. Unafraid of cats and able to scare them away;
4. Highly fertile -- female rat gives birth to 140 babies a year, four times the normal average;
5. Highly selective -- Jewish residents of Jerusalem apparently are not affected by these rats. 
Israel's goal, the libelous PA articles accuse, is "to turn the residents' life into a living hell, forcing them to leave." Interestingly, the articles do not mention how the rats are trained to differentiate between Jewish and Arab residents of Jerusalem.
The following are the two stories:
"...one of the most amazing things that we've read during this month is that [Israeli] settlers have been bringing chests filled with rats and releasing them in the Old City's [Arab] neighborhoods; they breed and have become a major curse... the [Arab] residents' efforts to counter this infestation have failed, especially since cats run away from these rats because of their size and ferocity... All of the conventional efforts to kill them have not succeeded, because they seem to be immune to poison and they breed in the sewers. It is known that this female rat gives birth seven times a year, each time giving birth to 20 babies; which compels Jerusalem's [Arabs] today to face the dangers of settlement and the infestation of rats..." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, controlled by the office of Mahmoud Abbas, July 18, 2008]
"Large numbers of [Israeli] settlers have been bringing huge cages full of rats and releasing them onto the streets and alleys of the Old City [Jerusalem]...in order to turn the [Arab] residents' life into a living hell, forcing then to leave..." [Al-Ayyam, July 17, 2008]
Creating libels against Israel is a pivotal aspect of the Palestinian Authority's incitement to hatred against Israel and Jews. PMW reported earlier this month that the PA media were accusing Israel of conducting Nazi-like experiments on Palestinan prisoners (LINK).

BS"D Parashat Matot 5768

Yesterday, on the way to my bet knesset in the northern section of the Old City, I was approached by one of the local Arabs, who does not know that I know that his mother was Jewish, and with a deep look of concern on his face asked me, "Harav, Ma Yehiyeh?" (what will be?)

I sat on a chair next to him, and in my mind quickly went over the things which I was not going to tell him. So I innocently replied that life is like a train ride: one has the ability to decide in which car he wishes to sit, if he wants to nap or read a paper etc., but has no control over the direction or the speed of the train.

So too, with us mortal beings, we have freedom of choice in the limited environment which HaShem permits us, but the big picture is in His Hands.

This Arab (Jew) than proceeded to tell me what a huge mistake the Prime Minister made when he freed live murderers in return for dead bodies. To which I did not reply, in keeping with my principle of not criticizing our government in front of our enemies or in front of people who do not live in Eretz Yisrael.

But what, indeed, does HaShem have in store for His people, and what does this have to do with the parasha?

The first thing one has to be aware of is that the Creator is not timid or shy. As the ultimate being, He does not have to answer to anyone.

When Adam and Chava sinned in Gan Eden,HaShem declared that from that time on all humanity would ultimately die, without thought that because just one man and woman sinned, billions to come would have to die.

When the generation of Noach crossed the red line of misconduct, HaShem did not hesitate to destroy all the flora, fauna and Mankind (saving but a minute remnant for future sinning.)

HaShem did not hesitate to destroy the flourishing societies of Sodom and Amora and their three sister cities, after examining their perverted legal systems.

HaShem did not waver before the millions of Egyptian first born and heads of families, when He sent the Angel of death to their homes; nor did He hesitate to crash down the thrashing waters of the Red Sea on the army of Paro.

HaShem showed no favoritism to the sinner when He destroyed the generation of Jews who did not want to enter the holy land of Eretz Yisrael.

After stretching the midat harachamim (the quality of mercy) to its elastic limits, HaShem destroyed the two Ba'tay Mikdash (Temples) and exiled His sons and daughters to the four corners of the planet.

HaShem is righteous and merciful in all He does, but history has proven that there are limits even to His infinite goodness.

With our ability to review Jewish history, with all its convolutions and contradictions, one can say in hindsight that a process of winnowing was put into effect and executed in the various lands of our galut experiences.

The object of this filtering is that at a precise time known only to HaShem, He will have before Him a generation of the 'spiritually fittest', which will be capable of fulfilling the purpose for which He created the world.

The Shoah was a stage in this process of screening, as is assimilation and intermarriage today.

A major stage of this pruning process of the spiritually fittest is the decision to leave the galut of one's birth and return home to our land, albeit beset with difficulties and threatened by enemies.

But the process does not stop at the doorstep of Eretz Yisrael, it continuous even here.

The Hebrew word for one who leaves the land is Yored (one who has gone down), when in reality the word is Murad (one who was taken down), for as stated above HaShem's process of screening continues - even here.

Events of the near future will create an environment of apprehension bordering on trepidation. All those who do not possess an irrational love for Eretz Yisrael will find reason to leave. The three hundred and fifty thousands of non-Jews who entered the country under the absurd Law of Return, will indeed return to Russia and its elsewhere.

Arabs who value their lives will run away, as they did in 1948.

Many bnei Torah will leave because the tension will interfere with their learning. I was witness to this during the three week period prior to the Six Day War while living in Kiryat Sanz, in Netanya, when taxi after taxi would drive up to whisk away the future scholars to the safety of the land of the upheld torch beckoning to all who are tired and "yearning to be free."

Those who will merit to remain and be partners in HaShem's greatest miracles are those who have within them the gift of courage and idealism forged through 3500 years of Jewish experience.

This is what incited Moshe Rabbeinu's wrath at the tribes of Reuven and Gad when they requested that their homestead be in the eastern side of the Jordan River. The eastern side is as much a part of Eretz Yisrael as is the western side. Indeed had they requested their homestead in any area of what is today Lebanon, Syria, most of Iraq or the Sinai Peninsula they would have been in Eretz Yisrael. Moshe's anger was directed at what he understood to be the tribe's reluctance to participate in the military effort to liberate the western side of the land, as he requested from them:

(Bamidbar 32:6)

åéàîø îùä ìáðé âã åìáðé øàåáï äàçéëí éáàå ìîìçîä åàúí úùáå ôä:

And Moshe said to the children of Gad and to the children of Reuven shall your brothers go out to war and you will stay here?!

