From: ted ackerman <>
Date: Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:03 AM
Subject: Fw: Solving the Middle East Problem
A great way to solve the problems in the Middle East.
Shemittah, the Jewish Sabbatical year, brings security and blessing. The Torah says keeping this Mitzvah will prevent disaster and exile. Shemittah is Shabbat LaHashem. A taste of the World to Come. Learn about one womens quest for knowledge and rediscovery of this long lost Mitzvah according to the simple Torah reading of the text found in the beginning posts of this blog.
A great way to solve the problems in the Middle East.
"He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel Will Ultimately
Become Cruel to the Compassionate"
Contemporary Lessons from an Ancient Midrash
This paper was published as ACPR's Policy Paper No. 124 (2001)
Verses from the book occur in modern daily Chinese idioms and phrases, such as the last verse of Chapter 3:
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
The PLO-UN Axis of Evil: Part II
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
The PLO in Lebanon
When the Palestine Liberation Organization entered Lebanon in 1970 (after having been expelled from Jordan), they tipped the power-sharing arrangement between Christians, Muslims, and Druze in favor of the Muslims. The PLO was therefore a major cause of the civil war that followed. The war lasted from 1975 to 1990 and resulted in more than 100,000 civilian fatalities. British journalist Patrick Sills of the London Observer filed a report on the war. To dramatize the world's reaction to this fratricidal war, my friend Eliyahu Amiqam of blessed memory decided to publish a running commentary on Sill's report:*
[Sill writes]: "In the corners of the streets of Beirut, small children exhibit bottles which contain human ears dunked in acid, like pickles or artichokes in vinegar. Bodies are lying in the streets immersed in their coagulated blood, some lacking their procreative organs, which were cut off and put in acid for exhibition by children…."
This report [Amiqam remarks] was printed not in June 1982, during Israel's Operation Peace for Galilee [to stop the PLO from bombing Jewish towns]. [Sill's report] was printed on January 25, 1976, during the Civil War in Lebanon. We read further: "The number of those killed and wounded, and worse than anything, the kidnapped whose fate was usually horrible and awesome, [had already] reached about 40,000, with both sides [Muslim and Christian Arabs] competing between themselves for the most ferocious actions. Complete villages were pillaged, set on fire, and all their populations eliminated. The Palestinian terrorists were the most extreme and cruelly vicious of all...."
[Now Amiqam asks:] What did the world say at that time to this frightening situation? Nothing. What did Pope Paul VI say when nuns were raped in front of their parents and brothers and afterwards had their elbows cut? His holiness did not say anything. He was busy at the time protesting against the construction that was going on in Jerusalem. [Shades of Barack Obama, busy protesting against housing construction in eastern Jerusalem while Iran persisted in its nuclear weapons program!]
What did the world do at that time to stop the carnage and the horror in Lebanon? Nothing. But six years later [during Israel's "Operation Peace for Galilee"], the world saw various attempts [by the United States and Western Europe] to allow the [PLO] terrorists to remain in their positions where they had succeeded in destroying Lebanon, slaughtering tens of thousands of its population, while establishing a central base for exporting murder on a worldwide scale [all this with the arms of the Soviet Union, the money of Saudi Arabia, the military cooperation of Syria, and the diplomatic patronage of Egypt].
Amiqam goes on to say: "Until then everything was just fine in Lebanon. The disaster started only after the Jewish army [of Israel] entered Lebanon and began its 'genocide' and its 'final solution' to the Palestinian problem. Now [all of a sudden] the world showed on TV screens the pictures of war, the killing and destruction, the mothers fleeing with their children in their arms."
The "world" in this context is the one influenced by the mendacious media of the United States and Western Europe, which denigrated Israel and portrayed the Jew as the villain, more monstrous and ugly than any other.
And so it has happened in Gaza. For eight years the PLO-Palestinian Authority, including Hamas, fired some 10,000 rockets into Israeli towns, killing and wounding and traumatizing thousands of Jewish men, women, and children. What did the democratic world do about this brutal violation of human rights? Nothing. What did the United Nations do about this ongoing violation of human rights? Nothing. It was only after Israel launched "Operation Cast Lead" to protect its people that the United Nations suddenly became concerned about human rights. Only after Israel was defeating Hamas in Gaza did the UN become conscious of human rights to the extent of denouncing Israel for violating the rights of Arabs used by Hamas as human shields.
Returning to the PLO in Lebanon, I must point out that the kinsmen of the Muslims mentioned by Sills and Amiqam will be found in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza—the "Palestinians." These are the same Palestinians who have used children as human bombs, yes, the same poor Palestinians for whom Europeans and Americans burn incense and give billions. This Indiscriminate humanitarianism absolves these Palestinians of any responsibility for their miserable condition; it dehumanizes them. Never mind their inhumanity and the inhumanity of those they have elected as their leaders. But if we recall, as previously documented, their wretchedness before, and their prosperity after, Israel gained control of the so-called West Bank, it's fair to say that the billions poured into the coffers of the Palestinians will not humanize them, if only because economics does not trump the implacable ethos of Islam, of which we have only touched the surface.
Having recounted the savagery of the PLO in Lebanon, we must now explore their accomplishments. We first note that it was Fatah, the most professional killers of the PLO, who trained Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The training took place in Lebanon's Bekka Valley in the 1970s. Strange that the PLO, Sunni Muslims, should train Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Shiite Muslims whose most notorious member is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Michael Ledeen rightly ascribes to Ahmadinejad a love of death or necrophilia. This Muslim despot used thousands of Iranian children to walk over and explode mine-fields in the Iran-Iraq War.
This paganism is evident in the PLO-Palestinian Authority which used children as human bombs to kill Jews—a practice more ghastly than the sacrifice of children by the ancient Canaanites. The Palestinians certainly have no cultural immunity to necrophilia—and this alone demonstrates that they do not merit independent statehood, quite apart from the fact that the "Palestinian People" is a fraud: a waxwork Venus de Milo with arms.
* Yediot Aharanot, June 18, 1982, cited in, and adapted from, Chaim Zimmerman, Torah and Existence (Jerusalem: A.A.E. Inc., 1986), 349-350. Note that Israel entered Lebanon on June 6, 1982 to suppress PLO shelling of the Galilee.
So far, the vote is about 2 to 1 in favor - but with only 700 votes - so yours will make a big difference!!
From: Agudath Israel's Weekly Window [] On Behalf Of Agudath Israel's Weekly Window
Sent: September-23-11 3:25 PM
Subject: Thank you, Mr. President
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