Sunday, September 03, 2017

Group Sues: Jews-Only Metal Detector at Temple Mount is Racism - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.


Yasher Koach!  From my experience at attending Jewish protests against the Iran Deal and the Klinghoffer Opera and against Linda Sarsour and attending  pro Israel Parade and Concert, Jews are treated as they are the ones who are potentially violent and a danger to others. The barricades are suffocating to the point where the Jews feel like they are literally in cattle cars. I always felt herding supporters of Israel within barricades, etc was more of a way to threaten supporters of Israel making them feel like they are an easy target and defenseless rather than protected.

On the other hand, hostile and potentially violent pro Palestinian protesters are dealt with kids gloves by Police who have standing orders not to offend or provoke and trigger mob rage by similar measures. 

It's about time Jews demand fair and equitable Police security and in fact reward pro Israel supporters by easing up on unnecessary, excessive security when it's clear it's for their own benefit like the right  to carry arms by those clearly doing so for defense  in measure  with their peaceful and nonviolent freedom to assemble and protest while placing harsher security in place for hostile, foul mouth cursing anti Israel protesters who have a history of being threatening and dangerous.

120 Years Ago, Ten Christians Fulfilled Zechariah 8:23 at Herzl’s First Zionist Congress - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

HEBRON RISING: Israel Elevates Status of Biblical City's Ancient Jewish Community