Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Judicial Reform and the IDF


Lichvod Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith and Rabbi Shimon Chyrek, Shlita

Thank you for all that you do and have done on behalf of Am Yisroel. 

I read the week's roundup

Week's Roundup - How to understand high intensity conflicts and the Marxist phony dialectics they serve - Case Study - Israeli Judicial Reform

listened to the video regarding justice reform.

Case study - Judicial Reform in Israel: How Marxist Phony Dialectics Divert us from G-d & our fellow

 I hear the argument that evil forces, (Rabbi Smith calls it Marxist Communism phony dialectic), controls both sides. 

I agree that the leftist anti judicial reform comes from a desire to control Israel.

I agree that Netanyahu is compromised and his agenda is not searching for Truth and Justice but rather simply to keep himself in power. He has lied to both sides. He too is a puppet.

I would suggest to continue your work namely that fighting for Truth and Justice based on Torah and yearning for Malchut Shamayim, and working to educate  the world regarding observing the Sheva Mitzvoth Bnei Noach and Universal morality, is the way to move forward.

Rabbi Smith In the past, spoke out powerfully against getting bogged down with all the scary news out there such as dangers facing  humanity via scientifically genetically modifying humans etc...

Rabbi Smith  said that Marxist Communist phony dialectics infiltrates both sides to create disunity and war.

Let us do a Paradigm shift.

Hashem has empowered both the leftists and Netanyahu.

Rabbi Smith suggested in the past, not to take either side  and not to fear all the terrible news that points to either side under the influence of the side of evil.  

 I remember writing back that indeed we need to acknowledge their great power to do evil but at the same time say Ein Od Milvado. 

The same with the 2 political forces fighting for and against Judicial Reform.

Bh for Torah. Torah will dissipate the evil.

I would like to see a G-dly force of people seeking  Truth and justice as defined by Torah  and Halacha. We need leaders like yourself to lead and focus on Truth and Justice and the Sheva Mitzvoth.  Torah is the only answer and the only true Justice Reform that could exist untainted by  external evil forces.

Powerful political forces have infiltrated the IDF military and private companies in Israel and Israeli government and educational institutions etc....and they are rebelling against Hashem.  We need to fight back. 

 This unfortunately probably will backlash big time as we see in the case with the media and courts and IDF and Police and prosecution framing  Settler hilltop youth with slander and blood libels attempting to destroy them them with character assassination in the media painting a false narrative of  "Jewish terrorism".

From their perspective, Torah fighting Jews are the most dangerous people out there. Especially the ones that demand courts based on Torah.

The creme de la creme, idealistic Hilltop Youth bh can not be easily bought. Of course evil forces try their best to infiltrate and since that doesn't work that well have resorted to framing, provoking, torture, blood libels and slander.

Let us collectively stand up against their immoral blood libels and Administrative Detention and unlawful incarceration. Let us not be afraid  to base our arguments  on Torah for Jew and Non Jew. Let us somehow educate the world to emulate Almighty G-d and His Attributes and that Torah is looking for Truth and Justice and mercy and Righteousness not only for Jews but for non Jews alike..

Both Jews and non Jews need real evidence of wrongdoing before locking anyone up under the pretext they are dangerous and ticking time bombs based on the say so of enemies from within or without who have no case to speak of...

 Torturing  Arabs to extract confession is not permissible.

Moshiach will usher an era of Peace and Prosperity. Wasn't the Sanhedrin stationed in the Bais HaMikdash on Temple Mount in the H-ly Temple itself?   Didn't Yisro suggest a court of righteous judges and discouraged Moshe Rabbeinu from judging alone? 

Is Moshiach a pre requisite for the Sanhedrin or is the yearning for Hoshiva Shofteinu a prerequisite for Moshiach?

Regarding the IDF and Sheirut Leumi a similar situation. Let us teach what a kosher Jewish army is about. How must a Jewish soldier act?

