Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Fwd: Trump Keeps His Promise: America is OUT of the Iran Deal!! AFSI newsletter May 8, 2018


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From: AFSI Americans for A Safe Israel/AFSI <info@afsi.org>
Date: Tue, May 8, 2018, 4:05 PM
Subject: Trump Keeps His Promise: America is OUT of the Iran Deal!!
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

Tuesday - May 8, 2018
Tenenboms Continue AFSI's ISRAEL @ 70
Speaker Series with Great Success!!
Judy Kadish delivers introduction
Isi & Tuvia Tenenbom
AFSI was pleased to present acclaimed author, Tuvia Tenenbom, and his wife and muse, Isi, as guest speakers on Monday night, May 7, at the Manhattan East Synagogue in NYC. Rabbi Elie Abadie graciously agreed to host the event at his Synagogue, and he was in the audience of close to 100 people, as they listened attentively to Tuvia and Isi.

Tuvia's latest book, HELLO, REFUGEES! speaks to the refugee situation that he and Isi discovered in Germany. Although Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel opened up her arms to the refugees, the government and the people were not consulted about this welcoming position. The Teneboms found the refugees housed in containers converted into sleeping areas. Toilets, running water, and ventilation were not to be found. When the refugees were moved, after about a year, into "homes", these were not much better than the containers. Tuvia was told that HISTORY was the reason for opening the gates. Germans proclaimed, "We are not like the Jews - like Israel. They are sub-human." Tragically, every opportunity to tarnish Israel and the Jews is used to do so. The Tenenboms found that the Germans were more anti-Semitic than the Muslim refugees, but were concerned with representing themselves as "nice".

Reference was made to the infiltrators from Eritrea and Sudan who have invaded south Tel Aviv. Once again, the progressives, who advocate for the refugees, as long as they remain "over there" and not "here", amongst them, create an intolerable situation.

Isi spoke positively about Israel being the safe spot, as is the eye of the hurricane. She declared that the dangerous hatred comes from the left, with the right-wingers being more pro-Israel. She concluded by deploring the self-hating Jews in the U.S., Germany, and Israel. They defy understanding.

A lively Q&A followed the presentation, with Rabbi Abadie making some concluding remarks.

This is just one of AFSI's programs dedicated to Israel @ 70. Stay tuned for information about our next event.
America is OUT
of the Iran Deal!!

Today, May 8, 2018, President Trump announced that the U.S. is withdrawing from the JCPOA – the "deal" with Iran, which was NOT a treaty, but an AGREEMENT, which former President Obama pushed through, in order to strengthen Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

The "deal" was supposed to protect the world against the building by Iran of its nuclear bomb, BUT, it allowed the continuing enrichment of uranium, the lifting of sanctions, and the building of ballistic missiles which could deliver nuclear warheads. President Trump cited Israel as showing the history of Iran's building of the nuclear bomb. The billions of dollars that Obama gave to Iran did not go to the Iranian people, but into Iran's military budget which has grown by 40% since the "deal."

President Trump spoke about the efforts to work with France, Germany, England, and the Middle Eastern states to have them cooperate in this withdrawal from the "deal," which he describes as a decaying, defective, rotten structure.

He concluded his talk by reaching out to the eight million Iranian people, who he described as suffering for the past forty years since the dictatorship took power. He said the Iranian people are entitled to a nation that does honor to its history. He is hoping that a new understanding with Iran will accomplish that, as well as bringing peace and stability to the Middle East.

At the end of his talk, he sat down to sign a memorandum on economic sanctions that would be placed on Iran and on countries that would do business with Iran. He concluded, "America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail."
Trump and Mattis's Grand Strategy in Syria

From the ashes of the catastrophic Obama's "Iran-First" years, and at almost no cost in American precious blood and treasure, President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis have executed what I called "rock-paper-scissors-shoot" strategy.

