Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fwd: A Personal Request From Laurie -- A Vote For PJTN Will Help Multiply Your Financial Support

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Laurie Cardoza-Moore - Proclaiming Justice to The Nations <info@pjtn.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 2:40 PM
Subject: A Personal Request From Laurie -- A Vote For PJTN Will Help Multiply Your Financial Support
To: Robin Ticker <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

Share This Message With Your Friends and Family -  

Dear Robin,

You can help our growth as a 501 (c) 3 charity move to new levels…

You can help us tremendously this week by casting a positive vote for PJTN at www.charitynavigator.org

Charity Navigator provides a very needful service in rating charitable organizations and providing accreditation and transparency for those researching where and how to add their donated support.  We want to be rated among the best and most worthwhile organizations in the reach of our efforts and this depends on the vote of those—like you—who are involved and will invite others to join us.

The process is simple and will only take a moment.  There is no cost or obligation to you and I highly recommend the site as a resource. 

  • Go to www.charitynavigator.org
  • Choose the 'register' option at the top of page
  • Become a registered user free by entering your email address and clicking to continue
  • Provide a name and password for your account and submit to register.
  • Once registered, type "Proclaiming Justice to The Nations" in the search bar
  • Click on "Proclaiming Justice to the Nations."
  • Now click to vote for PJTN

Your vote will count and will show your positive support! 

You may also donate to PJTN through Charity Navigator or directly on our website at www.pjtn.org/donate

We are facing serious times and the reason to come join the ranks of PJTN "Watchmen" are vital as never before.  We are an army in a very real war.  We are all unique.  Young people who want to be supportive of Israel and the Jewish people in their generation.  Parents and grandparents of K-12 kids are concerned with their children's future when made aware of the antisemitic, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian values being presented in their classrooms.  They may have children in college and be frightened by the rise of antisemitism, the BDS movement and pro-Palestine fringe groups on university campuses in America—whether Christian parents who have found their children under a liberal influence that denounces Christian values—or Jewish parents whose kids have been threatened or discriminated against.  Watchmen may be older adults who are just being made aware through the media culture that antisemitism is at crisis stages around us and are concerned at the rise of hatred and the loss of the national values in the America in which they grew up.  We are internationals concerned about the global rise of antisemitism who have found PJTN through our worldwide programming of Focus On Israel.  We are Christians who have read the Bible and know God's mandate to support Israel and our Jewish brethren and want to be found faithful to that call.  We are Jews who fear that the history all too well known is in danger of repeating itself.  No matter the reason people come to PJTN—we share a concern for Israel and the Jewish people—we welcome each new PJTN Watchman and equip them for the battle!

PJTN educates, motivates and activates and YOU make all we do possible.  

Please give your best donation this week—and thank you, in advance, for your vote on Charity Navigator!





Laurie Cardoza-Moore
President/Proclaiming Justice to The Nations


Click to Donate and Become a PJTN Watchman Today

Share this message with your family and friends

Proclaiming Justice to The Nations · 1858 Wilson Pike, Franklin, TN 37067, United States
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Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Report: Despite Ban, 93 Terrorists Graduate with BA inside Security Prisons | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 4 Av 5779 – August 5, 2019 | JewishPress.com. Did Elisha Odess and Amiram Ben Uliel have these privileges when incarcerated?


After 3 years with no real evidence other than hebrew graffiti that graphologist experts say was not theirs and forced confessions following torture what prison conditions do Jewish Settlers get compared to convicted terrorists?


Monday, August 12, 2019

Fwd: NEWS ALERT: LGBTQ history curriculum required for Illinois public schools

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The Washington Times <latestnews@boomtrain.washingtontimesnews.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2019, 1:21 PM
Subject: NEWS ALERT: LGBTQ history curriculum required for Illinois public schools
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

The Land of Lincoln will require public schools to incorporate LGBTQ figures into history lessons.
Monday, August 12, 2019 1:14 PM EDT

LGBTQ history curriculum required for Illinois public schools

The Land of Lincoln will require public schools to incorporate LGBTQ figures into history lessons.

Read More >


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Friday, August 09, 2019

Make your voice heard | Yeshivos By Choice


The root of the problem is that we consistently voted in leftist, progressive, socialist, anti G-d, anti Israel, antiSemitic leaning Democrats without mobilizing Am Yisroel to challenge them politically by supporting electable pro America, pro Israel alternatives.

Let us now begin to join forces and let them see that bullying Yeshiva Education into forcing their leftist Educational agenda is politically counterproductive and they have crossed the line.

Let Agudah openly encourage everyone to register as Republicans and to vote and lobby and campaign for Republicans!

There is no problem re: losing 501c3 status.  

It's about Freedom of Religion which the Democratic Party is clandestinely suppressing because their "morals" and "values" are "superior" to the existing model around since the beginning of time. (Promoting Late term abortions, gender fluidity etc)

I am sure that approach of refusing to work bipartisan so long as they don't represent America will quickly reverse this legislation.

The key is going on the offensive on the leadership of the Democrat Party which is empowering this legislation.

Appeasement is not an option!

Why are we surprised at this legislation?



Pollard: Parole Termination is a “Matter of Life and Death” | Hamodia.com