The Jews were counted in the Midbar according to Yotzei Tzava. 20-60.  

Surely then Hashem supports a Jewish Army. Countless examples in Tanach.  Shevet Gad and Reuvein, Shirat Devora all called for the entire nation to participate in the conquering of the land. What about the Mitzvoth DOrayta incumbent  on a Jewish soldier. Surely there wouldn't be any such mitzvoth if a Jewish army is a bad thing ?

True the IDF has been infiltrated. But we still need a jewish army. We cant throw out the baby with the bathwater. We need to educate re Torah and Halacha when it comes to fighting our enemies.

Let us not be afraid to speak out for a Torah units in the IDF that do not brainwash its soldiers and for a prototype Torah State in Judea and Samaria run by Torah Law with militias and the ability to successfully defend ourselves from enemy attackers.

The present situation has deteriorated placing the Jews living in Judea and Samaria in real danger, in Hebrew, Sakonas nefoshos.

Being cruel to the merciful, namely cruel toward innocent hilltop settlers, and merciful to the cruel, namely attacking Arabs, for political brownie points, is against Torah and also against common sense and standard military protocol.

Hashem Oz leAmo Yiten. 

I think you will appreciate this
Essay by Rabbi YY Jacobson 
Why Israel Must Reclaim Its Soul Now

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Feb 15, 2015, 8:42 AM
Subject: Protecting Our Girls by Jonathan Rosenblum Motzei Shem Ra on Sheirut Leumi?
To: <>, ....


Rabbi Rosenblum writes:  Mishpacha 22 Shevat 5775/February 11, 2015 page 27

"No issue was fought more passionately by Israel's chareidi community in the 1950s than the national service for women. The gedolim of Eretz Yisrael ruled that attempts to enlist women of draft age even in nonmilitary, national service frameworks, created a prohibition of yehareg v'al yaavor - one must give up his life rather than transgress.

Prime Minister Golda Meir once asked Rav Yaakov Kamentesky why the gedolim so strongly forbade the national service option for women. Rab Yaakov replied that no unmarried, young woman may ever be subject to the authority of someone other than her father, and especially not someone who is not shomer mitzvos.

I'm pretty confident that Golda Meir found that particular explanation more than a little implausible, old-fashioned and unduly suspicious of the behavior of the IDF commanders.

My friend and mentor Rabbi Shmuel  Kuperwasser pointed out to me last week more confirmation - not that any was needed - that the old rabbis were not naive. In the past year, seven high-ranking police commanders have resigned amidst scandal - four in bribery scandals and three in cases involving harassment of female employees often many such employees - under their command. A fourth district commander is also under investigation on harassment charges.

Inspector General Yohanan Danino admits that "the police department is in need of root canal work." And indeed the series of scandals has badly shaken public trust in the police. But at least it should have reinforced public trust in the rabbanim."

Dear Editor and Mr. Rosenblum, 

Were these Sheirut Leumi girls?

This is my first hand knowledge of Sheirut Leumi. '

I lived in Kiryat Arbain the 1980s and the Kindergartens, schools,  Matnas and Medrasha depended on Sheirut Leumi for their operation for the benefit of the community.  It would have been very difficult to pay for these much needed services otherwise.  Are you implying that working in schools, kindergartens, Medrasha, Matnas etc. can be dangerous to our girls?  

On a very personal level, my daughter had a very positive Sheirut Leumi experience working for L''Maan Achai in Beit Shemesh servicing also the Chareidi community helping out in a Moadon for young girls ages 7-12 who came from disadvantaged homes.  Twice a week she cooked lunch and the rest of the time she was a big sister to some of these girls and other times worked in the after school Moadon.  Her co worker supervisor was a marriedChareidi Breslov women with a large family, a wonderful role model and friend for my daughter.  My daughter also became close to many of the office staff (female) who befriended her etc.  I am sure she also came in contact with males, who ran the program, like a sweet elderly volunteer gentleman of L'Maan Achai who always sampled her meals and complemented her on them or perhaps those who advised on how to handle finances in a responsible manner as he advised the clients of L'maan Achai.  

