Sunday, August 18, 2019



From: Dov Hikind <>
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2019, 12:06 PM
To: <>


First my comments:

Thank you Dov Hikind former Democrat for condemning and calling out the Leadership of Democratic Party for showing their true colors!!!

These "leaders" are choosing to back Tlaib and Omar not America and surely not America's closest ally Israel.

Time for the rest of our moderate  Democratic elected officials to resign and leave the hijacked Party masquerading as loyal Americans that betrays America, Jews and Israel.

Enough of the Charade!
The Emperor's new clothes are transparent.

Knowing the facts, practically speaking, even encouraging Jews to register as Democrats on the local level empowers this hijacked party.

Basically,  Democratic elected officials have their hands tied even when they are moderate and love Israel.

No trip to Israel can mask the true agenda of the "Democratic" party of 2019.

Any funding the Jewish community acquires even if it is $60 million dollars for STEM or Security and social programs via the Democratic party is suspect and results in Jewish Leadership turning a blind eye to these same "Leaders" empowering evil plans against Israel and pushing perverted values on the average American.

Perhaps we can learn from what is written in the this week's Torah Parshat Eikev about taking money from Idol Worshippers.

Devarim Perek 7:25-26

כה פְּסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֖ם תִּשְׂרְפ֣וּן בָּאֵ֑שׁ לֹֽא־תַחְמֹד֩ כֶּ֨סֶף וְזָהָ֤ב עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלָֽקַחְתָּ֣ לָ֔ךְ פֶּ֚ן תִּוָּקֵ֣שׁ בּ֔וֹ כִּ֧י תֽוֹעֲבַ֛ת יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ הֽוּא:

25 The graven images of their gods you will burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is upon them and take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord, your God.

כו וְלֹֽא־תָבִ֤יא תֽוֹעֵבָה֙ אֶל־בֵּיתֶ֔ךָ וְהָיִ֥יתָ חֵ֖רֶם כָּמֹ֑הוּ שַׁקֵּ֧ץ | תְּשַׁקְּצֶ֛נּוּ וְתַעֵ֥ב | תְּתַֽעֲבֶ֖נּוּ כִּי־חֵ֥רֶם הֽוּא

26 Nor should you bring an abomination into your house, lest you are to be destroyed like it, but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is to be destroyed.

I am singling out these two paragraphs from his email since I hope they are a standing board to take real action and not merely to wait...

"...And now, instead of dealing with their antisemites in Congress, Democratic leadership is threatening to condemn Ambassadors Ron Dermer and David Friedman for the row instead of condemning the antisemitic scourge that is overtaking the party! Instead of supporting Israel's right to sovereignty and to control who enters the country with the same exact discretion exercised by the United States, the feckless Democratic leadership is focused on excoriating its ally.

But we are watching very closely, and will not forgive the Democratic leadership for its repeated failures to rein in the haters from within. It's clear that far from being disowned by the party, despite every hateful statement and act by the pair of antisemitic congresswomen, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are embracing them further, as the party moves away from its "special relationship" commitment to Israel. With friends like them, who needs enemies?"

Founder, Americans Against Antisemitism
August 18, 2019 - For Immediate Release
Contact: Israel Bitton





Amidst all the hoopla surrounding the denial of entry to Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar into Israel over their support for the BDS movement and the erasure of Israel, both congresswomen shared a cartoon depicting Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump each silencing Omar and Tlaib. Not only is the cartoon itself antisemitic as 'Jews silence their opposition' cartoons can be found in the notorious work of the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, but the cartoonist they purposefully chose to promote is Carlos Latuff who has a long history of trivializing the Holocaust while also painting Israel as Nazis.

And now, instead of dealing with their antisemites in Congress, Democratic leadership is threatening to condemn Ambassadors Ron Dermer and David Friedman for the row instead of condemning the antisemitic scourge that is overtaking the party! Instead of supporting Israel's right to sovereignty and to control who enters the country with the same exact discretion exercised by the United States, the feckless Democratic leadership is focused on excoriating its ally.

But we are watching very closely, and will not forgive the Democratic leadership for its repeated failures to rein in the haters from within. It's clear that far from being disowned by the party, despite every hateful statement and act by the pair of antisemitic congresswomen, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are embracing them further, as the party moves away from its "special relationship" commitment to Israel. With friends like them, who needs enemies?

One thing is certain, as the son of Holocaust survivors, I will not sit idly by as anyone, let alone members of Congress, trivialize the memory of six million murdered Jews to promote their nefarious political agendas!

