Friday, August 02, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Justified Violence Against Jews Twice in 7 Days | Frontpage Mag

The Google Gulag | Frontpage Mag

CRMC to Receive Close to $13 Million in State Funds – Boro Park 24


While this is welcome news such funding should not silence the Jewish Community from openly opposing perverted progressive socialist values of the Democratic party nor from encouraging Jews to vote Republican. 

Perverted values and morality has infiltrated secular education and institutions including the Teachers Unions, the NY State curriculum, textbooks and story hour in public libraries from pre school through University. It has begun to seep into our "insulated" community as well. 

The progressive leftist agenda recognizes that once in a while it pays to throw the Jewish community a bone hoping they in turn won't seriously oppose their governance and might even encourage Jews to register for the Democratic Party. 

Is it just about healthcare? What do Democrats gain politically? 

Jewish Leadership typically haven't seriously endorsed Pro Israel Republican Party candidates and if they do it's a token endorsement. Jewish Leaders claim to be 'practical', resigned to the status quo. There is no real fight against the Democratic Platform which is anti Torah, not only for Jews but for non Jew as well. Unfortunately, leaders insist that there is no way Republicans can win in New York.

They'd rather endorse "moderate" Democratic candidates whose hands are effectively tied to stop the socialist leftist progressive agenda of leadership of the Democrats.

In the past TeachNYS received tens of millions of dollars if not hundreds of millions of dollars, for Education, Stem and Security benefitting the religious Jewish community and the education of local  private schools. 

Jewish Organizations claim to be bipartisan and neutral. 

This "neutrality", sitting on the fence, is not an option when it's a matter of being passive when our very existence, the existence of the Jewish State and the Jewish people, and Torah values both physically and spiritually is being threatened.

I can find no other explanation as per why Jewish Leaders would not seriously oppose the Iran deal when it freed up 150 BILLION dollars to NUCLEAR ambitious Iran. 

I welcome any enlightenment and plausible alternative explanation and ask forgiveness if I am Choshed Biksherim.

Of course good health care, security and STEM are worthy causes and an upgrade in healthcare in the Catskills is something to be very grateful for.

However, it can not be an understood bribe for silence, but  a legitimate desire to upgrade healthcare. If it buys silence in effectively opposing Democratic inhumane legislation such as late term abortions and pushing gender fluidity and equality, we lose much more than we gain. 

There is no guarantee that improved public health care in the Catskills will happen with such funding especially when such funding is controlled and overseen by those whose motives are political. 

It is important to have Hakoras HaTov, appreciation for the good one has received. However, only if it comes from a good place. 

Long term deterioration of society and rejection of core and basic values, basic rules of right and wrong, accepted  for centuries as per what defines Western Civilization is at risk under current Democratic leadership. 

Allowing the socialist  Democratic party governance in NY will surely  bring about the opposite of all we hold dear and the American dream, with a decline of physical and spiritual health not to mention seriously compromise  economic stability and security in New York. We need to look no further than Baltimore and San Francisco to convince us to literally fight for our lives to save our society, our homes, our families and our souls.. 

Of course Aliya from NY is still an option (even to FLA).