My daughter also helped with distribution of Mishloach Manot and Kimche D'Pischa.

I'm not quite sure how this environment is any different than any Chareidi charitable organization and I am very upset that you are portraying Sheirut Leumi in a blanket negative light. 

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the girls involved in the police scandal were indeed from Sheirut Leumi?????

In addition, Motzei Shem Ra seemed to be the case also with the Chareidi Draft.


According to Rav Yisachar Shiomo Teichtal, a Torah giant, the Holocaust, to which he himself fell victim, was very much a consequence of the failure of Europe's orthodox Jewish leaders to heed the teachings of the Prophets and the Sages to redeem Eretz Yisrael when even Gentiles—recall the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations—supported the return of the Jews to their ancient homeland. He blames rabbis who, by denouncing secular Zionism and opposing immigration to Israel—aliya—discouraged Jews from fulfilling their sacred obligation to return to and rebuild the Land of Israel and thereby sanctify God's Name.

Fleeing from the Nazis, and writing in 1943 without books and while Jews were perishing around him, Rav Teichtal composed an extraordinary work entitled Eim Habanim Semeichah (A Joyous Mother of Children)2 There he cites an incredible number of Torah, Talmudic, and post-Talmudic sources showing that "the purpose of our afflictions is to arouse us to return to Eretz Yisrael." These sources all speak of the crucial importance of the Holy Land. They show that the redemption of the Jewish people can only take place in the Land of Israel. 

Rav Teichtal goes further. Contrary to what he had learned from contemporary rabbis and had himself believed prior to the Holocaust, he shows that the secular Zionists were deserving of great praise; for even though they denied the Torah, they were fulfilling the commandment to return to and rebuild the Land of Israel. What is more, further research on his part revealed that many of the great halachic authorities—experts in Jewish law— predicted that secularists would restore the Holy Land! How is it possible, therefore, that learned orthodox rabbis failed to heed the teachings of Torah masters—Rav Teichtal cites Maimonides (the Rambam) and Nachmanides (the Ramban)—regarding the mitzvah of settling in and rebuilding Eretz Yisrael? 

To begin with, let us be fair and recall that, in the closing years of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth, the venerable beliefs and customs of the Jewish people had come under the ideological assault of the Socialist and Communist movements along with that of secular Zionism. The defections from tradition, especially in urban areas, were massive. On the surface, therefore, orthodox rabbis had good reasons to oppose the shallow secular Zionism initiated by Theodore Herzl's The Jewish State. They saw in this Zionism the denial of the Sinai Covenant and the chosenness of the Jewish People. Secular Zionists, influenced by the egalitarianism of the Enlightenment, regarded all nations as equal. They rejected the idea that the Jews were "a nation apart." And yet, had not Jews lived and died for their apartness? Did not the deepest instincts of the Jews call for difference and distance? In contrast, the Zionists envisioned a state in which the Jews would become a "normal" people. No longer would they suffer the scourge of anti- Semitism, of pogroms and humiliation. The dignity of the despised Chosen. People would be restored—note the paradox—and at last they would live in peace and security.

To become a "normal" people, however, the Torah, which had sustained and inspired the Jews for thousands of years, would have to be relegated to the home and the synagogue. Jews would then have a new national identity. Judaism would be divorced from public law, would cease to be an all- comprehensive way of life. This was anathema to the rabbis. Besides, they believed that a Zionist state based on non-Torah law could not possibly succeed or endure.

