Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fwd: Thank you President Trump for saying the obvious "Israel will show she is weak if she allows these sworn antisemites into her country to make trouble". By Shalom Pollack

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From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2019, 3:24 PM
Subject: thank you Mr President

 It took an American president to stiffen the backbone of Israel's leader.

As so often in the past, Israel's high priority is "what will the Nations say" ("Ma yomru hagoyim"?) .

I do not intend to recount the numerous occasions when Jewish pride was trampled and Jewish blood sacrificed under the spell of this uniquely Jewish spiritual disease.

And so once again, Israel had to choose; her pride and sense of Justice or perhaps hopefully sparing the tongue lashing and the poison pens of those she always tries desperately to appease and please.
I maintain that there are no other people whose "leaders" and "intellectuals" are so very concerned about how they are being judged  - by sworn enemies.
There isn't an enemy that is not treated with total understanding if not affection at some time by our very sophisticated intellectuals.

Israel's leaders, more than any others, have always sought the approval of these intellectuals in Israel and so there is a situation where the intellectuals look over their shoulders at their counterparts in every enemy corner and Israel's leaders look over theirs at what these "intellectuals" are saying about them.
This is why Israel never truly had an authentic "Right-wing " government.
The people vote Right after being promised the same old lines to satisfy and fool the base, but then the "leaders" freeze like a deer caught in a light beam by the critics on the Left and in the hostile  "International community" whose love they seek.
Following this pattern, Israel agreed to allow two rabidly antisemitic Muslim congresswomen into Israel. Though it was clear that they were thus allowing a  very dangerous poison into the country; nevertheless they refrained from doing the natural thing and barring these sworn enemies entry.
Israel law allows their denial of entry.

The Left political parties, the European funded anti-Israel NGOs, the Arabs; all waited with bated breath the arrival of their heralded allies(heroes) in the US congress. Official Israel and the majority of Jews were ready to just not look at the ugly spectacle to come and wait until it was over.

But then the nonpolitician American president blurted out the obvious; "Israel will show she is weak if she allows these sworn antisemites into her country to make trouble".

Duggghh... Really? Is it weakness not to invite one's sworn enemies to your home?
 Perhaps it is the act of a bully that would deny freedom of speech to her "critics"?

I did not have to spend any time pondering the issue. I have learned long ago how to judge whether something is good or bad for Israel; I simply notice on which side the Left/NGOs/ Arabs stand and then I know for certain.

I did not need the US president to shout out that, in essence "the king has no clothes" but  It seems our "leaders" do and so; thank you, Mr. President.
Last seats available for the annual Negev star gazing tour.
Monday, August 19
from 5 pm to midnight

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Israeli-Americans mobilizing against ‘biased’ California ethnic-studies curriculum - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Fwd: *Action Alert* Prevent Anti-Israel Bias in California Ethnic Studies Curriculum  ​  NORPAC  

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From: norpac <>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2019, 11:27 AM
Subject: *Action Alert* Prevent Anti-Israel Bias in California Ethnic Studies Curriculum  ​    
To: <>

Dear Friends,

We are deeply concerned by a recent draft for a new ethnic studies curriculum proposed by the State of California education board which ignores the Jewish people as a minority group and singles out Israel for criticism. The passage of this draft – the first state-level curriculum on the academic subject in the country - would foster blatant bias against Israel and reinforce anti-Semitic tropes.

Please contact Members of Congress whom you have met, especially those from California or on the House/Senate Education Committees, and urge them to voice their strong disapproval of this very troubling draft for the California State ethnic studies curriculum.

A list of Members on the House Education & Labor Committee can be found here.

A list of Senators on the Senate Health, Education Labor & Pensions Committee can be found here.

You can find contact information for Representatives here.

You can find contact information for Senators here.

Additional Background
In 2016 California enacted a law that updated scholastic requirements to include a mandatory Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum. The Instructional Quality Commission was directed to develop this curriculum to be submitted to the state Board of Education by Dec. 31 this year. The proposed curriculum deals with immigrant communities and minorities in the United States; their history, culture and public perception.

The draft curriculum that is currently being considered by the California Department of Education omits Jews as a minority group. The glossary defines a wide range of terms including Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, dehumanization, microaggression and the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement — but yet completely excludes any mention of anti-Semitism.

Connecting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to American social justice movements, the curriculum includes subtopics such as "Direct Action Front for Palestine and Black Lives Matter"; "Call to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel"; and "Comparative Border Studies: Palestine and Mexico." BDS is included on a "List of Potential Social Movements" recommended for students to research.