Read Mark Langfan's latest Arutz Sheva OpEd HERE.
AFSI was filmed by Channel 1 News while in Israel. Their primary concern was the funding for May Golan, champion of south Tel Aviv. They then continued their filming of us in Tsfat. Here is their report:
Israel - The Miracle Country

Alibaba CEO Jack Ma lavishly lauded Israel and the Jewish people
during a speech at Tel Aviv University on Thursday, May 3. 
We were advised that YouTube removed the video we emailed you yesterday but the filmmaker provided a new one (below). Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Video by Israeli-French filmmaker Pierre Rechov
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Find More Events at Israel Advocacy Calendar
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 @ 7 PM
StandWithUs New York invites you to the world premiere book launch of Yotav Eliach's "Judaism, Zionism and the Land of Israel," about the 4,000-year religious, ideological and historical story of the Jewish Nation. Featuring Edwin Black (IBM and the Holocaust), Ken Abramowitz (Save the West) and Rabbi Elie Abadie (Manhattan East Synagogue and Sephardic Academy of Manhattan). Admission free. RSVP to office@mesny.org
Manhattan East Synagogue | 1231 3rd Avenue @ 71st Street, NYC

Saturday - May 12, 2018 @ 9:00 PM
Yom Yerushalayim Film Screening of Ben Gurion - Epilogue
The Men's Club invites the entire community to see this award winning, one-hour, English language interview with the Founding Father of the modern State of Israel. Movie snacks will be served. Admission free.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun | 125 East 85th Street, NYC

Sunday - May 13, 2018 @ 8:30 AM
Yom Yerushalayim Shacharit, Breakfast & Shiur: Is Jerusalem Currently a Holy City? Rabbi Haskel Lookstein leads a festive morning service - including Hallel recited with a beracha - followed by breakfast and this special shiur with KJ Scholar-in-Residence and YU Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Wieder. Admission free.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun | 125 East 85th Street, NYC

Wednesday - May 16, 2018 @ 6 PM
American Friends of Ateret Cohanim Annual Yom Yerushalayim Dinner Celebrates 70 Years of Medinat Yisroel, 51 Years of United Jerusalem and 40 Years of Ateret Cohanim. Buffet Dinner 6 PM - Program 7:30 PM. Special AFSI rate $150 per person. Reserve HERE or contact American Friends of Ateret Cohanim direct at 212-216-9270 or email Shani
Terrace On The Park | 52-11 111th Street, Flushing, NY 11368

Thursday – May 31, 2018 American Friends of Sderot Max & Ruth Schwartz Sderot Hesder Institutions Annual Dinner
DETAILS TO FOLLOW Including Special AFSI Member Rates
For more information contact info@sderot.org or 718-650-6091
Lincoln Square Synagogue | 180 Amsterdam Avenue, NYC

Sunday – June 3, 2018 from 11 AM to 4 PM
Celebrate Israel Parade – This Year's Theme: 70 and Sababa (70 & Awesome)
Once again, AFSI will be marching in the parade. All are invited to join us. Contact Ilene@afsi.org in order to register with AFSI.
The Parade route runs up Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from 57th to 74th Streets -
RAIN OR SHINE. Info on the Israel Day Concert in Central Park (not affiliated with the Parade) can be found HERE. Please note the Concert site may not yet have updated information for 2018.
Mark Langfan | Chairman
Helen Freedman | Co-Executive Director
Judith Freedman Kadish | Co-Executive Director | judy@afsi.org
P. 212-828-2424 | F. 212-828-4538
AFSI | 1751 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10128
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Tefila to Release Elisha Chaim ben Naama Leah and Amiram ben Nurit. Hebron shooter Elor Azarya released after serving 9 months in prison. Auspicious Time. Prayer to release Duma Suspects and Jonathan Pollard in time for Embassy opening! Be"H


Please Hashem, as a zchut for Am Yisroel may Elisha Chaim ben Naama Leah and Amiram ben Nurit be released א,ב,ג as Rabbi Mordechai Rubashkin would say! May the Hilltop Youth be recognized  as true Ohavei Yisroel and Yirei Hashem. Let them be recognized by all, as a group that is known for their Love of the Land of Israel, Love of their Fellow Jew, Love of Hashem's H-ly Torah and Mitzvoth, and G-d Fearing, fearing our G-d in Heaven above all yearning for only Him to be acknowledged as King of the World.

Let this be known in Israel and  amongst all of the Nations for the sake of Mishpat, Tzedek, Chesed veEmet..Justice, Righteousness, Kindness and Truth.

Let Jonathan Pollard, Yonatan ben Malka, be released from his parole chains and be permitted to come to Jerusalem in time of the USA embassy move.

Be"H שנזכה לבשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות במהרה.
This is the most powerful and proper Jewish response to Nakba!

הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו!

 Time to celebrate the release of Elor Azarya!