Now it so happens that, three decades before Herzl's pioneering work, certain rabbis did in fact encourage aliya. In 1864, Rabbi Tzvi Kalischer published a book, Derishat Tzion, which was praised by various halachic authorities for its proposed "Organization for the Settlement of Eretz Yisrael." Mention should also be made of the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen, one of the greatest Torah scholars of modem times. (His unparalleled halachic work, the Mishnah Berura, is the definitive compendium of Jewish law.) Even in the aftermath of the 1929 Hebron massacre, the Chofetz Chaim encouraged aliya. He held that "there is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael, and there is no wisdom like the wisdom of Eretz Yisrael" (Bereisheet Rabbah, Numbers 16:7). Nevertheless, when Rav Teichtal wrote Eim Habanim Semeichah, so prevalent was anti-Zionism among European rabbis that he was compelled to cite the halachic authorities that had endorsed Kalischer's work in the hope of persuading other rabbis to encourage aliya and thereby save as many Jews as possible from the Nazi inferno.

Without wishing to malign these rabbis and thereby arm the wicked, Rav Teichtal nonetheless compared them to the Ten Spies, about whom it says in Psalms 106:24-25: "They murmured in their tents... They despised the desirable Land" and thus discouraged the Children of Israel from entering the Land promised to the Patriarchs. Although the spies were princes of Israel, Rav Teichtal cites various sources that explain their behavior as motivated by self-interest: they were afraid that in Eretz Yisrael they would lose the positions of leadership they held in the desert! (See the Zohar 3:158a.) "The same holds true in our times," says Rav Teichtal "even of rabbis, rebbes, and chassidim. This one has a good rabbinical position; this one is an established Admor [a prominent Torah master]; and this one has a profitable business or factory or a prestigious job which provides great satisfaction. They are afraid that their status will decline if they go to Eretz Yisrael. People of this sort [though otherwise meritorious] are influenced by their deep-rooted, selfish motives to such an extent that they themselves do not realize that their prejudice speaks on their behalf."

Rav Teichtal quotes numerous sources that extol the great merit of Eretz Yisrael. The Talmud: "He who dwells in Eretz Yisrael is like one who has a God, and he who dwells outside the Land is like one who does not have a God" (Ketuvot llOb). The Midrash: "It is preferable to dwell in the deserts of Eretz Yisrael than the palaces of Chutz LaAretz" (Bereisheet Rabbah, Genesis 39:8). The Zohar. "I will return in peace to my father's home, for there lays the Holy Land, there I will be perfected . . ." (l:150b).

Does it not say in Genesis 15:7: "I am the Lord who brought you [Abraham] out of Ur-Kasdim to give you this Land to inherit it"? The Talmud expresses this as follows: "The Land of Israel is an inheritance from our forefathers" (Avodah Zara 53b). Therein is the basis of the Jewish claim to Eretz Yisrael. Now, if Rav Teichtal, a man of extraordinary learning, courage, and love of the Jewish people, could question the motives of prominent rabbis who denounced secular Zionism and thereby discouraged Jews from leaving the fleshpots of Europe for Eretz Yisrael, what shall we say of the descendants of those who established the State of Israel and who now wish to abandon Judea and Samaria, the heartland of the Jewish people? Are their motives any purer?

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Shame on Slanderous reporting on JBS TV


I was listening to your report tonight about the Terror attack in Tel Aviv and how PM Netanyahu praised the guard who neutralized the attacker after the terrorist shot the security guard and said we wont let such attacks go unaddressed in Israel.

Then you talked about an episode in the Shomron where you either intentionally or unintentionally distorted the facts. You started the segment by stating that Jews and Arabs were throwing rocks at each other. Here are the facts from those at the scene. Close to Shabbos, late Friday afternoon a lone shepherd by the name of Yechiel Indor was shepherding his sheep near Maoz Zion. He came under attack by a mob of Arabs. Yechiel called for help and security. He had a license to carry a gun. His friends came. Apparently the Jews were greatly outnumbered. He fired in the air. A big rock hit Yechiel in the head and he was seriously injured. Pictures show how there was a crack in his skull. Pretty gorey. Yechiel managed to shoot back in self defense and an Arab was killed. Yechiel did not start the provocation. He was seriously injured and required brain surgery. The Arabs were not initially investigated. So the more accurate news item is that yesterdays latest arrestees was a shepherd who was injured seriously and had to undergo brain surgery after his head was cracked open from a lynching Arab Mob and seems to have fired back in self defense and his friend Elisha ben Rena who brought him to Shaarei Tzedek and turned in the gun to the Mishtara, then also got arrested as a suspect for killing an Arab.

