Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Fwd:? לפסל רק לפיד Disqualify Bennett and Netanyahu not only Lapid. הערות


עוצמה יהודית תעתור לועדת הבחירות בבקשה לפסול את לפיד מלרוץ לכנסת
Otzma Yehudit will put in a request to the election committee to disqualify Lapid from running in the Knesset

My comments

גם את בנט לא רק לפיד צריך לפסל.
בנט פסל נער גבעות שבוע אחרי פרשת דומא ב  Op Ed ב NYTimes

Disqualify Bennett as well as he slandered the Jewish Hilltop Youth in the New York Times one week after Duma Arson calling them Jewish Terrorists. Is it any wonder he is now preventing  Otzma Yehudit, Rabbi Kahana's followers, from joining the United Right ?

August 8, 2015


Naftali Bennett on Israel's Jewish Terrorists

זה הכין את הקרקע למאמר נוסף שהשמיץ נוער גבעות

Which laid grounds for the next libelous NewYork Times article


Israel Faces New Brand of Terrorism, This Time From Young Settlers

בנט הוציא עליהם דיבה רעה וגם הוציא שם רע על סמך מחלקה יהודית של שב"כ בלי הוראות evidence אמינים ועל גרפיטי שבכלל לא קשור לנוער גבעות החשודים. 

גם נתני-ה-ו אפשר לפסל שגם הוא אשם בדיבה רעה והוציא שם רע על נוער גבעות מיד אחרי פרשת דומא וגם היה סניגור על העינויים שסבלו. 

 Prime Minister Netanyahu and Bennett and many others (see link at end of post) slandered Hilltop Youth and ruined their reputation based on Shabak say so and based on Hebrew graffiti found on the scene.  The allegations have no credible evidence other than forced confessions of  the suspects after they were tortured.
The Hebrew graffiti wasn't even analysed nor ever linked to the suspects to the crime and now 3 years later when it was finally analysed by the defense experts, the graphologists found no connection of the graffiti to the Duma suspects.

Who indeed scribbled the graffiti while the arson was taking place?


וגם הוא  מאז לא התנצל. 

Neither apologized for their false accusations.

אלישע אודס עדיין במאסר בית ועמירם בן אוליאל במאסר. זה עינוי דין כבר 3 שנים!  
Elisha Odess is still under house arrest  and Amiram Ben Uliel is still in jail.
ההפטרה שבת חזון ישעיהו פרק א.
 Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 1

ציון במשפט תפדה ושיביה בצדקה.

27 Zion shall be redeemed through justice and her penitent through righteousness

בין שתילת הנשק בעיסאוויה לעלילות פרשת דומא
המשטרה העדיפה לשמש כמוסד יח"צ במקום להיצמד בנאמנות לחוק והביאה לשתילת הנשק בבית הערבי בעיסאוויה - יתכן שכך נהגה גם בחקר פרשת דומא?
דוד אור שחר ז' אב תשע"ט - 21:04 08/08/2019

Between the planting of arms in Issawiya and the investigation in the Duma affair:
The police preferred to serve as a PR institution rather than cling faithfully to the law and resulted in planting of weapons in the Arab house in Issawiya - may this have been the case in Duma as well?

בבקשה תעשה חקירה!
 להשוות תנאי מאסר חשודי דומא לתנאי מאסר לטרוריסטים ערבים אמתיים

Please investigate the terms of their incarceration with the reported VIP treatment of   convicted Arab Terrorists, undisputed  dangerous terrorists  with blood on their hands. Here is just one Im Tirzu report (h).

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

'Anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, pro-BDS': California's proposed ethnic studies curriculum gets an F from Jewish caucus - Jewish Telegraphic Agency


Will NY follow suit? What happens to all the indoctrinated kids when they grow up? 

Who are these supposed educators, in charge of curriculum, setting standards for the Teachers Unions etc. who indoctrinate rather than educate? Will we give them the authority to teach lies and a one sided narrative? Will we give them the authority to dictate a new morality that reflect the morality of the generation of the Flood? Gender fluidity? late term abortions?