Dov Hikind
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Fwd: Cong. Omar and Tlaib's Attempt at Anti-Israel Propaganda Coup by Michael Goodwin

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marvin Belsky <>
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2019, 1:38 PM
Subject: Cong. Omar and Tlaib's Attempt at Anti-Israel Propaganda Coup

At first blush, Israel's decision to bar Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib looked like a mistake. My gut reaction was that the move would simultaneously make Israel appear weak and allow critics to claim the incident proves the Jewish state has no interest in peace with the Palestinians.

It didn't help that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had initially signaled the two Democrats could visit despite their support for the BDS movement, which Israel has outlawed. When it became clear that Net­anyahu reversed his decision at President Trump's urging, the situation appeared to go from bad to worse.

Both the United States and Israel looked to have blundered. Or so I thought.

Then facts and history had their say. Now, I believe Trump and Netanyahu made the right move.

They had no good options and chose the lesser of two evils.

First, the facts are becoming more clear. Omar and Tlaib, we now know, rejected invitations to travel with other congressional members of both parties. Trips were organized by AIPAC to give new members briefings on security issues and include political perspectives from the government as well as critics.

The congressional groups there last week, for example, met with Israeli leaders and Palestinians in the West Bank. Why wasn't that good enough for Tlaib and Omar, the first two Muslim women elected to Congress?

In addition to wanting to go alone, they reportedly refused any government briefings and Netanyahu said their itinerary mentioned only "Palestine," a country that doesn't exist and a word often used to deny Israel's right to exist.

According to National Review, the group that planned Omar and Tlaib's trip, MIFTAH, runs a Web site that publishes anti-Semitic articles and celebrates Palestinian terrorists, several of whom murdered Jewish children. The link guarantees that the trip would have been a nonstop assault on Israel.

It also could have led to violence. The two planned to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque, located atop the compound known as the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims and Temple Mount to Jews, where there were clashes last week between Israeli security forces and Palestinians.

Omar and Tlaib likely would have made provocative statements there, leading some Israelis to fear a larger round of violence. Why take that chance?

A final fact that colors the entire incident was the odd behavior by Tlaib regarding her supposed desire to visit relatives in the West Bank.

After Netanyahu's rejection, she appealed to Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri for permission to visit on humanitarian grounds, citing her ­elderly grandmother. "This could be my last opportunity to see her," Tlaib wrote. "I will respect any restrictions and not promote boycotts against ­Israel during my visit."

On those terms, Israel granted Tlaib permission to visit her family.

But when news of the agreement became public, some on the left accused her of caving in to Israel. Immediately Tlaib backed out and attacked Israel, tweeting that the conditions she agreed to were "humiliating" and adding, "I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in — fighting against racism, oppression & injustice."

Deri got it exactly right when he concluded that Tlaib's "hatred of Israel outweighs her love for her grandmother."

History proves that Israel is often held to a double standard, and this case is no different. Virtually every nation bars entry to those who wish it harm, yet it's an international incident when Israel does it.

Denunciations from the usual suspects are a reminder that Israel would have gotten no credit if it had opened its doors. Tlaib and Omar were not going in good faith.

Why is the burden on Israel to welcome them? Put another way, when did suicide become a virtue?

The fact that the two are members of Congress adds a complication, but not one big enough to overcome their long virulence and the potential for violence. They hate Israel and have made anti-Semitic statements.

Moreover, the BDS movement they support is not ultimately about borders. It's about Israel's existence.

None of this is to suggest that politics isn't a factor. Trump wants to make Tlaib and Omar the face of Democrats and saw the planned visit as a chance to draw a contrast and highlight how Dems are afraid to confront them.

And he succeeded, as evidenced by how Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the bait by condemning Trump and Net­anyahu over the incident.

Once again, Pelosi has it backward. She should be denouncing Tlaib and Omar for partnering with anti-Semites instead of taking their side. Maybe for once she could put principle over party.

It's possible the ban will hurt Netanyahu in Israel's upcoming election, which is expected to be razor-close. Domestic critics are objecting, saying the move undercuts Israel's efforts to take a bipartisan approach to America so that the relationship does not depend on which party holds power in Washington.

Yet the ban does not create a problem for Israel as much as reflect the existence of one. The careful balancing act is being undone by shifts in both American parties that predate this incident.

Dems, following the lead of former President Barack Obama, are harshly critical of Israel, silent about Palestinian attacks and believe in wooing Iran, which threatens to wipe Israel off the map.

Trump, on the other hand, has taken unprecedented moves that favor Israel. He moved our embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights. He is confronting Iran after withdrawing from the nuclear pact and is preparing a plan that aims to settle the Palestinian issues.