Shame on the Mishtara and Shame on JBS TV for reporting in a way that slanders the Jewish Settlers with a slant pushing a narrative of Jewish Terror. Jewish Character assassination in the media was adding insult to injury following this attack on Jewish Settlers. Creating an equivalency between Arabs who glorify Jihad and shout "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" vs Jewish shepherds is wrong.

Do Jihadist Arabs really deserve a positive slant, or even equal moral equivalency, over the Jewish Settlers who defend themselves against Arab aggression?

Is the Blood of a Jewish Settler cheaper than the blood of a Jew from Tel Aviv?

Sent via protonmail to

CC: Honenu and others


Sent from Proton Mail mobile

Monday, July 31, 2023

Letter to Members of the MGH (Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah), Distinguished Rabbonim and Activists to Address Pidyon Shvuyim and the Miscarriage of Justice to Amiram ben Uliel נ“י. Mishpat Tzedek for Amiram ben Nurit ben Uliel

אל המקום אשר...

BCC: Members of MGH (Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah)
Distinguished Rabbonim


Please fwd this to like-minded friends and to those who you think will take action.

The Hebrew petition for the general pubic

Lichvod HaRabbonim:

Please take concrete action for Pidyon Shvuyim for an innocent man, Amiram ben Nurit נ"י languishing in prison.

We are reaching out to you, on behalf of Amiram ben Uliel נ"י as were hundreds of Rabbonim and public figures in EY.

Over 230 Rabbonin and public figures, mostly in Eretz Yisroel, have already signed a petition in Hebrew asking that Amiram ben Nurit ben Uliel be transferred to the Prison's Torah Wing, the Agaf Torani. This petition and the signatures will iyh be released shortly in Elul. It is not too late to add your name.

Hebrew Petition:

An English version of the petition:


Amiram Ben Uliel has been in solitary confinement since his imprisonment seven and a half years ago. He is being held in the harshest conditions of any prisoner in Israel. This, in spite of the fact that the only evidence against him was elicited under extreme torture, with absolutely no forensic evidence ever found to link him to the crime. In contrast, Arab terrorists with blood on their hands, such as Ahmad Awad who murdered five members of the Fogel family, are being held in open cells, free to interact with fellow prisoners and enjoying many perks.

This past Passover, Amiram's request to be celebrate the holiday in the religious wing of the prison was granted. This was the first time in seven years he was permitted to leave his solitary cell and interact with fellow Jews.

But this good fortune was short-lived. On Shavuot, the Shin Bet rejected his request to spend the holiday in the Torah wing. Once again, he was forced to celebrate the holiday alone, in solitary darkness.

We, the undersigned, request that Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, demand that the head of the Shin Bet transfer Amiram from solitary confinement and cease the inhumane treatment to which he is being subjected. This is not the Soviet Union or Iran!!

Furthermore, we demand that Amiram ben Uliel be permitted to meet with his wife and daughter without intervening bars or a glass partition; that he be permitted to pray in a minyan; and that he be granted the most basic human rights which are the hallmark of a democracy.

It is outrageous to see terrorists with blood on their hands celebrating in Israel's prison facilities and receiving preferential treatment, while Amiram is being held in a state of continuous emotional torture, with no evidence linking him to the crime he is accused of except a forced confession.