Meeting in Crown Heights with Mrs. Naama Odess sponsored by the Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel


Meir Ettinger’s words to the Court: In the end you will repent  


The following are the words of Meir Ettinger said during his hearing on Sep. 10th, 2015. This hearing was the third and final hearing that the court will hear before officially approving his administrative detention. It is important to note that receiving the approval of the court is a mere formality for administrative detention and does not involve an actual trial.

I would like to speak before the court and have my words recorded in the minutes. At the same time, I reiterate that this is not because I recognize the authority of this court. I don’t recognize the validity of laws that are against the Torah and I see no reason to defend myself against accusations based on false laws that were created by man today and will be changed by him tomorrow.

Rather, because of our sins, instead of having a court based on the holy Torah, the word of G-d, we have been taken captive by false courts. These captors are the prosecution, the media, and the false courts of today that have waged war against the land of Israel, the Torah of Israel, and those who fear the G-d of Israel. Their goal is to foster the growth of a foreign culture in our midst to replace the way of the Torah and service to G-d in the land of Israel.

It is therefore a Chazakah [predetermined]what this court will decide in this hearing. One way or another, the results are known in advance and I therefore have no desire to play a part in this game. It is merely a pathetic attempt by the government to pretend that their decision is based on justice and democracy. 

Nonetheless, this hearing provides me the right to speak and I will exercise the right to tell you what bothers you so much, what you are fighting, and what was the reason for my arrest.

I cannot discuss in this short time all of the ridiculous media stories. According to the media, I am somehow the number one target of the Shabak.

It should be noted that the targets of the Shabak are not established in order to preserve public safety or ensure calm, but instead are based on a political agenda and focus on protecting the culture of ‘equality’ that they force down the throats of the public.

Therefore, instead of discussing ‘public safety,’ I will explain my activism and why my actions are so upsetting to the confused establishment.

In their accusations they used the phrase, “changing the regime.” So what does that really mean? What exactly is this mysterious ‘group,’ which I supposedly lead, doing to further that goal? The truth is that we are dealing with very basic statements that were made freely available to all. Yes, I admit it- I, like many other Jews, have dreams, hopes and desires of establishing the Kingdom of Israel. The ‘group’ I am a part of, was founded during the exodus from Egypt and the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. There the Jewish people were chosen to be a nation of priests and a holy people in the land of Israel.

So what is this ‘Kingdom of Israel’? For 2000 years in exile, Jews around the world said in their prayers “Let me witness the return to Zion” and concluded with the words, “blessed is He who restores His glory to Zion.” These Jews did not merely want to return to the land of Israel to build fields and buildings. They wanted more. They wanted to restore G-d’s presence in the land by creating a state that would spread the name of G-d throughout the world.

In the current ‘Jewish’ state, there is complete democratic freedom for all sorts of crazy ideas, except for Judaism alone which is declared illegal. In Israel today, the Torah’s solution to security problems is racist, the Torah’s views on international relations are incitement, and anyone who supports the Torah’s opinion over the laws of the state is an anarchist. Those who struggle with love for the land of Israel are arrested and their homes are destroyed.

In the State of Israel today we have leaders who do not understand the Torah and no one dares explain to them what a true Jewish state looks like, why the Jewish people to the land of Israel, and what right the Jewish people have to the land. Not only are we victims of this unfortunate situation, but you are too- you, the judge, and the prosecutor. All of us are captives of this reality. Each of us has a G-dly soul that wants to live a Jewish life and we all feel alone in our opposition to the state.

Administrative detention orders were issued against me and other Jews not because of a concern for the good of the public as you [the government]have claimed. It is actually you who place no value on Jewish blood and thereby harm the public. You released terrorist murderers and removed checkpoints, both of which have placed many Jews in danger. One could hardly accuse you of caring for other Jews.

We all know that the incident in Duma is merely being used as an excuse for dictatorial actions by a supposed democratic government. Fortunately for you, the public is so accustomed to your lies that they don’t bother refuting them.

Not for nothing did you gather all of the media to inform them before carrying out the orders. In truth the administrative detention orders are not meant to silence me, but to silence yourselves, to silence the Jewish voice emanating from your heart.