On a related topic, "Democrats for Trump", those who register as Democrats but vote for Trump and justify doing by being practical, is not helping matters.

The justification? Republicans don't have a chance in The State of NY nor in NYC.

Giving up without even putting up a good fight. 

But voting Democrat is not an option.

Its like "Pigs for Kosher".  As they say "See Look... we too have split hooves...See Look, we too Love Israel"..(so long as we also support a Palestinian State out for Israel's annihilation)".  

I am therefore very skeptical of all the Democrats who just visited Israel.

Don't be shocked when these Democratic elected officials that we helped get elected, vote and authorize legislation for these so called educators to indoctrinate clueless kids to despise Israel with a biased curriculum.

It is no wonder that Roshei Yeshivot are afraid of legislation from the NYS Board of Regents that not only dictate curriculum for public schools but also dictate curriculum for our "insulated" Yeshiva education as well.

We need legislators who are for truth and who fear G-d above all. That's not the case with a hijacked Democratic party elected public servants masquerading as  representing America and American "values". 

The leadership of the Democratic party have agendas that betray this great nation and have turned their backs on it's Judeo-Christian foundation and have replaced feelings and sensitivities with Right and Wrong..

Re: The Writing Is On The Wall... From PJTN


Dear Laurie Cordoza-Moore,

Fabulous Post! Posted on 

Will US govt and G-d fearing people join PJTN and fight the evil of White Supremacy and the evil of Islamic Supremacy?

The writing is on the wall...

Standing up in Minnesota is taking a courageous stand to fight and expose evil. May G-d Bless you and the work you do!


On Tue, Aug 6, 2019, 12:04 PM Laurie Cardoza-Moore - Proclaiming Justice to The Nations <> wrote:

Share This Message With Your Friends and Family -  

Dear Robin,

As I wrote this, news was just breaking on Fox that two more deaths are now attributed to the horrific mass shooting on Saturday at the Walmart in El Paso—and another nine confirmed on Sunday in the Dayton club shooting—America's death toll over this weekend is now 31.  Thirty-one of our fellow countrymen lost to senseless, violent hatred—much of it again with root channels leading back to the Internet.

The weekend shootings cast an even darker pall over my plans to communicate with you on the threatening, antisemitic messages of hatred spray-painted on the doors of the Lake Harriet Upper Elementary School in Minneapolis.  Crews have since painted over the garish swastika and vile ethnic slur left as the hate-filled calling card of an unknown vandal, but the fear remains.  Looking forward to PJTN's "March To Minnesota" campaign, I am contacting the Superintendent of Schools in Minneapolis to arrange a meeting.  My mandate is to demand better protection and security for Jewish students and to educate them to understand how PJTN can help yet another community deal with the antisemitism epidemic that is growing more prevalent and violent every day.  With Ilhan Omar claiming Minneapolis as her home base, the city is virtually now the belly of the beast both literally and figuratively.  It's a spot PJTN must plant a flag of opposition. Please go online today at to sign the PJTN petition demanding her removal.

Reflecting on all we see unfolding, tragically, white supremacy; black lives matter; fringe group hatred; conspiracy theories; antisemitism; and deranged "manifestos" are now as familiar tropes to our vocabulary in America as the order menu at Starbucks.  We have created a monster in the form of a platform where so much hatred can be concocted in secret and yet disseminated through the atmosphere with the stroke of a key to reach untold billions.  Hitler would have loved the times we are living in.  Swastikas, themes, images and the same violent antisemitic vitriol that birthed the dawn of the Holocaust are now everywhere online—both on dedicated hate sites and the Facebook pages of college students that have been raised in Christian homes.

As we look around us…"the writing is on the wall" everywhere.  Violence is growing against the Jews around the globe, as is antisemitism.  The online culture has become the new wall surrounding our daily lives and these "walls" unfortunately are too often covered in hate.

But God also writes on walls. The fifth chapter of the Book of Daniel retells the story of King Belshazzar's great feasts where thousands of his nobles where gathered to eat and drink from the sacred vessels looted in the destruction of the First Temple.  Daniel 5 tells us: "So they brought in the silver and gold goblets that had been taken from the Temple of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank from them.  As they drank the wine they praised the gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.  Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall... "Mene, mene  tekel, parsin."

