Monday, May 06, 2019

Fwd: Anti-Semitism Attacking Artists 4 Israel: We Need Your Help

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Date: Mon, May 6, 2019, 3:26 PM
Subject: Anti-Semitism Attacking Artists 4 Israel: We Need Your Help
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Anti-Semitism Against Artists 4 Israel

HAPPENING NOW: For the second time in a week, Artists 4 Israel's College Program is being threatened. Last week at Brandeis University, our murals were vandalized and our artists harassed. Today, as I write this, a man wielding a swastika sign is attempting to intimidate our team into shutting down our event. 

We will do no such thing. 

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 5/6
Brandeis University
Brandeis University
The "Official Statement"

We stand firmly against all threats and continue to place our Art Over Hate.

As rockets rain down on Southern Israel with alarming velocity, we at Artists 4 Israel have noticed a sharp and disturbing trend emerge during some of our recent campus work.  

The statistics are undeniable. The Jewish community in the United States has experienced near-historic levels of antisemitism in 2018 and 2019. We are living in a time where fatal synagogue shootings are becoming common. We are living in a time where many Jews do not feel safe wearing Stars of David in public. We are living in a time where I have to explain to my artists why they are being harassed with swastikas while they are promoting peace. 

The fact that our team at Artists 4 Israel's event at UW-Milwaukee is being threatened right now is the very reason our campus work is more important than ever. 

We will not stand for such blatant anti-Semitism at a time when Jewish children, women, and men around the country and world are being attacked simply for being who they are. 

Our artists, a majority of whom are not Jewish, are standing firmly by our side and continue to paint their messages of peace, creation, and support for Israel even in the face of this hatred.

A large part of our work is educating people on what is really going on in Israel while we advocate for peace and coexistence for all. What we have received in return over the past several weeks has been extremely disturbing. 

Regardless of these attacks, we will not be silenced, and we will not cower. 

We invite you to join us, because I can truly say that in my ten years of running Artists 4 Israel, it has NEVER been more important than it is today. 

If you can donate to help grow Artists 4 Israel's College Program, please visit: 

Craig Dershowitz
C.E.O., Artists 4 Israel

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Fwd: The rockets from Gaza began in Oslo from Women in Green

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Date: Mon, May 6, 2019, 10:53 AM
Subject: The rockets from Gaza began in Oslo
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The Rockets from Gaza began in Oslo

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Leftist commentators, its spokesmen and other supporters of withdrawal
and concessions hear the sounds of rockets exploding; they see the
sights, the spectacle of funerals and frightened residents but they
resume their biased positions as if nothing is happening around us.
"It's not because of the Disengagement", they say, declaring that
"even before the Disengagement there were missiles" presenting data
and numbers. The time has come to answer these claims, to put an end
to the tendentious information that they serve up to us.

Let us refresh our memories:

Indeed, the attacks of missiles and rockets on the Israeli home front
did not begin with the uprooting of Gush Katif. There were such
attacks before then, but an examination of the facts from a much
earlier time will allow us to come to a true understanding and draw
conclusions for the future:

As long as the IDF controlled the entire Gaza Strip there were no
missiles. Indeed, in 1987 there was the first Intifada, but the
weapons that the Arabs used on us then were stones and sometimes even
Molotov cocktails. Nothing more than that. The IDF monitored the roads
and had a presence in the cities. The security forces had
comprehensive intelligence and many terror attacks were prevented
while even in their planning phase. Attempts to smuggle weapons were
thwarted. The reason for this is simple: the IDF was there.

And then, instead of putting down the intifada once and for all, some
leaders dreamed up withdrawals and concessions with the idea of
rewarding the attacker and signed the Oslo Accords. The Gaza-Jericho
accord was signed in May 1994, and the IDF left most parts of the Gaza
Strip; they withdrew from the cities and the villages except for Gush
Katif, Netzarim, Kfar Darom, Eli Sinai and Dugit, and the area was
abandoned to the control of the Palestinian Authority.

It began with aging mortars , remember? "Patzmarim" in Hebrew.  When
the first mortar was launched at Netzarim in January 2001, we deluded
ourselves with the sentence "Well – it's just a mortar" but since
then, they have only become more sophisticated and we have tied our
own hands with the question, "What – are we going to reconquer Gaza?"
And we made ourselves powerless. Some of these problems were corrected
in Judea and Samaria during Operation Protective Wall, when the IDF
presence returned to all of the cities and the villages. In Gaza, on
the other hand, there was no such operation. This is the reason that
there are no rockets from Judea and Samaria, but from Gaza there are
so many.

From then on, the Arabs had the freedom of action and the calm to plan
escalation, raising the level, improving their rockets and missiles,
arming themselves and organizing their military. No one disturbed
them. The first rockets were primitive; they were much less
destructive and less accurate, but step by step the terrorists
improved and the rockets began to reach the communities of Gush Katif
and later to Sderot and even further.

Even these painful signals did not arouse the Israeli leadership and
did not cause it to change its policy. Then came the Disengagement
plan and the uprooting of the communities of Gush Katif and northern
Samaria with the delusional and baseless hope that the enemy would
turn the Strip into a Singapore of the Middle East. The withdrawal of
the IDF from the Strip gave the Arabs of Gaza even more freedom of
action. Hamas brutally and violently took over the leadership of the
Gaza Strip from the PA and expedited the development of rockets and
missiles to the present situation in which they can reach Tel Aviv and
its suburbs.

Along with all of this, Hamas' capabilities have grown underground and
it began digging terror tunnels many kilometers in length with the aim
of carrying out abductions and strategic conquests. In the absence of
an Israeli presence in the Strip Hamas  caught us off guard and
prepared its underground terror.

This is the reality and this is history. Anyone who takes the
primitive drizzle of rockets before the Disengagement as proof that it
was not the Disengagement that caused the present rounds of disaster
we are experiencing, are lying in their souls and deceiving all of us.
If the government of Israel had not signed the Oslo Accords and
abandoned the Gaza Strip to the terrorists, and if we had not added to
this disastrous agreement, a total disengagement from the Gaza Strip,
which, as we know, is also part of the Land of Israel - if we had then
already applied our full sovereignty over Gaza, we would not have come
to the difficult situation in which we are now.

Now, shortly before Trump's plan is publicized, we must remember the
facts and acknowledge them and internalize the fact that peace and
security will only be brought about by Israeli control of the entire
territory. Abandoning any territory to Arab rule will bring about more
and much more destructive rockets, this time from the hills of Samaria
to Gush Dan, Jerusalem and more.

(Our thanks to historian Hagai Huberman for refreshing our memory with
the dates.)

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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