In the face of all this, the Palestinians refuse to talk to the administration and curse the president and his family. That's the side Tlaib and Omar have chosen, and they have only themselves to blame for the consequences.

Letter to Jewish American Liberals from a Trump Supporter


-------- Original message --------
From: joel wintner <>
Date: 8/5/19 2:50 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Subject: Fwd: Jewish american liberals

Subject: Fwd: Jewish american liberals

It's time for the talk.
From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters "Never Again!" to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. Descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one watching, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. To another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.
You are the resounding 72-74% majority of the 5.4 Million American Jewry who have backed the Democratic Party since the sun has risen in the East. We get it; you're for minority rights because you will forever identify as a minority. You're forever for JFK , even though his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. You're forever for FDR, even though it was the Republican Ronald Regan who delivered approximately 6,000,000 Soviet Jews from bondage of Anti-Semitic leftist oppression.
The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and you're forever the underdog, in your mind, in your memory and by virtue of our tiny demographic. Your parents and grandparents have been married to the Democratic party since before you were born, and you can't let go of what has been ingrained in you with mother's milk. Understandable.
Today is 2019, not the 1950s. And after the devastating failure of your Party to stand with you (as Jews) unequivocally against the rabid Nazi-era anti-Semitism of Democratic Congresswoman Omar and her friends, you stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for your political loyalty. And you know it.                                 
First, your history:
• At the UN, your favorite President Barack Obama, famously called for Israel to return to 1967 Borders. You said nothing and continued to exalt his virtue.
• The same man orchestrated UN's resolution #2334, de facto proclaiming the Kotel and most of Israel illegitimate in Jewish hands. You said nothing and continued to exalt his
• On his way out of office, the same Democratic POTUS released a whopping$150 Billion to the mullahs of Iran who have a single clearly stated goal; washing  Israel out to sea with their nukes. You said nothing and continued to sing 44th praises.
• You watched as Obama whispered to French President Sarkozy "…You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day.", mocking PM Benjamin
  Netenyahu of Israel. You said nothing and continued to applaud Obama.
• You watched the spiraling souring of America-Israel relations under Obama's leadership. You said nothing and continued the love affair with Obama.
• You knew of Obama's $350,000,000 interference in Israel's national election to subvert the democratic process. You looked the other way and said nothing.
• You never once heard the word "Jihad" leave Obama's lips when describing Islamic terror attacks against Jews in France. You said nothing and continued to praise him in your liberal synagogues....because Obama is your guy. Because he had the visible color of the underdog. Because the Democratic party is the perceived home of your ancestors.
Those ancestors are dead, but here is your 2019 record:
• President Donald Trump, by virtue of the American Embassy move, underscores Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. You instantly end your supine silence and find your voice in loud opposition to the most logical, lawful, courageous and Israel-loving politic. With trembling knees, you proclaim "he's angering the Arabs" in your posturing speeches on Shul Bimah, in schools, social media and in endless editorials. When WW 3 failed to occur, you retreat back to your silence, having sufficiently defamed the President.
• President Trump reaffirms a record-setting annual budget of $4 Billion to Israel, including a $200 millions increase in 2019, for the next 10 years for a total of $40 Billion. What do you do? You bash the President in choir with CNN.
• President Trump de funds Israel-denying UNRWA. You continue to bash the President.
• President Trump de funds murderous Mahmoud Abbas to the tune of $250 Million per year. You continue to bash the President.
• You watch Trump's appointee Nikki Haley staunchly defend Israel at the UN, time and time again. Speaking against UN's anti-Israel biases & infinite resolutions of condemnation, like no one has ever before, Trump's envoy to the UN stuns the world with her courage. Yet you continue to bash the President.
• President Trump stands alone against feckless Europe in ending the disastrous Obama era of Nuclear Appeasement with Iran, undoing the damage done by the your favorite ex-President. Ignoring this courageous unpopular move and Iran's devotion to the annihilation of the Jewish people as its number one cause, you continue to bash the President. 
• In every State of the Union and UN address, you hear President Trump exalt Israel, condemn the Holocaust, and explicitly exclaim the non-negotiated American support for Israel under his administration. Backed not by his words, but by his deeds! ….You? You continue to bash the President. 
• Holocaust Survivors and American religious Jewry unreservedly embrace the President with warm support and voter presence. Speaking at Trump's commemorations of Jewish events & important dates, celebrating Hannukah with singing and candle lighting by Trump grandchildren and children, in full view to the world from the White House. First occurrences ever in history! And you? You continue to bash the President. 
• You know of Trump Family long-standing personal financial support for Israel, Fred Trump's designation of NY buildings for subsidization of Post-Holocaust Jews, complete with a funded synagogue inside. But you continue to bash the President. 
• In August of 2015, Donald Trump's own private jet carried a critically ill 3-year-old Jewish boy from California to New York for medical treatment, when commercial airline refused to fly him. You? You continue to bash the President. 
• You've even watched the First Daughter, The First observantly Jewish Daughter of the Oval Office (another first in history!) pray at Jerusalem's Wailing Wall, along with her father, the grandfather of this, de facto, First Jewish Family that every Friday nightobserves Shabbat. Amazingly, you continue to bash the President to the sound of the CNN drum.
• You, the liberal Jews of America, continue to bash the man who has never once said anything remotely anti-Semitic. You go as far as partaking in discussions and events thatcompare Trump to Hitler and the KKK. You sign petitions and you echo the cherry-picked sound-bytes of MSNBC's three-year smear campaign.
How you vote and what you do:
• You vote for the party of Louis Farrakhan, endorsed by Bill Clinton who was on stage with him who only months ago called you "termites"! And the "gang of 8"...
• You vote for the party whose elected politicians announce that you have duel loyalty, the oldest most vilifying anti-Semitic charge of genocidal racism.
• You vote for the party that can't remove a repeatedly outspoken rabid anti-Semite from membership in the Foreign Affairs Committee, which sets policy with Israel and its friendly neighbors.
• You vote for the party that dilutes and shoves its unhinged pre-Holocaust brand of anti-Semitism under the table, unable to pass a simple resolution against their hate of YOU.
• While chanting anti-Trump slogans, you march with anti-Israel activitist Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, women who rub shoulders with Farakhan and Al Sharpton, men who proclaim your children to be "Satanic Jews".
• You vote for the party of Bernie Sanders, the man who defends Omar's anti-Semitism and Palestinian militancy against Israel's citizens. The same Socialist Sanders who once falsely accused Israel of a 10,000 dead-Palestinians genocide. The same Sanders who thinks your children "standing in queues for food is a good idea".
• Astonishingly, you lend your vote to the party of BDS advocacy against Israel...! It is good "to have free speech".
• You stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who praises antisemitic Jeremy Corbyn, who accuses Israel of occupation, and now stands in official support of Congresswoman Omar.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Trump Started a Civil War Between Hamas and a UN Agency