Why are the non-Jewish prisoners permitted to fulfill their religious obligations while this Jewish prisoner, whose guilt is highly questionable, denied his most basic religious and human rights?

We demand an end to this discrimination and inhumane cruelty.

Transfer Amiram immediately to the Torah wing!!!!



Lichvod Rabbonim: Please send individualized letters and/or authorization to have your name appear on the petition and any correspondence via email or whatsapp to:
The English Speaking Chapter
Justice for Amiram

Please Hashem, May this be a mere step towards Amiram complete release BEH.

Individualized letters are greatly encouraged..

Again, Correspondence can be sent to:
The English Speaking Chapter
Justice for Amiram 011972547826989

Fyi Here is a copy of
Rabbi Pesach Lerner's letter
co-Chairman of the CCJH

Jewish Law and Secular Law often see eye to eye and in secular law and in Jewish Law and in most democratic civilized societies, self incrimination is not permissable as evidence.

There are political undertones in this terrible miscarriage of Justice.

This Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim, especially when there is a blood libel of Jews against our own cries out to the heavens. Inaction was a cause of the destruction of the Temple.
This is reminiscent of Sinat Chinom between Yosef and his brothers. It is a reincarnation of Sinat Chinom in our day against our very own righteous Jewish brothers and sisters living in the heart of the Shomron in the Nachala of Yosef and Binyamin. We must fear the consequences of our inaction if Amiram continues to languish, abandoned in jail in Solitary confinement and discriminatory administrative detention of hilltop youth is modus operandi of Defense Minister Gallant.

 "אַשְׁרֵי אָדָם מְפַחֵד תָּמִיד וּמַקְשֶׁה לִבּוֹ יִפּוֹל בְּרָעָה" ( משלי כ"ח, פסוק י"ד)
אמר רבי יוחנן: ענוותנותו של רבי זכריה בן אבקולס החריבה את ביתנו ושרפה את היכלנו והגליתנו מארצנו."

We are pleading with the Rabbonim to join in these efforts, to do independent research, to act with personal Hishtadlus and raise awareness and demand Truth and Justice. This surely will have a tremendous impact up in the Heavens and arouse Rachmei Shamayim.

This miscarriage of Justice against Amiram in particular reflects poorly on the Israeli Supreme Court who gave a green light to sanction torture to extort confession. It is no surprise that the recent push for Judicial Reform has at its very core a deep yearning by Am Yisroel for Truth, Justice and Righteousness in the Israeli Court System.

The "Justice for Amiram" network of activists are also applying pressure in America... not only on the Israeli front.

Letters are being sent globally via the website of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission headed by Rep. Congressman Chris Smith, a friend of Israel, protesting the gross violations of human rights against Amiram ben Uliel who was placed unlawfully under Administrative Detention and denied basic rights to a lawyer held without charges or evidence of wrongdoing and then tortured until he confessed to a crime he never committed.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission US Congress

See below a link to a Zoom session 20 minutes long produced by Gila Slonim and Steve Rodan describing a letter writing campaign to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to free Amiram ben Uliel. Details of the miscarriage of Justice are found in links below.

It details a quick and easy way that each and every one of us can do to help Amiram to get out of jail IYH, בקרוב ממש!

link to sample/draft letter:

Apparently there are precedents to request aid from non-Jews when Jewish Leaders of the State of Israel were acting improperly. Steve Rodan, presenter of the Zoom said that in 1959, 1960 when the GOI wasn't funding Chinuch Atzmai for a decade, Rav Aharon Kotler approached Congress, specifically a Senator from Wisconsin who was involved in Foreign affairs. When the Finance Minister of Israel at the time, Levi Eshkol came to visit Washington DC, this Senator of Nevada questioned him about it. Apparently Levi Eshkol telegrammed the Prime Minister Ben Gurion and this made a impression and Chinuch Atzmai started to get funded.

