Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fwd: Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away

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Date: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
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Ruth Matar, cofounder of an enduring grass roots movement, passes away
Matar and her husband gathered like-minded people around them, and in 1993,
almost as an instant response to Oslo, established what was initially called
"Women for Israel's Tomorrow.'
By Greer Fay Cashman The Jerusalem Post October 21, 2018 18:45

Israelis first learned about Ruth Matar as an artist long before she rose to
even greater fame as a co-founder of one of Israel's most enduring protest
movements: Women in Green.

Matar, who was in her late eighties, passed away on Saturday and was buried
late that night at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Jerusalem, following a
service at the Sanhedria funeral parlor.

A Vienna-born jewelry designer who developed her talents in America before
moving to Israel, Matar had a studio and showroom in her home in the capital's
Yemin Moshe, which in her time was well populated by artists, craftspeople,
novelists and poets.

Not everyone knew that she was also a child Holocaust survivor, who at age
eight had witnessed Nazi stormtroopers come to her home, knock down the door
and beat her mother, who had turned back to get warm jackets for the

Distinctly right-wing in her political persuasion, Matar was not only
shocked but outraged by the Oslo Accords. She had never been well-disposed
towards the Labor Party, and even when it was in opposition, she wrote
scathing articles about what she perceived as the negative influence it had
on life in Israel.

But before that, she was determined to do everything in her power to prevent
the implementation of the Oslo agreements. Nothing could persuade her to
cede territory which she believed belonged to Israel. To her, there was no
such thing as the disputed territories. The disputes were among people, and
the territories were part of the State of Israel.

Matar and her husband gathered like-minded people around them, and in 1993,
almost as an instant response to Oslo, established what was initially called
"Women for Israel's Tomorrow.' Matar saw it not only as a protest movement,
but as a defense movement safeguarding Israel's territorial integrity for
future generations.

Rather than come up with uniforms that not everyone would be willing to
wear, Matar hit upon peaked green caps for supporters to wear so that when
engaging in any kind of activity as a group, they would stand out and be

Although men were among the members, they were heavily outnumbered by women,
and when the name of the organization was changed in relation to its head
hear, its new appellation was and is "Women in Green."

Aside from its primary purpose, Women in Green has also had educational
projects, tree planting events  and an annual encircling of the Old City
walls of Jerusalem on Tisha Be'Av, and has been a networking movement for
new immigrants and for English speakers and more recently French speakers
who have difficulty in mastering Hebrew.

Whenever the movement needed to make a statement, small clusters of Women in
Green holding up placards with the message of the day could be seen on
street corners.

Matar was a great admirer of Ariel Sharon's until he ordered the evacuation
of Gush Katif, after which she called him a traitor and accused him of
betraying the country.

She was very close to former tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi and was
devastated when he was assassinated.

Almost everyone who passionately espouses a cause wants to be sure that
someone will carry the ball when they are no longer in the position to do

Matar was fortunate in a having a charismatic, eloquent, multi-lingual
daughter-in-law whom she was able to imbue with her worldview.

Nadia Matar currently heads Women in Green together with Yehudit Katzover,
and has done so for several years. While the two share equal responsibility,
Matar is the more convincing speaker, who can instantly switch languages
depending on her audience.

Ruth Matar willed them to keep fighting for Israeli sovereignty over Judea
and Samaria and they have every intention of continuing her legacy, and her
belief that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel.
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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Amazing Honorees RCRF! Yahrzeit Rachel Imeinu. Yasher Koach from AFSI Americans for a Safe Israel to RCRF Rachel's Children 24th Dinner, Sunday October 21, 2018


AFSI honors Evelyn Haies for her tireless efforts for Rachel Imeinu and for putting together such a fabulous program.

This year's theme is REAL HISTORY

It is very sad that as this is being written,  Students at New York University (NYU) plan to promote a resolution supportive of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. 

Many millennials are being taught lies about Israel rather than Biblical and Historical Truth. CAIR, SJP, MSA and JVP are working hard to spread LIES and Propaganda.