Fwd: ZOA: The U.S. Properly Bans Govt Officials From Entering U.S. Too on Israel banning Tlaib and Omar

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Zionist Organization of America <>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2019, 2:55 PM
Subject: ZOA: The U.S. Properly Bans Govt Officials From Entering U.S. Too
To: <>

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ZOA: The U.S. Properly Bans Govt Officials From Entering U.S. Too

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:

No nation should be required to admit persons – even if those persons are foreign government officials – if those persons pose a potential security risk, or seek to destroy or harm the host country, or are otherwise objectionable or inimical to the host country's interests.  
Thus, for instance, the United States properly denied admission to:
· President of Austria and former Secretary General of the United Nations Kurt Waldheim, when Waldheim's past as a Nazi official came to light after he was elected Austria's president in 1986.
· PLO Executive Committee member, propagandist and terror supporter Hanan Ashrawi (3 months ago).
· Co-founder and leader of the antisemitic anti-Israel international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement to delegitimize and economically destroy Israel, Omar Barghouti (barred in April 2019) Barghouti expresses support for terrorism and openly calls for Israel's destruction. 
Israel is absolutely correct to bar admission of Israelophobic Jew-haters Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.  Tlaib and Omar seek Israel's destruction, and are leading promoters of anti-Jewish anti-Israel BDS. They even outrageously compare boycotting Israel to boycotting Nazis – and introduced and co-sponsored introduced House Resolution 496 to promote BDS. Omar's financial backers include top anti-Israel BDS leaders and Hamas supporters. Tlaib's associates include Hezbollah-backer and anti-Israel Al Awda head Abbas Hamideh. A study documented that Tlaib publicly praised 18 colleagues who are close associates of Palestinian terrorists with Jewish blood on their hands, for helping Tlaib to win office. Omar even demanded that a judge should show compassion towards and reduce the sentences of convicted ISIS terrorists – and much more.  (Also see "ZOA Applauds Israel for Refusing Entry of Israelophobic Jew-Haters Tlaib and Omar," Aug. 15, 2019.)

To view the original Press Release, click here.

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