Friday, January 04, 2019

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Updates on 3 Yeshiva students and other Duma victims of Shabak.
Updated January 7th, 2019

Minors' parents:
'Our children are being abused'
Parents of arrested minors speak to the media. 'Shin Bet called me to say my son was sick.'

Brother of detainee. Use Google translate
אח של עצור שב"כ...

שבת יוצאת, הטלפון מצלצל, על הקו אמא, בוכה. "הם עוצרים את יאיר".

אני עולה מיד לאוטו ונוסע לירושלים.

בדרך מתעדכן שהבלשים עושים חיפוש בבית ולוקחים דיסקים. אח שלי הקטן, תלמיד ישיבה, העדין, יאיר, שבדיוק יצא מהבית, נחטף לרכב הבלשים.

אבא ואמא רוצים להיפרד, לתת חיבוק, אך השוטרים לא נותנים להם לצאת מהבית.

אמא לא יכולה להשלים עם זה שהבן שלה, הצעיר, והמתוק, יצא בלי נשיקה. תמיד נפרדים כמו ספרדים טובים, עם נשיקה, חיוך וצרור של ברכות. אז עכשיו כשהוא הולך לבלתי ידוע, בכלל...

אמא לא מוותרת ומצליחה להגיע לרכב. יאיר, כולו מבוהל, מצליח לצאת, לקבל נשיקה מאמא, ומיד השוטרים מפרידים אותם ודוחפים אותו חזרה לרכב.

אבא מנסה להוציא תפילין, להביא ליאיר, אך הם לא מאפשרים לו.

בנתיים בבית נציגי השבכ והבלשים מנסים למצוא משהו שהם יוכלו להשתמש בו, תוך איומים ודיבור מגעיל לאחים והגיסים ששהו בבית.

האחיינים המבוהלים נכנסים לחדר, בוכים ולחוצים.

לפני שהם יוצאים, הם מציגים צו דרקוני, שאוסר מפגש עם עורך דין לארבעה ימים!!

קצת אחרי שהם הולכים, אני מגיע לבית, כל האחים וההורים, יושבים בהלם מהחוויה שזה עתה עברו, ומנסים לעכל את הסיטואציה.

בארבעה ימים הקרובים יאיר נכנס למרתפי השב"כ, שכולנו כבר שמענו למה הם מסוגלים, ולאף אחד לא יהיה מושג מה קורה.

שמענו כולנו ממקרים קודמים, ובעיקר מחקירת דומא, דברים מאד מפחידים מחדרי החקירות.
המון תרגילים והפחדות, מניעת שינה, אוכל ותפילין, והכל בתנאים מאד קשים, בבידוד מוחלט מכל דבר מוכר, כמו אחרוני המחבלים... הם ינסו לגרום לו ולחבריו להודות בדברים שהוא לא עשה.

הלילה יורד, אף אחד לא נרדם. איך אפשר לישון, כשאח שלך עובר עינויי נפש כאלה?
בנתיים מתעדכנים בפיגוע ירי ליד בית אל, בדיוק באותו מקום שהיה לפני חודשיים.
שם החוליה לא נתפסה, ולא מענים אף ערבי שחשוד בקשר לזה.
גם המחבלים שרצחו חיילים בגבעת אסף, עדיין מסתובבים חופשי,
מה לעשות, השב"כ עסוק בעלילה חדשה, נגד אחי וחבריו...

בבוקר נוסעים לדיון, בבית משפט עשרות נערים חמים, שורקים צועקים ומחזקים, מתפללים לשלום חבריהם.

את יאיר מכניסים לבד לראות את השופט. בשלב הזה רק החוקרים והשופט נמצאים באולם. לאחר מכן מוציאים את יאיר, ומכניסים את העו"ד. שחס ושלום לא יראו אחד את השני.
השופט מאריך לו מעצר בארבעה ימים.

אנחנו רצים למטה. אולי נצליח לראות את יאיר ברכב השב"ס ולזרוק לו מילת עידוד.

הפוסטה יוצאת, רואים את העיניים של יאיר מציצות מבעד לחלון הקטן, מחפש תקוה ועידוד מחבריו. הסוהר ברכב מיד סוגר לו את החלון, פושע שכזה, אסור לו לראות מה קורה בחוץ.