Your hysterical actions and discrimination against Jews in enforcing the law, your shocking neglect for the values of democracy when dealing with Jews who love the land of Israel, appears strange to many people. However it is not strange to anyone who recognizes that these actions are done in order to silence your inner, yearning Jewish voice. This is part of your general schizophrenia.  It is obvious that these actions will backfire and have the opposite result. You will not manage to silence the voice inside you, anymore than you could expel your Jewish soul from your body. In the end, even you will repent for your actions and your Jewish soul will take over to help bring the redemption.

Monday, May 07, 2018

Special Report: Meeting in Crown Heights with Mrs. Naama Odess April 29, 2018


Yasher Koach to Tamar Adelstein for organizing this event and for Naama Odess and her Mother for sharing their story!

Invitation to the Event:

Excellent writeup!
Special Report by Mrs. Tamar Adelstein - coordinator 
Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel
Uniting Jewish Women Around the World 
Under the  Lubavitcher Rebbe's
Directives for True Peace

I am not a journalist, I am a blogger. We sent this report and the following writeup to HaModia. Apparently then wanted to edit.  We asked them to run it by Mrs. Odess before it went into print.

 It will be interesting to see how they edited this report. They said due to time constraints they couldn't run the edited version by Mrs. Odess  and we should trust them.    I have yet to read the printed article. I hope the printed version will do justice. Here are my notes that were reviewed by Mrs. Odess for content and accuracy.


Press Conference with Naama Odess sponsored by Chabad Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel in Crown Heights April 29, 2018, notes and thoughts by Robin Ticker

 "We were in shock" says Naama Odess with the unfolding of this whole story. Yes they heard of what happened in Duma as did everyone and initially assumed it was something Arabs did to other Arabs.   It was a sad situation but Naama didn't at all feel that they or anyone else they knew, was associated with the arson attack.... They were surprised to hear that it was assumed to be a Jewish Terror attack.

Now they strongly feel that there is much more to this Duma blood libel...

There are great political implications in this case. 

The System will not admit that there was anything wrong with the rush to condemn, the investigation, the indictment and the trial. 

Initially Naama and her husband figured that the investigation against their son will run its track,  come up empty handed, with no evidence  and the entire story will disappear.  They quietly and patiently waited for the investigation to unfold.

The Odess's finally realized that the investigation wasn't interested in getting to the truth and it dawned on them that the government  was willing to sacrifice, without a conscience,  a few kids, their kid, to be scapegoats of a political agenda. 

It was totally plausible that Elisha could continue to sit in jail indefinitely for a crime he did not commit.   

Finally, Naama and her husband Moshe decided to go public. They saw how the investigation was proceeding as a blood libel. They started giving interviews and share the story with the public hoping that the public would ask logical questions and demand answers.  Let the people be the judge.  This approach has been going on for the last 6 months and it has been very effective.  People are beginning to wake up to the magnitude of serious Nationalist crimes in the making (where the Hilltop youth are the victims and not the perpetrators). 

Naama was brought up in Israel and is both an Australian and an Israeli citizen. She is an educator.  Her parents made Aliya from Australia, her mother is a psychologist and her father is an immunologist.  Naama's husband Moshe, Elisha's father, is a Rabbi, an educator,  and an American citizen (as is Elisha).   Initially Naama didn't want to speak out publicly.  She let her husband do the talking.  It was too emotionally draining for her . But she helped  her husband and soon she too spread the word and to give interviews as well.

We asked Naama what can help to bring about change to this case.  She replies that hopefully  reaching out to American Jewry will make a difference! The more buzz coming from various places the better.  No one should feel that their efforts are of no use.  MKs do care what the people are saying and what the Rabbanim, politicians, and media are saying. But The government in Israel does deeply care about what they are saying outside of Israel.  Apparently in Israel everyone of great connections is afraid to speak . There is a barrier.  No one wants to touch this case  and they are hitting a brick wall. 

Some of the information related to the investigation is under gag order. Naama says it's to protect the investigation. Perhaps to protect Shabak's methods.  According to Naama, there is no transparency and no accountability of this investigation in spite of fake news reports reassuring the public that there is..  The Division of Nationalist Crimes of Shabak hides behind a partition when they testify.  The evidence they produce is not verifiable.  Naama said that they have not seen recordings nor videos of the interrogation but  rather summary reports the interrogators provided as per what they deemed ware relevant.  Elisha's lawyers are not privy to material in closed folders given only to the Judges and MKs. Who can tell what information is provided in those folders? How do we know blackmail isn't in them?  Her feelings are that the gag order is not in order to protect the kids nor the investigation process but rather to protect the proceedings from those who might question its integrity..