Moshe then made the fulfillment of their request dependent on the condition that they serve as the first line of fighters in the battles to liberate the western side.

This is the criterion for the future. Those who endanger themselves for the good of the nation will merit to inherit the land. Those who circumvent and elude their responsibilities will be expelled and not permitted to share in the future.

We human beings, whose life is as long as a fleeting bird or the wisp of a cloud, say to ourselves, "Yesterday was a bad day, tomorrow will be better." We can even say, "Last week was not so good, next week will be better." No rational person would say seriously, "The past 10 years were not so good, the next 10 years will be better."

However, HaShem, whose patience is eternal, says, according to the Zohar, that HaShem creates and destroys worlds, "This world is unsatisfactory, the next one will be better."

So HaShem certainly says, "This generation is not up to par, the next one will be better."

This is the reality we see in our lives. A winnowing of people and generations, until the appropriate one is born.

The right generation is the one which is comprised of lovers of God, His Torah, and mitzvot. People dedicated to settling the land, people of integrity and righteousness whose love of fellow Jew is unquestionable. People who are willing to give their lives for the integrity of HaShem's promise that this land belongs to the sons and daughters of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov. People who stand up at the sound of the siren on our holy soldiers' Memorial day, and visit the military cemeteries to say kaddish and reunite with the memories of fathers, brothers, sons, uncles and brothers in arms.

Look around. You will see them with their knitted kipot, with M16s over their shoulders, returning at night from a shiur by the rosh yeshiva, who also happens to be a senior officer in Tzahal.

Rarely, if ever, has the Jewish nation brought forth a quality generation like this. Sons and daughters who, after 2000 years of galut and the unspeakable Shoah, declare in word and deed, that whatever Ha'Shem, in His unbounded wisdom brings upon us, their faith in the avowed destiny of our nation, as expressed by the holy prophets, will never be in doubt.

Shabbat Shalom Nachman Kahane

4. SHDEMA has been in Jewish hands for a week!!


Development in Shdema:


We feel that the pressure is starting to work. There are developments that we hope, please G-d, will turn out to be positive ones .We believe that thosedevelopments are a direct result of  the increased activity in Shdema organized by the Committee for a Jewish Shdema and many friends who have joined the struggle.


Over the past week, members of the Committee for a Jewish Shdema have arrived  daily to Shdema to show a Jewish presence. Every day we encountered the same, new phenomena: the IDF was there with a military order declaring the area a closed military zone. Every day they updated the order. Thanks to this, Arabs and anarchists have not been allowed up to Shdema for a week already.  The paintings and graffiti that we put up last week are still there, Baruch Hashem. We can thus say that over the past week, Shdema has been in Jewish hands!


Now it is of utmost importance to increase even more the trips to Shdema, to keep arriving with different groups and  have a massive show of Jewish presence.




Please bring water and comfortable walking shoes.


9:30 am  we leave from Kiryat Arba

10:00 am we leave from the southern Efrat gate

10:30  we leave from Har Choma


please order your seats by calling 0505-500834 or 0505777254 or 02-9961292

 The Committee for a Jewish Shdema

5. Tisha Baav Flier


9 Av 5768

This Tisha Baav -  3 years since the destruction of Gush Katif


Do you share in their ongoing pain????

Do you share in the pain of the people of Sderot????


Will we allow the same thing to happen to Yehudah and Shomron the home of over 200,000 Jews?

Will we allow the entire Israel to suffer the fate of Sderot?


How dare we remain silent???


If you ask  "But what can we do other that Daven and say Tehillim?  Aren't we powerless especially living here in America?"


Our answer is No!.  We are not grasshoppers.  Each and every Jew, man women and child CAN DO something to end the silence.


In 1942 the Jewish Establishment knew of the Holocaust and remained Silent. 


Will our generation follow in their footsteps and the footsteps of the Miraglim????


Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel, and Lubavitch Headquarters need to hear our voices cry out for Eretz Yisroel!


Will our inaction and indifference for the precious gift of Eretz Yisroel be the CAUSE of the pain and suffering of our brothers in Yehuda and the Shomron.


Contact these organizations and their Rabbinical advisors! They give the directives to their people in Washington DC. (See back of this page)

As a member of the Jewish community insist that their Washington offices proclaim publicly and with strength, the first Rashi of Breishit:


 The entire Land belongs to G-d and G-d chooses to whom to give the Land. 

Say NO to Land for Peace initiatives! Say No to a 2 State Solution!

Say NO to terror and releasing of terrorists!


The Promised Land and its delineated borders in the Torah belongs with the Jews and we must observe the Torah.  This and only this will bring peace and prosperity to mankind.


Aloh Naaleh Veyarashnu Osah Ki Yachol Nuchal La!  Bamidbar 13:30

The cry of Calev ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua Ben Nun must be heard louder and clearer. Contact information for these organizations on back side.

Page 2



Contact information for Orthodox Jewish Organizations and the White House:


Agudath Yisroel  of America 
  42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
  Tel 212-797-9000    Fax: (212) 254-1600

* The Council of Young Israel  Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
   111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
   Tel: 212-929-1525    Fax: 212-727-9526

* The Orthodox Union
  11 Broadway,
  New York, NY 10004
  Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

*  Chabad Headquarters
   770 Eastern Parkway
   Brooklyn, NY 11213
  Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

-MAIL President USA

FAX: (202) 456-2461
PHONE: (leave a message for the President) (202) 456-1414