ושוב חוזרים הביתה עייפים ודואגים.

מה קורה איתו ברגעים אלו? הוא ישן? הוא אכל משהו? מרביצים לו? מענים אותו? האם יאיר שלנו יצליח להחזיק מעמד?

Updated Jan. 4, 2019
*עם ישראל יקר!*

מה שקורה היום זה מטורף! כמעט אירוע היסטורי! רבני הר המור, בית הלל, הקיבוץ הדתי והבית היהודי – כולם כולם ביחד מביעים את מורת רוחם מהתנהלות השב"כ כלפי הנערים העצורים.

במוצאי שבת נתאחד כולנו בהפגנה גדולה מול בית ראש הממשלה בירושלים, בהשתתפות ראשי מועצות, רבנים ואישי ציבור. המאבק הזה הוא של כולנו, גם למתיישבים יש זכויות!
כרגע אשרו את השתתפותם יוסי דגן, ישראל גנץ ואליהו ליבמן.

אנחנו לא משופעים בכסף ואין לנו תקציבים להסעות מכל הארץ. כל אחד יעשה את המאמץ הנדרש ויתייצב יחד איתנו ויחד עם משפחות העצורים במוצאי שבת בירושלים.

ניפגש כולנו, מוצ"ש בכיכר פריז, 20:00.
שבת שלום אחים יקרים!
מטה "הילדים של כולנו"


מכתב גלוי מעוצב
Letter of the Yesha Rabbanim to Netanyahu's administration protesting the incarceration of 3 Yeshiva Boys, minors, with no due process, no rights to see their parents or their lawyer .

עיניים כבויות מפוחדות בין שתי פאות גדולות גוזמבות בלשון העם.
היית במעצר מינהלי כמה חודשים? כן! 
חקרו אותך בלי עו"ד? כן כמעט 20 יום. 
על מה חקרו אותך? על דומא. 
עינו אותך? אתה יכול לספר לי מה עשו לך? 
העינים הושפלו מטה "אני רוצה לשכוח מהכל" לא יכול לספר, תשאל את העו"ד הכל מתועד אצלו.
רציתי שיגיש תביעה על מעצר שווא על עינויים, הסברתי לו שזה לא רק בגלל הכסף שמגיע לו כפיצוי, זה כדי שלא יעשו את זה לאחרים. שידעו שיש מחיר! 

לרגע נדלק משהו בעינים לרגע הוא הבין שיש לו תפקיד. הוא הסכים אבל רצה להתייעץ. 
אחרי כמה שעות הוא חזר ומהקול השבור הייתה ברורה התשובה. אני מפחד להסתבך איתם גם ההורים שלי אמרו שלא כדאי אמר בקול מרוסק.
עוד נשמה פצועה ושבורה שחוקרי השב"כ הצליחו לרסק בשמי בשמך בחסות חוק הטרור הארור שהעבירה איילת שקד. 

עד מתי????


*עקבו אחרינו ושתפו כמה שיותר, האמת חייבת לצאת לאור ועמירם צריך לצאת לחופשי.*

קישור לקבוצת העדכונים בוואטסאפ -

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Amona Violent Confrontation with Hilltop Youth over 2 Caravans and slanted News Coverage. Will you help give it a fair and balanced narrative?

The above articles were from friendly sources.

Compare how this story was reported in Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel, Haaretz and other top choices by Google. See below for links.

Talking about slanting the story by leaving out the bigger picture!

Note the emphasis of violent Jewish protesters and number of hospitalized policemen rather than the senseless operation involving hundreds of soldiers and hundreds of hilltop youth over the destruction of 2 Caravans.

They mobilized hundreds of soldiers but then excused themselves by saying somehow the order to delay this operation was delayed?!?!

Also, no emphasis why these so called illegal structures were constructed to begin with and why hundreds of youth, 300 reported, came to protest its demolition.

So here is some background. 

The Land was bought legally according to the news sources awaiting govt permits.. They didn't get proper govt  approvals since it was held up as they often  are in Judea and Samaria. 

Amona has a history of violent expusions.

Judea and Samaria is under Israel Civil Administration under the Military. Jewish Residents of Judea and Samaria don't have equal housing rights as the rest of Israel.