Naama says that they are a typical family.  She never thought that anything they did would ever make the news.    

Elisha  is child number 6 bli ayin hara.  Naama described her son as someone with Yirei Shamayim (fear of G-d), has Kibud Horim (respectful of his parents), energetic, quick to smile, very smart, respectful.  Naame described her son as a kid who loved the petting zoo and spend much there as a kid.  No behavioral issues. When he was younger he was diagnosed with ADHD and  was put on Ritalin    As he grew older he didn't really like being on the medication because he said it didn't make him feel like himself.  He  took it in the morning and as the day went on, the medication wore off so he could tell the  difference.  

He did extremely well in elementary school academically and  got into every Yeshiva for High School. He chose Yeshiva Beit El,  considered a top Yeshiva.   He dormed like most kids did in Yeshiva.

Now that he was older and taking responsibility for his medication in a school dormitory he decided to go off it.   In High School he was waking up late for minyan etc. breaking some rules...At the end of the school year he was asked not to come back. Perhaps, his not wanting to participate to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut was part of their consideration..

He begged to come back and agreed to follow the rules but they weren't interested.  He tried another Yeshiva for another 6 months but it didn't work out [I was told once by a Yeshiva Principal that it was his experience and the statistics seem to back it up,  that the likelihood  of kids sticking it out in a subsequent Yeshiva after they are thrown out of one Yeshiva is low. They lose trust in the system and in themselves and it's hard to rebuild that trust.  This in of itself is traumatic for a kid but that is for a different discussion.. my comments.]

They consulted with Menifa, an Israeli organization that helps create individualized educational framework for kids that have fallen out of the system. Elisha joined the hilltop youth. [in America he would have joined the streets and been exposed to drugs, alcohol and promiscuity.  I suppose he was more fortunate. On the Hilltops they learned, davened, shepherded, and farmed and merely had to deal with police harassment.    My comments :)] There he felt connected.  Naama's husband, Rabbi Moshe Odess,said let him try it.   He'll miss his warm bed etc.  Famous last words. Elisha stayed on the hilltops for a year and a half, working with Mike Guzofsky in Tapuach with the Israel Dog Unit, doing dog training  and rescue, and lived in Yitzhar, studied for his matriculation exams, lived on the hilltops shepherding, farming building etc. His parents had discussions with him about Price Tag Terror and he assured his parents that he wasn't doing anything illegal. His parents trusted him and still do that he was and is telling the truth.

The hilltop youth were harassed regularly by police. Elisha told his parents "You need Mesirut Nefesh for Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisroel."

At 16 1/2 things seemed to be calming down. He was studying for his matriculation exams and wanted to apply to Yeshiva Gedolah.  Davka when things were settling down, that's when Duma happened. As mentioned before, Naame said they were very surprised it was Jewish Terrorists. They certainly never suspected their son  would be accused of being involved.  Within barely a few hours of the Duma arson, Tzahal declared it was a Jewish attack.  There literally was no time to investigate and get to the facts but the reports said they were 100 percent sure is was done by Jews.  The President said "My countrymen chose Terror.  We know who did it!". If you want to read the extent of condemnation that spread like wildfire from the get-go see this link.   https://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2016/01/campaign-to-divide-and-conquer-yesha.html?m=1 

Evidently they really did not know who did it.  When they gathered evidence the Arabs said they saw two people. Another said 4 people.  Some saw a car come and leave.  What happened to all this Arab testimony that contradicts the Shabak version.

Let's return to Naama's account. The following happened after the arson attack in Duma and the police were rounding up the hilltop youths. 

Elisha was working with his older brother on a contracting job.  They came with 8 vans to arrest this 1 kid.  Exaggerated Intimidation tactics at its best.  

She said that 12-14 guys came to their house with a search warrant.  Her husband went with them as they searched the house looking for evidence that Elisha was a terrorist,  Naama stayed with her younger son who was frightened. They stayed in a closed room..  Naama had to leave the room to use the facilities and saw that the men were fiddling with the electric box. They were startled to see her.

They demanded why she came out of the room?  She replied, Why can't I use the bathroom in my house?  Apparently they were bugging the house. They were putting bugging devices throughout the house. 

Initially when they came to get Elisha there was no charges.  Publicly it was announced that they knew it was Jewish terrorists who set the arson in Duma.  They didn't have to explain anything under the rules of engagement of  Administrative Detention. 