Therefore we would like to wish Mazal Tov to the RCRF Honorees and their presenters who through their hard work and continuous efforts hold on tight to our Promised Land,the Land of our Heritage. Both in the Diaspora and in Israel, we know that the Land was Promised to the Nation of Israel, the Seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a Land whose borders are delineated clearly in the Bible! 

We want the Millennials to learn from the Honorees and their presenters. 

We are grateful to Flatbush Girl, Adina Miles Sash, and Josh Wander who came in from  Israel and others who are running this program LIVE on social media.  It is our hope that this event will reach a far greater audience than simply those attending this dinner... We hope it will also reach youth who are thirsty for Truth about Israel and/or those who don't have an opinion. As these students continue further with their education they will soon encounter peers that have been fed lies and untruths. Our youth are Israel's Ambassadors of the future. 

From this event they will see that expression of Biblical  and Historical Truths are multifaceted.  REAL HISTORY is in all aspects of our lives, at all ages - in our plants, our art and our education.

The Honorees:

Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman is a direct descendant of the pioneers settling Eretz Yisroel in the 1800s.  His ancestors are Yoel Moshe Salomon (1838-1913) and Moshe Salomon (1925-1948). Speaking of Rabbi Eisenman's ancestry's settlement in Israel in the 1800's and 1900's is testament of the fake news of Israel's  "illegal occupation".

Dr. Jon Greenberg is A Biblical Botanist, devoted to the science of plants and nature in Eretz Yisroel.  His work is our answer to the kite and balloon terror coming from Gaza raising havoc and senseless destruction especially on the vegetation in Southern Israel. These terror attacks are attributed to the Palestinian fake news as per their "Right of Return". 

Cindy Grosz is a multi talented, political savvy spokeswoman and defender of Israel! Cindy is constantly educating, she holds a media presence on Arutz7, Times  of Israel, Zev Brenner, WOR, John Batcheldor, Gotham News to name a few...She is well connected politically. Cindy uses every kind of media and medium and forum  to put Israel in a positive light.  She exposes fake news, those who  defame Israel using Education or Politics as a cover of antisemitism and hate. Cindy is PR for Israel at its best, as she strives to reach a broad and across the spectrum audience.  

Yaeli Vogel is a renowned artist, and has recurrent themes that feature the Land of Israel and the Jewish People. Her paintings are REAL! Her love for Eretz Yisroel and the Jewish people shines through, and  absorbed by all who observe them.  Her beautiful and voluminous artwork is posted online and can be viewed on her website. 

Dr. Joseph Klausner ob"m, was a superior historian  of REAL HISTORY who lived in Eretz Yisroel in Efrat,  very close proximity to Rachel's Tomb and lectured in Beit Rachel of RCRF.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind who introduces Cindy has introduced legislation with G-d's help to enforce oversight and truthfulness in the educational curriculum of millennials to take out the Fake News

Josh Wander added to the program at a later date coming from Israel as per Cindy's request, is a G-d sent addition to this event. Extremely accomplished in his own right, a former Commander in the IDF, married with 6 kids bli ayin hara, living on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem,  he has taken over the advocacy of his good friend Ari Fuld  hy"d, a PR Ambassador for Israel.  Ari ob'm  connected especially well with youth and  adults alike. Ari Fuld hy'd was murdered in cold blood, knifed in the back by a 17 Year old Palestinian kid raised in an environment that glorified Jihad 

May this Dinner be a tremendous success on all fronts as we connect to our Mother Rachel.  It is our hope that each and every one of us, listening to the speakers, will be inspired to share Biblical and Historical Truth, REAL HISTORY with all those we encounter be it at work, school  and with members of our own families

May we go from Strength to Strength!

ושבו בנים לגבולם! 


AFSI Americans For a  Safe Israel
Helen Freedman, Judy Freedman Kadish Co-Executive Directors

Brooklyn AFSI Chapter
Lorrie Fein, Robin Ticker: Co-Chair Binyamin Magden: Treasurer

Rachel Imeinu's Yahrzeit 11 Cheshvan RCRF Dinner Sunday October 21, 2018. THEME: REAL HISTORY! UNESCO Names Rachel's Tomb a Muslim Site

Brooklyn: Hate Charges DROPPED Against Muslim Shouting ‘Allah’ Who Brutally Beat Hasidic Jew