These prefab homes or caravans were put up in response to the terror attack of a couple shot outside of Ofra at a busstop. Their unborn child delivered by Cesarian didn't make it and succumbed  4 day later and was named Amiad Yisroel Hy"d. 

The wound is still raw and painful.  

This terror attack happened in close proximity of the gunning down of 2 IDF Soldiers of Netzach Yehudah in Judea and Samaria.  These are relatively fresh tragedies in our collective mindset.

In addition, these terror attacks did not come in a vacuum. Jews of Judea and Samaria who pay taxes and do much more than their share than most Israelis living outside Judea and Samaria, serving in combat units of the IDF to protect all of Israel, probably understand the true meaning of "Taxation Without Representation" ( which btw justified the American Revolution) as their communities are constant targets of road side terror attacks and there is insufficient security in place for these settlements as they are surrounded by hostile neighbors.

Naftali Bennett at the time of the terror attacks called for a strong response.

Well he got one!

But apparently the G.O.I.  has confused the enemy.

Instead of a strong message that Jews are here to stay, in spite of the  terror attacks, the message that these caravans represented,  it was the hilltop youth who got tear gas and stun grenades when they came to protest the demolition!

 These Caravans to them symbolizes Jewish claim to the Land of Israel and an attack on them is an attack on what is most precious to the Hilltop Youth and their community.  These unarmed kids, unarmed relative to armed police, and with no protective gear as those who came to remove them,  ready to risk their lives for the precious Land that they and their families have been holding on for dear life.

This military operation against the hilltop  youth sent a "strong" response to the real terrorist murderers! Apparently, the opposite of what the politicians intended.  Act as I do but not as I say. 

News reports coming up on a Google search of "Amona" focus strongly on the  violent reaction coming  from hilltop youth kids protestors. 

No mention of the youth disappointment and feeling of betrayal and being  upset with a govt and it's messenger, a military force that has sadly lost its Jewish soul according to their Torah perception.

Here is a bit more of the story that has missed the news. Please make sure to fill in more of the details. 

News that you might have missed!

This Amona operation was adding salt to a very open wound for these Hilltop youth! 

This rash decision to destroy these 2 Caravans came shortly after a verdict that threw out forced confessions extracted by Shabak from then 17 year old minor Elisha Odess, Duma Suspect, following physical and mental torture and 3 years of incarceration mostly in isolation away from the prison's Jewish religious unit and now under house arrest with no guilty verdict to speak of.  It also comes on the heal of the kidnapping, (don't know how else to describe it)  and arrest of 3 Hilltop Yeshiva students minors, from their Yeshiva in the Shomron, in front of their classmates, denied rights to see their parents and attorney while they are being held for interrogation and investigation by the Jewish Division of Shabak for an entire week! That is current news happening in parrallel. These 3 Yeshiva students are now held by Shabak!

The Duma Trial exposed publicly the modus operandi of Shabak and this is a source of great concern to the parents and lawyers and friends as per the welfare of these kids!

Hilltop youth have had all their legal rights removed under administrative detention laws. These immoral laws were put into place in the time of the British to stifle political dissent rather than to protect the public from dangerous terrorists.

 There is no evidence against these 3 religious Jewish boys to speak of.  If there is, it is all under gag order probably  to protect Shabak and their abusive interrogative methods and not to protect the minors who have been stripped of legal rights to speak of as they are apparently designated ticking time bombs and Jewish Terrorists. 

Forced confessions is the expected outcome of such investigation and coming up with some evidence, manufactured if necessary, to prove that they are indeed Jewish Terrorists.

Is it no wonder 300 kids, hilltop youth came to protest this demolition in Amona yesterday.  

After witnessing how their peers are treated, who can blame them for wanting to stop yet another immoral demolition and expusion.

If the government really wanted to alienate more Jewish hilltop Youth they are doing a fine job! Just continue to slander them and attack them and their religious beliefs. 

Yet the following News articles that came up on Google have selected reporting and tunnel vision and don't really want to tell the side of the hilltop youth. Will you?

Letter to Ron Dermer Ambassador of Israel. Relay this message. Stop Persecution, Physical and Mental Abuse, Slander, Kidnapping, Framing Witch Hunt of Innocent 15-16 year old Hilltop Youth


Dear Ambassador Dermer,  

Please relay this message to the Govt of Israel.