Naama said that this kind of behavior was typical of their modus operandi. Scare tactics, intimidation, way out of proportion.

From that roundup 3 boys over 18 were held in custody. 

Eviatar Slonim
Meir Ettinger and 
Mordechai Meir

"We know who did it" they had said.... about Duma

Minors like Elisha were placed under house arrest and checked on day and night (even though they were bugged and they knew and heard exactly what was happening in the house.  It was harassment). 

The authority  rejected the families requests to allow him to leave the house occasionally.  and his family were strict to abide to the house arrest...

Three and a half months later... after an Arab MK complained that they still had not brought anyone to trial after Yaalon had announced that they knew who the Jewish terrorists are...

8 to 10 police came.

They asked Naama to pack Elisha a bag. Elisha  apparently never got the bag  she prepared for him. 

Next day they showed up in court.  

Said he broke house arrest.   They told judge said he was charged with assault.  Naama said it was a lie.  He never broke the house arrest and there was no assault. There was never any evidence brought nor was there any follow up claim to these "charges".  It was false accusations in order to receive court endorsement for keeping him under arrest. The Judge was Erez Nurieli. Always the same judge. Judge apparently accepted the charges against him and detained him..

[The Prosecution, Judges, Police and Shabak seem to work hand in hand. My comments].

Within a few days, Naame said she got a call from Honenu.  It was a few days after the Police had searched through her house and she was in the closet organizing her things that were touched feeling the violation of their privacy.  Honenu told  her that the judge prolonged the detention without Elisha being present nor with his lawyers being present in court.  Honenu knew that something was terribly wrong. This violation of prisoner rights according to Honenu was never done in Israel. Naama said she felt as if a ton of bricks hit her. It was a terrible feeling knowing that something terrible was happening to her son. 

The reason they requested this extension was because they were conducting Stage 1 of their investigation. 

The Acco Prison Staging  

This was the week of Acco prison staging. 

Staged. Arab Prisoners, Jewish prisoners and guards were all Shabak.

They put him with 3 adult  "prisoners" even though he was a minor.  He didn't know his rights.

"What are you here for" his menacing cellmate who had a knife demanded.

Elisha says I don't know why I'm here.

One of the men "stabbed"  an "Arab prisoner" in the mock prison.  Elisha sees.  All  staged with blood and ambulance etc. 

"You now know something about me"  says his tough cell mate.  "We need to have something on you. Give me information otherwise I'll stab you.." (approx script...) 
Elisha apparently tried to admit to some "price tag terror" but that wasn't enough. 

On the recording  they hear Elisha coughing  since he was highly asthmatic. It was hard for him to breathe..

The Shabak actors were wearing recording devices. By mistake they sent a copy of this recording to Elisha's atty. 

On the recording the Shabak actors were heard talking among themselves. One said I did the best I could. That's all I can get.  Another said, I would admit to killing Rabin if this pressure would be applied to me. 

They wanted a confession on Duma and they didn't get the evidence they wanted.

The parents were also interrogated. Some of the questions Naama got was "how does it feel to raise a murderer?"

Stage 2

Torture is permissible if you have someone in custody who is a ticking time bomb...This is in order to stop a future act of terror.
Here this was not the case. There was no ticking time bomb as it was approx 4 months after the firebombing nor were any other "attacks" of jewish "terror uncovered…   In order to extract a confession about his part in setting the arson in Duma they needed to apply extraordinary measures, i.e. torture, then later in order to justify unlawful interrogation tried to present the "ticking bomb" theory. 

In the protocol the head of the interrogation when asked if there was any forensic evidence found replied no. 

So where were the Jews that set the Arson they were so sure about?

They still didn't have a suspect.  They got permission from Yehuda Weinstein Attorney General for special measures, ie torture.  Bennett defends the ISA (Shabak investigation) in saying that they are preventing a Duma 2 and a Duma 3. Maximum time in detention without a lawyer was 21 days.  Working  against the clock Elisha now goes into the Shabak dungeon. 

Dungeon lasting 2 weeks -- conditions

tiny cubicle underground
extremely cold
dusty and Elisha has asthma
thin straw mattress that aggravates his asthma
light on continuously
food not on regular basis
shower with trickle drops of water
18 hours straight of interrogation and torture

Emotional torture - Your father hates you. You are a disappointment  to them.  We arrested your mother....