In addition, the curriculum is riddled with historical inaccuracies that skew the truth against Israel. In one section, it defines "Israel-Palestine" as a country. In another, recommended song lyrics refer to the "Israeli colony."

The current draft of the curriculum can be viewed online here.
NORPAC · PO Box 1543 · Englewood Cliffs · New Jersey · 07632
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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society - The Dennis Prager Show...My comments The Sin of the Generation of the Flood.


The generation of the Flood was known for its immorality, idol worship and Hamas... translated as robbery and theft.

The earth itself was corrupted.

Isn't it ironic that the LGBTQ movement uses the 🌈 as their symbol reminding us of the Promise G-d made to the world following the Flood. Perhaps they believe that this Covenant will somehow protect them from getting destroyed because of their immoral behavior.

As Jews we must fight this leftist, progressive, socialist agenda permeating society and promoted by the leaders of the Democratic Party in particular who have hijacked the Democratic Party. It has come to the point where the "Democratic Party" betrays American values and ethical moral behavior rather than represent America as the party once did.

This  "Party" is  empowering Islamitization of America and empowered the Quad into elected positions and further empowered them by placing them on committees of influence. They have empowered Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood under the Obama Administration and only by G-d's Grace was Trump elected into office.

Meanwhile, ISIS has morphed into radical Islamic factions and the robbing, kidnapping, raping, torture, genocide of the Yezidi population is ongoing.  This too is an expression of Hamas no different than the generation of the Flood.

We as the Jewish Nation, a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, can't be insular and expect to be unaffected by such a corrupt  society.

It corrupts the very earth itself!

We can not stand by.  We must challenge and stop this Curriculum in California and in Illinois before the indoctrination takes root.  There is plenty evidence to prove that it is biased and sees history in a lens that basically rewrites history according to the narrative they wish to present.  It rewrites the Holocaust and Genocides etc.  It imposes  "values and morality" that normalizes immorality and leaves G-d out.

It is insufficient to lobby just for private schools. We must lobby for the Torah for society which are the 7 Noahide Laws.

Anavim, Anavim...

This is not a time to be humble...

May Hashem reward us in kind with Peace and Prosperity!

Fwd: ZOA to CA Dept. of Ed: Reject and Revise Anti-Semitic School Curriculum

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From: Zionist Organization of America <>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 12:13 PM
Subject: ZOA to CA Dept. of Ed: Reject and Revise Anti-Semitic School Curriculum
To: <>

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ZOA to California Dept. of Ed: Reject and Revise Anti-Semitic School Curriculum

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly urges the California Department of Education to reject the current draft of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), which is anti-Jewish and anti-Israel, and require that it be revised. 

The current draft curriculum is posted for public comment through August 15, 2019, and so far, it has received many failing grades. (See 'Anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, pro-BDS': California's proposed ethnic studies curriculum gets an F from Jewish caucus, JTA, Aug. 5, 2019.)

To urge community feedback during the public comment period, ZOA issued an Action Alert, which provided an overview of the need-to-know facts about the proposed curriculum, in addition to suggestions of what to do about it.  

It's not too late to help - ACT NOW! 

Yesterday, ZOA National President Morton Klein, Director of ZOA's Center for Law & Justice Susan B. Tuchman, Esq., and Executive Director of ZOA's Western Region David Kadosh sent a letter to the California Department of Education urging it to reject the current draft of the ESMC.

"Jews are essentially not acknowledged as an ethnic group in the ESMC," the letter states, "which makes only a few passing references to Jews. Even worse, we understand from the California Legislative Jewish Caucus' July 29, 2019 letter objecting to the ESMC (with which we fully agree) that the exclusion of Jews was deliberate, reflecting the prejudices of those who drafted the ESMC. It is despicable and unacceptable that anyone's personal biases and prejudices could be incorporated into a school curriculum that is supposed to educate and positively impact students." 

"As the California Legislative Jewish Caucus aptly stated, '[i]t would be a cruel irony if a curriculum meant to help alleviate prejudice and bigotry were to instead marginalize Jewish students and fuel hatred and discrimination against the Jewish community. Without significant edits, the ESMC will do just that.'

As the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the U.S., whose mission includes fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in schools and on college campuses, we are deeply troubled by the current draft of the ESMC. California students deserve an accurate and balanced understanding of Jews and other ethnic groups.

To view the complete letter to the California Department of Education, click here

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