The individuals who have empowered and orchestrated The Jewish Division of Shabak to operate using legal justification to persecute, harass, abuse, kidnap, slander innocent Hilltop Youth and members of their Community will be held accountable in a Heavenly Court in the world of Truth.

Those who forcefully expel Jews from their homes in Amona resettled after a horrific terror attack murdering Amiad Yisroel Hy"d and injuring his parents under the "rule of law" will be repaid measure for measure.

 Is this the tough response to the terror attack Naftali Bennett was referring to?

(Perhaps Netanyahus own persecution and false accusations against him by his enemies is coming from the Supreme Judge, Yesh Din VeYesh Dayan.


If this is not relevant to the powers at large, so be it, but at least you were warned.

Those of us who are passive and silent and could have done something to prevent this outrage and didn't, will also be held accountable in a Heavenly Court. Silence is a Sin.  May Hashem have Mercy!

These kids are terrific kids. They believe in G-d and the Torah. 

They may be young and vulnerable but the time will come when the Truth will openly be on their side.

In our next lifetimes or even in this lifetime, would those orchestrating and executing harsh decrees of destruction of homes and kidnapping of fellow Jewish brothers want to be on the receiving end? Hashem Yerachem!

Why ruin it for ourselves with actions that will hold us accountable?

Truth and Justice will prevail and G-dliness will fill the earth.

Fwd: President Trump, you can win N.Y. if...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: cindy grosz <>
Date: Wed, Jan 2, 2019, 11:37 PM
Subject: President Trump, you can win N.Y. if...
To: <>

President Trump, you can win NY if..

It's not impossible, it's not even as hard as you think... BUT a resolution must be made by you, your administration and the NYGOP,

Cindy Grosz,  02/01/19 20:53 | updated: 23:59

Cindy Grosz (INN:CG)
Cindy Grosz is an award-winning pro-Israel and Education activist.  She works on exposing corruption in schools, improving oversight on classroom curriculum and ending anti-Semitism in education situations.  She also helps educators fight discrimination in the hiring and firing practices of school staff.

It's not a Jewish issue, it's not a Zionist issue, but it really comes down to a survival issue for  all Americans born here, all legal immigrants and for our international allies who believe in freedoms, peace and democracy.

Don't Divide New York into 2 Regions

New York is ONE state.  There are many more Trump supporters than you think within the five boroughs and Long Island than you think.  And, not all of upstate is Republican.  Nothing proves this more than the congressional loses of Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and Congressman John Faso.  We are all ONE.  Each County Chair faces the same challenges of  budgets, changing demographics and fake news.

Recognize Those That Don't Support You and Stay Away

We expect most Democrats to oppose any word or action from you.  However, there are way too many "so-called" Republicans that don't support you and must be called out.  Candidates who ran in 2017 and 2018, and ran a campaign openly opposing you or never came out supporting you, lost badly.  Two examples were Nicole Malliotakis for mayor and now former Congressman Dan Donovan.  

New York's most important Republican right now is not New York State Republican Chair Edward Cox, it's Congressman Lee Zeldin.  Zeldin stood by you long before anyone else, never wavered his dedication to you and your policies and survived both a blue Tsunami and a multi-million attack from Perry Gershon and lots of anti-Semites.

Stay Away From Alt-Right Groups

A few "Trump Supporters" tie your name to Alt-Right, racist, sexist and anti-Semitic groups.  Their roars are loud, but in reality, they offer little donor money and actually fewer votes.  They actually turn away potential Trump votes from Independent and disgruntled Democratic supporters by their tone and actions.  

They do not represent your Pro-Israel policies, your commitment to minorities and your protection of the Constitution.  Freedom of Speech is questionable when people threaten hurt to others.  

Keep Tweeting 

Your use of social media makes you transparent.  It scares your opponents.  Copycats try hard, but do not command the characters of Twitter like you do.  Real Trump supporters comment positively and retweet, they don't use memes with vulgarity thinking they are you.

Follow Albany Carefully 

Albany 2019 can be a prototype of what's to come for 2020.  More socialists, progressives and far-left elected officials will make life a living hell for hard-working, tax-paying New Yorkers.  I, like many others, predict more hate crimes, more protests and violence as a result of politicians seeking support and votes from newer residents rather than listening to New Yorkers who have family histories and roots in the Empire State.