Elisha confesses to the Duma arson.  He said that the house that they set arson to was in the beginning of the village. He got all the facts wrong. They can't use his confession.  They drop that charge.   They claim that Amiram Ben Uliel tries to pick him up in a cave but sees him asleep. Ben Uliel does the arson by himself.

Elisha goes before judge NUrieli again and tells of the torture and he sends him back for another 4 days.  Elisha tries to slash  his wrist with aluminum  foil. but later when asked by the District Attorney the Yoetz HaMishpatii if he tried to commit suicide he denies it afraid they will tie him down.    They tortured him more. He admitted to throwing flammable bottles.  He tells them "Just tell me what to confess". 
The final indictment is that
  1. Elisha is a member of a terror Organizations
  2. Planned to commit acts of terror that led to the arson in Duma 
  3. responsible for various acts of Price tag terror in the past the  year before including setting fire to an empty Arab shed, puncturing tires and graffiti
Naama asks.  If indeed this happened and  they planned the arson together and Ben Uliel comes to pick him up and he's asleep, does it make sense that he didn't just wake him up?

Elisha could have died from an asthma attack let alone from the mental and physical torture.

Allow me to digress and provide some information about the Press while  this was happening.  There were allegations of gross abuse by Shabak and denial from others. 

Ruti Itzkowitz writes(google translated from Hebrew): https://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2018/05/blog-post.html

The torture was denied all the time, until they were confirmed by the GSS, long after a journalist in the "Mada" newspaper, Haggai Huberman, wrote that "It is clear that many of the descriptions of torture and sadism are far from accurate. After lengthy conversations with many officials, I have reasonable grounds to believe what Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said after examining the matter in depth with the attorney general and the heads of the GSS: Physical torture The entire process is carried out with the close supervision of the judicial system and in accordance with the law All the GSS interrogations are filmed, documented, and approved by the head of the GSS itself: The detainees have already seen a lawyer and are in regular medical condition. And in contrast to the allegations and publications, no attempt was made by one of the detainees to commit suicide....

שעיתונאי בעתון המגזר 'מידה', חגי הוברמן, כתב כי "ברור שחלק גדול מהתיאורים על ה'עינויים' והסדיזם רחוקים מלהיות מדוייקים.אחרי שיחות ארוכות שניהלתי עם גורמים רבים, יש לי יסוד סביר להאמין לדברים שאמרה שרת המשפטים איילת שקד לאחר שבחנה את הנושא לעומק עם היועץ המשפטי לממשלה ועם ראשי השב"כ: לא היו עינויים פיזיים. כל ההליך מתבצע בליווי צמוד של מערכת המשפט ובהתאם לחוק. כל חקירות השב"כ מצולמות, מתועדות, ועוברים אישור של ראש השב"כ עצמו. העצורים כבר ראו עורך דין, ומצבם הרפואי תקין. הם נבדקים בצורה סדירה על-ידי רופא. ובניגוד לטענות ולפרסומים, לא התבצע ניסיון התאבדות על-ידי אחד מהעצורים, אלא אם מישהו ייתן תשובה הגיונית איך עציר שנמצא תחת מעקב של 24 שעות ביממה השיג סכין לחתוך את ורידי עצמו". ובאמת, איך יכול היה  הוברמן לשער שהשב"כ עצמו יבטל את דבריו? 


Elisha is allowed to receive visitors from his family once a week for a half hour when he is behind a glass wall. He has someone in back of him listening in on the conversation and the visitor does as well.  Lawyers are forbidden to meet with him privately.  He is not allowed to be in an Agaf (wing) Torani, together with other religious prisoners or allowed to study and pray with a Minyan.  He does not have access to a phone.  He is either in isolation or with one  other prisoner.  Once a month they lift up the glass wall and he can have physical contact  with his parents. 

End of Pretrial.  Trial is set for June 11th. Judges will decide whether or not forced confessions is permissible evidence. 
The prosecution argues that they are using confessions that were given voluntarily and keeping the dignity of the prisoner.  [not sure how being tortured protects the dignity of a prisoner  nor how having the torturer in the room walking in and out  while the confession is taking place,  is not threatening and that the confession can be considered as having being given voluntarily]

Shabak helps prevent Arab terror so we don't want to examine their methods. However, Jew and non Jew alike should not be subject to a biased investigation says Naama.   