The translation from Daniel to the king: "God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.  You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting."  That very night Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians was slain—and Babylon's greatness was forever taken from it.

A different wall, a different time but the same God who oversees Israel today and is not mocked.  Woe to those of today who can't read the message!

Praying for all in America who have suffered loss in the weekend violence…and that is all of us.

Your generous support this week will help us assure your voice is heard!

Can our Jewish brethren count on you to stand at their side in your community?





Laurie Cardoza-Moore
President/Proclaiming Justice to The Nations


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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Fwd: Mishpacha Melinda Katz article. Letter to Yaniv Meirav

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Aug 4, 2019, 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Melinda Katz article. Letter to Yaniv Meirav
To: <>
Cc: Yaniv Meirov <>


Dear Yaniv, amvsh

re: Melinda Katz article

 By Yochonon Donn

First let me preface with an expression of well deserved Hakoras HaTov to Yaniv Meirav and his brother Rabbi Ilan Meirav and Chazak does for Am Yisroel. I know first hand their Mesiras Nefesh is unmatched and I envy their reward in Olam Haba for all the good they, and by extension Chazak, have accomplished in literally saving Neshomas.

This Shabbath in Pirkei Avot we read

Those who work for the community should do so for the sake of Heaven; for then merit of their ancestors shall aid them, and their righteousness shall endure forever. And you, [says G‑d,] I shall credit you with great reward as if you have achieved it.

3. Be careful with the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs. They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them, but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress.

BH for now Caban didn't win due to Lanceman's  selflessness in dropping out of the race. Don't however allot overdone appreciation to Melinda Katz. She is still a Democrat and a background check is in order. 

Please open these links from 2017 when she was hosting a CAIR "Unity" event in Queens!!!! and we were planning protests!

What is her history regarding her stand for a 2 State Solution?

True she may be the lesser of 2 evils but no need to go overboard in supporting her.

I remember when Senator Chuck Schumer spoke to the Chazak Big Event about being a Shomer for Israel before the Iran Deal. At the time we were hoping he'd come through for Israel. He didn't, only lip service, and then betrayed Israel with the Iran Deal big time by failing in mobilizing effective opposition. 

Don't empower someone who politically is unable to act in our best interests.

 Moderate Democrats still have to toe the Party line and all of New York is at great risk right now, economically, educationally and there are legitimate  security concerns so long as Democrats are in control of the NY Council and Assembly unchallenged. Jews can not sit on the fence and even support Moderate Democrats. We need to unite behind a G-d fearing party for the common good of all Americans to support the Republicans  and most important to openly support  a G-d fearing society that keeps the 7 Noahide Laws 

Explain to Melinda Katz and other moderate Democrats that supporting Democrats under the current leadership and their socialist, progressive, leftist, anti Western anti Judeo-Christian agenda is not an option. 

We can't encourage and misguide G-d fearing people to vote for values antithetical to basic Universal morality. ( Late term abortions, gender fluidity equality etc.  On Foreign policy, we can't support those who join in condemning Israel and IDF for "war crimes" against Palestinians who use their children as human shields and call for BDS).

REVEALED: Walmart Killer Noted In Manifesto That He Chose Gun-Free Zone For A Reason ⋆ ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING! ⋆ Flag And Cross 🇺🇸 ✟


This guy sounds like a Nazi to me. His perverted intellectual logic brings him to the sick conclusion that just because someone is Hispanic that gives him,  clearly a white supremacist, a licence to murder!!!???

The scariest part is that he IS articulate and educated. Someone like him isn't suspect since we expect better of educated people.

Do not be fooled. He is G-dless and dangerous. He sees himself as  G-d, with the privileged power  of life and death over others.

No different than German Nazis who claim to be "humanists"  as they committed the worst atrocities imaginable and whose actions were no different than animals of prey with no human soul.

May he and others like him get the punishment they deserve measure for measure!