Fyi The father of Amiram ben Uliel spoke in front of Eshel Prison in Beer Sheva. He spoke powerfully of Tzedek and Mishpat. As Rabbonim you can surely relate not only to his cojent arguments but to his personal pain that translates to the collective pain of Am Yisroel.

אביו של עמירם בן אוליאל: "איך השופטים ישנים בלילה?"
הרב ראובן בן אוליאל אביו של עמירם מתח ביקורת חמורה על מערכת המשפט באירוע מול כלא אשל.

Amiram Ben Uliel's father: "How do the judges sleep at night?"
Rabbi Reuven ben Uliel, Amiram's father, severely criticized the justice system at an event in front of Eshel prison.


A recent blog post on my blog Shemittah Rediscovered

last update July 3, 2023 צדק ומשפט לעמירם בן אוליאל גישה חדשה Tsedek UMishpat for Amiram ben Uliel - Rethinking Approach

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Dear Judge Freier: Re: Pidyon Shvuyim. Campaign for Mishpat Tzedek for Amiram ben Uliel

אל המקום אשר...

BCC: Fellow Activists and Friends . Posted on

Dear Judge Freier, amvsh

I haven't heard a response to my previous email regarding this matter and I hope you see this email and the previous one copied below.

Confirmation you received this would be greatly appreciated.

If your hands are tied to openly take a public stand that is totally understandable.

Since this is a matter of Pidyon Shvuyim and we all have to do our personal Hishtadlus, albeit limited as it is, I am sending you and others the following link.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission US Congress

See below a link to a Zoom session 20 minutes long describing a letter writing campaign to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to free Amiram ben Uliel. Details of the miscarriage of Justice are found in links below.

Apparently there are precedents to request aid from non-Jews when Jews are not acting properly. Steve Rodan, presenter of the Zoom said that in 1959, 1960 when the GOI wasn't funding Chinuch Atzmai for a decade, Rav Aharon Kotler approached Congress, specifically a Senator from Wisconsin who was involved in Foreign affairs. When the Finance Minister of Israel at the time, Levi Eshkol came to visit Washington DC, this Senator of Nevada questioned him about it. Apparently Levi Eshkol telegrammed the Prime Minister Ben Gurion and this made a impression and Chinuch Atzmai started to get funded.

Following is the recording of a zoom session. It details a quick and easy way that each and every one of us can help Amiram to get out of jail IYH, בקרוב ממש!

Tom Lantos Commission:

link to sample/draft letter:

Fyi The father of Amiram ben Uliel spoke this past Friday in front of Eshel Prison in Beer Sheva. He spoke powerfully of Tzedek and Mishpat. I am sure that you as a Judge and each and everyone of us can appreciate his common sense arguments.

I sincerely hope Arutz7 will transcribe, translate into English and put subtitles to this video to raise public awareness that sadly the State of Israel has in its legal system effectively rubber-stamped torture to extract confessions to incriminate innocent people.

אביו של עמירם בן אוליאל: "איך השופטים ישנים בלילה?"
הרב ראובן בן אוליאל אביו של עמירם מתח ביקורת חמורה על מערכת המשפט באירוע מול כלא אשל.

On Jul 3, 2023, 8:02 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Judge Freier, amvsh

My name is Robin (Stern) Ticker. I am reaching out to you at the request of a group of activists in Israel who either heard you speak or read about you in Arutz7.

Orthodox Judge Rachel Frier: 'Take one day at a time, and never compromise your values'

I am one of their group, trying to help free Amiram ben Uliel sitting in jail for the Duma arson in 2015 which killed members of the Dawabsha family, an Arab couple and their son, due to an arson in which they blamed Jewish youth based solely on Hebrew graffiti found at the scene.

Amiram is sentenced to 3 life sentences sitting in solitary 7.5 years, possibly under the worst conditions of any prisoner in Israel Jew or non Jew. The only incriminating evidence they have that he perpetrated the crime is his own confession following torture. No other forensic evidence. His confession and handwriting isn't even consistent with facts on the ground.