My prediction is that this turn of events will only drive people to leave New York.  If they stay in New York, they are disgusted with politics and politicians and find your personality and business savvy more enticing.

Let Them Keep Investigating

Newly Elected Attorney General Tish James, Congressmen Jerrold Nadler and  Eliot Engel and Senators Chuck Schumer Kirsten Gillibrand and all the newly-elected officials from the Democratic Party get their headlines by using the words "impeachable" and "investigate."  

Two years, millions of taxpayer dollars and lots of needless hires and still no Russia collusion.  Nobody who voted for you cares who you dated, or go out with. They elected you for your business savvy.  We expect you to build buildings and relationships around the world.  We admired you for it thirty years ago and we expect it from you ten years from now.

Keep A Campaign Promise and End And/Or Diminish The Department Of Education 

Unfortunately, we still have many components of Common Core in public, private and other school situations.  Textbooks and curriculum still teach inaccurate facts about history, distort religious practices and beliefs and now teaches sexuality in a way that makes many who voted for you feel guilty about supporting traditional marriage, virginity and sexual relationships.  

Education in New York will be one of the biggest issues and probably one if the most obvious Democratic failures this year.  Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza is making yeshiva standards, testing for elite high schools and requests for millions more for failing schools top priorities of his for 2019.  

As the public school system continues to fail its students and as charter schools continue to better prepare students for graduation and higher education, your original education agenda will actually work before 2020 if implemented, including school choice.

Remind Everyone Where You Came From

President Donald J. Trump, you are a New Yorker and will always be a New Yorker!  Born in Queens, and with golf courses, hotels, towers and skyscrapers all over the state, remind people that if you make it there, you can make it anywhere....even in The White House fighting fake news, questionable investigations and powerful public figures fighting you every step of the way.

Don't Give Up On The Jews

You have proven yourself over and over again to Jerusalem, Israel and American Jews.  Democratic Jews are having a harder time defending themselves.  They can not factually and accurately compare their ancestors's legal immigration to the United States to immigrants of today.  They can not deny your love of your Jewish family members, Jewish friends and respect for our traditions.  They can not close their eyes to legislation in Congress in Washington DC or actions at The United Nations. 

As more Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minority groups are walking away from other parties and joining "The Trump Party," more Jews will too.

We have a leader of the free world who leads, who is not afraid, and is always "In The New York State Of Mind."  It's good for the United States, Israel and Jews around the world.

Cindy Grosz can be reached at

Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: [nashimbyarok-WIG] Stop the abuse of our children! די לרדיפת ילדינו

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: nashim b'yarok <>
Date: Thu, Jan 3, 2019, 1:51 AM
‪Subject: [nashimbyarok-WIG] Stop the abuse of our children! די לרדיפת ילדינו‬
To: <>


English follows Hebrew



די לרדיפת והתעללות ילדינו!!

איך זה קורה לנו? הציבור הנאמן ביותר לעם ולארץ? מתיישבים, מסתכנים, מתגייסים ליחידות מובחרות, תורמים בכל תחומי החיים ובילדים האלה מתעללים?

ישר כח לשר יריב לוין שמבקש להביא את הנושא בפני ראש הממשלה.

על כולנו להתגייס לעזור, לתמוך במשפחות ולהקים זעקה:

לא עוד! די לרדוף ולהתעלל בילדים! כבוד ראש הממשלה, הקשב לזעקת בני עמך!


היום יום חמישי  כ"ו טבת,3/1/19 בשעה 13:00 מתקיים דיון במחוזי בלוד, רחוב שדרות הציונות 3.

מי שיכול להגיע ולתמוך במשפחות- חשוב

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר – נשים בירוק



Stop the persecution and abuse of our children !!

How does this happen to us? The most loyal public to the people and the country?

We settle, take risks, enlist in elite units, contribute in all areas of life, and they persecute and abuse these children?

Kol Hakavod to Minister of Defense Yariv Levin, who wishes to bring the matter before the Prime Minister.

All of us must enlist to help, support the families and raise a cry:

No more! Enough with the persecution and abuse of the children! Mr. Prime Minister, listen to the cry of your people!

Today, Thursday January 3rd at 1:00pm there is a discussion in the Lod District, Hatzionut Boulevard 3. Those who can come and support the families – it's important.


Details about the case;

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar



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