As you mentioned in your talk, Jewish Law and Secular Law often see eye to eye and in secular law and in most democratic civilized societies self incrimination is not permissable evidence as us the case in Jewish Law.

There are political undertones in this terrible miscarriage of Justice.

It would be amazing if you could review the details of this case and state your opinion.

This case reflects poorly on the Israeli Supreme Court and it is no surprise that the push for Judicial Reform has its roots in pushing for Truth, Justice and Righteousness.

I am also a blogger and have blogged extensively regarding this matter from the very beginning. The entire matter seemed orchestrated for a political agenda to create a narrative of Jewish Terror. Jewish terror was blamed within hours with no investigation to speak of. Condemnation of Hilltop youth, as a fringe group of youth belonging to a terrorist organization seemed to be a given as per the say so of the Jewish Division of Terror of Shabak.

No investigation into infighting of Arab clans that torched each other homes on a regular basis came into the deliberation or addressed nor considered.


A recent blog post on my blog Shemittah Rediscovered

last update July 3, 2023 צדק ומשפט לעמירם בן אוליאל גישה חדשה Tsedek UMishpat for Amiram ben Uliel - Rethinking Approach

Thursday, July 20, 2023

No Longer Sheep to the Slaughter by Shmuel (Zangi) Medad


לא עוד כצאן לטבח(h)

Translated with the help of Google translate:

Arutz 7: No Longer Sheep to the Slaughter By Shmuel (Zangi) Medad CEO Honnenu

Our Dear Brothers in the Government: You are partners of the Shin Bet and Yoav Galant in the rubber stamping of issuing administrative arrest warrants without trial.

28 in Tammuz 17.07.23, 16:36

The government complains about selective enforcement. And she is right, she even asks us for data on this, and receives it.

But don't believe her,
טֹל קוֹרָה מִבֵּין עֵינֶיךָ
An answer to a person who reproves others, while he himself sins even more than everyone else.)
Source of this expression:
"וא"ר יוחנן, מאי דכתיב: ויהי בימי שפוט השופטים? דור ששופט את שופטיו, אומר לו: טול קיסם מבין שיניך אומר לו: טול קורה מבין עיניך" (בבלי, מסכת בבא בתרא – דף טו, עמוד ב)

It is clear that there is selective enforcement and who are like us that see and experience it? Every day! For many years now! But the truth is that Bibi and the members of this government are the worst offenders. But why?

Because they are A.F.R.A.I.D. That is why they are tough and violent . But only towards those who actually voted for them.

To criminal families who murder? - no.

A criminal from a criminal family who everyone is aware that he murders his competitor- will not be administratively arrested and detained. Addressing the evil perpetrators, those under protection- no. Violent Druze in the Golan Heights- no - not anarchists of the resistance - no. These are all power groups. And they scare Bibi and his ministers very much.

Administrative arrests are violent arrests. Administrative arrests are emergency detention orders used from the days of the British Mandate, and there is no need for a trial.

Such orders have been issued against those who voted for this government.

They assume that on election day everything will be forgotten.

True the hilltop youth are not weak. They are strong and firm facing the enemy. They are hidden soldiers without uniforms and without weapons.

But they are not ready or willing to be sheep to the slaughter.

So when their brothers come to them and violently stick a knife in their backs just because they are not ready to be sheep for the slaughter - they simply cannot believe their eyes. Terrorism kills their friends and all of us, and raises its head now more than ever.

Our dear brothers in the National government - you are complicit in this. Completely. You are partners of the Shin Bet and Yoav Galant, the rubber stamp of the Shin Bet in issuing administrative arrest warrants, without a trial. The most anti-democratic practice that can exist.

Your hands are shedding this blood. Stop it immediately.

The author: Shmuel (Zangi) Medad, CEO of the Honnenu organization, a resident of Hebron